The Journey of 10

By PrincessMinnie4

18 4 0

This is about a group of friends who are supernatural. They have problems like a normal high schooler and col... More

Chapter 1
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Final chapter

Chapter four

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By PrincessMinnie4

Chapter four

Bella POV
It Saturday morning and I'm gonna get Scorpio out of jail but I'm not telling Daryl. So right now daryl isn't talking to Scorpio because they hate each other. The reason I'm bailing Scorpio out of jail because me and him have a connection that no one knows about and it just crazy to think about it. So me and Ele are going to the police station and I'm collecting the money and ele wants to help to because her and Scorpio are kinda like bffs but they do have there days.

As we got there I had the money all ready and Scorpio was already there because I called ahead time. I gave the nice lady the money and sign the papers. "Let get in the car and Scorpio we have extra clothes for you because we're going to the mall and your have blood on your clothes" I say while walking to the car. "Okay then but how am I'm gonna change" "the mall has a bathroom idot just change there" ele say.

So we got to the mall and waited for Scorpio to get change and throw away his clothes because it just disgusting. When he finish we went to a couple and store and bought things.

"I need to go to Victoria's Secret" ele say while trying to hold her bags. "There no way in hell im going to a girly store like that" Scorpio say while backing away from the store. "Scorpio just go to a guy store or wherever and met us by the car" I say. "Alright fine" he says while walking to the store.

Scorpio POV
As the girls went to the girly store I went to Pacsun. I was looking at some clothes while I spy Daryl here, shit I need to escape. While I was sneaking away I was just to late, he saw me. I would fight him but I'm not trying to cause a seen and I just got out of jail, I ain't trying to go back.

"YOO SCORPIO HOW DID YOU GET OUT OF JAIL" he says while walking up to me all tough. "Dude keep it down and I just did why do you care so much" "I just want to know man because your ass needs to go back there" he says. "Dude I'm not gonna care right now, I'm just here to buy something and then leave" I say but it was to late Emily came over and open her big mouth. She was with her brother and Riley.

"Hey Scorpio, Bella and ele said to hurry up because they want to leave already" Emily said with her big mouth. "Wait how does Bella knows your out and why she with you" Daryl say but me being a chicken ass I ran out of the store. As I was running I looked back and all of them are running after me so I need to go faster because they can run fast. I saw Bella and ele "RUNNN DARYL BEHIND ME JUST RUN TO THE CAR"

Bella POV
"RUNNN DARYL BEHIND ME JUST RUN TO THE CAR" Scorpio say running to us. I sprint away with Ele. When we made it to the car Scorpio got in the driver seat and ele sat in the back and I sat in the passenger side. We drove around town because they were following us but we took a Secret way to Mariana house because there is one. Ele called Mariana ahead of time that where coming.

Once we got there we ran to the door and went inside.

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