Claire's Rising Stardom

By sheisJayyy

467 155 72

Claire Anderson has it all - success, fame, and the dazzling world of modelling at her feet. She's a fast-ris... More

Bonus Chapter
Author's Note


16 5 2
By sheisJayyy

The air was thick with tension as Ethan Carter paced restlessly in his luxurious penthouse. The aftermath of the media storm had left him grappling with the repercussions, and now, he needed answers. His mind raced with questions, but one name echoed louder than the others – Serena Thorn.

Summoning his resolve, Ethan decided to confront the source of this turmoil head-on. He picked up his phone, fingers tapping impatiently on the sleek screen as he dialed Serena's number. The call rang for a moment before she picked up, her voice a mix of nonchalance and curiosity.

**Serena:** (smirking) Ethan, to what do I owe this pleasure?

**Ethan:** Spare me the games, Serena. I want you here, now.

**Serena:** (playful) Well, well. Someone seems a bit on edge. What's the rush?

**Ethan:** You know exactly what the rush is. Those photos. I need an explanation, and I need it in person.

Serena chuckled on the other end, her amusement evident even through the phone.

**Serena:** (mockingly) Oh, Ethan, you're so dramatic. But sure, I'll grace you with my presence. Your place?

**Ethan:** Be here in an hour.

The call ended abruptly as Ethan steeled himself for the impending confrontation. He couldn't let Serena manipulate him any longer. The clock ticked away the minutes, each passing second intensifying the brewing storm within him.

When an hour had elapsed, the doorbell chimed, signaling Serena's arrival. Ethan opened the door, his expression a mix of frustration and determination. Serena sauntered in, a sly smile playing on her lips.

**Serena:** (teasing) You called, and here I am. What's the emergency?

**Ethan:** (direct) We're going to settle this once and for all. Those photos – where did they come out from?

Serena feigned innocence, batting her eyelashes as if caught off guard.

**Serena:** Photos? Oh, you mean those little souvenirs from our time together?

**Ethan:** Cut the act. Who helped you leak them?

**Serena:** (leaning in) Why do you care so much, Ethan? It's not like they reveal anything we didn't agree upon.

**Ethan:** (firm) They're damaging my life, Serena. I won't let you ruin everything I've built.

Serena's demeanor shifted, a flicker of annoyance crossing her face.

**Serena:** (defiant) I didn't leak those photos, if that's what you're implying. Maybe you should look closer to home, darling.

Ethan's jaw clenched at her words, the possibility of betrayal hitting him like a punch to the gut.

Serena's eyes glinted with a mix of mystery and mischief.

Serena: (cryptic) Some secrets are better left buried, Ethan. But if you're so desperate for the truth, follow the trail. It might lead you to unexpected places.

With that, she gracefully moved towards the door, leaving Ethan with more questions than answers.

Ethan: (frustrated) This isn't over, Serena.

Serena: (smiling) Oh, I certainly hope not.

As the door closed behind her, Ethan was left alone, grappling with the enigma that was Serena Thorn. The storm had only intensified, and the path to resolution seemed more elusive than ever.

Ethan was left seething in her wake, the questions remained unanswered. The storm that had started with leaked photos now seemed to have deeper roots, entangling Ethan in a web of deception and uncertainty.

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