Break Noses, Not Hearts • and...

By saltyysinagrams

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Kennedy Tremblay just finished her 3+2 program at the University of North Carolina in athletic training, and... More



202 2 0
By saltyysinagrams

Before the morning skate back home at PNC Arena, I had the unfortunate reality of doing my job and evaluating Andrei for his progress on his broken nose and concussion, which meant I had to arrive at the rink early.

I got out of my car, an iced caramel latte from Starbucks in my hand, and grabbed my backpack before tossing it over my shoulder.

Not long later, Andrei pulled into the parking lot in his sleek, shiny blue Malibu and in the parking spot next to where my car was parked.

So I wasn't the real bitch that I can be, I patiently waited outside of my car for Andrei to step out so we could walk into the arena together.

"Isn't it a little cold to be wearing shorts and a T-shirt?" I asked him as he stepped out of his car and opened the door behind the driver's seat to grab his hockey bag.

He glanced up at me and rolled his eyes. "Maybe for you," he giggled, tossing the bag over his shoulders, "this is warm compared to Russia."

He shut the back door and locked his car. We began walking to one of the back entrances to the arena, usually for the players, coaches, and other personnel that had permission to enter.

As we were walking side-by-side to the entrance, I felt Andrei's fingers slip between mine and he curled his fingers in between the openings of each finger.

I looked at him, eyes nearly widening as he was smiling back at me.

"Andrei...," I said as we were stopped in the middle of the parking lot, "we shouldn't be holding hands. Somebody could be watching."

Andrei glanced over his shoulder, then back at me. "Nobody's here yet. It's just you and I, and I haven't seen you in forever," he responded as his smile faded into more of a neutral expression.

I slipped up a small smile. "It's been a week and a half, Andrei," I told him, just in case he didn't know how long I was actually gone for.

"Yeah, a week and a half that went by without you," he said with a brief frown.

I stuck out my bottom lip. "Awh," I answered as I smiled again and curled my fingers against his, "I missed you too, Drei. Hopefully you'll be back on the ice for tonight against the Wild."

He chuckled as we continued walking to the entrance. "Tell me about it. It's boring sitting at my house doing nothing," he said.

I giggled as we approached the entrance and we let go of holding hands. Andrei opened the door for me, and I entered the building.

We headed down the hall and into one of the evaluation rooms.

Andrei set his hockey bag next to him on the bench and sat down. Meanwhile, on the other hand, I had set my backpack on the counter and went through my things for a thorough examination of his nose and concussion.

After putting on some blue latex gloves, I grabbed my necessary tools and walked over to the bench, setting the stuff down next to Andrei. I grabbed the little flashlight so I could see into his eyes for any updates on his vision from the concussion he suffered.

I put my hand on his forehead and tilted his head back. I put the light into his eyes, of course straining from the bright light into his deep, dark brown eyes.

"Have you noticed anything getting better?" I asked him as I turned the light off and set it back down with my other equipment.

He shrugged. "I mean, my nose isn't purple anymore. Plus there's no more bump," he said as he pointed to my nose.

I nodded my head, then gently put my fingers on the bridge of his nose. "It looks a lot better than when I left for the road trip," I told him. "You're a fast healer,"

I put my index finger on the bridge to his nose and applied some pressure on where it had fractured. "Does it hurt when I put pressure on it?" I asked him, gazing into his gorgeous brown eyes.

"No, there is a little pain but definitely not as much as before," Andrei responded. "Am I able to play now?"

I messed around with his nose some more before I took off my latex gloves. I smiled, and only Andrei knew what this could mean.

"Your concussion clears, and your nose is almost fully healed. I'd say you're ready to take the ice," I said, tossing the gloves in the garbage bin.

Andrei's eyes lit up in pure excitement as an ecstatic smile widened across his face. "Really?" he asked.

I nodded my head as I gathered my instruments that were sprawled out next to where he was sitting and being examined. "Mhm," I responded, walking back to the counter to put my stuff back in my backpack.

After I zipped my backpack up, I felt a pair of arms wrap around my torso and pull me backward. As I recognized the scent the person carried, a scent of cedarwood cologne-Andrei's signature-I accepted his hug with a warm heart.

"Hey," I giggled as I reached my hand up to his cheek and gently scratched it.

"Hey, beautiful. Thanks for taking care of me," he said into my neck, gripping onto my hips tighter.

I smiled as I moved my hand farther up his head, then brought his head down a little. "It's my job, Andrei. It's what I love to do." I told him.

He softly giggled. "I know. I'm just saying how much I appreciate you," he responded, then delicately planted a kiss on my lips.

I blushed as we let go of each other, a glint of amber sparkling within his deep, brown irises.

"Awh. Just doing my job," I said as I threw my backpack over my shoulder and grabbed my latte from the counter.

Andrei grunted as he lifted his hockey bag and threw it over his shoulder, then glanced at his watch. "Have you ever skated before?" he asked me as we walked out of the examination room, shutting the light off.

I looked at him in confusion. "I played hockey until my freshman year of high school," I told him as we started walking down the hall towards the different offices and the locker rooms.

"I think you've told me that before, have you skated recently, I think is what I meant to ask," he corrected.

I shrugged. "I mean...not in a while, no," I responded.

He chuckled, then stopped in the middle of the hallway, turning to face me. "How about we take a lap around the ice?" he asked, pointing his thumb toward the end of the hall that led out to the ice of PNC Arena.

I furrowed my eyebrow, questioning the validity and legality of doing what he asked. Would it be trespassing? He's a player for the team that uses the ice for hockey games, but what happens if your coach or another figure of authority isn't there?

"Are you allowed to do that?" I questioned, looking confused at him again.

"It's only not allowed if we get caught," he responded with a devilish smirk.

I rolled my eyes with a smile. "You really like being a brat, you know that right?" I asked him with a soft chuckle.

He deeply chuckled, crossing his arms. "Oh, I know, detka. You don't have to tell me twice," he responded. "I've got an extra pair of skates in my bag,"

"But your feet are bigger than mine," I told him, frowning as I looked down at my feet. "I won't be able to skate with you."

He chuckled again, unfolding his arms and put his hands on his hips. "You can stuff unused toilet paper or paper towels into the skates," he said as we walked into the Carolina locker room.

He set his hockey bag by his locker and unzipped the bag. He took out his main pair of skates for practices and games, setting them next to the bag. Then, after digging around for a little bit underneath his padding, he pulled out another pair of skates, practically identical to the ones he normally uses.

He gave me the pair of skates with a smile. "Try them on," he said, pointing at the skates that were just placed in my hands.

I frowned, then sat down where Brett Pesce's locker was. I slipped my shoes off, exposing my cute rainbow cat socks that were underneath.

Andrei chuckled. "Love the socks," he mentioned.

I rolled my eyes and slid on the skate for my right foot. Yeah, that was too big.

"Dude, you have like, three sizes larger than my foot size," I told him.

As if he knew I was gonna say that answer, he handed me some normal socks. "And these socks can help. Just stuff them into the skate," he responded.

I took the socks from him in confusion, hesitant about whether what baloney he was saying was actually baloney or if the scrunched up socks would help my feet fit better into the skate. To be honest, the skate fit fine, it was just the end of the skate toe was far from the top of my toes. Stuffing socks into it would work, at least, according to Andrei.

I slipped off the skate and scrunched up one of the socks, then stuffed it into the foot of the skate. I made it nice and compact in the toe, then slipped the skate back on. It fit much more comfortably, and it would be nice and tight with the laces tied.

"Huh. You're not so dumb after all," I joked as I looked back up at Andrei, who was taking his gear out of his red Hurricanes bag.

He glared at me with those devious brown eyes with a piercing smile on his face. "Say that again?" he asked, raising an eyebrow and widening his smirk.

My face painted red as he continued to stare at me like I had done something wrong to make him look at me the way that he did. Maybe what I said sounded better in my head, but sometimes Andrei needed to hear the truth about some things.

Okay, maybe a lot of things.

He turned his head away from me, still smiling.

I stuffed the other sock into the left skate and slid it on my left foot, feeling snug.

I reached over and tied the skates. Oh, how long it's been since I've tied a pair of hockey skates on my feet.

Andrei sat down and took off his shoes, then slid both of his skates on. While he did that, I walked around a little bit to bring back the feeling of walking on skates.

"Ready to go?" Andrei asked as I looked at the empty whiteboard with the layout of a hockey rink on it.

I turned around and saw that he had already tied his skates, even with the laces wrapping around his ankles like he normally would for practices and games. It was crazy to me how fast hockey players can tie their skates and they'll be good for the rest of the game.

"Are you sure this is a good idea? What if we get caught?" I asked him.

He chuckled, standing up and walking over to me, putting his hand on my shoulder.

"It's only wrong if we get caught, девочка." he said, taking my wrist and dragging me out of the locker room.

"Hey!" I exclaimed as we walked down the hall, Andrei still dragging me behind.

He looked back at me and smirked.

We exited the tunnel and the whole interior of PNC Arena came into view. The seats, the various banners hanging along the catwalks of the ceiling, the Jumbotron above the center face-off circle, everything was in view.

Just Andrei and I on the ice that would normally consist of five players and one goaltender from each hockey team, plus two linesmen and two referees. Players from both teams would be on their team's benches if they weren't playing with the administration from their coaches, or players would be on the other side of the ice in the penalty box as a consequence for drawing a penalty for their team. While skaters would chase after a small, rubber puck that they are all fighting for their lives for, a roaring crowd would accompany the game, all rooting for the home team to succeed and take down their opponent in three twenty minute periods.

The door to the ice was open. Andrei let go of my hand and stepped foot onto the ice, taking a lap around a small section of the rink. I stood there at the door, watching him glide with ease as the skate blades buried into the ice on each step, making a trail where he last skated.

He stopped by the door, making sure that he didn't spray me with the snow from his stop.

He held out his hand with a smile on his face. "If you're scared, just take my hand. I'll be sure you don't fall," he assured.

I looked into his eyes gently, like I had gained full trust for him. If he was telling me he wasn't going to let me fall, he wasn't going to let me fall.

If he was telling me he loved me, he loved me.

That's what a relationship is built upon: trust.

A sparkle glittered in his brown eyes, making me blush. I loosely put my hand in Andrei's, then stepped onto the ice.

I wobbled a bit, then Andrei took us forward slowly as I gripped his hand tighter.

"You're doing great, detka. Just keep gliding," he told me, then we began to turn left on the blue offside line.

As my brain started to get used to the ice and bringing back little bits of skating from when I played in elementary and middle school, I let go of Andrei's hand.

I smiled at him, then picked the pace up.

I took another left, then stopped.

Andrei skated over to where I was and crossed his arms. "You're a fast learner," he told me.

I giggled. "I know. But I've skated before," I responded, returning the smirk.

He rolled his eyes as he uncrossed his arms.

"So what do you want to do now?" I asked him.

Without a second to think, he slammed me into the boards, hands on my cheeks as his lips crashed onto mine. He tilted my head back, gripping onto the roots of my hair as he moved the other hand down to my hip and brought my body close to him.

Accepting his invitation, I parted my lips and let him feast on what I had to offer this morning, wrapping my arms around his huge, broad neck. Using my right hand, I grasped onto the roots of his hair and pulled it to signal him that I was accepting his pleasure.

Still smelling like his usual of cedarwood, he tasted like he had blueberry pancakes for breakfast. Andrei seemed like a guy who would eat anything blueberry-especially for breakfast. Then again, Andrei is more of a morning person in general.

"You're so..." I said in between kisses. I tightened my grip to his hair as he made his way down my neck and rested his lips on the base of my neck.

I moaned as his teeth dug into my skin, then trailed back up to my lips. Where he had left his mark was where my skin was exposed from the shirt I was wearing. How fan-fucking-tastic of him to give me a hickey right before practice.

"You're so what?" Andrei grumbled in my ear.

I moaned again as he held me closer to his body, feeling the muscles in his face tighten as he gritted his teeth.

"You're so hot," I breathily said as I held onto him tighter.

He deeply chuckled, almost like he was plotting something evil. "Tell me something I don't know." he responded, going deeper into the kiss.

I lifted my legs and wrapped them around his lower back, causing him to move his hands down to grip my ass to keep me from falling.

"Don't drop me," I told him quietly.

"I won't, detka. I promise."

I tightened myself around him as we continued to make out on the ice, something that only I could dream of happening until this moment.

Being with Andrei for these last few weeks made me realize that Andrei has made me as happy as I was with Dallas for two years. Maybe it was because Andrei actually cared for the other person and felt like it was a priority to make sure they were feeling happy and loved. Dallas only wanted sex. He only wanted bodies to fuck.

He began to skate backwards and away from the boards, still holding onto me.

I gripped the roots of his hair tighter, going deeper within the kiss to give him all that I got.

Once we broke apart after a few more moments, I buried my face into his shoulder as I held him tight, gripping onto his sweatshirt to keep me from falling.

"I love you," I told him, feeling an unwanted urge to cry into his shoulder as he held me like I was a huge baby.

He softly chuckled as he delicately kissed me on my forehead. "I love you too, detka. You're more than all I could ever want," he responded.

We held onto each other for a little while later before he let me back down onto the ice. Once the blades touched the ice, we headed back over to the open door and got off the ice.


For morning skate, Rod had quick releases and scoring on the top of his list of things to accomplish for the game tonight against the Minnesota Wild.

For the outfit today, since I had to be here early to evaluate Andrei's injury and progress, I just slipped my legs through a pair of black leggings and Andrei's red sweatshirt he gave me. He told me that I needed to give it back to him, but I'm never giving it back. He can manage!

I groaned as I laid my back down along the bench, stretching my arms and back with a subtle yawn.

As soon as I closed my eyes while I was stretching, I heard a familiar voice say, "No sleeping."

I opened my eyes as they squirted some water onto my face.

I groaned as I threw a towel at Andrei, who had a smirk on his face as he squirted some water into his mouth. "I'm not sleeping, I'm stretching," I told him.

He chuckled as he threw the towel back at me. "Right," he responded. "You always come with surprises."

I rolled my eyes. "Get back to practice," I told him.

"Demanding much?" Andrei chuckled, then squirted some more water at me before setting the bottle on the boards and skating back to the huddle at center ice.

I sighed as I looked up at the catwalks above the seats and concourses.

My phone buzzed in my pocket, so I pulled it out and noticed a text from Tatum.

tates 🫶

Do you have anything planned tonight after the game?

No, other than maybe relaxing. Why?

Austin and I owe you dinner after we gave you and Andrei shit about sleeping together and having sex. Since you're back, I think tonight or tomorrow would be fantastic.

You're apologizing? 😂

Yeah. We shouldn't have spoken like that, but that's what friends do, you know? lol

It's okay. I don't need dinner. I accept your apology.

No, we're taking you to dinner. Bring Andrei too.

Besides, Christmas is three days away. It's a Christmas dinner and an apology dinner.

What if Andrei and I can't do either?

Then we'll figure out a time. I know you and Andrei are busy most of the time, but we'll make it work.


I chuckled as I put my phone on my chest, still laying down on the bench. After being away from home because of the Hurricanes road trip, I realized that what Tatum and Austin were saying about Andrei and I was just a harmless joke because of our friendship. At the time, I think I was still overwhelmed by the hazing pain from having sex right as Andrei and I woke up, but now since I was fully aware and back in control of my feelings and emotions, I just jokingly brushed it off.

Since tonight's game started at 6:30 rather than the usual 7:00 start time, maybe there could be a little bit of time where we could go out for dinner? Not sure which fancy restaurants would be open at nine at night, but I also wouldn't mind going to a bar and grabbing a shot of UV Blue vodka or tequila. That depends on how this game goes, however.

Morning skate carried on injury-free, however, Coach Rod had to catch a conversation with me while the Canes filed out of the bench and back to the locker room.

"Are you and Svechnikov a thing?" he asks, setting his gloves on the boards so he could get a drink of water.

I felt my heart stop and my forehead started to sweat. I felt my face get warm to the touch, which only made my case even worse in front of the Carolina head coach.

It wasn't worth lying to him. I could lose my hard-earned dream job if Rod figured out that I was lying to him about my relationship with one of his players.

I sighed as he raised an eyebrow awaiting an answer, and I stuffed my hands into the pockets of Andrei's red sweatshirt. "Define 'thing,'" I told him, even though we both knew what he was talking about.

I glanced over at the tunnel and Andrei was watching Rod and I talking at the bench. Andrei looked at me in confusion, then I looked back at Rod.

He set the water bottle on the boards next to his gloves. "I mean that you two are dating. Boyfriend and girlfriend." he said, adjusting his red Hurricanes baseball cap.

Rod's brown eyes meet the gaze to my hazel eyes, expecting an answer to his question he asked a few seconds before.

I frowned, glancing back to the tunnel. Andrei was still standing there.

I looked back at Rod, who was looking to see where I was looking.

"I'm sure that says something, doesn't it?" Rod mentioned with a smile, as if he was actually chill about the trainer and his hockey player being in a relationship.

I chuckled as our gazes met again. "Yeah. Andrei and I have been dating since he broke his nose against Buffalo actually," I told him.

His eyes widened as he widened his smile. "Really? Wow," he said, glancing back at the tunnel.

I looked in his direction and Andrei was gone. We both look back at each other.

I chuckled again. "Yeah. I'm sorry if our relationship interferes with anything. I don't think Andrei has lost any focus, but if he did, I'm sorry," I said.

Rod looked at me in confusion. "No, I think you're saying the opposite. Svech has been amazing on the ice, at least from what I've seen in practice. It seems like he's a lot more comfortable and he's more aggressive when in possession of the puck. I'm excited about what he'll do tonight in his first game back," he said, then put a hand on my shoulder. "Keep on making Andrei happy. It might help us." he added with a wink and another smile.

I giggled as he took his hand off of my shoulder. "No problem. Anything to help the Canes win," I said.

Rod laughed. "Right. I'll see you tonight, Kennedy. Take care," he responded, then grabbed his stuff and went into the tunnel.

I watched Rod disappear into the tunnel, then I grabbed my stuff and headed out.

Since my office was down the hall past the locker rooms, I sat at my desk with my door open and opened my MacBook to look at some emails.

As I was opening and reading emails, there was a knock at my door. I looked up from my computer, Andrei standing by the open door with his red sweatshirt in his left hand.

"Yeah?" I asked, looking back down at my screen and continuing to read an email about a deal I could get for rolls of sports wrap.

Andrei set his stuff in the leather chair across from my dark oak desk. "What were you talking to Rod about?" he asked, tracing his finger along the backrest.

I glanced back up at Andrei, meeting his dark gaze. I sighed, closing my laptop halfway. "He was asking if we were dating," I told him, grabbing a pen from my ceramic pen cup of the Hurricanes mascot Stormy. I clicked the pen, then wrote something down on a Post-it pad.

Andrei deeply chuckled, crossing his arms. "Really?" he questioned, a smile on his face.

I nodded my head. "Mhm. He says we should continue dating because it'll help the team chemistry," I told him with a smile on my face.

His eyes widened, looking both intrigued and flabbergasted at the same time. "Oh really?" he said.

I giggled. "Yeah," I responded as I took the sticky note off of the pad and stuck it onto my laptop.

Andrei chuckled again. "That's funny," he said.

I closed my laptop fully and stuck it into its computer case. "Oh, I do have something to ask you, though," I told him.

"Hmm?" he responded as our gazes fixed on each other.

I smiled. "I was wondering if you wanted to go for a nice dinner after the game. My friend and roommate are asking. They say it's an apology for how they acted when you stayed over at our apartment," I said. "If it's not a nice restaurant, then I'm sure you wouldn't mind getting roused up on shots of vodka at a bar,"

Andrei hesitated, then returned the smile. "Depends on how I'm feeling after the game. But it's probably a yes regardless," he responded. "Where are they thinking about eating?"

I shrugged. "I dunno. I can send Tatum a text or I can ask her when I get home," I answered.

He nodded his head. "Right,"

I glanced at my phone, lighting up as a picture of Andrei and I laying in bed cuddling on that first day (or second, technically), bringing a smile to my face. The time read 11:47, and I was already thinking about tonight, especially since Andrei can play again.

I sighed as I stood up from my chair and grabbed my backpack and threw it over my shoulder. "What are you up to this afternoon?" I asked him out of curiosity.

Andrei shrugged. "Nothing much. I do have a few errands to run," he responded. "What about you?"

I chuckled. "Same here. Might take a little nap," I said.

He giggled as we walked out of my office and out into the hallway. We began walking to the back exit and out to the parking lot.

We stopped in the middle of the parking lot again like we did earlier this morning. We hugged, then he pecked my lips before separating again.

"I'll see you later," Andrei said as he put his hand on my head and messed around with my hair with a smile on his face.

I giggled, blushing as he continued to mess with me. "Yeah, yeah. Go do your errands," I told him.

He chuckled, taking his hand out of my hair. "Okay. I love you," he said, then delicately kissed me.

"I love you too. Bye now," I said, then we separated and went to our separate cars.


There were five minutes left in the second period, goose eggs for both sides. Both Minnesota and Carolina were playing really well, as well as being aware of how many penalties they were drawing. There were only two for Carolina that were eventually killed off by their penalty kill-a hooking minor by Jordan Martinook and an interference minor by Andrei Svechnikov. Minnesota, on the other hand, had one slashing minor by Matthew Boldy and the Carolina power play couldn't get anything done with the man advantage.

Rod sent the second line out consisting of Andrei at left wing, Jesperi Kotkaniemi at center, and Martin Nečas at right wing, to the ice to face off against Minnesota's fourth line. The defensive pair for the Canes were Jaccob Slavin and Brent Burns.

Upon the line change for Carolina, a miscommunication by Minnesota caused Jesperi to steal the puck amidst a pass and charged toward the Hurricanes' offensive zone. Racing behind Jesperi were Andrei and Martin, and the defensemen sat back in the neutral zone.

Andrei skated around Brandon Duhaime and Connor Dewar, creating a perfect angle for Jesperi to pass. Andrei caught the puck on his stick, then skated around the corner. Martin set up on the other corner, and Andrei passed the puck to him. Andrei skated behind the net, as Martin passed the puck back to Jesperi, then taking a shot at Minnesota's goaltender but it missed wide.

Andrei rebounded the puck where he was set up from when Martin passed the puck to the Finnish center, and scooped the puck up as he skated closer to the net, the puck sitting on the toe of the blade. He jabbed the toe in the top left corner of the goal, catching the goaltender off guard.

The goal horn blared as everyone in PNC Arena cheered, and of course Andrei had to show off his celebration for scoring the game's first goal and for another successful lacrosse goal. Nobody does it better than the man who did it first in the NHL.

Of course, I cheered extra loud in support of both the Hurricanes and for my boyfriend, who was one of the players and the one who just scored the goal. Rod noticed as he slipped a smile towards me, and all I could do was smile back.

The Hurricanes on the ice skated over to the bench and high fived the players on the bench, and as Andrei skated by, he looked in my direction. He smiled and winked, and I swear he mouthed something to me, but I couldn't decipher it.

Never change, Andrei. Never change. I thought with a smile as they took neutral ice again to take the face-off.


After a 4-1 victory over the Wild, I really could use a good dinner. I'm sure Andrei would too, considering he racked up a good three points from tonight with a goal and two assists. How about that for your first game back from a broken nose?

After a few minutes of waiting by his car, Andrei had walked out in the suit he came to the game in, looking as sexy as he always is-just bonus points because he was in a suit.

"Good game," I told him as I hugged him, wrapping my arms around his torso and holding him close.

He chuckled, planting a kiss on my forehead before we let go of the hug. "Awh, thank you. To be honest I didn't expect that lacrosse goal to go in," he said before we got into his car.

We both shut our doors, then Andrei started the car.

"But you still scored. On top of that, you got two assists tonight," I responded, lightly punching him in the bicep, which was rock-hard.

He chuckled again as he released the emergency parking brake before shifting into reverse. "How about that," he said, then backed out of the parking spot and exited the parking lot.

Using the GPS on his phone while playing some sort of Russian music in the background, we drove to downtown Raleigh where we were eating with Tatum and Austin.

We pulled into the parking lot, and immediately I noticed that Tatum's Audi was parked in the lot. Andrei didn't park far from the car.

"How excited are you for this...I dunno what you would call it," I asked him with a smile.

Andrei chuckled. "Excited. I'm starving," he responded as he turned the car off and took the keys out of the ignition.

I giggled. "Well, what are we waiting for?"

He beamed, then we got out of the car and headed inside.

The hostess was at her pedestal to greet us, then asked us if we had a reservation or if we were just sitting down.

"No, my friend has a table for four. Uh, Tatum Johnson?" I told her, then she nodded her head.

"Oh, yeah, for sure. Follow me," she said, then she led us to where Tatum and Austin were sitting in the back of the restaurant by a bar serving up tap beers and a variety of cocktails.

I smiled as Andrei and I slid into our seats.

"Hey!" Tatum exclaimed. "Welcome, welcome!"

I giggled as I nudged Andrei to ask what he wanted.

"Do you want to share a bottle of wine? I heard they have good wines here," I suggested as I grabbed the wine list and showed it to him.

He shrugged. "It doesn't matter," he said, looking at the menu below him.

I rolled my eyes with a smile on my face and looked at Tatum, who looked like she was gonna burst out laughing.

"How about the Domaine de Triennes Rosé? It sounds good," I told Andrei with another nudge.

He looked back at me and looked at what I was suggesting to him on the wine list. He nodded his head in approval.

"Sure. I'm not a huge drinker, but I'll make an exception," he said with a wink and a smile before looking back at the menu.

I giggled, then set the wine list back down and glanced at the menu. Immediately something that looked delicious was the variety of noodles and the sauces that came with them, nearly making me drool and all of the pictures.

I settled on one specific entrée: the mega cheesy fettuccine alfredo with a side dish of pelmeni stuffed with lamb.

As I was looking at the other meals the restaurant had to offer, our server came.

I looked up, and I felt the whole world stop.

That face. Those eyes. That haircut.

I felt my face redden and my blood started to boil. Tatum was looking back at me in a "are you kidding me" expression plastered on her face.

The server looked back down at me, then at Andrei, who was still focused on the menu. I wasn't even sure if he knew what he wanted.

He cleared his throat and took out his notepad, clicking his pen. "What can I start all of you off to drink?" he asked with a semi-professional, awkward smile as if he wasn't serving a table that included his new ex-girlfriend, her new boyfriend and her friend and boyfriend.

My eyes darted towards Tatum.

Her eyes slightly widened. "Oh, oh, we'll share a bottle of blackberry cherry wine," she responded, pointing at Austin, then at herself.

Dallas nodded his head and looked at me coldly. "And you?" he asked unemotionally.

I gulped. "Uh, we'll have the Domaine de Triennes Rosé," I told him as I pointed at Andrei.

He wrote down what I wanted, then sighed. "I'll get those out for you," he said, then walked away.

Once Dallas was out of sight, Tatum's jaw dropped.

"I thought he went to work in Charlotte," she said. "He's back in Raleigh already?!"

I shrugged, taking a sip of my ice cold water. "Guess so. Surprised he's working here. Not like he acted professional when we were together, nor when he broke up with me," I said, nearly snorting.

Andrei perked his over in my direction. He looked at me in confusion, raising an eyebrow.

Tatum softly giggled. "He misses you. You can tell," she mentioned.

I scoffed. "Maybe he should've thought about that before he dumped me," I responded. "And he picked the perfect day too. When I come home from the Hurricanes game after dealing with Andrei being a complete dickhead, he just says 'fuck you, I'm out', and dips,"

Tatum smiled. "Hey, at least you don't have to deal with him anymore. Besides, I'm sure Andrei is a much better replacement," she said.

Andrei looked over at Tatum across the table at the saying of his name. He perked up a little smile.

I rolled my eyes. "Oh, I would say Andrei's worse," I chuckled, glancing at him with a joking smile.

Andrei rolled his eyes in retaliation with a smirk on his face. "Well, excuse me," he said, slicking back his hair, letting some of the fringe fall on his face. "If I'm worse than your ex, then why are you still with me?"

Tatum and Austin chuckled.

I smiled with a soft giggle. "Because you're an idiot," I said, lightly punching him in the bicep.

"An idiot, huh," Andrei responded, taking a sip out of his condensating glass of iced water. "Where have I heard that before?"

Tatum softly giggled. "You and Andrei are so cute," she told me.

I playfully shrugged with a smirk. "I know. You know what else is cute? The debt I'm in," I responded.

Tatum's eyes widened. "How much do you have?" she asked.

I deeply chuckled. "A whopping $120,000 after financial aid and scholarships," I said, and then Austin's and Andrei's eyes widened.

"Damnnn," Tatum responded. "UNC does not play around."

"You're telling me. I make four figures while working for this Hurricanes franchise, and here I am eating at a five star restaurant with Gordon Ramsay making my beef wellington," I said. "Let's all move to Russia so we all can suffer,"

Andrei scoffed. "Is this some sort of joke?" he asked me as we looked at each other with identical smiles on our faces.

I shrugged. "I didn't mean it like that, Drei. Settle down," I told him, gently kicking him in the shin.

He kicked me back. "That wasn't very nice of you," he responded with a smirk on his face.

Dallas came back with our desired wine bottles and poured Tatum's and Austin's first. Before going to mine and Andrei's, I heard him growl underneath his breath.

"Well, that wasn't very professional of you to growl at your customers, wasn't it?" I sneered at him, our eyes locked on the other and his dark blue eyes glowed in retaliation.

He flared his nostrils. "Well, this wouldn't be an issue if you weren't here," he said, tightening his grip on the stem of the wine glass that he was now pouring for Andrei. "Especially with Andrei Svechnikov."

My jaw dropped and I smiled in disbelief. "Don't you dare bring Andrei into this. You broke up with me. We were done. I was a single girl thanks to your sorry ass," I responded, clenching my fist on the table. Andrei put his hand on my wrist to calm me down, but I couldn't calm down. I felt the urge to fight Dallas in the middle of this damn restaurant. I didn't care if I was going to go to jail for assault. Dallas deserved it after what he did to me when he dumped me.

"Yeah, but that didn't give you any permission to go on and fuck with him. Considering I was gonna ask for you back." he said, gritting his teeth as he tightened his grip onto Andrei's glass, probably getting to the point of almost shattering in his hand.

I scoffed, my eyes widening even bigger. "Oh, your little hookup didn't work out?" I asked, crossing my arms. "And I would get back together with another universe,"

Dallas took a deep breath. Oh, I loved now that I was under his skin.

"Can I have my glass of wine?" Andrei asked, and even he had a little sharpness of attitude in his voice either that he wasn't getting his wine, or that Dallas was our waiter who also turned out to be my ex-boyfriend before him.

Dallas's right eye twitched, then he gave Andrei that fakest professional smile that has ever seen this Earth. "Of course," he said, then set the glass next to the candle at the center of the table.

I smirked. "See, it's not hard to act professional," I snorted.

Dallas sighed as he began to pour my glass of wine. "What do you know about professional?" he asked. "You're the one hooking up with the players on the Hurricanes."

My eyes widened in disbelief again. "Actually, I'm not hooking up with any of them. I'm dating all of them. Andrei's just who's on call for dinner tonight, then it's Sebastian Aho tomorrow," I responded, trying to match his energy. Of course, Austin and Andrei thought this whole conversation was funny, moreso Austin because he knew how full of shit Dallas was. Andrei, on the other hand, thought it was hilarious that I came up with such a comeback to Dallas's remark.

"Wow, you're so funny." Dallas responded, nearly slamming my glass of wine onto the table. "Now what can I get for all of you to eat this evening? Other than your boyfriend's cum after this dinner."

I giggled underneath my breath. "How professional," I muttered with a smirk.

"Kennedy, shut the actual fuck up. I'm sorry for how much I hurt you from breaking up with you. When I broke up with you, I didn't give you permission to go after anyone else, especially Andrei. I just want you, and now you shattered my heart even more into a thousand pieces after I had to witness you and Andrei together at this table." Dallas responded, slamming the notepad onto the table. His face was as red as a ripened tomato.

I rolled my eyes. "Maybe you should've thought about that before you broke up with me," I said.

He gritted his teeth tighter. "Ken-"

"Leave her alone," Andrei said as he stood up from his chair. "She's not getting back with you. You had your chance and you wasted it."

Dallas scoffed as he looked up into Andrei's flaring, brown eyes. "You don't scare me, Svechnikov." he retorted, although I could see sweat start to form on his forehead as Andrei towered over his height of being only 5'7 while Andrei was 6'2.

"Then leave her alone and you don't have to deal with the consequences. Just take our damn orders and drop the conversation." Andrei responded.

Dallas scoffed again as the two men continued to glare at each other, tension building between them.

Andrei blinked, then headed back to his chair and sat back down.

Dallas took another deep breath. "What can we serve up for you on this lovely evening?" he asked, and I'm assuming this was the script that he was supposed to go by when taking orders and to not be a complete asshole.

We all told him our orders and what we would like with our main entrées, then he headed back to the kitchen to tell the chefs what was next to cook for the busy restaurant.


Andrei and I walked out of the restaurant together after having a delicious meal, fingers intertwined within each other's. Once we stepped outside, we took a glance at each other and smiled.

"You two are literally so freaking cute, it's not even funny," Tatum said behind us.

Andrei and I glanced back, hands still in each other's, and we widened our smiles.

"It's almost like we were meant to be," Andrei told her, which made my heart flutter and my stomach churn in a positive way. He looks back at me, and a calming glint of amber sparkled in his deep brown eyes with his handsome, bright white smile.

Tatum giggled, then the couples walked back to their separate cars that they rolled up to the restaurant in.

"Okay, I'll see you back home, Kennedy. Don't get freaky in the car now," she giggled with a wink.

I opened the passenger door to Andrei's Malibu and rolled my eyes. "You and your jokes," I responded, then Andrei and I got into his car.

He shut the door and started the engine. "That dinner was good. So was the wine," he said, looking back up into my gaze.

I nodded my head in agreement. "The pelmeni was good," I mentioned as I brushed some dirt off of my nail. "And so was everything else," I added with a soft giggle.

Andrei chuckled. "I'm glad you liked the dinner. Maybe we should go out to eat again sometime. Just you and me," he said, putting his hand on the shifter.

"That sounds awesome," I responded.

He softly chuckled again before shifting into reverse and backed out of the parking spot that he was in. We were then starting our journey back to PNC Arena so I could drive myself back to the apartment.

While we were driving down a busy highway lit by light posts and the headlights and taillights of other cars, I looked out of the window and took in the sight. I've always loved driving at night, just not in the rain. Driving at night in the rain is my worst nightmare-especially when you have severe astigmatism. That makes me want to curl up in a ball and cry.

I sighed as Andrei stopped at a streetlight.

"Everything okay, detka?" he asked in a soothing voice, glancing at me looking out the window slouched over.

"Yeah," I responded, watching the cars perpendicular to our street go on their green light.

I felt his hand gently brush against mine before he interlocked his fingers between mine. I turn my head to look at him with a little smile on his face.

I glanced out the windshield and noticed the light had turned green.

"The light's green," I giggled as I pointed to the streetlight, and even a car honked its horn.

"Oh, дерьмо!" he exclaimed, then stepped on the gas. The car revved its engine as he caught up with the other cars at the same light, leaving the ones behind us in the dust.

I giggled again as he eased off of the gas and drove at a safe, monotonous speed. His eyes glanced back at me again, perking up another small smile. His dimples were an extravagant compliment to an already head-over-heels smile.

He tightened his grip in my hand as he continued to drive down the street, then before we knew it, he pulled into the player's and staff parking lot to PNC Arena, where my Toyota RAV4 was the only one left in the lot.

He parked his car next to my vehicle, turning the car off.

He looked at me, resting his arm on the center console separating the two of us.

"I mean it with all of my heart when I say that I love you. I love you more than what I can give to you. As much as it sounds bad for me to say this, but thank God that your boyfriend of two years broke up with you. I really wanted you to be mine and only mine ever since I laid my eyes on your gorgeous face. Nothing compares to that deep desire that I wanted for you to be mine. My Kennedy. My love for you is more than what I can contain within my body," Andrei said, gently brushing his hand above mine again.

My face reddened at his kind maxim that he recited, something that I had never really expected from someone who natively spoke Russian. It was more than adorable, more than affectionate, and it made me feel a weird feeling that exceeded the power and feeling of being loved.

I smirked, completely and fully processing his concise statement. "If you loved me more than what you can desire, why don't you prove it?" I asked him, leading onto the huge ego of his.

He scoffed, taken aback by such a question. He slipped a little eye roll, then moved his hand from gently rubbing against the hand on my thigh and rested it on my warm, tender cheek. "Your wish is my command," he responded, then our faces together for a smooth, affectionate, and pretty damn awesome kiss.

As my lips parted to accept his invitation to numb my mouth with his affectionate, stinging kiss like a hornet, I felt my stomach fill with butterflies as we continued the smooth rhythm. I reached over and put my right hand on his cheek, pulling him closer within to push him deeper.

He let out a little, squeaking moan, then reached over and put his hand on my back, heaving me forward.

"Mhm," I moaned as he brought me forward in his control, letting him know that I was enjoying his company.

He softly chuckled, almost coming out like a grumble. "I'm glad I get to call you mine-and mine only." he said, then moved his hand down my back to where it was resting on the crest of my hip, gripping onto the cheek to where my hiked up cocktail dress stopped.

I smirked into the kiss, then returned the move back to him and let my hand fall down his chest and down his abdomen, following the tie down. I rested my hand on the buckle to his belt as I tugged the roots of his hair.

Andrei grunted, squeezing my ass cheek tighter as he went deeper into the kiss to the point where he was in the deep end.

"Make me scream your name if you loved me so much." I demanded, and fuck my life that I was getting horny in his car. I needed to get home, but no, I was going to have to fight this female boner I was getting from Andrei being more than so damn hot.

"Oh, so we're going to repeat that day we woke up together?"

"Guess so. Bring it on, you Russian cunt."

Andrei deeply chuckled as he reached behind my back and fingered for the zipper to my dress. He pulled the zipper down, unzipping the back of my dress. While he was doing that, I was undoing his belt and slipped it out of the holes of the bottoms and that went to his suit. I dropped it in the back behind his seat, then proceeded to unbutton his pants.

He broke away to slip the top of his suit off, leaving him in his white undershirt and blue, white-speckled tie.

He threw it onto the floor behind our seats before bringing our faces together again to continue our seductive kiss.

After I undid his tie, I began to unbutton his white undershirt, top to bottom. I had slipped my arms out of the spaghetti straps to my dress, so as I unbuttoned his shirt, one of his hands rested on my upper back and the other one slid through my hair and he took a chunk of it with his tight grip.

Once I got to the final button, pulling the tucked portion of his shirt out of his pants, I separated the two sides and witnessed the sexy abdomen that he had, complimented by a drooling six-pack that he carried. I guess that's what being a professional hockey player does to you.

"Holy fucking shit," I awed, feeling my face get warm and my jaw dropping. I think I might've drooled a bit, too.

He smirked as he slipped his arms out of the shirt and added to the growing pile we had in the back behind our seats. "Someone likes what she sees," he deeply chucked, grasping onto the ends of my dress and pulling it upward against my body.

"It's not my fault you have the muscles and a six-pack from a god," I told him as he took my dress off, slipping it off of my head.

He looked at my now freed and exposed breasts, something he's seen before. Besides, now he's got to take off my black laced underwear from Victoria's Secret to get closer to heaven. Not like he's seen that before, either.

He kissed me again before slipping his pants off. Now we both were in our underwear, but it was hotter when you could see the erection he had in his boxers.

"Someone's hard," I giggled as I put my hand palm up against his testicles, rubbing them slowly in my fingers with a smirk on my face.

His face reddened like a ripe cherry tomato as I continued to stroke, planting a kiss delicately onto his lips like a soft feather landing onto a surface.

"Do you have a condom on you by any chance?" Andrei asked as he broke away. A glint of malice sparkled in his deep, chocolate brown eyes as he perked up another smirking smile.

I looked at him in confusion. "Why are you asking me that question?" I questioned, furrowing an eyebrow.

He blinked, looking at me like he had seen a ghost. The color vanished off of his previously reddened face, causing an alarm to go off in my head. I'm not sure what it was exactly for, but Andrei didn't look too good for my liking.

"Andrei?" I asked him.

He shook his head, then the color came back onto his face. Thank goodness.

"Huh, sorry. I just don't have one, I was hoping you would have one on you or in your car by any chance," he said.

I raised my furrowed eyebrow. "You'd think I would have a male condom in my car? You are stupid," I chuckled jokingly.

Andrei rolled his eyes. "I'm not stupid, I'm just making sure I don't do stupid things," he said. "I guess we got undressed for nothing."

I pursed my lips to make an "O" shape with my mouth, looking surprised that Andrei would give up so quickly. He wouldn't give up this quickly if he was on the ice playing hockey.

"I...we can still have sex, if you want to of course. You just can't, you know, do it inside of me," I chuckled, hopefully cheering him up. "I also take birth control because Dallas forced me onto them. Plus I have wack ass periods."

Andrei furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "I really didn't need to know that, but okay," he giggled.

I rolled my eyes. "Just in case you wanted to know why," I responded.

He deeply chuckled. "I suppose I can manage," he said, then placed his hand on my cheek again and brought me in for another rough kiss that would spark the momentum for the rest of the night.

I crawled over to the driver's side of the car as he fixed the seat all the way back so I could have room. He cranked the backrest back to the maximum obtuse angle it could produce, and by my calculations it was probably one hundred seventy degrees. Not exactly one eighty, but it's what we got for having sex in the car.

Besides, I think I deserved it after going through that hell in the restaurant having to meet and talk to Dallas as our waiter.

"Your makeup covered up that red mark I left on you earlier. That makes me sad," Andrei said as he glanced at the hickey that he gave me earlier today.

I rolled my eyes. "You really thought I was going to have the whole Hurricanes team see the mark and especially Tatum and Austin while we were eating? Yeah, no," I told him. "I choose life, Andrei."

He chuckled. "I wouldn't care. Make them know that you're taken by the best guy in the whole world, and more than you could ever ask for," he responded, letting our hips grind against one another as I rolled them on top of his growing bulge.

"Yeah, but they don't need to know that we're a thing. I'm gonna hear about it left and right while I'm trying to do my job," I said, putting my hands on the back of his neck.

"But Pyotr knows," he responded.

I rolled my eyes again, smirking. "Yeah, and I don't have any beef with Pyotr. Especially since you two are close friends," I told him. "My problem is with either Martin or Seth."

"What's wrong with them? Seth especially," Andrei wondered, putting his hands gently on my hips.

I shrugged with a sigh. "He has a very eccentric personality. I just don't want him to accidentally slip something out about you and I if I told him anything," I responded. "Martin's just been on my ass ever since you asked me to get coffee with you,"

Andrei nodded his head. "Yeah, he's been asking about our relationship too. It's kinda hard to ignore him since we skate on the same line with KK," he said, slowly rubbing his hands along my hip line and into my lower back.

"Jesperi seems cool, though. He's nice to me, well, most of the time," I chuckled as I tucked a lock of his hair behind his ear.

He softly chuckled. "The Finns are nice in general. Teuvo's the one you gotta watch out for," he giggled.

I rolled my eyes. "I think the real one that you need to watch out for is Andrei Svechnikov. The guy likes to throw people into the boards and really likes to get underneath people's skin," I said, which caused Andrei to blush and perk up a wider smile.

He rolled his eyes. "I heard he likes to be an asshole too. At least, that's what his teammates and friends say," he added.

I giggled, booping him in the nose with a smirk. "I think it's more than just being an asshole," I said.

He chuckled. "We'll see about that," he responded, then put his fingers gently on my chin, bringing our mouths together again.

I moved my hands down his abdomen and rested them on the elastic to his boxers, gently tugging at them to let him know that I was itching to get the ball rolling.

I thrusted my hips forward, rocking against his motion. I went deeper within the kiss as Andrei slipped his hand underneath the fabric of my underwear, letting his hand move about on my bare cheek.

Goosebumps traveled down head-to-toe as he moved his hand down farther. I let out a breathy moan in the kiss, only causing him to claw his fingers onto the cheek.

"Take it off." I told him.

He looked at me in confusion. "Are you sure?" he asked. "I don't want to-"

"No. Take my underwear off," I interrupted, then smiled. "If you really love me."

His eyes lit up in excitement as a seductive smile appeared on his face. "Oh, you know I love you, detka," he said, then moved his hands to grasp onto the sides of my underwear and he slid them off of my pelvis and helped him by taking my legs out of them. He tossed them in the back, and now I was fully naked in front of him for the second time in less than a month.

I giggled as I slipped his boxers off of his pelvis and out of his legs, becoming fully exposed to that dick of his that was compared to his huge ego.

I wrapped my fingers around his shaft, then crawled my way down to get into a good position to begin pleasuring him to no tomorrow. I spat a wad of saliva onto the dark pink tip that was already oozing with precum.

I motioned my hands up and down a few strokes, getting everything nice and wet before sticking the thing into my mouth, one section at a time. I took it out of my mouth and looked up at Andrei, who was looking like he was going to have a seizure just by the way his eyes rolled to the back of his head. He put a hand onto the side of my head as I stuck it in again and gripped onto the roots of my hair, begging for more and no mercy.

"О боже, черт возьми," he moaned, letting out a wistful cry. "Don't stop that...that...that feels so good."

I giggled as I pumped some more times before sucking again. "You taste good," I said, just taking the tip into my mouth.

He chuckled against the vulnerability I was putting him under. "Can't wait to see what I taste like," he responded.

I smirked. "I can grant that wish," I told him as I made my way back up to him and kissed him.

He reached over and spun me around as we continued to kiss, then lifted my right leg and lined himself up to my vaginal opening. Man, no head or foreplay for me? Damn.

He put his left fingers on the nub of my clit, still sucking my mouth dry from anything that had just entered. He moved his fingers in slow, circular motions, causing my mouth to drop while in the middle of such a heated kiss. I opened my eyes and met Andrei's brown eyes filled with malice and hatred, then he glanced down at what was below us. He looked back up, then went faster in those circular motions as before.

"Oh my God," I moaned, and before I could catch a breath, Andrei kissed me again. As he pressed his lips against mine, which were littered in his saliva at this point, he stuck a finger inside of my vagina and curved it. He proceeded to go in and out inside, moving his finger inside around my most vulnerable spot inside.

He groaned as he held down my other leg that was squirming in retaliation to his fingering, holding me close and secure. He pressed his mouth up to my ear, and I thought I heard a subtle growl in his voice.

"Bet your ex-boyfriend couldn't do this as well as I can," Andrei said, going faster, which means I moaned louder.

I let out a cry as I could feel my vagina pulse against his fingers hitting every sensitive crevice inside of it. "Fuck, Andrei, you're so good," I moaned, reaching up to grasp the root of his hair and tug on the fringe.

He deeply chuckled. "Tell me something I don't know, detka," he said, slowing down his pulse, then hiking it back up to no remorse.

I cried again, causing him to kiss me again to muffle the wailing, vulnerable cry.

I tightened my grip on his hair, my body's response to the growing pain down where the sun doesn't shine.

"Keep going," I gasped, using my other hand to claw against the door, "don't stop. I'm so close," I said into his ear.

"Mhm, yeah, come for me," he groaned, going faster. "I want you all over me."

I wrapped my arms around him, holding onto him tight as I buried my face into his bare chest. He still had a scent of sweat that was present, but that didn't come to any surprise since he just played a hockey game a few hours ago.

I cried again as I was reaching a pleasurable climax, so he pulled his fingers out and rubbed them at a quick pace on the lips and clitoris.

"Fuck...," I moaned loudly, but it came out as a wailing cry.

He kissed me again to muffle the screeching cry, adding a hint of "mhm" to the kiss.

My jaw dropped, my hips bucking forward as I could feel liquid spewing out of my throbbing vagina, and then he stopped. He looked at me dead in the eyes, a rush of evil and malice in those deep, brown eyes of his; I knew I wasn't going to get out of this one without even a light bruise.

He licked his fingers, sucking on every one, then smiled at me. "Your taste pleases me again," he said as I adjusted myself to get into a comfortable position on top of him.

I deeply chuckled as I got myself lined up in a good spot to prepare myself for the future endearing. "Happy birthday," I responded with a smirk as I wrapped my fingers around his shaft.

Andrei rolled his eyes with a wider smile. "My birthday isn't until March," he said, as if he didn't get the joke.

I did a little shrug, smirking. "I know," I responded, then lowered myself down onto him, my jaw dropping to take it all in.

I leaned forward and wrapped my arms around his neck. I breathed into his collarbone, taking in that sweat stench he had. It didn't smell the best, but it smelled heavenly because it was Andrei who carried it.

My jaw dropped again, squeezing my eyes shut. "Oh, fuck, you feel so fucking good," I moaned.

"I can say the same about you," he responded, putting his hands on my waist and helping me bounce up and down on him.

I lifted my head from where I rested it on his collarbone and looked at him with an innocent expression, noses nearly brushing against the other.

He delicately placed a kiss on my lips, then tucked a lock of my hair behind my ear. He smiled, but this time it wasn't seductive in any way or that he was going to fuck me until I became paralyzed. Though that might be coming up soon.

"Let's have some fun, shall we?" he asked, and abiding by his command, I went faster and harder, echoes of the slapping skin being heard all around the car over the subtle noise of the Russian pop he was playing.

I moaned again as he forced me to grind my hips along his pelvis, making me feel the very tip mangle all of my organs inside.

Leaning back and gripping the edge of the door and the edge of the dash, I bounced as he forced himself to thrust upward. Of course, this hurt like manic hell, but oh was the orgasm going to be worth it.

However I went from being an intern for the Hurricanes organization to become one of their future athletic trainers to now being one full time and dating (and fucking) one of their players all within one year is crazy. Yeah, is this morally wrong? Sure, but who cares about morals these days? We live in a world where everyone can do everything they want. Sometimes that puts you in jail or prison or even heaven above, but that doesn't stop other people from doing or doing it again yourself because you seem to have some kind of thrill or pleasure in doing the activity.

And as long as the head coach of the Hurricanes is okay with my relationship with Andrei, then why would it be considered "unlawful?" If he was married, obviously I could see why it would be unlawful, but considering both of us were single, we decided to try something out.

And in the end, it's working out.

I licked my fingers and put them on my clit as we continued to make his car our own amusement park, rubbing them at my own pace to give me the post pleasure.

"Holy fuck," I moaned. I think my eyes rolled to the back of my head at the time I said that. I was in excruciating pain, but it felt so fucking good that I couldn't stop.

He deeply chuckled. "Someone likes it," he mentioned as he raised an eyebrow with a menacing smirk.

I scoffed. "In your dreams," I responded with an eye roll complimented by a smile.

Once I got done riding him, we switched places and so now I was the one on the seat. He slid in without hesitation, then pinned his forearms next to my head when he bent forward after the first thrust.

He grunted as he gave me a vulnerable smile, sweat starting to form on the sides of his head and his teeth gritted. He then used his hand and brought our lips together for another affectionate and rough kiss, letting the fringe of his hair brush on my forehead as he thrusted harder and faster into me.

I let out another subtle, wailing moan as his lips brushed against mine after briefly breaking away.

"You'," I gasped, gripping the rough skin on his back and scratched it to leave a mark of my own.

He grumbled as my nails dug into his skin, kissing me again. "So good? I'm more than good, detka. You haven't seen anything yet," he said, moving his hand down my cheek, then down my chest and eventually making its way to my pubic area.

His thumb gently rubbed my clit in up and down strokes as he continued to go deeper and harder. My back arched as he sped up the pace of the rubbing, making me let out a breathy moan.

"Oh, fuck, right there, Andrei," I said, putting my hand up to touch his chest.

He smiled. "Yeah?" he responded, going faster. "You like that?"

"Mhm," I squeaked as I squirmed around more in retaliation to his thrusts and rubs.

He put his other hand on my stomach to hold me down. "Quit moving," he demanded quietly.

I moaned again. He was just too good at what he did; it made me speculate that he's done this before with somebody else before we started talking. Maybe his ex before me?

He groaned again, and at this point he was whimpering. He sure had low stamina, but perhaps this was from the hockey game earlier and we did just eat a nice dinner with a few glasses of bougie French wine, along with the rock-hard boner he had just from kissing. It didn't bother me, I just wanted to get this done and over with before going back home.

Imagine what Tatum would say about me coming home looking like a wreck when we left the restaurant still glowing in our cocktail dresses. Now I'm probably going to go home in Andrei's sweatpants and sweatshirt that were sitting in the back untouched. She'll connect the dots pretty quick.

He leaned forward again and pressed his lips against mine. I slipped my fingers through his hair, tugging onto the pieces as he continued to rearrange all of my organs.

I moaned again as he groaned into my ear, going faster to fight his eventual climax.

"Do you want me to come for you?" he breathily asked, thrusting into me with more force.

I cried, brushing my fingers along his rough-textured skin and warm back. "Yes, please, oh, Andrei," I moaned.

He deeply chuckled. "I love it when you moan my name, detka. It makes me happy to know that I'm yours and only yours." he told me as we locked eyes, his brown eyes flaring with envy.

My eyes widened as I could feel my climax reaching closer and closer.

"I'm so close," I cried, feeling the pain worsen. "Faster," I panted.

Abiding by my command, he goes deeper and faster, moaning at every thrust inside.

"Yeah?" he asked, rolling his hips against mine.

I nodded my head, fighting back tears, then I felt a sudden jolt in my spine.

I arched my back, holding onto him as I let out a screaming cry. He let out a loud groan as we both had reached the highest point of our relationship so far, then my eyes widened as I had realized what he had just done.

As he was pulling out of me, I pushed him off of me with a painted red face that quickly changed to anger rather than pleasure. "What the actual fuck did you just do?!" I yelled, sticking my fingers down to the lips and scooped up a white colored drop of semen.

His eyes widened and his face became ghostly white when he realized what he just did.

I moved my eyes back up to meet his eyes filled with guilt and regret, still speechless.

"That's not good," he muttered.

I scoffed, rolling my eyes with an annoyed and angry smile. "You are an idiot." I said, wanting to yell, then reached over to grab my underwear in the backseat and slipped them on. I grabbed something, maybe it was sweatpants, then one of Andrei's sweatshirts. I grabbed my purse and dress, then I got out of the car, slamming the door shut so that he would notice my frustration at whatever the hell he just pulled. I walked to my car and unlocked it, then got in, once again slamming the door.

I slipped the huge sweatpants on me, then put the sweatshirt on. Boy, did it reek but I had nothing else. It was cold out in Raleigh, and there was supposed to be snow in the forecast. How fantastic. At least it'll be a good Christmas this year.

Not like I'm going to be the one with a good Christmas now that I had the unwanted possibility of being pregnant. He had one job, and he fucked everything over.

I started the vehicle, lifted the emergency parking brake, and shifted into reverse to back out of my parking spot. As I was backing out, looking into both my mirrors and looking over to the back window, Andrei's agonized and guilt-filled expression came into view from the light emanating onto his head, like he knew what he had done and wanted mercy.

Mercy when you might now be a father due to your mess-up? Yeah, no.

I zoomed past the other empty parking spots and left the parking lot, beginning my journey back to south Raleigh back home.

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