just a guy who's a devil hunt...

By NguynThnh361

30.7K 778 76

What if: denji trains like saitama and removes his limits. In this fic, there will be many changes in content... More

Part 1: devil hunter for fun and for money
chapter 2: new problem
chapter 3: new job
chapter 4: power
Chapter 5: annoying things
Chapter 6: Let's save the cat!
chapter 7: interrogation and new housemates
Chapter 8: Infinite evil (part 1)
chapter 9: infinite evil part 2
chapter 10: oops
Chapter 11: first kiss part 1
Chapter 12: first kiss part 2
side story: a peaceful day of pochita and denji
chapter 13: new world
side story: break the limit
chapter 14: terror
Chapter 15: Chase and kill
chapter 16: secrets and deception
Chapter 17: super big brain
Chapter 18: future domination
chapter 19: blasphemer
Chapter 20: raid
Chapter 21: raid (part 2)
chapter 22: apostle of loneliness
Chapter 23: Protected by me!!!
Chapter 24: Are you scared?
Chapter 25: love, flowers and baldness
chapter 26: love, flowers and baldness part 2
Chapter 27: dating at school
chapter 28: expressed
Chapter 29: Boom!
Chapter 30: love explodes
chapter 31: love explodes part 2
chapter 32: boom boom boom
chapter 33: the end of the battle
Chapter 37: Hold on and let go
Chapter 35: Revealed
Chapter 36: Gathering
Chapter 37: Are you serious?
Chapter 38: cheat
Chapter 39: Just your bad luck
chapter 40: first demon hunter
Chapter 41: starting to move
Chapter 42: What are you doing?
Chapter 43: unexpected
Chapter 44: accident

side story chapter: change or not change - that's the question

463 10 1
By NguynThnh361

"i want to become stronger"

"i want to become stronger"

"i want to become stronger"

Hirokazu Arai, 22 years old, used to be a demon hunter for the social security department but has now quit his job. Since quitting his job, he has been practicing non-stop. Why did arai change like that? let's find out together.


Arai is a normal person, born into a normal family, his life up to now has not been very outstanding. Like many other people, since he was a child, Arai always dreamed of becoming a superhero to defeat bad guys and protect the people, but over time as Arai gradually grew up, his childhood dream also gradually changed. gradually forgotten by him over time.

Then why did you join the security department? simply for the sake of food and clothing. Arai naively thought that this job was very easy, as long as he signed a contract with the devil, he would be safe, but life gave him a painful blow when this job was much more dangerous than he imagined.

Experiencing a terrorist attack made him really scared and wanted to give up. But one day, something happened that really changed him.


Arai: (today is a special discount at the supermarket)

"hey newbie, don't lose concentration" a demon hunter said to arai.

Arai: "yes"

Currently, arai is standing with about 20 other demon hunters in front of an abandoned building. They have been ordered to destroy the demon hiding inside. It seems quite dangerous that's why so many people are needed. . They began to enter the building, looked around and found the hiding demon

That demon is shaped like a clown with sharp and jagged teeth, its left hand holds a baseball bat studded with nails and its left hand holds two floating balloons.

"It's a clown demon" said one of the group "I killed it once, it was very weak"

​But other people in the team heard that and started to despise the demon, but this time it wasn't like last time...it was too strong. The entire team was defeated in just a few minutes. Everyone had collapsed and only Arai was still conscious, hiding in a corner, trembling in fear.

Everyone else on the team was defeated by a single blow from the demon clown.

Arai: "I'm the only one left...no...it's impossible to win"

Demon clown: "You're the one left, right? So let me slowly devour you."

"If you want to eat then you can, but you have to live first" the old voice suddenly appeared along with the sound of footsteps, the person coming was kishibe - the strongest demon hunter of the security department, on his right hand. I am a knife, the other hand holds a bottle of wine, I am sipping it into my mouth.

Kishibe: "Are you okay? Newbie?"

Arai: "yes - yes"

​"Deez, you're already weak and pathetic, how can you still be a demon hunter? Why don't people like you just die?" Kishibe said in an indifferent tone, but those words made Arai completely angry. completely damaged.

Feeling like he was being ignored, the demon rushed forward and tried to use the baseball bat to smash Kishibe's head, but he only slightly leaned to the side and avoided it completely. He immediately used the knife to pierce the demon's head and then made a series of stabs into its body, finally finishing with a slash along the demon's body and cutting it into small pieces. The battle ended completely in the blink of an eye, and then Kishibe left.

Arai stayed there thinking about what kishibe told him. He knelt down in helplessness, pounding his fist hard on the ground.


While arai was blaming him, a familiar figure appeared from afar.


Denji: "sorry..."

Hearing someone calling, arai raised his head and saw that denji was there in gym clothes, and pochita wasn't next to him either.

Arai: "you are...denji? why are you here?"

Denji: "Because I heard that a ghost appeared so I came here"

Arai: "you're late, the demon has already been defeated"

"Huh? What is that?" denji pointed to the demon's corpse, arai followed and widened his eyes when he saw the pieces of the demon gradually gathering together, one of its two balloons had disappeared and only one remained. ball.

Arai: "No way! It should have died when it was completely destroyed! Are you kidding?"

The demon has completely recovered but is not yet awake, it keeps staggering around without standing firmly.

Denji: "It can heal itself? So I came at the right time"

"wait! stop!" Arai shouted, kneeling on the ground and holding Denji's waist tightly to prevent him from going to his death. "I know you're strong but you can't beat it!"

Denji: "it's okay"

Arai: "listen to the adults, you idiot! It's true that you're very strong but you can't really defeat it!!! Humans have limits!! That's what separates us from natural talent." bam!!!"

Denji: "who said that?"

"Don't throw your life in the trash just because of that stupid hero game!!!" Arai shouted loudly, that moment was the last straw that made Arai cry. The demon also gradually regained consciousness. It screamed in anger and rushed forward, but was given a basic punch by Denji that penetrated the concrete wall and exploded into pieces. Arai saw this scene and could only gasp.

Denji: "Who decides who is stronger than who? Who told you that practicing like that is already hard work? In my opinion, your problem is that you haven't trained your best yet? Is that true? Is this your strength?"

​Denji then turned his head and looked straight at the trembling Arai "or do you really think you won't be able to get stronger anymore?"

Arai stood there trembling, in his mind he bet that denji was a specially trained tycoon or something like that. But suddenly, Denji turned and left with several coupons in hand.

Denji: "I have to go, let me remind you that today is sale day. Vegetables are on sale."

Arai just watched Denji's back as he left. After those words from the bald boy, he seemed to realize something.

Arai: (denji...same as me)

A few days later, arai decided to resign and started practicing, now he had a new goal. He wants to change himself.

"i want to become stronger"

"i have to become stronger"

"I want to be a hero"

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