just a guy who's a devil hunt...

By NguynThnh361

24.2K 594 63

What if: denji trains like saitama and removes his limits. In this fic, there will be many changes in content... More

Part 1: devil hunter for fun and for money
chapter 2: new problem
chapter 3: new job
chapter 4: power
Chapter 5: annoying things
Chapter 6: Let's save the cat!
chapter 7: interrogation and new housemates
Chapter 8: Infinite evil (part 1)
chapter 9: infinite evil part 2
chapter 10: oops
Chapter 11: first kiss part 1
Chapter 12: first kiss part 2
side story: a peaceful day of pochita and denji
chapter 13: new world
side story: break the limit
Chapter 15: Chase and kill
chapter 16: secrets and deception
Chapter 17: super big brain
Chapter 18: future domination
chapter 19: blasphemer
Chapter 20: raid
Chapter 21: raid (part 2)
chapter 22: apostle of loneliness
Chapter 23: Protected by me!!!
Chapter 24: Are you scared?
Chapter 25: love, flowers and baldness
side story chapter: change or not change - that's the question
chapter 26: love, flowers and baldness part 2
Chapter 27: dating at school
chapter 28: expressed
Chapter 29: Boom!
Chapter 30: love explodes
chapter 31: love explodes part 2
chapter 32: boom boom boom
chapter 33: the end of the battle
Chapter 37: Hold on and let go
Chapter 35: Revealed
Chapter 36: Gathering
Chapter 37: Are you serious?
Chapter 38: cheat
Chapter 39: Just your bad luck
chapter 40: first demon hunter
Chapter 41: starting to move
Chapter 42: What are you doing?
Chapter 43: unexpected
Chapter 44: accident

chapter 14: terror

588 14 2
By NguynThnh361

"...": conversation

(...): interior monologue

The next morning, after the party, himeno opened her eyes and saw herself lying on the bed still wearing her uniform, she got up from the bed, stretched and shook her slightly throbbing neck, she walked out of the room and saw Denji lying cross-legged on the sofa. Looking at denji who was sleeping soundly, himeno knew that denji was the one who brought her home.

Himeno:(he looks so cute sleeping, maybe we should let him sleep a little longer)

Himeno started walking towards the bathroom, changed clothes and took a shower, brushed her teeth and changed into another set of clothes. After finishing cleaning her body, she went to the kitchen and prepared some breakfast and woke up Denji. She went to where Denji was sleeping and gently woke him up.

Himeno: "wake up denji"

Denji gradually opened his eyes, the first thing he saw was himeno's face and her smile, he jumped up from the sofa and rubbed his eyes.

Denji: "good morning, himeno-san"

Himeno: "good morning denji, breakfast is ready

Denji continued to eat with little expression on his face while himeno looked at him thoughtfully, as if she was thinking about something.

Himeno: "denji...I was too drunk last night to remember anything...did I accidentally do something to you?"

denji: "don't worry, you can't go to jail yet"

Hearing what denji said, himeno let out a sigh of relief.

Himeno: "phew, you're lucky, if anything happened, 'd go to jail."

Himeno was somewhat reassured and then ate with Denji.

Himeno: "You're really strange, denji... I think everyone would feel uncomfortable in situations like this and then run away."

Denji: "If there's good food, why be stupid?"

Himeno: "That reminds me...do you like makima?"

Denji: "don't like"

Himeno: "so you hate it?"

Denji: "don't hate"

Himeno: "That's really strange?... what man would fall for her after even just a little contact with her, but you're not like that... hmm... okay, I'll help." Can you do me a favor?"

Denji: "What's going on?"

Himeno: "Actually I really like aki so can you help me get to aki? In return I will give anything within my ability"

Denji: "a box of beef"

Himeno: "let's play"

Denji and himeno shake hands, forming a super secret alliance.

Denji: "What time is it now?"

Himeno: "It's over 7 o'clock"

Denji: "Forget it! I'm late for school!"

He started eating quickly, took his sandals and then stood on the railing much to himeno's surprise.

Himeno: "wait! this is the 22nd floor"

Ignoring Himeno's words, he jumped out of the building to Himeno's horror. The bald boy landed lightly and then ran away. Himeno, after observing the incident, could not help but be surprised. She was suspicious of what Denji showed and she wondered what the hell he was?


Makima kept his eyes glued to the train window, looking at nature, buildings and lakes outside as the train passed by.

Makima: "when are we going to Kyoto?"

Makima asked the colleague next to him, his eyes still glued to the window, his chin resting on his palm, admiring the beauty outside.

Colleague: "about 30 minutes"

Makima: "so I think I'll have lunch at the station"

Colleague: "You have lunch at 1 o'clock, ma'am."

Makima: "I'll definitely be hungry again...I'd rather enjoy my meal in peace."

She absentmindedly looked out the window, having nothing better to do to kill time while on the train "last night's drinks were delicious" makima mumbled, the image of pochita still clouding her eyes.


A black gun was aimed at the back of makima and her colleagues' heads without their knowledge. The user pulled the trigger and...


A gunshot rang out, clear enough for all the other passengers to hear.


Two other passengers sitting in front of makima's seat also participated in shooting her and her colleague to death. Makima's body lay there on the seat, covered in her own blood, her eyes wide open, looking blankly out at the outside.

"this is team C"

"this is team C"

"start working"



loud noises came from outside the store where team 4 was having lunch, except arai, kobeni and denji weren't there with them

'what's that sound' said himeno as she was helping pochita eat

Power: "only an idiot wouldn't know, that's the sound of drums"

Aki:"festival huh"

Power: "Hey, didn't you and Denji have any sex last night?

Himeno: "Denji is very gentleman! But I wonder why Denji goes to school on Sunday?"

Power: "because it's stupid"

???: "How can you guys eat this bowl of ramen, don't you think it tastes terrible?"

Aki and power heard this, they both turned to the man sitting at the table next to theirs, and pochita started growling because it seemed like it felt something was wrong.

Himeno: "I think it's delicious"

Power: "If I think it's delicious, I'll eat it! Do you like my opinion?!"

???: "You guys don't know what's good or bad. It's no wonder you only ate shit like that when you were young, which has caused your taste buds to gradually disappear and lose flavor. enlightenment, happiness is not much"

Power: "It's okay if you like it!"

Aki: "stop it power"

???: "My grandfather was the best person in the world, he let me go to all the luxury places to eat delicious food. He was a yakuza, but the number of women and children he killed was just a count." on his fingertips. He takes the money from selling drugs and buys me anything I want..."

The man reached into his pocket and took out a photo, it was a photo of Denji's previous employer.

???: "...you love him too, right, devil?"

Then he pulled out a pistol and shot at Himeno, but Pochita used his small body to block the bullet. However, Himeno still got a shot in the stomach and the power quickly appeared at his feet. of the terrorist and gave him a jaw hook and sent him flying off the ground, she turned towards aki and shouted: "bird head!"

Aki: "KON!"

Aki made a fox mark with her hands and shouted the activation phrase. Immediately, the store was destroyed as the demon fox's head appeared, opened its jaws and swallowed the terrorist, then slammed it shut. The group was now stunned. wondering what had just happened, and Himeno was feeding Pochita his blood, the little dog's wound was gradually recovering but he still hadn't woken up.

Demon fox: "aki hayakawa, what the hell did you put in my mouth? It's neither human nor demon..."

The demon fox was severed when a blade pierced the top of its head, tearing it open and creating a long cut, from which came the terrorist transformed into demon form.

Katana man:"the gun demon wants your power, the saw demon"

Katana man hissed, sharpening his blade together, and aki prepared to pull out his spiked sword.

Aki: "power, get himeno and pochita out of here"

The katana man, after receiving an attack from the cursed demon, collapsed and was motionless. It was indeed a difficult battle. Aki wiped the blood on his face and turned to power and himeno, himeno. had fainted and power was helping himeno stop the bleeding in the abdomen

Aki: "What's wrong with Himeno?!"

Power: "Luckily, the bullet was only in the abdomen so it wasn't life-threatening. Even though the bleeding was stopped, I still needed to go to the hospital."

Suddenly, aki felt someone's presence. He turned around and saw a woman with blonde hair, wearing a hoodie and shorts standing next to the katana man's body.

???: "Your cursed demon...will kill someone if he gets stabbed by that stake enough times, right?

Aki: "Who are you?"

She ignored aki's question and sat down next to the katana man and pulled the rope, the katana man stood up as if nothing had happened.

???: "why did you lose"

Katana man: "I'm subjective...don't fight seriously"

???: "Okay, then kill it quickly"

Katana man obeyed the command, he bent down and prepared his posture.

Aki started to pick up his sword and took a defensive stance, the katana man rushed at a speed that could not be seen with the naked eye with the intention of cutting aki in half, himeno launched the demon's arm towards the katana man in an attempt to tie him up. but the arm was swallowed by a large mouth with countless arms and hands intertwined. Before katana man's blade touched aki, denji appeared from nowhere and kicked him away.

​He was kicked and flew away until he crashed into a wall before he stopped. Aki, power and the terrorist were all surprised by denji's unannounced appearance.

Aki: "Since when are you here?!"

Denji: "just arrived"

At this time the katana man crawled up from the rubble, he stood up and rubbed his head, he tried to find his attacker and saw the bald boy, the hybrid demon recognized denji, he recognized the person who attacked him. killed his grandfather.

Katana man: "bald-headed dog!"

He was angry at denji's appearance. He rushed towards denji with his speed, and his accomplice summoned the snake demon's tail to help katana man, but suddenly both katana man and the snake demon sensed it. something, he stepped back and the snake demon's tail disappeared into the air and returned her fingernails. This surprised aki and himeno (and power had been running with pochita for a long time).

Both Katana man and the snake demon felt something coming from denji, both of them were feeling scared, and snake girl was not understanding what was going on between these two, she continuously urged katana man and the snake demon attacks.

Snake demon: "akane sawatari, run away, quickly...

Sawatari: "what the hell?!"

"Bastard! How are you so strong?!" the demon hybrid shouted and pointed his sword at denji.

Denji: "You want to know? That's fine"

Aki/himeno: (the secret of denji's power?)

After seeing what happened just now, they all wondered about the power that denji possessed - the power that did not come from a contract with a devil. And the one who wanted to know the most was aki, who always wanted to become strong. stronger to avenge his family.

Denji: "Okay listen, you have to practice hard to get the best results, you can't give up and I've become this strong in just 3 years?

Aki: "practice? What kind of practice...?

Denji: "100 push-ups

100 sit-ups

100 squats

Run 10km every day and don't miss a day!"

Denji: "Of course you have to eat 3 meals a day, just a banana for breakfast is enough. The next thing is not to use air conditioning whether it's winter or summer.

Denji: "At first, you will think it's okay to rest even for a day, but to become stronger, even if I vomit blood or break bones, I will continue to practice. And after a year and a half I accepted out two things..."

​Denji: "That's the way to become stronger. The true strength of humans is the ability to change ourselves"

Everyone there was surprised by what denji revealed and especially aki, he looked down and veins began to appear on his face clearly showing anger.


Denji: "huh?"

Aki: "It's just normal training and it's not difficult at all!! What I need to hear is how you achieved that power?!"

Denji: "aki...you don't seem to believe me, but...that's really all I did"

Katana man: "Oh is that so... so you don't want to reveal your secret... I don't care anymore"

The demon hybrid started moving at extremely fast speed, Aki and Himeno were startled by this terrible speed.

but Denji just turned his head and said: "Are you done dancing yet?"

Terrified by denji's reaction speed, he created another blade at his leg and launched a kick to split denji in half.

​The bald guy just moved aside slightly and raised his fist

Denji: "checkmate"

The pain from his testicles spread to the demon hybrid's brain, he collapsed and fainted, denji moved closer to finish him off but "thump" a sound came from behind, he turned his head and saw that aki had fainted, and Himeno's stomach is bleeding.

Denji: "forgive you then"

Denji put both of them on his shoulders and made a high jump towards the hospital. Sawatari, the only one still conscious and uninjured, walked up to the katana man and kicked him hard in the stomach.

Sawatari: "wake up, you useless person!"

Katana man: "are they...gone?"

Sawatari: "Yeah, the mission failed, now we have to get out of here before the security department comes"

The two began to leave the ruined building and head towards their vehicle, surrounded by the defeated katana man's henchmen.

Katana man: "wake up you idiots! why are you being defeated so easily?!

Henchman 1: "Yes... boss, just now a bald guy appeared, he moved very fast so..."

Katana man: "Okay, no need to tell anymore, let's go back now" (what exactly is that guy)


The scene changes to makima, after the recent series of shootings, the passengers are now extremely frightened, but the terrorists have no intention of killing more people. Coming to the station, they decided to sneak into the crowd to hide. , one of them turned around and saw.

-end chapter-

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