My Alien Soulmate

By Sarah__Leann

106K 3.8K 916

When Daisy was abducted by aliens and forced to work on their ship, she felt hopeless as she watched species... More



872 32 6
By Sarah__Leann

While Kai made me a coffee, I sat on the sofa, picking at my nails, my stomach in knots.

"Are you alright, my love?" He asked, placing my coffee on the table before sitting down beside me.

I nodded, picking up my mug and taking a sip.

"What's wrong? I can feel your emotions, they're all over the place." He frowned, gently squeezing my shoulder.

"It's the meeting I had with Kordin." I stated, rubbing my head as I looked down at my knees.

"Tell me what's bothering you."

I looked up at him, blowing out a breath.

"Just promise me you won't scream and shout until I've finished what I have to say." I said anxiously, putting my mug down on the table.

He looked into my eyes and nodded. "I promise."

He held my hands gently and I closed my eyes briefly before I began.

"Kordin said that because Emrys is on Zandara, he is obliged to care for him and uphold his wishes if he chooses to return to Earth."

Kai nodded. "Yes, that's right."

"Well, the thing is. He doesn't believe that Emrys would cope if he returned alone. He said that he has spoken to Haldon, and the best possible solution with minimal stress would be for me to go with him and stay on Earth until he's accustomed to his new life."

I looked up at Kai, tears threatening to fall but he sat there, jaw tense without saying a word.

"If Emrys stays here, it could impact his mental state and make things worse, but if he goes to Earth alone, he wouldn't cope with all of the changes that he'd have to face."

His eyes burned into mine and for a moment, I thought he was going to explode.

"Do you want to go?" He asked, sternly.

"Of course not. I want nothing more than to stay here with you. It makes me feel sick at the thought of leaving you." I sniffed, a stray tear escaping me, gliding over my cheek as my heart thumped in my chest.

"I can't lose you, Daisy. I can't watch you disappear to Earth without me."

"What should I do? I don't know what I'm supposed to do."

"Tell him no. It's selfish of him to even ask you to consider such a thing."

His hands tightened around mine and I could see the pain in his eyes as he looked at me.

"What about Emrys?" I closed my eyes as more tears fell.

"What about him? You are my priority, not him. I am more than happy to dismiss his wishes if it means you are here, safe, with me."

"This could break him."

"Maybe.. but it will break me." He almost whispered.

I flung my arms around him, guilt consuming me for even considering leaving him.

How could I be so selfish? Yes, it might break Emrys, I wasn't one-hundred percent sure, but I knew for a fact that it would break Kai.

"I'm not going anywhere." My voice trembled.

I felt his shoulders relax and he let out a large breath as his hands wrapped around my waist.

"I'm sorry for even thinking about it."

"It's not you that should be sorry. Wait until I see Kordin and Haldon, they'll be sorry for suggesting such a thing."

In that moment, I didn't care that Haldon amd Kordin were in for a telling off. All I cared about was Kai.

"Are you mad at me?" I asked, pulling away so that I could look at him.

"No. You've done nothing wrong." He smiled.

I knew he was mad. No matter how hard he tried to hide it, I could feel the anger bubbling up inside of him.

"Shall we have some lunch? You didn't have any earlier." I changed the subject in the hope that he would calm down.

Leaning towards me, he placed a kiss on my lips.

"Come on then. You can watch me cook." He smiled softly before carrying me into the kitchen.

He put me down on a chair but I hopped off of it and followed him to the food dispenser.

"You do know this isn't cooking, don't you?"

He paused what he was doing and turned his head to look at me, raising a brow.

"Is that so?"

"It is indeed. Real cooking is where you prepare the ingredients yourself without a machine that zaps it infront of you in seconds."

"Do you enjoy cooking?" He asked, intriguingly.

"I do, actually. I used to help my dad all the time. It was one of our thing's when I was growing up. Mum would burn everything." I chuckled. "That's why I helped my dad. 'A life lesson', he called it."

"I had a vision of you cooking once." He stated.

"You did?"

"Yes. But it was a little tray that you put in a machine. You pressed a button and the food was zapped and cooked for you." He grinned.

Of course he would have a vision of me using a microwave. The one time I used one and he had to see it.

"That was one time. I remember my parents went out that night and I couldn't be bothered cooking. I'll never forget how dreadful it tasted." I chuckled.

"Would you cook here, if you had a chance?"

Kai and I sat down at the table and began eating.

"I'm not sure. Everything is so different here so I wouldn't know where to begin."

Kai hummed, taking a bite of his food and we fell into comfortable silence.

Just as we were finishing, I wondered if we would still be going to Kiara's get together tonight.

I knew that Kordin would be there and I was anxious about Kai kicking off.

"What's wrong?" Kai asked.

"Nothing." I smiled.

"Daisy, I can sense it. You're anxious about something."

God damn soulmate bond.

"I was just thinking about Kiara's get together tonight. We don't have to go, do we?" I peered up at him.

"We do. I know what it's about and my mother would kill me if we didn't show up."

"Um, I'm sorry, what? You know?" I mumbled, confused.

"My hearing is excellent and my observation skills are somewhat exceptional. I've known since I overheard you two talking at the changing of hands ceremony. It isn't difficult to figure out the rest." He smirked.

"Then why didn't you say anything? I've been dying to talk about it to someone but she swore me to secrecy. Do you know who he is? She doesn't think anyone else knows. Does anyone else know?"

My words tumbled out of my mouth, giving him no time to answer any of my questions so he answerd them all at once.

"To see if you could keep her secret. No, I don't. Poor girl, everyone knows."

Kai chuckled, clearing the plates from the table and I sat back in my chair in disbelief.

"I can't believe everyone knows. She's going to be so mad when she finds out."

"She won't find out. My parents don't know that everyone knows, Kordin thinks he and Yara are the only ones to figure it out and Klaus only thinks thank you and him know." He chuckled.

"Speaking of Kordin. You won't cause a scene when you see him later, will you? I'd hate to spoil Kiara's night." I muttered.

"Don't worry, I won't spoil her night." He smiled but his tone was unconvincing.

"Kai, please." I sighed.

He came over and kissed the top of my head. "Don't worry. I won't spoil it." He repeated himself.

Leaning forwards, I leant my head against his chest, wrapping my arms around his waist.

Breathing deeply, his scent filled my nostrils, something I would never tire of and it helped ease my stress and calm me down.

"How did I get so lucky?" I wondered.

"That's a question I've asked myself ever since you got here." Kai laughed quietly.

I looked up at him, wondering how he thought he got lucky with me.

"I'm a weak human who has brought nothing but drama into your life. Don't you ever wish you could have been paired with a zaviour instead?"

He seemed disconcerted, looking down at me as if I'd said something wrong.

"Daisy, you may be human but you are far from weak. You are the strongest person that I've ever met. Why would I want to be with a zaviour when I have you? You are undeniably the best thing that has ever happened to me and my life would be meaningless without you."

"I can't ever go back to Earth." I whispered. "They won't make me go, will they?"

A sudden panic set in. Kordin had authority over Kai and I wondered if he had the power to force me to leave Zandara.

"Hey, where has this come from? You don't have to do anything that you don't want to do. If anyone even tried to send you back, it would be the last thing they ever did."

His tone was calm, slightly unnerving and I knew exactly what he meant.

"I can't ever leave you, Kai. I love you more than life itself. I think my meeting with Kordin earlier has effected me more than I thought."

"Please, don't worry. When I've had a word with him, he'll know not to ask you again." He stated, wrapping me in his warm embrace.

I felt safe, protected and shielded from danger. With Kai by my side, I knew that I didn't have to worry and my only concern now, was Emrys.

Kai and I decided to go for a walk for the rest of the afternoon to clear our minds and have some proper time out.

Although it was bitterly cold, I had wrapped up warm with extra layers and it was so refreshing to be away from the medical centre and focus all of my attention on Kai.

When we were on our way back, it started to snow and I was blown away by the colours of the flakes that silently glided through the air.

"Oh my goodness, that's incredible." I breathed, stopping in my tracks to appreciate how beautiful it was.

"Have you never seen snow before?"

"I have, but not like this. On Earth, it's just white. This looks so magical." I beamed up at him and a loving smile appeared on his face.

The snow was a mixture of pale blues and greens and I didn't want to blink incase it stopped.

The flakes were larger than I'd ever seen and after a few minutes, the ground was covered in a soft blanket of at least an inch.

"We'd better get back if we want to get to Kiara's gathering on time." Kai frowned.

"What's wrong?" I wondered, holding onto his arm as we continued our short walk home.

"I was enjoying this."

"We can do it again though, can't we?"

"Yes, absolutely. I just wish we could spend more time together without everyone else, that's all. I'm selfish like that."

We both laughed but I knew what he meant. His family were the best and I loved how welcoming and friendly they all were when I arrived here, but nothing could beat alone time with the man of my dreams.

When we got home, I had a quick shower to warm myself up and got ready while Kai enjoyed a snack.

It wasn't a formal event, so I opted for a pair of black, skinny jeans and a dark grey, oversized jumper.

After putting on a pair of thick socks, I shoved my feet into my black boots and tied them up before heading down the stairs.

"You look beautiful." Kai breathed as I entered the kitchen.

His eyes trailed up my body, causing me to blush and I tucked a loose curl behind my ear.

"Thanks." I murmured.

He walked around the breakfast bar and stood behind me, draping his arms around me as he gently kissed my temple.

"It's a good job us zaviours only have eyes for our soulmates, otherwise, I'd be fighting off every guy that laid their eyes upon you."

I giggled, turning around to face him.

"Do you not find other women attractive?" I raised a brow, intrigued by his words.

"Not really. Obviously there are other beautiful women out there but when I look at them, there's no attraction. I'm almost certain that all zaviours feel the same but I know for sure that there isn't a woman on this planet that comes close to your beauty. There's no comparison."

He wasn't trying to be funny or sweet. He was being deadly serious, rendering me speechless.

He chuckled softly and kissed me on the lips.

"Are you ready to go?"

I blinked, looking up at him. "Um, yes."

"Come on then. Let's go before I carry you to bed and make us late." He grinned, taking my hand and leading me to the front door.

I put my coat on, blushing from Kai's haul of compliments before following him to the shuttle.

He seemed to be in a wonderful mood, happy and content, and I prayed that it would remain that way for the rest of the evening.


That's another chapter done. I hope you enjoyed it.

Any predictions for what might happen next?

Once again, thank you so much for the votes/comments, I honestly can't thank you all enough for sticking with me and reading this far.

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