Limited Days Left

By TheLazyAlpha

408 11 3

Zombies!!!!! More

Chapter 1


204 4 1
By TheLazyAlpha

Ten years ago,

???'s POV

I ran as fast as I possibly could, hoping that I could make it before they left. Tree branches scraped my cheeks and some hit me in the face, but that didn't stop me from getting to where I wanted to go. Finally, I arrived at a clearing and saw the group of vehicles that I ran all the way here for.

???: Wait!!! Take her with you!!!

I increased my speed as I ran to the vehicles. When I got close enough, anthropomorphic animals came into view and aimed their weapons at me.

???: Don't shoot, just take the pup from me!!

I stopped for a second, breathing heavily as I unzipped my coat and revealed a wolf pup.

???: Johnny? Where are we?

I didn't answer, I just slowly kept walking over to the furries who had their guns pointed at me.

Johnny: Please, just take her with you.

They both looked at one another and then lowered their guns as they approached.

Johnny: Sparrow, listen to me honey, I want you to be on your best behavior ok. They'll keep you safe ok.

Sparrow: What about you Johnny? Aren't you coming?

I smiled as I shook my head.

Johnny: No honey, I can't come with you.

Sparrow: What? Why?

Johnny: Because I must stay here and save our people.

Sparrow: I-I wanna help too.

I smiled as I gently rubbed her head.

Johnny: No Sparrow, you can't help. You must go somewhere safe, somewhere the monsters can't get you.

The furries approached and I slowly handed them Sparrow.

Johnny: Take care of her ok.

???: Why are you doing this human, don't you hate us?

I shook my head.

Johnny: I don't hate you furries, you did nothing wrong. If anything we were the ones who did you wrong and I apologize on behalf of all humans.

He looked at me with a surprised look.

???: We have room for one more if you'd like to join.

I smiled sadly as I shook my head.

Johnny: Save it for someone who needs it. I must be heading back, more people will need help.

I slowly turned around and began to head back to the town.

Sparrow: No!! Johnny, don't leave!!!

???: What the. Hey!!

I heard running and then something grappled to my leg, making me look back and see Sparrow hugging my leg tightly while tearing up.

Johnny: Sparrow, you gotta go.

Sparrow: No, I'm not leaving you, Johnny.

Johnny: I'm sorry Sparrow, this isn't up to debate. You promised me, remember?

Sparrow: No, you can't do this to me.

Johnny: Sparrow. You can't come with me.

Sparrow: Please Johnny, I need you. You're all I have left.

Johnny: I know Sparrow, you're all I have left too. However I must keep you safe, and in order to keep you safe I gotta send you away.

Sparrow: No, Johnny, please.

She began to sob loudly as she hugged my leg. I gently picked her up and hugged her gently as I tried to calm her down.

Johnny: I'm sorry my little Sparrow, but I gotta do this. People need my help, I can't just leave them here. I mean if I didn't help people, how would've I met you?

She looked at me with teary eyes, knowing as well as I did that I had to go.

Sparrow: P-promise me one thing Johnny, promise me that'll live long enough so that one day we'll get married. You and I will get married together and then we'll have a family together.

I looked at her for a moment and then began to smile.

Johnny: Yeah, I can do that for you Sparrow. You gotta do the same for me too.

She nodded her head slowly with a small smile on her face.

Sparrow: I promise I will. One day I hope that I can save you too. I promise to work hard and climb the ranks so that one day I will find you and accept you into our community.

Johnny: Sounds lovely, my little Sparrow.

I slowly walked her back over to the others and handed her to them.

Suddenly there was a loud shriek that could be heard from the woods.

Johnny: Well, it seems they're here. You should best be going.

???: What about you sir?

Johnny: Me? Heh, I'll have a little fun with them. I'll make sure they don't chase you, so best you hurry.

???: But-

Johnny: Just go dang it! You're wasting time.

He looked at me for a couple of seconds and then nodded.

???: Alright, load up everyone.

Sparrow: Goodbye Johnny, I love you.

Johnny: I love you too Sparrow, be good ok?

Sparrow: I will, don't forget our promise.

I smiled as I raised my pinky.

Johnny: It's a pinky promise, see you Sparrow.

I waved quickly and then pulled out two flares and ignited them both.

Johnny: Come in you sons of bitches, come play with ol' Johnny.

(End of introduction)

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