Home Alone in Fleet Street

By xxThistleThornxx

34 2 0

This was a funny thing I thought of while watching one of the awful remakes of Home Alone and I thought "hm... More

Home Alone in Fleet Street

34 2 0
By xxThistleThornxx

It was a snowy day in London. The town was covered in a thick blanket of snow and Christmas was coming up in a week which means people are buzzing through the streets and filling up the stores trying to look for the perfect gift for their loved ones while others make up plans to go traveling and visit family, or go on a nice winter vacation.

That is exactly what a small dysfunctional family in a small pie shop has planned to do. A woman by the name of Eleanor Lovett, or Nellie for short, has been trying to convince her neighbor, Sweeney Todd, a barber who lives above her, to take a trip by the sea with her along with his daughter Johanna and her now husband Anthony with their children Sofia and Adam. But for a while he would always refuse, but at last a week ago he finally said yes when his daughter pleaded as well to go on the trip. Nellie was filled with glee. It was about time he got out of the house and maybe a new change of scenery will brighten up his mood.

"I'm so excited to go to the beach tomorrow!" Nellie turned around to see her adopted son Toby. "Just one more day!" she told him excitedly, "I'm so happy Mr. T finally said yes." She added but the boy frowned.

"Why must he join us? He's nothin' but a-"

"Toby shush, I don't want to hear it from ya" the baker said sternly but Toby carried on, "but he's so mean and he's probably gonna ruin the trip! And why does he always stay in his shop? Does he not like being with us? So selfish of him!"

"Tobias, that is enough!" Nellie was losing her patience and this wasn't the first time she and Toby have argued about the barber.

Toby only glared at her until Johanna cut in, "Mrs. Lovett, do you mind helping me with something?" Nellie smiled and the rage in her died down. "Of course, love," and the two walked away leaving a pouty Toby behind.

The lad trudged off angrily, this wasn't the first time he argued with his mum about the barber. There have been multiple occasions where Toby would make a fit of how rude and selfish Mr. Todd was, but the baker always defended him saying that it's not his fault for the way he is and that he didn't have a good past, but that didn't give him an excuse to be a disrespectful brute. Although, he has noticed that since Johanna has come to visit, he's been soft and gentle to her and in a way it made Toby jealous. Of course he later realized that the young blonde is his daughter, but why couldn't he act like that with everyone else? Especially with Mrs. Lovett who was nice enough to allow him to stay above her shop and not pay rent, it wasn't fair.

As Toby walked, heading to his room, he accidentally bumped into Anthony who was focused on whatever he was holding in his hands.

"I'm sorry, Toby. Didn't see you there," the young sailor said in an apologetic voice. Toby was still in a bad mood so he simply told Anthony, "it's alright." His tone was slightly bitter and he headed off to his room leaving a puzzled Anthony.

The moment he slammed the door, he threw a mental tantrum. Throwing himself on the floor and internally screaming. Of course he knows better not to throw an actual tantrum, that would be childish of him and he remembers back in the Workhouse, if anyone pouted—let alone throw a tantrum—they would receive a lashing and starve.

It just wasn't fair, why won't the baker just listen to him for once? In fact he remembers a few weeks ago when he was cleaning the tables outside, he saw a man go up to the barber's shop and never once saw him come out. Of course he informed Mrs. Lovett about it but she just shrugged it off and told him to go run a few errands for her, making him slightly angry she was trying to get rid of the subject.

He squirmed in his bed and face planted onto his pillow as a final release of his anger and stayed in that position.

Little did he know, there were two people outside the pie shop listening to the conversation the baker said and they grinned.

"Tomorrow they will be gone?" One of them asks. "Including that barber? That's a surprise," the other says.

"Hopefully once they're gone we'll be able to find out where those missing people went, witnesses say they were last seen here," the other ominous person replied.


Everyone sat at the table eating the roast chicken Mrs. Lovett made. Anthony and Johanna kept talking about all the things they would do when they arrived at the beach, while Sofia and Adam were squealing with excitement.

Nellie was also beaming at Sweeney who wasn't paying attention but more so staring off into space while playing with his food, surprising not annoying Nellie even though it usually bothers her when the barber doesn't eat his food. Though Toby was the only one, besides Sweeney, with a frown on his face. He still wasn't happy that the barber was coming with them to this vacation, although he knows it will make his mother happy, he knows Sweeney doesn't actually want to go. In fact, he believes the barber will make it difficult to enjoy the holiday with his brooding and complaining.

"Toby, you should eat your food before it gets cold. You too father," Johanna said after a while when neither Toby or Sweeney ate their food.

Sweeney hesitated but obliged to eat the roast chicken, making Nellie smile widely showing teeth. Toby refused to lift his fork.

"Eat your food boy, I don't want to hear a pout from you," Nellie snapped from her happy gaze and scolded the boy.

Still no answer. The room becomes silent.

"Tobias get over it, Mr. Todd will be joining us on our holiday whether you like it or not," Nellie was becoming more agitated with the lad's attitude.

Sweeney was now focused on the tension going on and the children stopped their conversation of their excitement about going to the beach. The baker leaned over the table, "I might as well leave you here if you're going to behave this way," she said harshly.

Toby stood up from the table and let out a huff of anger and trudged away to his bedroom and behind him he could hear the grown ups conversing about him.

He sat on his bed furious. He felt as if the whole world was against him, how could his mother defend a man like Mr. Todd? He wasn't stupid, he knows very well that Sweeney Todd wasn't a good man, since living with the barber and baker, he hasn't seen him do one good thing at all.

A knock came from the door. "Toby? Are you okay?" It was Johanna, her voice soft and gentle unlike Mrs. Lovett's that was high pitch and grating sometimes, only rare times would her voice would be soft and a lot of the times she would use that tone on Mr. Todd.

Anger and jealousy boiled inside the boy as he thought about his mum being kinder to the rude barber, but let out a sigh when Johanna was waiting for his answer.

"I'm fine".

"Are you sure? You didn't look alright".

"Yes, I'm sure. Please, I want to be alone".

He heard the young lady let out a sigh and walk away from the door, possibly returning to the rest of the group.

Toby plopped his head onto his pillow and let out an annoyed sigh. Perhaps he should suck it up, there was no point in arguing with his mother. No matter what she'll always defend that man known as Sweeney Todd despite how much it annoyed him and create a rift between himself and the woman that is supposed to be his mother.

He eventually closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep awaiting for the vacation to begin and swallowing his hatred for the barber.


The next day went by quickly but unfortunately everyone slept in until Mrs. Lovett was the first to wake up and her eyes widened seeing the time on the old grandfather clock and let out a gasp as she quickly got out of her bed and bursted out of her room and began banging on people's doors and shouting at them to wake up. She even dashed into Sweeney's shop and ordered him to get ready, much to his dismay.

Once she was sure everyone was awake, she went back into her room and took off her night dress and struggled to put on a fancy dress she bought recently and tie her corset. Not to mention brushing some of the curls from her hair and putting on makeup was a hassle, thankfully she already packed up her things the night before. Once she was fully dressed she entered the parlor to see Anthony dragging in his and Johanna's luggage.

"I'm so glad Mr. Todd is coming on this holiday with us," Anthony said once he placed down the luggage. Nellie smiled, "indeed, I think we all deserve a break. Especially Mr. T".

"Mrs. Lovett, do we have time for breakfast?" Johanna walked in, carrying Sofia in her arms as she slept on her shoulder and Adam walking behind her carrying his luggage.

"Oh I don't think so, the carriages should arrive soon" when Nellie means 'carriages' she means she got two carriages knowing that a group of six wouldn't fit in one carriage so she managed to save enough money to get another carriage.

Adam peered behind his mother, "where's grandfather? Didn't he say he was coming?" He asked.

Nellie was about to march her way up to the barber's shop and drag his miserable grumpy arse downstairs when she heard heavy footsteps coming inside the parlor and in came Sweeney with his luggage.

Nellie smiled widely seeing the barber ready for their holiday and didn't hesitate to trot towards him and kiss his cheek, though much to his dismay he didn't stop her. Adam and Sophia—who was now awake— grimaced at Nellie's affections and they're parents giggled at them.

But before anyone could say another word, loud clopping noises and neighing could be heard outside. The carriages have arrived.

"Let's move, everyone! Quickly!" Nellie shouted as she ran to grab her luggage and everyone else did the same as they headed out the door to reach the two carriages.

The carriages halted to a stop and one of the coachmen came out and asked, "is everyone here?"

Nellie didn't even bother to turn around and check if everyone was present, she was filled with too much excitement and answered, "yes, we're all here".

The two carriages opened and Johanna, Anthony and their children went into one carriage while Sweeney and Nellie went inside the other. Nellie was smiling from ear to ear as she stared out of the window waiting for the carriage to start moving.

She couldn't help but squeal a little when the carriage finally started to move and she scooted over to Sweeney and hugged him tightly, making him sneer but not bothering to put up a fight.


Toby woke up feeling drowsy, he swore he heard a banging noise not too long ago but he was too tired to get up. He slumped out of bed and the moment he stepped out of the door, something didn't feel right. The pie shop was quiet, dead silent. Was everyone still asleep? He walked into the parlor and looked at the old grandfather clock to see it was 8:30. Surely everyone should have already been awake, perhaps they were already getting ready to go in the carriages his mother paid for.

He went back into his bedroom to place on his robe and slippers and headed outside, the snow freezing his toes that his slippers weren't thick enough to wake up, it was empty. No carriage or anyone in sight. Not even Mr. Todd was around which was a miracle to be honest.

It was then that it came to Toby's realization that he was home alone. Everyone else had already left while he was still sleeping. They didn't abandon him on purpose did they? Especially his mother who sees him as her own son and is quite protective of him, it couldn't be possible that she would purposely leave him alone in the pie shop while the rest stay a week for Christmas at sea, or would she?

The boy headed back inside as the cold was starting to freeze his body. He didn't know what to feel, anger, fear, betrayal, happiness? He wasn't sure but his stomach began to grumble.

Thankfully, Mrs. Lovett taught him a few things about cooking so he thought about cooking himself some toast with eggs.

Unfortunately he was having bad luck today because when he looked in the cabinet and ice box for those ingredients, there was nothing.

"Fine, I guess I won't have breakfast. Just be glad I'm used to starving" he mumbled as he walked away disappointed. But his disappointment soon grew to curiosity when he stumbled upon the small door that led to the bakehouse.

Toby found himself in a trance as he eyed the small double door that he was forbidden to go inside of. Then again, he was home alone, who would stop him?


The carriages came to a stop at the train station, and right on time for the train was about to leave. Everyone made a beeline to the train, thankfully Anthony bought the tickets early now that the ticket booth was sold out.

They were on their way to Brighton, spending a whole week by the sea and Nellie was more than happy to spend every moment with the people she loved, she would especially enjoy this holiday with the barber. Perhaps this will also be good for him to relax and spend time with his daughter and grandchildren, surely he wouldn't purposely not want to hang out with them, would he?

The moment they took their seats, Nellie stared out the window again, impatiently waiting for the train to move. Sweeney was off in his own little world while Johanna and Anthony were telling their children of all the fun things they will do when they arrive at the beach. Sweeney suddenly got this feeling inside of him that something didn't feel right. As if something was missing, or rather, someone.

He finally took a good look of the group he was in, Mrs. Lovett sitting next to him gleaming out the window waiting for the train to move, and his daughter and Anthony sitting together with their children in their laps since there wasn't much room in the train for all six of them to sit together. It suddenly hit him. He knew the baker was going to be upset when she finds out, but how would he tell her? He didn't want to ruin this holiday for her, she's been dreaming of this ever since she was a child. Perhaps she'll figure it out on her own once she realizes the lad isn't with her.

A loud whistle could be heard outside and that meant the train was finally off.

"Oh I'm so excited!" Nellie squealed and turned to Johanna and her family, "I know you will enjoy it!" She then turns to Sweeney, "I hope you enjoy yourself too, Mr. T". Sweeney didn't know what to say except let out his usual grunt. His mind was focused on how long it will take for the daft baker to realize her only son is not with them.

Only thirty minutes went by and Nellie and the children were asleep. "Something doesn't feel right..." Johanna said after a while. Anthony looked around the train and realized it too. "Where's Toby?" He asked.

Sweeney inhaled, now Mrs. Lovett will know.

"We thought he was with you" Johanna said to her father, "I didn't want to say anything".

"You knew!" The blonde woman looked appalled.

"I just realized not too long ago," Sweeney defended himself.

Anthony leaned against his seat, "what are we going to do? We can't simply stop the train. It's too late now! And how will Mrs. Lovett react?" Sweeney turned to his right where the baker continued to sleep soundly beside. She must be a deep sleeper if she was able to sleep through all the talking Johanna and Anthony —including himself— were having.

"I'm surprised she doesn't know yet," Johanna added, stroking her son's hair as he slept on her shoulder.

"She's going to find out eventually," her husband told her.

Johanna was slightly worried now. Nellie will never forgive herself and label herself as a bad mother, especially since Toby isn't actually her son nor did she legally adopt him.

"Let's just see how she will react when she wakes up," said Anthony.


Toby stared in awe and curiosity at the double doors that lead to the bake house. His hand inches away from the door handles but a small voice told him not to go inside. Though he ignored the voice, making him slightly annoyed and so placed his hands on the door handles and he swore he felt a chill crawl up his spine.

But just before he could officially open the two doors, there was a soft bang at the front door, startling him and removing him from his trance.

The lad walked slowly into the pie shop and tip-toed his way towards the door, though he peaked out of the window and saw no one outside so he figured it would be safe to open the door.

To his relief, it was just the newspaper boy who threw the daily newspaper at the door, so he picked up the newspaper and headed back inside. He sat down in one of the booths and read through the newspaper and was pleased to see that the prices for food were fairly low, since there was barely any food in the kitchen and he was starving.

And so he got out of the booth and went into his room to change into his clothes. He knows his mother keeps a secret stash hidden somewhere in the pie shop incase she needs extra money and so that's what he did as he searched around the house for the stash of money Mrs. Lovett hid somewhere in the pie shop.

At last, while walking around the main shop for a third time, he felt a piece of wood leg out a small creak from the floor. He opened it and there he found a can of all the money he needs to buy more food.

During his stroll in the market, he noticed a few people staring at him. Apparently seeing a child with so much food in his basket could mean he might steal it. Usually he would go to the market with his mum, but since she wasn't here he has no choice but to go by himself.

"Excuse me, little boy" Toby turned around to see a woman in a blue dress and bonnet walk towards him, "where are your parents? Are you going to pay for all this food?" She asked as she stared at all the food Toby had in his basket.

Toby cleared his throat, "my mum asked me to buy some groceries for her" he said boldly.

The lady only nodded and walked away.

Once Toby was done with his shopping, when he was returning home his ears caught something that made him a little worried.

"So we break into the pie shop tonight?"

"Yes, at midnight, but we must be careful. We can't afford to have anyone see us, it will ruin us."

"Ah but sir, it's Fleet Street. I doubt anyone would care, besides, who will stop us?"

Toby was flabbergasted, surely they weren't talking about the pie shop in Fleet Street were they? Either way he didn't bother to continue listening to the two people talking and made a run to the pie shop.

When he arrived, he locked the door and felt a sense of anxiety come to him. Why would anyone want to break into this rundown small pie shop and barber shop? There wasn't much to steal unless you were lucky to find the small stash of money Mrs. Lovett keeps hidden under the floorboards.

"I need to protect this house".


The party finally arrived in Brighton and Sweeney patted Nellie's shoulder a couple of times to wake her up and she stirred a little until her eyes fluttered open.

"We there yet?" She asked in a drowsy voice and rubbed her eyes.

"Yes ma'am, we have arrived" Anthony told her and almost immediately, Nellie was wide awake and she —quite literally— dashed off away from everyone to leave the train, also leaving Sweeney to carry her luggage.

"She looks so excited, I feel bad for having to tell her," Johanna said as she picked up her bags. "Tell her what, mother?" Adam asked.

Anthony bent down on one knee to be at eye level with his son, "I'm afraid we accidentally left Toby back at the pie shop" he told him gently.

"I knew something was wrong!" Sophia answered as she jumped out of her seat. "What are we going to do?" Adam asked.

Anthony and Johanna glance at Sweeney who had no idea what to say and looked back at their children, "hopefully we'll be able to go back and retrieve him" said Anthony and they all walked out of the train and they found Nellie beaming at the sight of the ocean not too far away from her.

"Oh this is so beautiful! Toby darling, you're going to love this! Have a look!" But to her surprise, when she turned around, the boy was nowhere in sight.

"Where's Toby?" She asked the group, her fear rising when no one gave an answer right away until eight year old Sophia said "I think we left him at the pie shop". Johanna gazed at her daughter and shushed her, but it was too late.

"Toby!" Nellie cried as her once smiling face was now gone and replaced with sadness and worry. Johanna and Anthony ran to her aid to comfort her as she cried. Sweeney stayed put as he looked away with embarrassment as a couple of pedestrians looked at the whimpering baker.

"Oh God I'm a horrible mother. I'm so stupid!" She kept saying. Johanna kept telling her it was going to be okay and she shouldn't worry about the lad.

"It'll be a whole week until we return home! There's barely any food in the kitchen. Oh lord he probably hates me! He probably thinks I abandoned him!" Nellie continued to cry. "We don't have the money to go back for him!"

"I'll go".

As if it was a miracle, Nellie stopped her cries and searched for the voice. "I'll go get him" said Sweeney, now walking forwards. Everyone was befuddled by the barber's response. Was he serious? Was he really going to go back for the little street rat he never had a fondness of? I mean if it was one of his grandchildren that they accidentally left then he would have no problem retrieving them, but this was Toby. The child he has complained about hogging the gin and spending too much time with Mrs. Lovett.

Nellie wiped her tears away, "Mr. T you don't have too, as his guardian I should-"

"I said I'll go" his voice was more forceful now. He was serious. Sweeney inhaled, "you deserve to relax. I'll go get the lad".

Johanna stepped forwards, "father, are you sure?"

He nodded, not changing his mind.

"But how will you get there? We used most of our money for the train and-" Sweeney interrupted Nellie once more, "I'll get a carriage".

Now it was Anthony's turn to speak, "but one carriage won't take you from Brighton to London".

"Then I will take multiple carriages" the barber declared.

Nellie cleared her throat and approached the barber, "Mr. T can I talk to you privately?" She asked. Sweeney nodded and Nellie looked towards the family and told them she'll be right back.

The barber and baker walked into an alleyway as a way for them to talk to each other privately.

"You really don't have to do this, love. He's my son, I can-" Sweeney held a finger up to silence her, "I meant what I said". At this point, there was no way to argue with him anymore, so Nellie hesitantly came closer to the barber and placed her hand on his cheek.

"Be careful," she told him.

Sweeney only answered with a grunt and made his way to town to look for a carriage while Nellie stared at him longingly until she returned to Anthony and Johanna.


Toby placed his little soldier figurines around the floor near the front door. He has come up with the idea of setting up several traps around the house since he has no real weapons to defend himself, and though it would be smart to call the police, he feared the police wouldn't believe him or it would be too late.

Once all his soldier figurines were spread all around the floor, he did his next trap. He went into the parlor and grabbed the poker and placed it into the fireplace where the flames were lit up and then ran into the pie shop and made his way towards the back door, went outside and placed the heated poker onto the door knob.

They'll never see it coming, Toby thought, a smirk forming onto his face. He ran back inside and was about to go into his room to see if he could put anymore traps out, but he was halted when seeing the bake house door once again. Perhaps there is something in there that could be useful.

But that same voice from earlier told him not to open the door, that he was strictly forbidden to even be near it.

And so Toby swallowed and headed back into his room in search of more things he can turn into traps.


Sweeney Todd has rode to three different carriages now to return to London, but he wasn't sure how much longer he could keep doing this. He stared at his wallet with a slight bit of anger and annoyance seeing that he was running short on money.

All of this for that street rat, he thought to himself, regretting his decision to leave his daughter and family behind to fetch a boy he doesn't like and also losing his money to reach Fleet Street.

The town he was in right now was in Crawley, not a too bad town but it still looked sketchy. It was similar to London but it had a lighter atmosphere. Although he kept his distance away from everyone, now on the search for another carriage to take him the next town or possibly take him all the way to London. After all, he wasn't sure how much longer he could continue searching for a carriage and looking for the next ride. He was already low on money that he couldn't afford food with it.

He even thought about asking someone how long is London from here, but he really wasn't in the mood to socialize. He was also really hungry and his legs were sore from all the walking he was doing.

Where is that damn carriage?! He was angry at this point. He just wants to go to Fleet Street, find that boy and go back to Brighton.

Sweeney took his pocket watch out and saw that it was now around three o clock and his stomach grumbled once more. Fuck this... he felt like he was going to pass out, both from hunger and the cold wind blowing in his face. He wasn't sure how much longer he could keep up until his vision turned black.


Toby was now half way done turning the pie shop into a death trap. He smashed some ornaments and carefully placed them in a nearby window that lead to the streets of London where pedestrians walked. He even found some rats, mice and cockroaches and placed them in a bag and managed to place it onto Mrs. Lovett's bedroom door incase the strangers go snooping in her room.

He was pretty exhausted at this point since he's been putting up traps almost all day, but he was pretty proud at his work.

Eventually Toby decided to speed time up by strolling around town, although he prayed no beggar or criminal will try to hurt him.

The moment he stepped out of the pie shop, a cold breeze hit him in the face and little snowflakes fell on his head, so he pulled down his hat near his forehead and continued walking, avoiding eye contact with anyone that was near him.

Toby stumbled upon a church, he could hear the choir from inside singing to the son of God and something told him he should go inside and so he did.

When he walked inside the church, he felt peace. There were a few people in the church giving Toby comfort that he won't be by himself and the choir singing in the front soothed his loneliness.

He decided to sit in the back, not wanting to draw attention to others that he was by himself, so he sat down in the middle of the bench and closed his eyes as he listened to the choir.

"You alone?"

Toby was startled by the voice and he gasped at the person next to him. A ragged beggar woman sat not too far away from him, a crooked smile on her face as she stared at him.

"The world is cruel and that devil's wife smiles upon our suffering!" The beggar ranted, and Toby felt like it was time to leave, but the beggar saw him move away. "Oh please don't leave! I ask for alms! Won't you give some alms for a miserable woman?" She pleaded.

"I have nothing!" Toby cried and fled the church, hoping to reach to the pie shop quickly and lock the door.

When he arrived home, Toby managed to make himself a small feast for himself with bread, chicken legs, and some fruit. He sat at the table alone and decided to say a little prayer before he ate his dinner.

"Dear God, I thank you for this meal and I am blessed to be in a home where I am safe and warm with a loving woman who cares for me and sees me as her own son and able to make some nice friends and meet friendly people I call my family", he suddenly started to feel sad,as if the realization hit him that he will be alone for Christmas this year and he started to miss being around the people he loves.

Toby sighed, "I also want to apologize for my mum, Mrs. Lovett, and I guess Mr. Todd as well for what I said last night. I really am sorry for saying all those awful things and..." he could feel a lump forming in his throat as his eyes started to become watery, "I just want my family back... and maybe bring back Mr. Todd as well," he was starting to miss hearing the usual loud footsteps he would listen to almost all day from the barber.

Toby wiped away his tears as the old grandfather clock in the parlor chimed midnight, as if giving him permission to eat his dinner.

It felt odd having dinner by himself. He never had dinner alone before besides from living with Pirelli, even in the work house he ate in groups with other children. This was the first time he would be eating alone and it didn't feel right.

But before he could dig into his meal. He heard the front door jiggle and two men talking outside. It was time.


Sweeney groaned in pain and tried to focus on his surroundings but his vision was blurry. His head ached and he struggled to sit up as his back also hurt. Not only that but he felt a warm hand on his forehead and whisper something to him.

"He seems okay, just a minor head injury. Thankfully he didn't die from hypothermia" the voice said.

"That's a relief, I was afraid he was died of frostbite," another voice said.

Sweeney grumbled and finally opened his eyes as he let out a groan of pain.

"He's awake!" One of the voices called out.

Sweeney was now wide awake and confused of where he was at. He was in a white room and three people huddled around him, making him uncomfortable.

One of the people, who seemed to be a doctor because he wore a white coat, cleared his throat, "hello sir, it's a relief you survived, there's a bad storm going on right but it's a good thing this young couple rescued you in time".

Sweeney was speechless and a young man stepped forwards, he was blonde with blue eyes and he looked at the barber shyly as he spoke. "You were passed out on the pavement, I felt like the best thing to do was to call for help".

A young woman, presumably the young man's wife or lover, stood up as well, "is there anything we can do to help you? You seem lost, are you not from here?"

Sweeney didn't say anything for a while until he muttered, "I need to get to London".

The three people seemed shocked to hear his response but the young man seemed pleased. "Of course! Anything for you sir, what is your name?" He asked.

The barber wasn't sure if he should tell these strangers his name, though it's not as if he'll see them again so he decided it wouldn't hurt.

"It's Mr. Todd" was all he said.

"I don't know if it's safe to travel to London, Mr. Todd, the storm is pretty bad right now and I can't risk you getting worse. You could have died if Mr and Mrs. Harrison didn't save you," the doctor said.

Sweeney was quickly losing his patience, but he tried his best to stay cool. "I have a boy—he's all by himself, but I'm low on money".

Mrs. Harrison gave Sweeney a sympathetic look and placed her hands on her chest. Mr. Harrison turned to the doctor who let out a sigh, "just be careful".

The barber didn't know what to say so instead he allowed the young couple to lead him outside to find a carriage that will bring him to London. It must be a Christmas miracle that Sweeney was able to find nice people that will help him, but that didn't mean he will change his behavior. Even the kindest people hold the most darkest secrets that might one day stab you in the back, but he'll allow this young couple to help him.


Toby couldn't believe that this was it. It was midnight and the strangers were breaking into his home. Immediately he ran into his bedroom and locked it in case the strangers wanted to harm him, then again, they probably don't know that he was in the house. In fact, they were probably spying and waiting for everyone in the pie shop to leave so they can break in and steal their valuables. In a way, Toby was glad he was left home alone whether it was on accident or on purpose.

He could hear the door open which then lead to a howl of screams, assuming the strangers stepped on the tiny soldiers Toby laid out in the floor.

"Go to the back door!" He heard one of them shout, his voice deep and raspy.

The only thing that could be heard for a while was the stranger with a deep voice wincing in pain until another loud scream could be heard outside, making Toby giggle, his traps seem to be working.

"My hand!" The other stranger cried, his voice more grating and his squeals reminded Toby of a pig being butchered alive.

More talking could be heard and a window opening and then seconds later, another scream. It was probably the parlor window where Toby sprinkled some broken ornament shards around the floor in case the strangers tried to break in through the window.

"Someone is in the house..." one of the strangers said. "I thought they were gone?!" The other spat with frustration.

They continued to chat but Toby couldn't hear them, but whatever they said made him wish he had a weapon. In fact he was suddenly reminded of the barber's razors but unfortunately they were left in his shop and there was no way he could step out of his room, into the parlor, in the kitchen, go outside and climb up the stairs to reach the tonsorial shop to get the razors.

More footsteps could be heard, it seems they found a way to get inside.

"Come out come out where ever you are..." one of them spoke, his voice low and angry. "Let's check up stairs!" The other called out and Toby was ready for his next trap as he hesitantly opened his door, hoping it won't let out a creaking noise.

He snuck out of his bedroom and was at the head of the stairs where three heavy buckets were on the ceiling by a rope. He wasn't sure exactly how many strangers there were but he would guess there were at least three of them.

"Look! There!"

The next thing Toby could remember felt like a blur as his heart began to race and he froze for a second seeing the two strangers running towards him up the stairs. They wore dark clothes, including covering their face with black beanies. But you could see a different between the two, one was tall and skinny while the other was small and fat, and clearly the taller one was faster as he was half way where Toby was who soon snapped back to reality and his instincts telling him to throw the two buckets at the strangers.

The two strangers tumbled down the stairs the moment Toby swung the two buckets at them, letting out a scream. Toby hoped that their screams were loud enough to alert the neighborhood and hopefully get the police involved now that he has proof two people broke into his home.

The strangers were now passed out on the floor and Toby didn't know what to do. Several questions came into his head and he was completely stunned, he honestly wasn't sure if his traps were going to work, and yet he surprised himself.

Toby's mind was finally made up and so he slowly stepped down the stairs and approached the strangers. Perhaps he can remove their dark clothes and see who they really are no case they escape and the police question him. Honestly he was just doing what his mother would do.

He leaned down and pulled away the tall stranger's beanie and was shocked to see it was Judge Turpin.

Toby's skin turned pale and his heart skipped a beat, he couldn't believe he has assaulted someone in the law. His curiosity grew as his hand moved to the other stranger's beanie but before the stranger's identity could be revealed, Toby felt a hand wrap tightly around his wrist and to his horror, the small stranger woke up.

"You're going to pay, you little brat!" He spat and Toby tried his hardest to leave his grasp, but the stranger's grip was tight. Not only that, but Judge Turpin was waking up too and he was fuming.

"I should sentence you to be hang for the harm you caused me!" He growled.

"I'm sorry, sir! Please I'm sorry!" Toby pleaded. At this point, the stranger holding onto the boy also removed his mask and it was Beadle Bamford.

Toby continued to cry as he realized his mistake and continued to attempt to escape.

"Tell us where they are!" Turpin screamed, making Toby cry harder.

"I will sent you to the gallows if you don't tell us!"

Suddenly the front door opened and Toby prayed it was the cops, but will the cops be able to arrest someone of power?

But to his surprise, it was Sweeney Todd. He of all people has come to rescue him, at least he hopes he will.

Judge Turpin turned sharply seeing the barber, "Mr. Todd, back early from your holiday?" There was a growl in the judge's voice. Sweeney tried to keep his cool now that he was face to face with the man that ruined his wife, that included itching to reach for his razor that was in his pocket.

"What are you doing with the boy?" Sweeney asked, not in the mood to answer the judge's question. The beadle grinned and responded, "we just have some questions we want you to answer".

Sweeney raised an eye brow but came up with a solution, "why not we discuss this somewhere else? Leave the boy alone and we can talk privately" the barber said lowly, as if he was stalking his prey.

The judge and beadle seemed to agree and the beadle released his grip on Toby, who now has a red mark on his wrist, and ran to Sweeney's side, finding him to be his protector which was something he never thought of him as.

Speaking of the barber, Sweeney turned and leaned down to Toby's level, his eyes staring at him dangerously. "Whatever you do, stay in here. Do not follow me or move from this spot or I'll change my mind brining you back to Mrs. Lovett," he warned, making the boy shiver and nodded.

Sweeney lead the two men into his shop and honestly Toby wasn't sure if he should warn him about the traps he placed around the house but he was too scared to say anything.

It was silent for a while until loud noises could be heard and Toby grew worried and concerned but he didn't dare move a muscle.

Minutes went by and eventually Sweeney walked back in the pie shop but he was wearing different clothes.

"Let's go" he muttered.

The ride back to Brighton was awkward and silent. The only thing Toby could do was look out the window and every few minutes would glance at Sweeney. The silence was unsettling.

Toby suddenly cleared his throat, preparing himself to converse with the barber and also, apologize.

"Mr. Todd, I... I want to apologize for what I said last night. It was rude of me to say such things..."

Sweeney didn't say anything, honestly he didn't know what to say, so he said nothing—besides a small grumble—and turned his head to look out the window and waited for the carriage to arrive to Brighton.


Nellie was still filled with worry and refused to fall asleep, not until Sweeney returns to their cabin with Toby. She just hopes they'll be okay since she heard there was a storm going on.

"Mrs. Lovett, it's late, you should rest" Anthony told her, it was 1:30 in the morning and everyone else was already asleep.

Nellie inhaled and turned to the man, "I know but... I'm just worried... what if Mr. Todd wasn't able to reach London? What if he's hurt? What if Toby's hurt!" Her mind suddenly drifted to the bake house, the one place in the pie shop she has very strictly told the lad to not go to. What if he disobeyed her? What if he finds out her dark secret? He'll never want to see her again if he did go in the bake house and figured out what she had done.

"Calm down, I'm sure they are alright. Perhaps they'll be here tomorrow. Please just go to bed, you need sleep" Anthony pleaded.

Nellie let out sigh, finally succumbed, "alright. Goodnight Anthony," she said as she got up from the settee and headed to her room.


Morning finally came and Nellie was almost hesitant to leave her bed but she was also ready to get up and stare out the window to see if Sweeney has returned with her son.

There was a soft knock at her door and Nellie immediately sat up, excited to see Toby call out mum and run into her arms. But to her disappointment, it was only Johanna who had a plate of toast and eggs in her hands.

"I made you breakfast" she said in her usual angelic soft voice, as if she was talking to Nellie like she was her mother.

Nellie's shoulders fell and she sunk back into the covers, wondering if the man she loves and her son will ever return to the cabin they were staying in. Johanna seemed to notice the baker's obvious sad face so she sits next to her on the bed and place her hand on her shoulder.

"They'll be okay, my father will bring him back safely" she assured her.

"I suppose you're right," sometimes Nellie needed to remind herself that Sweeney wasn't a small child and he can take care of himself, but Toby was a child and she was worried for him. She also hoped the two were getting along if Sweeney reached him, after what happened the other day.

"Why don't you join us in the dining room? You can tell Adam and Sophia about all the things we can do at the beach, they would love it" the blonde recommended and Nellie agreed.

The two women were half way there to the dining room when the door knob to the front door began to jiggle and a loud knock came, startling them.

"I'll get it!" Nellie said excitedly as she made her way to the front door, and to her excitement, it was indeed Sweeney with Toby behind him.

"Mum!" Toby's uneasy face turned to joy, reuniting with his mother and embrace her. Nellie smothering him with kisses and holding him tightly. Sweeney couldn't help but roll his eyes and awkwardly walk inside the cabin where he was greeted by his daughter and the others.

"I'm not letting you leave my sight ever again!" Nellie told her son as she continued to shower him with her love.

"It's good to see you again, father" Johanna smiled and her two children were excited to see both their grandfather and Toby return home.

"Shall we have breakfast, I bet you're both starving" said Anthony and everyone agreed and went into the dining room. Sweeney and Toby were especially pleased since neither of them have had anything to eat for the entire two hour ride back to Brighton. Honestly, Sweeney was thankful the Harrisons were kind enough to drive him from Crawley to London and then back to Brighton. In a way he felt sorry, but the young couple told him not to worry and Christmas was a few days away and left. Sweeney will never forget them for being courteous.

After breakfast, Toby ran off to play with Adam and Sophia and Nellie thought this would be a perfect time to thank Sweeney properly for bringing Toby back.

She found him in the parlor talking to Johanna and she motioned Sweeney to speak with her and he did.

Nellie guided him to the hallway where they can have some privacy.

"I want to thank you for going through the trouble of bringing Toby home. You really didn't have to do this, but you-"

Her sentence was cut off when a pair of lips were placed on hers.

She was speechless, both from the barber covering her mouth with his but also because it was something she wasn't expecting, but nevertheless she accepted and wrapped her arms around his neck and the two sealed with a kiss to end this story.

~The End

Merry late Christmas everyone! And also happy New year's Eve! I hope everyone enjoyed this and I must say I'm impressed that this is the longest story I ever made, it is literally 8,000 words! That's a new record from writing with around 3-4,000 words! Anyways I hoped you enjoyed this story and again, happy new year if it's midnight!

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