By aces_vbrt

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Want to escape reality for a while ? Welcome to my imagines! Here, you'll find all the characters Chris has... More

Steve Rogers
Johnny Storm
Steve Rogers
Johnny Storm
Ransom Drysdale
Ari Levinson
Colin Shea
my savior | curtis everett
hurt | ari levinson
it's you | jake jensen
dangerous mission | steve rogers
my little sunshine | lloyd hansen
merry christmas | steve rogers
never again | frank adler
the trial | andy barber ~ part 1
the trial | andy barber ~ part 2
the trial | andy barber ~ final part
love with flowers | cole turner
broken | johnny storm
my little family | chris evans
until death do us part | steve rogers
trust me - ransom drysdale
ma belle evangeline | nick vaughan
risky mission | lloyd hansen
my personal nurse | steve rogers
a little help | jake wyler
forever yours | andy barber
halloween | colin shea
thanksgiving | ransom drysdale
december's joy | cole turner
new year's miracle | ari levinson
jealousy | steve rogers ~ part 1
jealousy | steve rogers ~ part 2
toriis & cherry blossoms | cole turner
stuck in big thunder mountain | chris evans
celebration | chris evans
stay alive | colin shea
love on the high seas | andy barber
mr & mrs. waterson | lloyd hansen

in love with my boss | pete brenner

856 27 2
By aces_vbrt

“What do you need y/n ? I’m working…” I know he’s annoyed every morning so I try to stay professionnal.

“Sorry…” I put the papers on his desk and a cup of coffee.

“What’s this?” He raises his eyebrows and looks at me. Yep, kinda fucked up…

“It’s a coffee, black coffee with sugar, as you like. Have a good day, Pete.” I walk away and go to my desk. Pete is surprised about my gesture, he never receives coffee from someone. He’s always obliged to go grab this coffee alone, which when he came back to his office, it’s already cold. But this time, his coffee will be warm, thanks to y/n.

I see him smirk and drink his warm coffee. He goes back to work and seems less cold than this morning.

After a few hours, reading some files and correcting some of them. Pete is coming in front of my desk, with some papers.

“y/n, can I ask you something?” He leans, both of his hands on my desk.

“Yeah, sure. What is it ?” I stop what I was doing on my computer and turn my swivel chair to him.

“Umm, I have a problem with the babysitter for tonight. Do you think you can help me to keep my baby girl with you ?”

I’m a little upset about his question. I thought he would asked me on a date but no, he asked me to keep his daughter. After all, I’m only one of his employee. I’m nothing to him… I should stay focus on my job.

“Yeah, sure. What time should I be at your house ?” I take a post-it and a pen, and give it to him.

“7 PM sharp. Here’s the address.” He writes everything on my post-it and gives it back to me. “See you tonight.” He walks away and I sigh, putting my hands on my head.


I arrive at Pete’s house and ring at the security portal.

“Yeah, who is it?” I hear Pete and a baby crying.

“It’s me y/n.” I didn’t need to tell more when I see the security portal opening. The house is huge and there’s a lot of cars at the front of the house.

I get out of my car and go to the front door. I sigh and knock at the door.

“It’ll be okay, everything’s gonna be okay…” I tell to myself and take a deep breath.

A door is opening and I see Pete with a tie, stained with milk, his hair are messy, and I see a beautiful baby girl. She has the same eyes as him, she looks like him.

“Hi, come in.” I get inside and walk to the living room. His house is too big for me, of course I only have a little apartment. “This is Emma, my little sweetheart. She’s the only thing I still have. You say hi to y/n, baby?” She waves her little toy at me. I’m in awe.

He gives Emma to me and she instantly puts her head on my chest. I look at Pete who is surprised by Emma’s action.

“Well, she definitely likes you. The babysitter had a difficult time to bond with my little baby first, but with you, she already feels comfort.” He raises his eyebrows and undo his tie. “I need to change, can I leave you for a minute with her?”

“Yeah, sure.” He rushes to his bedroom and I stay with Emma in my arms. I rock her and she coos. Pete was right, she feels comfort in my arms and she doesn’t cry. I mean I love kids but my boss’ daughter? Well, I already fall in love with her and I have a crush on her father. What could possibly go wrong?

I look around the living room, looking at every pictures, one is drawing my attention. Pete is with a woman and they both look happy. I sigh and look at Emma, she smiles and giggles. I shake my head and kiss the top of her head. I look outside the window, the beach looks so tiny from here.

“See how the waves are going slowly Emma?” I whisper and points at the beach to Emma. “Do you think Dada will be okay to open the window for a few minutes to hear the waves?” She coos and I think it’s a yes. I open the window slowly with my free hand and take a breath and exhale.

“She likes the sounds of the waves and the rain.” I hear a voice and startle. I turn around and see Pete in a new suit and a new tie. “Sorry, I didn’t wanna scare you…”

“It’s fine.”

“I’m gonna show you Emma’s room.”

I follow him with Emma in my arms upstairs. She has a lot of plushies, a cradle which is very cute to see with some clouds on it, a big place to crawl in.

Pete shows me where the diapers are, the products in case she has something, he gives to me her pacifier, which I put on her mouth. We go downstairs and he shows me where the formula milk and the feeding bottles are.

“Well, I have to go. Thank you for tonight, I’m sorry if you had something to do but the babysitter without giving me a reason…”

“It’s alright. I had nothing to do for tonight. You can go relaxed, I’ll take care of her.”  I pat her back slightly and she giggles.

“I’ll be back at midnight.” I nod and he kisses Emma’s cheek. She puts her hand on his cheek, not wanting him to go. She starts to pout and cry. Pete walks away and closes the door. It breaks my heart to see her like this.

“Shh, it’s okay. Dada will be back, I promise.” I kiss the top of her head and rock her. She calms down a little and plays with my necklace.

I sit with Emma on the couch, play with her for a few minutes. She didn’t let go of my necklace. I think it’s a way to comfort herself for her dad not being here. I turn on the TV and put a cartoon for her. She bounces on my lap and I giggle.

“You like the cartoon, Emma?” I stroke her head and kiss the top of head.

A few hours later, I give her feeding bottle, pat her back to make her burp. She didn’t cry at all, she stays calm all night. I put her in her cradle but she didn’t wanna let go, she thinks I’m her mother, but I’m not. I’m only Pete’s employee and Emma’s babysitter for only a night.

I sigh and pick her in my arms. I walk downstairs and open the window to hear the waves. I lay on the couch with her on my chest and instantly she falls asleep on me. I smile and kiss her forehead. A few minutes after she fell asleep, I start to get tired and close my eyes.



I open the front door and sigh. What a shitty night, the worst date ever. I close the door and put my keys on the table.

“y/n?” I call her but no answer. I walk to the living room and see her asleep on the couch with Emma on her chest. I smile and put the blanket on them. I kiss Emma’s forehead and go into my bedroom. I change myself and put a shirt on me. I go to bed and doze off. 

I turn in my sleep and sigh. I open my eyes and rub them. I can’t fucking sleep…

I look at my phone. Midnight. I groan and put my phone back on my nightstand. I stand up and go to the bathroom. I pour some water and drink it. I can hear Emma crying but it stops. I walk into the living room and see y/n taking care of her. I smile and walk to the couch.

“I’m sorry, did we wake you?”

“No, no. I was already awake.” I sit next to them, Emma is drinking her feeding bottle and y/n is rocking her slightly. “She seems to adore you.”
“Yeah, I guess…” y/n says softly. “How was your night?” She doesn’t look at me, she’s still focusing on Emma.

“Not great… It was boring…” I sigh.

“You can tell me. My lips are sealed.” She puts the empty feeding bottle on the coffee table and pats Emma’s back.

“Well, the girl wanted me to F-U-C-K me before we ate. I said I wanted a serious relationship and a mother for Emma, but she got scared and run away.” I sigh and rub my face with my hands.

“I’m sorry you had a bad night.” She continues to pat Emma’s back and rubs it up and down slowly.

“That’s okay. I’m just happy to come back for my babygirl.” I kiss the back of Emma’s head. y/n smiles weakly and gives Emma to me.

“I should go…” She stands up and walks to the front door. I stand up with Emma in my arms and follow her.

“y/n, wait.” I whisper to avoid waking Emma. “How about you stay here tonight and maybe have a dinner with me?” I give her a small smile, waiting a positive answer from her.

“I don’t know…” She sighs and shakes my head.

“Come on, y/n, I wanna thank you for keeping Emma for tonight.” I can hear Emma cooing in her sleep. “And she loves you.” I whisper and y/n giggles.

“Okay…” She nods. I smile and kiss Emma’s cheek.

“I’m gonna put her in her crib. I’ll be back…” I go upstairs and put her in her crib. I give her my t-shirt and put it next to her. I grab another t-shirt and walk downstairs.


**Y/N’S POV**

I fidget with my hands, and try to stop my hands from shaking. I hear Pete walking downstairs and putting his t-shirt on himself. Damn those abs, I shake my head and focus on something else.

“She sleeps peacefully.” I nod and put my hands behind my back. He noticed it, and walked towards me. “You okay?”

“Yeah, I’m okay…” He grabs my hands and holds them.

“y/n, when was the last time you ate?” Pete frowns and looks concerned about my shaky hands. I look away and try to pull my hands away from his grip, but he won't let go until I respond. “y/n…”

“Since yesterday…” I sigh and lower. “I overworked too much and I just ate a cereal bar…”

His eyes go wide, he felt awful for her. He didn’t think she would work so hard until she skips her meals.

“y/n, I’m sorry…” He rubs the back of my hands with his thumbs and leads me to the kitchen. “Come on, you deserve a good meal.”

I sit on the stool and put my arms on the kitchen counter. I watch him preparing grilled cheese sandwich and putting salad on the plate.

“I know, it’s not gastronomy but I hope you’ll like it.” He puts the plate in front of me and gives me a small smile. I take a bite of the grilled cheese sandwich and close my eyes.

“This is so good.” He sighs in relief and I eat. After a few minutes, I finish eating and drink water. “Thank you…”

He nods and puts the plate in the dishwasher. He walks towards me and puts his hand on mine.

“y/n, I need to tell you something…”

“Oh no… Am I fired ?” I frown and look at him concerned. “If I did something bad, I’m so sorry…”

“No, I’m not firing you, relax…” I sigh in relief. “I have feelings for you…”

“Oh…” I can’t believe it. Does he saying that just because I kept his daughter ?

“And I know you have feelings for me too…” He smirks, slowly approaching my lips.

“Pete, we can’t…” I shake my head and walk to the window. “You’re my boss…” I put my hands on my arms.

“So ? I don’t care about people’s judgment. The moment you came working at my place, I felt instantly something for you. And you’re cute when you’re blushing.”

I sigh and hung my head. My hands start to shake again. He came behind me and turns me around to look at him. He puts his hand under my chin and makes me look at him.

“I love you y/n…” He whispers. He slowly approached my lips and kisses me softly. I moan into the kiss and put my hands on his chest. I pull back and put my forehead on his.

“We can’t…” I whisper and shudder.

“Yes, we can…” He cups my cheeks and strokes them with his thumbs. He kisses me again and wraps his arms around my waist. I wrap my arms around his neck and we kiss passionately. He lifts my legs to his waist and walks towards the couch. He puts me on the couch, starts to undress himself and I remove my shirt and my skirt.

“Wait…” I whisper.

“What’s wrong ?” He frowns and tilts his head.

“I never did it…” I hung my head and sigh.

“Really?” He raises his eyebrows, I keep looking at my hands. He puts his hand under my chin and makes me look at him. “Don’t worry, I’ll be gentle.” He kisses me passionately. I put my hands behind his head and moan.

I feel him going inside me, I winced and squeeze my eyes shut. I heard him saying sorry but I was in too much pain but then, when he starts to move his hips, I feel pleasure. I moan loudly but quickly put my hand on my mouth, he chuckles and kisses me passionately.

His movements were slow and soft, I feel great. When I feel his hand touching my ass, I moan and I go on top of him. I move my hips and put my hands on his chest, his hands were brushing my body until he puts his hands on my breasts.

“Oh shit, Pete…” I cry out and put my hands on his waist.

“You’re a good girl, you feel so good inside me…” He groans and sits up. He started to be rough and passionate.

“Pete… Oh god, I’m gonna-” I close my eyes and whispers.

“Come on, baby girl, let’s do this together.”

We were both close, then I moan and and grip his back tight with my nails, having an orgasm. I feel him release inside of me, I lose my grip and catch my breath. He pulls out and lies me on the couch. I shake like a leaf, he puts his boxers back, puts the blanket on me and goes grab a bottle of water.

He gives me the bottle and I drink.

“That…was…amazing…” I say between breaths. He strokes my cheek with the back of his hand.

“I’m glad you liked it…” He kisses my temple. “Let me take you to my room…”

“I can walk.” I say when I stand up but quickly sit because of the soreness.

“Come on, let me take care of you.” He picks me up in his arms and leads me to his bedroom. He puts me on the bed, put the blanket on me and kisses my forehead. He joins me and cuddles with me.

“I hope we didn’t wake Emma…” I whisper.

“Don’t worry, she’s gonna sleep for the night.” He says when he strokes my arm up and down with the back of his hand. He kisses the top of my head and snuggles into my chest. “y/n…”

“Yeah ?”

“I love you…”

“I love you too…” I smile and kiss him. After a few minutes, we both fall asleep in each other arms.

Emma slept all night. Well… Almost, after having her last feeding bottle which was given by her father. The next morning, I wake up with some strong arms around me and some babbling. I turn around and see Emma giggling and chewing her plushie. I smile, put her on my lap and hug her. I hear Pete groaning. He opens his eyes and sees y/n with Emma in her arms.

“Well, hello my beautiful girls…” He says with a croaky voice. I let Emma go from my arms and she crawls to her father. He picks her up and kiss her several times on her cheek. I blush about the new nickname. He leans over and kisses me. “Hello, sweetie…”

“Hi…” I whisper and smile.

“I was thinking… I would like you to come live with me and Emma… I know it’s too early for you that but I think she adopted you as her mother…” He looks at Emma who was chewing her fingers.

I kiss his lips and make him look at me. “I would love to…” I stroke his cheeks with my thumbs and Emma squeals. We both laugh and hug her tight. We spend everyday together, even at work. Well, no one knows our relationship but we like to keep secret.

I never thought that would be my new life. I was always thinking I would be alone, in an apartment, with a lot of cats and being crazy, but as the saying goes : never say never.

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