Lord Husband

By Jamespottersmommy

9.6K 251 26

You have no intention of marrying some random lord but your wishes can't stop your betrothal to Lord Stark Hi... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 1

1.9K 33 2
By Jamespottersmommy

"You look like an angel, my love." Rhaenyra says as the handmaidens pin back your hair but you don't feel like an angel; you feel like a pawn.

You have been meeting with suitors for nearly four moons and none have seemed to be good enough for you. Lannisters are too proud, Tullys bore you, and you can't stand a single person with the name Baratheon. Your mother said that she was showing you a great kindness in allowing you to choose, a kindness that she didn't appreciate enough when the young queen had the chance. You don't care. You know you are just like she was when she was younger. You often wear that with pride but you know what it means in this scenario. You're 'too stubborn to appreciate what has been given to you'. Rhaenyra gave you the opportunity but she was no longer patient. A husband had to be chosen.

"Winterfell is very far." Is all you say in response.

"Lord Stark is a good man. I would not have chosen him for you if I wasn't sure of it." She presses a kiss to the side of your head. "Just walk through the gardens with him. Get to know the man who will be your husband." She pets your hair in a loving manner. You can't seem to understand that she would only have the best for you, her only daughter.

You have yet to meet Cregan Stark but you already hate him, your betrothed, the man who will whisk you away from your family to the cold North. You resent the freedoms he is taking from you. You resent being separated from your family. You resent everything about him.

"He will treat you well, sweet girl. I know it." You stand up now, wrapped in a silk gown and decorated with jewellery like a lovely little present for him.

When you get to the gardens, he is already waiting for you with a blinding smile on his face. You have to admit that he is incredibly handsome. He is tall and his physique looks strong from years of training with the sword. A real Northern man.

"Princess, it is my pleasure to meet you. Our engagement brings great honour to my house." He walks over to stand in front of you and you let him take your hand up for a kiss, fighting the urge to roll your eyes.

"Lord Stark." Your voice is cold which seems to surprise him ever so slightly. You don't give him a chance to say much else as you begin to walk through the gardens, leaving him in your dust. He looks at you in a bit of a stupor before quickly following after his pretty betrothed.

"Would you like to take my arm, princess?" He politely offers his right arm to you. How proper.

"No." You say simply as he speeds up a bit to stay in step with you.

"No?" He looks a little confused but chalks it up to teenage girls being a little strange. You give him no other response so he makes another attempt at conversation. "Have you ever visited Winterfell?"

"No." He awaits to hear a sentiment of your excitement to see it soon but is disappointed when none comes.

"I am sure you will love it. It's beautiful when there's a fresh dusting of snow on the ground. I'd say it's the greatest place in all of Westeros but I suppose i'm biased." He grins, mostly to himself, and then looks at you, hopeful for more of a response.

"Hmm."  Is all you offer as a reply. Cregan finds himself dejected at his future wife's lack of interest and he tries his best to shake it off.

"It does get cold of course but you'll be more than warm enough in the castle. Most actually find it very cozy." He gives you another smile that likely has most women melting in a puddle at his feet. For some reason it just irritates you more.

"Dragons don't do well in the cold." Your curt reply makes him cringe. He can't understand what has given you such a sense of distaste towards him. Things are silent for a moment. He has no idea how to respond directly to your comment.

"Do you have any hobbies?" Another attempt it seems. The question makes you sigh. What a boring change of subject.

"We don't really need to speak." You shock him with your words, with your bratty attitude. He'd expected you to be entitled but he didn't expect you to be outright rude. He is a lord after all, the Warden of the North. He deserves some sense of courtesy from you.

"That is going to be difficult seeing as how we are to be wed." He scoffs and you begin to fiddle with the rings that decorate your fingers.

"The only thing you need from me in this marriage is to fill my belly with your heirs." You say. You know it's harsh but it isn't necessarily untrue. He seems to be taken aback slightly by your words.

"You don't wish to get to know the man you're going to marry?" He asks in disbelief. He seems like a romantic. You didn't think people of nobility were allowed to be romantics. Though, simply knowing your husband better is a sad definition of romanticism.

"You ask many questions." You roll your eyes and he does his best to hold his tongue and not say something stupid.

"And you answer practically none, princess." There was a bit of bite in his words. He clearly believes that you're acting like a spoilt child.

Awkward silence fills the space between you both. You wonder if he may apologise to you and he earns a bit more of your respect because he doesn't. It's quiet for quite some time and you try to walk faster so that you may get to the end of the gardens before he tries to make conversation again. He never does and it isn't long before the promenade comes to an untimely finish.

"Good day to you, my lord." Poor Lord Stark looks like he's rethinking all of his life choices when you say the words to him. What an ill fate for the man, marrying a cold Targaryen princess.

"To you as well, princess." You don't lift your hand up for him to kiss again and based on the fact that he looks like a kicked puppy, you know that he wanted to.

You leave quickly. You did your duty... technically. Your mother asked you to walk through the gardens with him and you did. Mayhaps you simply forgot about the getting to know him part. You wonder if he will retract his proposal, but who would ever retract a proposal to a princess? Maybe you're delaying the inevitable, maybe you're just full of old fashioned Targaryen spite but you have no wish to create a relationship with the man you're meant to marry.

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