Strike It Right (Louis Tomlin...

By CarolmSimon

86.3K 1.5K 128

Did you ever fall for someone you know you shouldn't, Tried hard to fight your feelings but you just couldn't... More

Strike It Right
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
*Finale* Chapter 33
The Sequel : My Lucky Strike
The Soundtrack

Chapter 22

1.7K 34 1
By CarolmSimon

>>>>Navishaa< <<<
I log in to facebook because I want to talk with Rick but in a second or even less a chat window from Maria jumps in front of my eyes.

Maria S.
I looked confused. She’s really excited about something.

Navishaa Marie

Maria S.
First of all, congratulations, my friend! You’re making us proud of you in every match! I won’t be surprised if you reach the final!

I smiled.

Navishaa Marie
Well, it’s still a long way to the final so I don’t want to dream about anything.

Maria S.
Maybe you’re right. But remember my words.

Navishaa Marie
Okay, boss :D

Maria S.
Anyway…what were you thinking about going on a date with Ronaldo? Yuck!!

I giggled.

Navishaa Marie
Probably I wasn’t thinking. He’s the same bastard as your lovely Louis :P

Maria S.
Hey! Don’t talk about him like that… He didn’t do anything bad to you as I know… or I don’t know something? :P

Navishaa Marie
I think that it’s enough what you know.

I don’t think she needs to know that he was in my bed when I woke up.

Maria S.
Anyway… everybody in my fan club doesn’t like the idea that you were in the restaurant with Ronaldo. That’s what they say: No for Ronaldo, yes for Louis! Or… we want to see Navishaa’s children running with England’s kit not with Portugal's. That one was superb. I even saved it in my files :D

I rolled my eyes.

Navishaa Marie
Geez Maria… you should tell those naïve people that between me and Louis won’t be any relationship after this League. I will come back home and he will come back to England. That’s it.

Maria S.
Sorry Navi but this time I don’t agree with you. Why he kissed you if he doesn’t feel anything to you?

Navishaa Marie
Simple… because he wanted to get in the line-up.

Maria S.
Who said that? Newspapers? You should know that what they say is not true :P

Navishaa Marie
Anyway, it doesn’t matter, Maria. Because he has got a girlfriend and I have… well I don’t have anything and I am ok.

Maria S.
Think again, Do you really feel okay lonely? I don’t say that you don’t have us or Rick… but everybody needs something more. And think if Louis is not that someone who could give you something more.

I just frown nervously and looked somewhere. She’s wrong… I want her to be wrong but she’s right… everybody needs something more. I sighed and looked back at the screen.

Navishaa Marie
Listen, I am going to the city. We will talk later, bye.

I typed to her and logged out of my facebook. I won’t go anywhere… just now I need some time to think. No, after all I will go to the park… the relaxing atmosphere I hope will help me.
I’m sitting on the bench and thinking about Maria’s word. I don’t need anyone… And I’m not alone like that. I will find something and prove Maria that she’s wrong. I looked through the park and found a lovely couple with wrapped hands walking on the path. Nope, they don’t suit… I turned my look away to a grandma sitting on the bench and softly stroking grandpa’s face. Not here also… I moved my look further and stopped at woman sitting on the bench all alone and reading a book. She doesn’t look sad. Ha! I found! But then… a man comes to that woman and they kissed each others on the lips and I roll my eyes and sigh. I still will find something. I looked over my shoulder when…

“Navishaa.” I heared very familiar voice and frowned. I quickly turn my look to that voice owner and find Cristiano Ronaldo standing in front of me. He should have left already.
“What are you doing here?” I asked nervously and quickly stood up from the bench “Your team left yesterday.”
“I stayed here because of you.” He says a bit shyly and I only raise my eyebrows and laugh. He looks at me strangely and I cover my mouth and giggle.
“Sorry… that was a good joke.” I say and faked a smile to him.
“Did you like my roses?” he asks and I look at him surprised. He sent those roses? Wooops…
“Um…no.” I say showing that I don’t neither his roses nor him.
“Listen, I really am sorry that I was such a bastard and I want to fix my mistake. Maybe let’s go to the city together?” he asks and I looked at him unbelievably.
“From what kind of tree you have fell?” I asked and crossed my arms on my chest “Do you really think that after all your playing with me I will still believe in you. Geez, Cristiano. You’re dumber than I thought.” I say and moved my look away from him.
“I wasn’t playing.” He says and I just rolled my eyes.
“Of course you weren’t.” I say sarcastically and want to pass by him when…

>>>>Louis< <<<
“Yeah. We’re playing tomorrow.” I said to Jessica on the phone who is asking about the match against Paraguay “I hope we will win.”
“Sorry, but I want you to loose.” She says sadly and I frown and stood up from the bed.
“Why?” I asked confused.
“Because I already want to see you and if you loose you will come back quicker.” She says and I softly smile.

“I miss you too.” I said and got to the window. I look through it at the park and found Navishaa. My smile becomes wider. But she’s talking with…Cristiano Ronaldo?! What?! She wants to pass by him when he grabs her arm and stops her.Cristiano turns to her and she just keeps standing. About what they are talking? Why he’s not at home like the whole Portugal’s team?
“Louis!” suddenly I heared Jessica shouting in to my ear and I shake my head and woke up from my thinking.
“Honey… Zayn needs my help quickly. I will call you later.” I said in a rush.
“Okay sweetheart. Go and help him.” She said and I hung up the phone. I quickly ran to put my shoes on.

>>>>Navishaa< <<<
“Leave me alone, Cristiano.” I said nervously and sighed “Go to your family and forget that I exist at all. I would lovely do that with you.” I said and got away from him.
“I will show that you’re more precious to me then they are!” he shouts and I just rolled my eyes once again and already enter the hotel when Louis runs out and stops in front of me looking strange.
“What did Ronaldo want?” he asks in a rush and I just glared at him.
“Nothing connected with you.” I answered to him coldly and this time successfully enter the hotel.
I came back to my room and laid on the bed. I hugged my pillow and closed my eyes. Not much has left… be strong and endure everything,  Navishaa I know you can do this…
The last training before tomorrow’s match against Paraguay is coming to an end and now it’s time for Mr. Garcia’s part and I just sighed. As always we stand in pairs and I stood in front of Louis.I look at him nervously and he looks at me the same. I still don’t understand why we have to be in pair if we don’t like each other.
“Now… move your hands in front of you.” Says Mr. Garcia and I do as he says “One from the pair turns his… or her palms looking up. The other has to slap with his palm to his... or hers…” I just rolled my eyes and sigh “…friends palms. But his friend has to remove them as quick as he can. Try it.” He finished and I turn my palms up and wait for Louis to slap me. I followed his hands moves but nothing so I impatiently looked at him.
“Will you do something?” I asked
“Will you answer my question?” he asks and I frown confused.
“What question?” I asked.
“What did Ronaldo want?” he asks and I sigh angrily.
“It’s not your business.” I responded and turned my angry look away from him.
“You’re falling to the same hole again.” He keeps talking but I try not to mind him “Or maybe in the bed he’s as good as in the field and you don’t care that he has family?”
He says and I glared at him. I bit my lip nervously and felt tears and anger coming to my eyes. Suddenly I strongly slapped him.
“You have no right to talk like this.” I said to him through my teeth with voice full of anger “You don’t know anything. All that should matter about me to you is my coaching and that has nothing to do with Ronaldo. Understand?”

>>>>Louis< <<<
I put my palm on the cheek to which she slapped and kept looking at her. She’s standing all angry with shining eyes. This time I didn’t say anything…

“Um… I think it will be enough for today.” Says Mr. Garcia and Navishaa nervously turns around and goes out of the stadium. I keep following her with my look when Gerard comes to me.

“Nice job, Lou.” He says sarcastically and I let out a nervous sigh.
Once again I didn’t control my mouth and hurt her…

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