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By sucker4him

50.5K 1.2K 17

๐€๐‘๐‘๐€๐๐†๐„๐Œ๐„๐๐“, Love should come natural but for Chloe and Max it couldn't be more forced. ๐‚๐ก๐ฅ๐จ๐ž... More

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2.1K 52 0
By sucker4him

𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐥 𝐋𝐢𝐟𝐞
𝖥𝖾𝖻𝗋𝗎𝖺𝗋𝗒 𝟤𝟢𝟤𝟥

Chloe's apartment was filled with the familiar scent of coffee as she sat across from her father, the weight of their recent discussion still lingering in the air. Last week, they had talked about an arranged marriage, a concept Chloe had never thought would be part of her life. As she sipped her coffee, her father cleared his throat, preparing to share the next chapter of their unexpected journey.

"Chloe," he began, his voice measured, "I've finalized the arrangements. You'll be moving into Verstappen's flat."

Chloe's eyes widened, the reality sinking in. "Max Verstappen? Dad, I don't even know him. How can I move in with someone I've met once?"

Her father sighed, "I understand it's a lot to take in, but there are circumstances beyond our control. This is an opportunity, Chloe. Max's family is influential, and this arrangement could bring more stability to your life, especially for Evangelina."

How could Gregory be talking about stability? When she's a trust fund baby.

Chloe's mind raced as she contemplated the implications. "Dad, what if I don't like living with him? What if he doesn't like living with me?"

Her father placed a reassuring hand on hers, "We've thought this through. Take some time to get to know each other. The proximity will help. Max's flat is just 10 minutes away from yours."

Later, as Chloe stood in front of Max's door, uncertainty etched on her face, she hesitated before ringing the doorbell. Max opened the door, a mixture of surprise and reservation in his eyes.

"Chloe," he greeted, "come on in."

As they navigated the awkwardness of their first meeting, Chloe couldn't shake the feeling of being thrust into a life she hadn't chosen. "Max, I didn't sign up for this either," she admitted, her voice carrying a mix of frustration and vulnerability.

Max nodded, "I get it. This is as unexpected for me as it is for you."

In the day that followed, Chloe found herself grappling with the challenge of breaking the news to Evangelina. She sat her four-year-old daughter down in their cozy living room, toys scattered across the floor.

"Evie, sweetheart," Chloe began, her voice gentle, "Mommy has something important to tell you."

Evangelina looked up, her eyes wide with curiosity. "What is it, Mommy?"

Chloe took a deep breath, "We're going to move to a new place, honey. It's Max's home, and he's going to be like a stepdad to you."

Evangelina blinked, processing the information. "Stepdad? Where's my other dad?"

Chloe hesitated, "Your other dad, sweetie, is busy with work. Max is going to take care of us."

Evangelina frowned, "But I don't know Max."

Chloe nodded, "I know, baby. Mommy is still getting to know him too. But he's kind, and we'll be together as a family."

The challenge deepened as Chloe struggled to explain Max's frequent travels. "Evie, Max has a job that requires him to travel a lot, almost every week. But he cares about us, and we'll make it work."


"When will we go?" Evangelina fiddled with one of her toys. "Later today, about six pm. But it's just so you can talk to him and stuff."


Max having agreed to the unexpected arrangement with Chloe and Evangelina, found himself diving headfirst into a day of toddler-proofing his flat. Determined to create a safe and welcoming environment, he embarked on a mission to transform his space into a child-friendly heaven.

Armed with a list of baby-proofing essentials, Max made his way to nearby shops, his focus unwavering. First on his list were corner guards to cover sharp edges. However, upon returning, he discovered that the sleek, modern design of his furniture presented a challenge. Max frowned, realizing that standard corner guards weren't sufficient for the sharp edges of his contemporary coffee table.

After a brief contemplation, he decided to venture back to the stores, this time returning with a selection of black and white, cushioned foam corner guards. Max spent the next hour meticulously attaching them to every sharp edge, his determination evident in the precision of his work.

While securing the living room, Max turned his attention to the alcohol cabinet, a potential hazard for a curious toddler. He emptied the lower shelves, moved the bottles to higher ground, and installed a sturdy lock to keep Evangelina out of harm's way. As he clicked the lock into place, Max sighed in satisfaction, relieved that he had addressed a crucial safety concern.

Next on the agenda was a delicate task – Max's trophy and helmet collection. Knowing that toddlers could be fascinated by shiny objects, he decided to display the trophies in a new stand, safely out of Evangelina's reach. With a careful eye, Max arranged the trophies, locking the stand to prevent any curious hands from causing accidental chaos.

He couldn't care less about the helmets. Evangelina wouldn't be able to do anything harmful with them anyway, considering that she's only four.

As he worked, he received a message from Chloe. "Max, we'll be there soon. Evie is getting anxious to get a fill of your flat."

Max's heart raced with a mix of anticipation and nerves. He had a few more things to tackle, and time was of the essence. With renewed energy, he turned his attention to the guest bedrooms, determined to make them comfortable for Chloe and Evangelina.

In the first guest room, Max focused on adding childproof features. He installed safety latches on drawers and secured any loose cords or blinds that could pose a potential danger. Max imagined Evangelina exploring her new space and took extra care to make it as safe as possible.

The second guest room became Chloe's haven. Max made the bed with fresh sheets, fluffed the pillows, and added a touch of warmth with a small bouquet. He wanted Chloe to feel welcomed and comfortable, understanding that this unexpected transition required a delicate touch.

And that Jos made him, but that's not the point.

As the day unfolded, Max's apartment underwent a remarkable transformation. The living room became a haven of cushioned edges, the alcohol cabinet secured, and the trophies displayed safely. The guest bedrooms were now spaces tailored to the needs of Chloe and Evangelina.

When Chloe and Evangelina arrived, Max opened the door with a smile that concealed the day's whirlwind. "Welcome home," he said, a mix of nerves in his voice.

Chloe stepped in, her eyes scanning the transformed apartment. "Max, this is incredible. You've thought of everything."

Max grinned, feeling a sense of accomplishment. "I wanted it to be safe and comfortable for both of you. Since you guys are living with me now."

As Evangelina explored her new surroundings, Max couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. In a single day, he had turned a bachelor's apartment into a family-friendly space, ready to embrace the unexpected journey ahead.

But at the end of the day, it was all for this father's satisfaction. He didn't know them and they didn't know him. Max didn't want to get too comfortable with them.

published this the same day i finshed a book

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