My Sweet Demon Bell (Alastor...

By TatsukamisuohNew

67.8K 1.6K 193

This story Is about Alastor x Daughter reader. Let's just say that you are a daddy's girl to be exact and you... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 22

1K 33 0
By TatsukamisuohNew

I stroll down the hallway of the hotel, humming the song "You're Never Fully Dressed Without a Smile." The memories of our night at the bar replay in my mind, and it's refreshing to have some fun after such a long time. Approaching my dad's office, I notice Angel exiting the door. Curiosity piqued, I hide in the corner to observe, especially considering he emerges unscathed – a rare occurrence after leaving my father's office.

When the coast is clear, I take a deep breath, straighten my posture, and instead of knocking politely, I decide to kick the door. As always nothing new. 

"DADDY!!!" I yell at the top of my lungs, wearing a smile that could rival a life-or-death situation. Honestly, I can't wait to share my idea about putting an end to the rumors that have been haunting us, both in this hotel and at home.

"Good morning to you too," Dad says, looking at me with that caring smile he reserves just for me. He snaps his fingers to fix the door, seemingly accustomed to such dramatic entrances.

"Good morning!!!" I reply, beaming at him like a wild animal.

"What is it?" he asks, clearly amused and intrigued.

"What do you mean?" I feign innocence, pouting at him.

"I know that tone and look, Darling. It's a sign that you want to tell me something," he says, locking eyes with me. "You can tell me anything. So, what is it?"

"Damn it," I curse.

"Language, Darling," he warns.

"Sorry," I mumble, looking down at the floor, taking a seat to gather my thoughts.

"I was just thinking... if you could broadcast the truth," I say, looking up at him. He seems not to like the idea, as mystical symbols float around him, and his eyes turn like dials, emitting random radio sounds.

"ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!" he booms in his demon voice, glancing in my direction. I expected this, but it's worth a shot. I know he's worried, but he needs to face the fear of losing me, and I won't let that happen.

"Dad, this is the only way," I say, pleading with him.


"Dad, please listen to me," I implore.

"NO!!, YOU LISTEN TO ME, MISSY. YOU ARE STAYING HERE WITH ME, SAFE AND AWAY FROM HARM. YOU HEAR ME?" he demands, looking down and point his finger at me. I can see the he is  angry, but as I look at his eyes I can see that he is just worried.

"Dad, please. I'm not doing this just for me; I'm doing this for us. We can't keep running away from this problem, and I know you're worried," I say, tears streaming down my face. He changes back from his demon form and hugs me.

"I'm sorry darling... please don't cry you know that I hate seeing you cry like that" he said as he comfort me 

"You're right, Darling. I'm worried, and that's why I want you safe and far from danger. I can't lose you AGAIN," he confesses, holding me tight.

"You won't lose me, Dad, because I won't let that happen," I assure him, still smiling through my tears.

"It's just that your idea is a bit risky. You'll attract too much attention, and my title might put your life in danger," he explains, looking at me.

"Come on, Dad. You already said it yourself," I say, wiping my tears and chuckling a little.

"What do you mean?" he asks, intrigued.

"They didn't call you 'The Radio Demon' for nothing, and you're the most powerful overlord in hell, right?" I explain, looking at him while making my point.

"Get to the point, Darling," he urges, a bit impatient.

"Just think about it. The incident I caused on Cannibal Street already gave them quite a scare. I'm not the type of person you want to mess with, after all. I learned from the expert," I proudly state.

"You really are my daughter, as stubborn as I am," he says, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"So, what do you think?" I tease.

"Fine," he concedes.

"Yes!" I celebrate, doing a victory dance in the room.

"Don't let this get to you because I'm still watching you," he warns, walking back to his table. He really know how to ruin the mood isn't he.

"Ugh, fine," I say, rolling my eyes dramatically,landing on the couch with a theatrical sigh.


The following morning dawned with a sense of newfound energy at the Happy Hotel. The staff was bustling with excitement, eager to share the morning cheer with everyone. As they moved around the lobby, Vaggie and Husk exchanged greetings. Niffty was cleaning, while I, in the kitchen, was cooking breakfast for everyone. As I listened to the radio, Charlie, being the morning person, approached me with a beaming smile.

"Good morning, Y/n! What do we have for breakfast today?" I couldn't help but mirror her enthusiasm.

"Morning, Charlie! We've got the classic combo – bacon and eggs. You know, the breakfast of champions." Charlie chuckled, appreciating the simplicity.

"Excellent choice! I'm sure everyone will love it. Where's Alastor, by the way?" I glanced around the dining room, and with a shrug, I replied, "He's probably in his office, doing his morning broadcast as always. You know how he likes to start the day."

"Ah, got it. I suppose I'll just go ahead and check with everyone to see if they've spotted him. Once they do, they'll know it's time for breakfast," Charlie said with a cheerful nod, continuing with her morning routine.

The dining room was abuzz with the clinking of cutlery and the aroma of sizzling bacon as everyone settled in for the first meal of the day. As I took a seat, I overheard snippets of conversations – the staff discussing their peculiar past lives and the peculiarities in Hell. The atmosphere was lively, filled with a sense of camaraderie that had grown stronger with each passing day. In the Hotel, the staff carried out their daily routines, making it feel like home. The dining room echoed with the clatter of dishes and the hum of conversations, creating an atmosphere of familiarity and camaraderie.

Meanwhile, in the secluded sanctuary of his office, Alastor stood before an intricately designed microphone, his crimson eyes alight with a mischievous glint. The anticipation in the air was palpable, and with a flourish, he began his grand announcement to the entire hell with a smirk on his face.

"Good morning, dear citizens of Hell! I trust you find yourselves in good spirits on this fine day," Alastor's resonant voice cascaded through the realms, captivating the attention of demons far and wide.

He continued, "Here I am broadcasting to address the whispers, the hushed conversations that have woven a tapestry of speculation about a certain demoness resembling yours truly. You've heard the murmurs—the possibility of kinship, a familial connection. Well, my friends, I am here to confirm those rumors." The air crackled with otherworldly energy as Alastor unfurled the details of the enigma that had shrouded him.

"The demoness in question, the one who walks in my shadow, is indeed my daughter. Her name is Y/n. My daughter haha." The revelation hung in the air like a forbidden secret finally laid bare. Alastor's voice took on a paternal warmth as he spoke of his offspring.

"My daughter is no ordinary demon. She is a force of nature, a being of remarkable power and prowess. But let me assure you, she is not a demon to be trifled with lightly." He painted a vivid picture of her abilities, crafting his words with poetic elegance.

"Y/n possesses a rare and formidable gift itself. A power that no such word can ever explain, she is my daughter after all, hahahahaha. With a mere thought, she can quite a fighter, I assure you. An expert in every way that you can't even expect that even possible." As he delved into the intricacies of her capabilities, Alastor spoke with a pride that reverberated through hell.

"She is not a chaotic force, but it's up to you all folk to consider such things—a beacon of strength in the tumultuous realm of hell. Her abilities are beyond explanation, even I can't explain, a duality that defines her existence." The air hung heavy with the weight of his revelation, and Alastor's voice took on a tone of heartfelt pride.

"I could not be prouder of my daughter. She has navigated the challenges of Hell with grace and strength, proving time and again that she is a force to be reckoned with." In the midst of his proclamation, Alastor emphasized a crucial point.

"But let it be known, she is not the type of demon one should challenge lightly. Her strength is matched only by her resolve, and those who underestimate her are bound to face the consequences." As the echoes of his words lingered, Alastor concluded with a sentiment that resonated with paternal affection.

"In revealing her existence, I not only affirm the truth but also declare my unwavering pride in the remarkable demoness that is my daughter Y/n. She is a testament to the resilience and power that runs in my blood." With that, the broadcast concluded, leaving Hell abuzz with newfound knowledge. The underworld now held a deeper understanding of the mysterious demoness, Y/n Williams, and the enigmatic Radio Demon, Alastor.

Alastor walked down the stairs, a big smile on his face, remembering the grand announcement he had just made. With a sly grin, he adjusted his monocle, anticipation twinkling in his crimson eyes. He opened the door and greeted everyone.

"Good morning, dear staff of the Happy Hotel! I trust you are all relishing the delightful ambiance this fine morning," Alastor's resonant voice echoed through the room, weaving a spell of charisma and authority that captured every ear. Vaggie, in the midst of arranging cutlery, paused in surprise.

"What's this all about?" she muttered to herself, curiosity and a tinge of concern etching her features. The other staff exchanged puzzled glances, their routine disrupted by the unexpected announcement. Alastor, expertly blending paternal pride and caution into his words, continued his enchanting narrative.

"I announced my daughter's existence to put this non-stop gossiping around to an end," Alastor said as he took a seat next to his daughter. Vaggie's expression changed; she didn't like it.

"Two powerful demons working here? It's not like a walk in the park, Alastor. Are you really out of your mind? Are you trying to put the hotel and the staff in danger? This revelation about her identity is such big news now here in hell, some people might come here showering us with questions!" Vaggie yelled at him as she pointed a finger at him.

"Y/n, with those powers your father described, do you think it's safe for you to be here? Won't it attract unnecessary attention?" I chuckled, trying to ease her worry.

"Vaggie, trust me. I've been navigating Hell for a while now, and I've learned to keep a low profile. Besides, being here with all of you feels like home, and I don't give a damn about whatever they think," I said as I started to eat again. Charlie, always the nurturing one, chimed in, "Y/n, are you sure you're comfortable with everyone knowing about your identity? We don't want to put you in a difficult position." I gave her a reassuring smile.

"Charlie, I appreciate your concern. But if we're going to face whatever comes our way, it's better to face it than hiding in the shadows. And I'm not hiding." I said as I looked at my dad, and he just smiled at me.

"So, you are really powerful like what Mister Alastor said? Can you make things appear out of thin air? That's so cool!" I chuckled at her enthusiasm.

"Well, it's a bit more complicated than that, Nifty. But yes, I can do those things." I said as I chuckled at her cuteness.

"Powerful, huh? That's quite you, Al. I'm not surprised." He winked at him playfully.

"Oh, Husk, my good friend, I've got a few tricks up my sleeve. Maybe I'll show you sometime." Alastor said as he laughed.

The staff continued to probe, each question reflecting a mix of curiosity, excitement, and, in some cases, subtle apprehension. While I answered their queries with a sense of openness, I couldn't help but feel a bit excited. Hell was a place where secrets held power, and the more demons knew about my abilities, the more attention I might attract.

How would demons in Hell react to a newcomer wielding such powers that challenged their own abilities? I can't wait to show everyone here in hell what I'm capable of just thinking about it makes me so excited. The staff's genuine curiosity and acceptance helped quell my worries. We were a team, facing the unknown together, and in the heart of Hell, that unity was a force to be reckoned with.

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