World Reborn

By Gojira_2008

1.8K 68 11

In 2015, 1 year after the terrifying realization that Monsters exist, Cate, Kentaro, and Bill Randa try to so... More

Aftermath Part 1
Secrets and Lies
Parallels and Interiors
The Way Out
Terrifying Miracles
Will the Real May Please Stand Up?
Axis Mundi
Incorrect Quotes

Aftermath Part 2

144 6 6
By Gojira_2008

The four of them are all sitting inside the train station until an announcement is made on the PA system letting them all know that the drill has been lifted.

See, all clear

Emergency alert had been canceled, please resume regular life

Like there even still is regular life.

Bill had been mostly silent since his little breakdown earlier but is also getting ready to leave the station as well.

They all exit out of the train but Cate still seems confused.

"So, everything just goes back to normal" Cate says taken aback by the laxness afterwards.

"What should we do? Run home and hide in the closet" Kentaro responds.

"I mean it's not that much of a terrible idea" Bill says when both siblings look back at him with a face.

Kentaro's mother seems to say something in Japanese to Kentaro.

Kentaro translates for his mother to tell Cate her question.

"She's asking if you both come have tea and talk about your lives" Kentaro translates.

"I wouldn't mind, I haven't had the best day exactly" Bill takes up the offer while looking at the ground but Cate not so much.

"Thats very kind, and you can tell her I'm saying whatever you want right now, but I can't imagine anything I'd like to do less than have tea with the woman Dad was cheating on my mom with" Cate says.

Bill looks at her with a what the hell look because of her rude attitude, but Bill stays silent not trying to start anything big and knowing it's not his place.

Emiko nods her head happily, though most likely not knowing what Cate had just said.

"Yeah, well from our perspective, your mother was the other women"

"That's fair, we're gonna go now, the other women's gonna have a lot of questions" Cate says taking her brother's hand and walking off into the opposite direction , but Bill shakes his head.

"Come on Catie, don't be rude to them" Bill says, Cate looks down at her brother with a glum face that's says sorry.

"Did you get the answers" Kentaro questions the both of them.

The other Randa siblings turn towards their half brother, Bill with a straight face, but Cate with a more annoyed one.

"You flew halfway around the world looking for something"

Kentaro takes the keys that Cate had given him out of his pocket.

"Or what these unlock, and all you found was Dad was apparently a lying asshole, is that enough for you?"

Bill looks down at the floor, wondering why his Dad had done this to him, to Cate, to his mom, Emiko, Kentaro, to everyone, why?

"I guess that'll have to do" Cate bites back at Kentaro with a bit of snark but tries to begin walking off and Bill follow.

"You think our father was so bad?, I wanna show you something".


Emiko had gone back home while Cate, Kentaro and Bill headed towards another location.

All three of them make their way down an active alley until they reach an open door that has stairs already going up.

Kentaro opens a door with keys and it is apparently the office of their father.

"Okay" Cate says with a bit of confusion of the point of this.

"Look around" Kentaro urges his half siblings.

Bill heads towards a blue board with strange lines and stick notes on them.

"Am I looking for anything in particular?"

"Well him, he just wasn't who you say he was"

"But he did lie, to all of us, for years" Bill says with a tone of slight sadness in his voice.

"Maybe you just didn't know him" Cate directs her response at Kentaro.

Cate leans forward on the table and grabs pencil shavings, that their dad would normally leave behind which was very irritating at times.

"You gotta give it to the guy, he had two families and still had time to be obsessed with work" Cate half heartedly compliments their missing father.

"Couldn't have said it better myself" Bill continues on for her.

"It was important" Kentaro tries to defend their father but Cate scoffs at his defense.

"Please, do you even know what he did" Cate questions the boy.

"Software for satellites" Kentaro and Bill said at the same time in which Bill flashes a small smile at Kentaro.

"Software for satellites" Cate confirms for Kentaro.

Cate walks in front of the board Bill has been in front of.

"Did you ever meet anyone he works with?, ever get invited to take your kid to work day?" Cafe ask while feeling the blue board.

"What do you do anyways?" she turns her head towards Kentaro.

"Let me guess, computer engineering? something that would also dear old dad proud" she says while stopping on a stick note feeling something against the wall.

Bill moves towards a bit to the left side of Cate, noticing how her demeanor changed.

"What is it?" Bill ask in confusion.

Cate says nothing and rips off the paper board off the wall, Bill is a bit taken back by this.


A secret safe is revealed to be there hidden by the blue paper.

"What's in here?"

"I didn't know it was there"

Bill turns towards Kentaro and ask him a question.

"So you know what it is right?"

"Kind of"

Cate puts in a combination to open the lock but doesn't succeed.

"What are you doing?" Kentaro ask Cate

"What's your birthday?"

"Stop doing that" Kentaro ask getting a bit agitated of Cate pushing but Cate turns towards him.

"I thought you wanted to introduce me to your dad, show me something I didn't know about him cause the only thing in this room that isn't old news to me is this" She says while gesturing to the lock in front of her.

"She got you right there" Bill says while looking in opposite direction while Cate smirks at her brother sticking by her.

Kentaro seems annoyed but sighs acceptingly.

"July 7th"

Cate puts in the birthday code but doesn't succeed in it either.

"What about your mom?" Cate questions without breaking her attention away from the lock.

"He wouldn't be that obvious"

Bill looks up towards Kentaro.

"Are you scared of what's gonna be in there?" Kentaro stays quiet before responding.

"August 17th"

Cate puts in the code but just like the other two times doesn't work.

"Keep that up you're gonna get me locked out"

Cate continues to try to open the lock but continues unsuccessfully.

"Seriously stop, I'll never get it open"

Cate puts in one final code with causes the light to turn green and open the door finally.

"Looks like she got it open for you" Bill says a bit snarkily.

"How did you do that" Kentaro ask Cate

"You're birth month, my day, Bill's day, your mother's month, my mom's day,"

Bill is a bit taken back by the combination,  but still thinks it's a good combination.

Cate opens the door and sees a mysterious bag which is old and smells like it came from the sea.

"It smells like fish" Cate says with a bit of disgust.

Cate opens the bag and out comes multiple cassette tapes.

Cate and Bill recognize a logo on the bag, the logo that looks like a cross between the infinity sign and the letter M.

Bill is in Cate's embrace as they walk over the foggy remains of the Golden Gate Bridge as they try to call out for help but no one listens.

All these mysterious guys on the bridge all have the same M logo, they are either soldiers or taking pictures.

"You have any idea what this is?" Bill ask.

"it's some kind of old data storage, it's private".

"I'll make you a deal, you help us and we get out of your life forever" Cate responds.

Kentaro seems to think about the offer until he says something.

"I might know someone"


It's the night time now and they all meet up with a girl named May who is currently eating while trying to ignore them.

"Go away, I'm eating" she says without taking her focus off of her meal.

"Come on May, have you seen a format like this before?" Kentaro says while showing her some of the cassettes.

"What do you think, 80s?"

"No it's like 70s, you know I can't drop everything when you need a favor, life goes on"

Bill and Cate and seemingly tell that these two had a very rough relationship in the past.

"I can pay you, not much but make it work your time" Kentaro offers

"Pay me?, you wanna pay me?, Okay whatever" she says while walking off from the trio but Kentaro follows her.

"Wait here" he gestures to his other siblings.

"Wow they seem to have an interesting past" Bill says to his older sister.

"Yeah no kidding"


"You live around here?"

"Yeah, it's cheap I mean by Tokyo standards, everyone minds their business, it's real, I like it"

Bill is already taken a liking to this girl because of her cool demeanor.

"But I wanna know more about this because I have siblings you know we dribble out every few years, we get a nine month heads up, you just had one dropped on you full grown, this one, at that"

"Great, thanks"

"I'm sorry"

"It's fine, he's a real beaut" Bill jokes around which causes Kentaro to slightly glare at him.

"I like you" May refers to Bill who smiles back at her.

They all walk up stairs into May's very retro tech apartment.

"Alright, make yourselves at home, you know where everything is".

"Are you a collector" Cate ask.

"No, the audiophile needs swear it's the only way to listen to vinyl, they say it's warmer, more honest, will drop two ¥300,000 on some antique I pull from Grandma's garage, smack a fresh coat of wax on it, there's not even science that says sound is better".

"It is".

" No it's not, but hey people want to listen with their hearts instead of their ears I will gladly take their money" May says.

"May is not what you call sentimental" Kentaro refers to her.

"Right because you know me so well, it keeps me in Ramen and Asahi during the dry spells, I mostly do freelance coding and game design"

"That sounds so cool" Bill compliments May in her cool job.

"Thanks kid" May smiles at Bill.

"Is this from one of your games?" Cate refers to some art on the wall.

"No actually your guys brother did that"

"Half brother, and that's still up for debate" Kentaro says with a bit of spite.

Kentaro's sentence did hurt Bill a bit but Bill didn't want to care that much.

"You said you were an engineer" Cate ask in confusion.

"No you said that"

"All right, here we go"

May uploads the files to her computer but the files come out as corrupted.

"Corrupted files" Bill ask in confusion.


"So you can't read it?

"Well encryption technology has come a long way, what was military grade 40 years ago is off the shelf now"

May smiles towards all of them proud of her work.

Multiple files are opening at a rapid rate.

"What is this" Kentaro questions.

"I don't know but there is a lot of it"

"Is that Bigfoot?" Cate ask as they see a big hairy figure in a forest.

"Wait for back, what's that?"

May opens a map and it looks familiar, it happens to be the map back at the office.

"It looks like that big satellite map in his office" Bill says.

"Yeah but what is it a map of?, I don't recognize anything"

"What's Monarch?"

Multiple files of an organization called Monarch are opened up on to the computer, but both Cate and Bill recognize the symbol.

"They were there"

The non San Francisco people turn towards Cate who had her back turned away from them.

"In San Francisco, like soldiers or something, with this in their uniforms" Cate says as she refers to the Monarch logo on the bag.

"Doing what?"

"We don't know, the whole city was coming down, people were trapped, dying, and they were taking pictures, as if they knew it was gonna happen" Bill continues on for her sister.

"You think that your father was working for them?" May ask.

"This stuff was in his safe"

"That's not who he was"

(In Japanese)

"Why are we even talking to them, if my father had been here with me instead of San Francisco he still be alive".

"That isn't fair!, don't try to blame us for what happen" Bill says.

"But he wasn't in San Francisco on G-Day" Cate Responds

"I thought only Bill could speak in Japanese?" May says

"I never said that, it was our Dad's and our secret language" Cate refers to herself and Bill

(In English)

"Bill still speaks it, but I don't speak it anymore"

(In Japanese)

"You expect us to trust you now?, after you tricked us?"

(In English)

"I wasn't trying to trick anyone" Cate says in a low tone

(In Japanese)

"What do you mean he wasn't there?" Kentaro ask Cate.

(San Fransisco 2014, G-Day +5)

Cate and Bill are walking through a relief camp set up by the Red Cross next to the destroyed city
As Cate tries to get in contact with their dad.

She tries calling but the dial is dead but her phones starts ringing.


"Cate, where are you both?"

"Dad oh my god, are you alright?, we've been calling and calling"

"Where are you?"

"We're both at a camp"

"We're exactly?, where are you standing right now?"

"We're at the Red Cross tent near the north entrance"

The calls cuts out once more.

"Dad?, Dad you there?"

"Cate! Bill!"

Both Randa's notice there father coming towards them.


All three of them hug each other with Bill hiding his face in his dad's side.

(In Japanese)

"Are you two alright?".

He checks both of them for any injuries in case.

"I've been trying to call you for days".

"The cell network only just came back up" Bill informs his father.

"Where have you been" Cate ask Hiroshi.

"I couldn't get a flight, everything was grounded, is your mother okay?" He asked in between breaths.

Cate nods

"Come on, we've got a tent on the other side of the camp" Cate tries to drag their father but he doesn't move.

"I can't stay" he informs both of his kids.

"Wait, what do you mean" Bill looks up at his dad in confusion.

Hiroshi looks regretful as he puts hand on the side of his son's face.

"There's a bus heading east out of the zone at 10 pm tonight" Hiroshi informs Cate as he hands her tickets for her, Bill, and their mother.

"There are passes in there for both of you and your mom"

They both look up at their dad in shock and disbelief.

"When you get to Reno there's Hotel and a car reserved in your name" Telling Cate of what she has to do.

"Reno?, you have to come now mom's been sick worrying about you" Cate says agitated.

"Papa, what are you doing?" Bill ask in confusion as Hiroshi looks down at his youngest sadly and kneels down towards him.

"I need you to take care of your sister and mother my son" Hiroshi tells Bill.

"There's something I have to-

Bill screams No! Which cuts off Hiroshi's sentence.

"I'm sorry my children, but you both are strong, you'll be alright".

Bill rushes forwards and wraps his arms around his father's neck, hiding his face in his shoulder as Hiroshi wraps his arms around him.

"I'm sorry" their dad tell them both

"Sorry" Cate says in disbelief and anger

"Tell your mom I love her, I love you both" he asked Cate looking over Bill's shoulder.

"No please don't leave" Bill says with a breaking voice squeezing his father tighter.

"I'm sorry but I have to, it's for your safety, I Promise" He says into his son's ear.

Hiroshi exits the hug and kisses his youngest forehead and his daughter's before walking off leaving Bill and Cate heartbroken.

Hiroshi leaves without looking back once, Cate wraps her arms around Bill's shoulders bring him into her embrace as she angrily calls out for their father.

"Dad! Dad!"

(Tokyo 2015)

"About a week after that, we got a call from the state police in Fairbanks, Alaska saying the bush plane he was on disappeared in a storm, they never found the wreckage" Cate says lowly

Bill is looking off as 2 tears falls from his eyes as he cries silently without anyone noticing.

"What are y'all gonna do now?" May questions.

"He wasn't perfect, but he wasn't a monster, he has some reason for doing what he did"

Cate scoffs at what she believes a weak attempt of defending their abandoning and cheating father.

"The answers have to be here"

Cate gets up from where she had been sitting for some time now.

"Good luck, I hope you find it, but nothing can justify what he did to my brother, mother, and me"

"Stop go back" Cate says as something seems to have caught her attention and Bill follows behind her.

A picture of a women standing in a very large 4 toe footprint, but the women in the photo isn't just some women, it's Bill and Cate's and well Kentaro's grandmother Keiko.

"That's our grandmother" Cate says as she sees her in the photo.

"Yeah, she died when he was little" Kentaro tells her information she is already clearly aware of.

"I mean yeah but, how come she's in these files?" Bill is in total loss and confusion.

"What is she standing in?" May says as she notices the large 4 toe foot their grandmother is standing in.

Meanwhile, Bill is thinking back to what his father last told him before he left, what did he mean by for your safety?

(Finally I am done with Episode 1)

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