Dreams Do Come True (A One Di...

By Maria_Camilleri

1.7K 66 25

DON'T READ! IT'S BAD. JUST A WARNING..... How it starts: A dream relationship? Literally. She dreams about a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 20

30 1 0
By Maria_Camilleri

Yeyyy!!! New chapter! 

First of all: don't hate me. 


This chapter is pretty bad emotion wise, but I like how it turned out.

So, here it is!!



Harry came running into the waiting room, where I was sat, followed by Jillian. He was sobbing, and she wasn't much better. 

"Harry, please, stop," she was begging him. "It's not as bad as it seems!" 

He stopped and turned to face her, a devastating look on his face. It was almost a glare, but was sadder somehow. 

"How is it not as bad as it seems, Jill!? Please! Tell me how the boy I love almost dying because of me is not as bad as it seems! Huh, Jill?! Are you going to tell me how said boy forgetting ALL ABOUT ME IS NOT AS BAD AS IT SEEMS!!! PLEASE, FUCKING EXPLAIN THIS TO ME, JILL!" he was screaming. 

Wait,... Harry's gay? And who's this boy? Is it Louis? But what happened? 

"No, Harry, that's not what I meant...," Jillian was crying hard, now. "I just--it's bad, okay? But, it will get better. It has to. Please, Harry, just calm down." As she pleaded with him, she moved closer and hugged him. He broke down and held on to her. 

"I can't live without him, Jill. If I lose him, I will lose myself. He's my everything," anything he said after that, I didn't understand. I awkwardly stood and went to one of the front desks. 

"How may I help you?" the lady at the desk asked me. 

"Do you have a Louis Tomlinson admitted?" I asked. She clicked away at a keyboard for a few seconds before replying. 

"Yes, we do. He seems to be in the ICU at the moment. Only family and close friends are allowed to see him," she said. 

"Can you tell me what room? I'm one of his bandmates," I asked her. 

"106. But please try to stay quiet, there are other patients there," she said and I walked away. 

So, Harry is in love with Louis...and Louis did something stupid. 

Why does the last part not surprise me? 

I got to the room to find Niall waiting outside. 

"Hey," I said softly. He looked up, tear stains on his cheeks. 

"Hey." His voice was raspy and lost. "How did you find out?" 

"Harry and Jill came running by, I guessed and assumed...," I told him, trailing off. "What happened?" 

"Louis jumped off Tower Bridge," he said, almost as if it physically hurt him to say it. "Or, he tried to. Harry got to him before he could and tackled him. Lou hit his head on the concrete pretty hard. He has amnesia. Doesn't remember any of us. It's like his memory stops just before he met Harry in that bathroom at XFactor boot camp." 

"So, he remembers everything up until then? But not farther?" I asked. 

"Yeah...," he started crying again. 

"Niall...," I started, but instead of saying something cliche and stupid, I sat down beside him and hugged him close. 

"He's one of our best friends," Niall sobbed, "and he doesn't remember us!" 

"I know, Niall, but things will work out. If you don't have ups and downs, you're dead. Like a heart monitor." 

He chuckle a bit at that, but it didn't help. Now was not the time to be making jokes. 

"Things will work out," I told him. "They have to. 'Cause if they don't, we can't be One Direction anymore." I realized the impact of my words as I said them. 

Niall looked at me, shocked and horrified at the possibility that we might lose this round. 

"Louis will pull through, he's strong. And Harry loves him. That alone, should be enough reason for him to remember Harry, at least." 

Niall nodded. 

"I'm going to go talk to him," I said, untangling myself from the Irish boy. He stood with me, but didn't follow into the room. 

I pushed open the door, suddenly overwhelmed with fear. 

Would he remember me? If he didn't, would he soon? He was the prankster of our group. If he wasn't there, we would go down. It was that way for all of us. If one of us left or had an accident and made the 5 of us 4, or 3, or lower, we would not be One Direction anymore. Hell, we wouldn't even be a band anymore. 

We complete each other, and that's the way it works. 

"Louis? Are you awake?" I asked, coming to a stop by his left side. 

"Mmm," he flipped over, asleep. "Harry..." 

My eyes widened. The last part was a whisper, but it was enough. Some part of Louis still remembered. There was hope.


I was dreaming. 

Inside the dream there was a boy. He had brown curly hair and beautiful green eyes, but I couldn't reach him no matter how much I tried. There was a type of haze between us that I couldn't break through. 

I pushed and shoved and even tried to make a type of knife to cut through it. Nothing worked. 

He was looking at me now, through the haze. 

"Louis..." he mouthed. I couldn't even hear him through that stupid barrier. 

"Olive juice" he mouthed. 

"Olive juice? What the hell is olive juice?" I wondered aloud. 

"Please, Louis," he mouthed. 

"That makes no sense!!" I yelled at him. 

"Who are you!?" I screamed. I didn't even know this guy. But he knew me. He was saying my name, after all. 

A hurt, depressed look came over his features. I just wanted to go hug him for some reason. I wanted, no NEEDED to go comfort him. 

A tingly feeling was in the pit of my stomach. 

There was something inside of me that wanted this boy. Did I love him? Was it that? 

I was so confused. 

"Louis? Are you awake?" I heard a voice say. It wasn't the boy. The voice didn't fit. 

I twisted and turned, trying to find the source of the new voice, but all I could find was a name. 

"Harry," I mumbled. 

But who was this Harry. 

Was he the guy with curls? Or was he the new voice? 

I needed to know!! 

I jerked and instead of hurting myself as I was expecting, I woke up. 

Beep, beep, beep, beep. 

The monitor was going crazy. My heart rate was going crazy. I clutched a hand to my chest, and lay there, breathing hard. 

"Louis? You okay?" the voice asked. I forced my eyes to focus and saw a guy that looked familiar. 


His brown eyes widened and a shocked look covered his face. 

"You remember me?" he asked. 

"Yeah...." I trailed off. "We met just before bootcamp..." 

The boy sighed. 

"But you look different...older somehow," I said. 

"That's because I am. It's been almost three years since bootcamp, Lou," he told me. 

What? How could that--? But,...? 

"How?" I whispered, looking at him intensely. 

"You had an accident. Smacked your head pretty hard. The doctor says you have amnesia. I'm the only one you have a trace of memory of, so far. You don't even remember Harry," he said the last part so softly, but I heard him. 

"Who is Harry? I dreamed about the name," I said. 

His breathing hitched and he looked hard at me. 

"Harry is Harry. He's the one who has been by your side ever since we became One Direction. He's your rock, your best friend. He's the one you love. And he loves you, too. You guys are meant for each other, but things happened and you tried to jump off Tower Bridge. Harry saved you just in time, but now you don't remember us. And he's heartbroken. He loves you Louis, but you don't remember him. I don't know if you even want to," he told me. 

"What is One Direction?" I asked. 

He gave me a pained look. 

"After all of that, that's what you get? 'What is One Direction?' Seriously, Louis!? If you must know, we got put in a group: me, you, Harry, Liam, and Niall. We came in 3rd on XFactor. Simon Cowell signed us to his label 'Syco'. We are One Direction. That's the name of our band. It's a boyband, but we are internationally famous. Almost every little and teenage girl knows our names. You really don't remember?" 

"No," I said and my voice sounded sad and depressed. I felt these things, but I couldn't remember them. 

"I want to remember, I really do, but I'm not sure how to," I told him. I put my hand up to scratch my nose and felt wetness on my cheek. I was crying? 

"Louis, don't beat yourself up about it. You will remember when the time is right. Things happen for a reason. You just have to ride the rollercoaster that is life," he said, making me smile. 

"Zayn? Can I tell you something?" I whispered. 

"Anything, Lou," he promised. 

"Come here." 

He moved towards me, stopping a few feet away. 


He stepped closer. 

"Closer, Zayn. It's a secret," I told him. 

He came even closer, putting the side of his head close to my face as if I was to whisper in his ear. 

Instead, I put my hands on either side of his face and crashed my lips to his.


I was just laying there, bored, wondering when I could go home and when Zayn was going to come back. 

"Elizabeth? Are you awake?" Jillian's voice came through as the door pushed open. 

"Yeah. I am. What's up?" I asked. 

She walked into the room and sat down in the chair Zayn had occupied earlier. 

"Well, Louis had an accident. Zayn's with him at the moment. He jumped off of Tower Bridge because he thought Harry didn't love him back, but he does," she told me. 

Wait, Louis' hurt? 

And... He's gay? With Harry? 

Well, that wasn't exactly a surprise... 

"But the thing is, he has amnesia and doesn't remember the boys. He remembers up to XFactor bootcamp. That's it," Jillian said, sadly. 

There was a quick knock at the door before the doctor pushed in. 

"Elizabeth Jameson? You are free to go. Let me go get your medicine, and you can get changed to leave. Do you have an extra pair of clothes?" 

"N-" I began, but Jillian cut me off. 

"Yes, I brought some when we stopped by the house," she said, telling me the last part. 

"Well, then, yeah, I have clothes to change into," I told the doctor. 

"Good, I'll be right back," he said, walking out. 

Jillian pulled a bag of clothes out of the closet and set them down on the chair she had been sitting in. 

"C'mon, Liz, I'll help you get up and dressed," she said. I laughed at her as I sat up, the bandage on my chest tightening as I used my muscles. I hissed in pain. Stupid broken rib. 

Jillian helped me and I managed to sit up and get my sweatpants on over the cast on my leg. Putting my shirt on was easier, even with getting it over the cast on my arm. I sighed. 

"What?" Jillian asked. 

"Just so many casts, and my parents didn't even show up. Michael must have needed bail again," I told her. My younger brother was basically a jailbird. He was ALWAYS getting in trouble with the law and when he did, our parents dropped everything to go bail him out. Even if I was in the hospital, they would go to him. And that's what they had done. 

"Don't worry about it. Michael needs to really go to jail this time. Maybe then he'll realize that once he's in, he can't get out. But, I'm here for you, and the boys, and Zayn. We're all here for you," she told me. "We love you, Liz. You're my best friend, even my sister." 

A tear fell down my face as I smiled. 

"I love you too, Jill. And you're my sister, too. The best sister I've ever had." 

"The only sister you've ever had," she said, laughing. 

"True," I relented, finally standing up. "Now, let's go see Louis." 

"Okay, but I'm warning you now, it's pretty bad. Harry ran off crying. I left him in the waiting room to come see you. We'll have to pass him to go see Lou, but I'm going to try to convince him to come with us," she told me. 


Just then, the doctor knocked on the door again and came in carrying a bag and a pair of crutches. 

"Here's your meds, Ms. Jameson," he said, handing them to Jillian. "Take the orange ones before every meal and the white ones before you go to sleep," he explained. "We'll make an appointment for you in about six weeks for x-rays and checks to see if you can get your casts off. Make sure to have someone help you change and tighten the ace-bandages around your chest every morning or when it feels loose. I'm not putting you on any diets, but try to drink more milk for calcium or if you would like, we can give you a calcium supplement," he said. 

"I'll just drink milk," I told him. "I don't want any more pills. Thank you, though." 

He smiled at me, nodded, and left, setting the crutches by the door. 

"Can we go see the boys now? I would like to surprise Zayn," I asked Jillian. She smiled and grabbed the crutches for me. 

We made our way through the hospital to the waiting room Harry was in. He was sleeping, so we left him there, carrying on. We ran into Liam in the waiting room of the ICU. 

"Hey, Jill? Do you have Morgan's number? I forgot to grab it from her and I would like to call her," he asked. 

"Yeah, sure," Jill pulled her phone out of her pocket and rattled off the number for Liam to save in his phone. 

"Thanks, Jill," Liam walked off, dialing the number she gave him. 

"They're going to be together for a while," I told Jill, smiling after Liam. 

"Yeah, they will," Jill agreed, smiling as well. 

"Well, let's keep going," I said. 

Jillian nodded and we moved on. 

When we came to the door, Jillian stopped and sat with Niall, who was crying with his head tucked into his hands. I smiled a little at her to let her know I would be okay going in alone. 

I saw her wrap her arms around him and he tucked his face into her neck, before I stood in front of the door, ready to go in. 

I twisted the handle and pushed the door open. 

I hobbled in, a curtain obstructing my view of the boys. A few more steps and I could see the end of Louis' hospital bed. Was Zayn even here? I couldn't see him in the chair that was at the end of the bed. 

I walked farther, finally catching sight of my boyfriend, or his behind, as he was bent over. 

A few more steps and I froze, shocked. I closed my eyes for a moment and tried to shake the image out of my head. Opening my eyes again, I confirmed what I had seen. 

Louis and Zayn were kissing. 

My heart broke. 

"Zayn?" I whispered, tears falling down my face, slowly. 

His head snapped up to look at me, and a guilty look came over his face. 

"Liz, it's- it's not what it looks like," he said. He moved around the bed to come closer to me. 

"No, don't," I whispered. "Why, Zayn?" 

"I- I didn't. Liz, please let me explain. I love you," he said, beginning to cry. 

"Then explain, Zayn," I said, my voice louder than it had been. "Explain why I walk in, after JUST getting out of the hospital, to find my boyfriend kissing his friend. Please, Zayn. Explain this to me." 

"I did it," a different voice broke in. Louis was looking at us with a hurt expression. 

"I kissed him," he said. "It was my fault. I didn't know he had a girlfriend. Don't blame him." 

"No, Lou," Zayn cut in. "It was my fault. I didn't pull away when I should have." 

"I didn't give you a chance to!" Louis yelled at him. 

"It doesn't matter whose fault it is," I broke in. "I'm sorry, Zayn, but I just can't right now. We need a break." 

I turned and walked out, leaving them to argue.


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