By tangledkisses

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"There's things I wanna say to you, but I'll just let you leave" [SEASON TWO-SIX] robby keene x fem!oc More

VOL I. Summertime Sadness
𝟎𝟎𝟏. love at first sight
𝟎𝟎𝟐. country club adventures
𝟎𝟎𝟑. first date
𝟎𝟎𝟒. mall adventures
𝟎𝟎𝟓. sleepover at the larussos
𝟎𝟎𝟔. miyagi-do's spy
𝟎𝟎𝟕. kreese's pet
𝟎𝟎𝟖. 80s night
𝟎𝟏𝟎. school fight
VOL II. Sour
𝟎𝟏𝟏. the aftermath
𝟎𝟏𝟐. the old karate kid's
𝟎𝟏𝟑. the twisted sisters
𝟎𝟏𝟒. revenge
𝟎𝟏𝟓. the twisted sisters first fight
𝟎𝟏𝟔. clementine isnt okay
𝟎𝟏𝟕. no more people in hospitals
𝟎𝟏𝟖. kicking down doors

𝟎𝟎𝟗. egoistical asshole

187 10 0
By tangledkisses

✧ Egoistical Asshole ✧


ROBBY TEXTED CLEMENTINE TO COME OVER. Clementine's attempt to embrace Robby was interrupted when he seized the collar of her shirt, drawing her into a passionate kiss. She reciprocated with a smile, and soon, Robby's hands found their way to the waistband of Sonny's jeans, leading them into the LaRusso's guest house. The momentum continued, and Clementine found herself walking backward until the bed halted her steps. Almost instantly, Robby pushed her onto the bed, standing at its edge. Swiftly, he removed her shirt before taking his place on top of her.

Robby's lips found the delicate curve of Clementine's neck, leaving a trail of tender kisses that ascended gradually until they returned to her lips. The hum of satisfaction escaped from the Katz girl as their lips met once more, while Robby's hands explored the gentle contours of her sides. With a final kiss on her lips, Robby redirected his attention back to her neck, this time with an intent to leave lingering marks, marking the depth of their connection.

Clementine's awareness heightened as the encounter took an unexpected turn. Feeling the need to address the shift, she gently attempted to pull away, but Robby's kisses persisted, trailing down to the delicate curve of her collarbone. A subtle unease settled in, prompting Clementine to bite her lip before decisively moving away, her hands cupping Robby's face.

Concern painted across her expression, she questioned softly, "Robby, are you okay?" Her keen observation noted his attempt to distract himself. Robby, wrestling with his emotions, shifted his face away, a sigh escaping his lips. Finally, he shared the weight on his shoulders, confessing, "My mom is back... she's going to rehab."

In the midst of the emotional revelation, Clementine's concern deepened, her fingers tenderly tracing the contours of Robby's face. She understood the complexity of his feelings, and with a gentle persistence. "Robby, you can talk to me about it." she urged as Robby, grappling with a mix of emotions, met her gaze, gratitude flickering in his eyes.

Robby began to open up, but their moment was interrupted by a familiar voice. "Hey, guys. Wanna go to a party that Moon's throwing?" Sam's presence drew their attention, and they turned to see her at the entrance of the guest house. Before Robby could voice any objections, Clementine's lips curled into a quick smile.

"Yes! Of course," she responded eagerly, aligning with Sam's invitation. A grin spread across Sam's face. "Okay! I'll go get ready," she announced.


SAM DROVE TO MOON'S PARTY. Sam skillfully parked the car, prompting Clementine to look up from her thoughts. With graceful ease, she slid out of the vehicle and seamlessly positioned herself between Sam and Robby as they advanced towards the house.

Concern laced Sam's words as she inquired, "You sure about this with your mom and all?" Clementine's gaze shifted to Robby, and a subtle understanding passed between them. "Yeah, just say the word," she affirmed, and Robby, harboring a need for distraction, shoved his hands into his pockets.

A palpable breath escaped him as he admitted, "I could use a distraction." Clementine responded with a reassuring smile. In a spontaneous gesture, Robby slid his arm around Clementine's waist, drawing her close. The unexpected intimacy elicited a blush from Clementine, who met the moment with a reciprocated smile.

"There's a lot of people out here already."

Sam's eyes wondered across Moon's backyard. "Yeah, I guess Moon must have invited other kids from school."

"I only brought Trivial Pursuit. If I'd know there'd be this many people, I would've brought Balderdash."

As they stepped into Moon's house, the pulsating rhythms of hip-hop immediately confronted them, prompting a visible grimace from Clementine. Admittedly a self-proclaimed aficionado of pop music, the discordant beats clashed with her taste, evident in the subtle scrunching of her nose.

The joyous atmosphere among Clementine and her friends took a sudden dip when they realized that Cobra Kai had also made an appearance. Clementine's gaze zeroed in on Blaire, whose unintentional stare met hers with a defiant glare. Not one to back down, she returned the intensity, her jaw tensing as a silent standoff unfolded between them in the midst of the music-filled chaos.

Miguel and Tory strolled in, sporting smiles that curdled into frowns the moment their eyes landed on Sam. Clementine, unimpressed, let out a playful raspberry and redirected her attention to the shirtless spectacle of Tyler Katz sprinting in the backyard, her eyebrows shooting up in amusement. "I'll be back," She quietly informed Robby as she breezed past Tory. Their paths crossed, and Clementine shot Tory a smile, receiving an awkward one in return.

Tyler found himself the center of attention, surrounded by a cheering crowd. As he ran in a circle, shirt airborne, and started to fumble with his pants, Clementine hurried over, seizing his hand with a scolding expression.

"Tyler, what the heck are you doing? And how are you already drunk?" she admonished, her disapproval evident. Tyler gasped, wrapping an arm around his little sister, pulling her toward his friends in his inebriated state.

"Clem, this is Ryder," he pointed to a boy with curly hair, then gestured at a blonde with dyed hair. "And this is Baxton. My good old pals," he introduced them, words slurring, and Clementine awkwardly smiled, attempting to navigate the unexpected encounter.

Pulling Tyler a few meters away from his friends, Clementine regarded him with genuine concern. "Tyler, seriously, are you okay? What's happening? I haven't seen you in three days, and you show up at this party, drunk in the middle of the day?" she inquired with a puzzled expression. Tyler, shrugging casually, let his eyes wander toward Moon walking by.

Her eyebrows shot up, and she promptly smacked his head. "Eyes off the lady! That's Moon. She invited you and your friends. Also, she's taken," Clementine informed him, emphasizing the need for respectful behavior.

Tyler's eyes rolled dismissively as he mumbled, "Just leave me alone, Clementine." His unsteady steps carried him away, and in a disoriented shuffle, he bent over, succumbing to a bout of vomiting. Clementine let out an exasperated groan, scanning the area to find Tyler's friends mysteriously vanished.

With an eye roll, she hoisted her brother up and guided him back into Moon's house, heading towards the bathroom. Upon arrival, they were met with a lengthy line. Clementine banged on the door, the distant sound of moans prompting a chuckle from Tyler. A sharp glare from his sister quickly silenced him. Banging on the door again, Clementine exclaimed, "Open up! Quit fooling around in there!" Her frustration echoed in the crowded hallway.

The door, seemingly fixed in its resistance, continued to defy Clementine's efforts to open it. Frustration crept in, manifesting as a groan escaping her lips. Amidst the struggle, Bert accused her of cutting the line, but a piercing glare from Clementine swiftly silenced him, forcing a begrudging retreat.

In a moment of respite, she closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and reopened them, only to find her brother mysteriously absent from her side. Bewilderment etched across her face, she threw her hands up in exasperation. The weight of the situation culminated in an exasperated outburst, "Oh my god!" echoing the sheer frustration that enveloped her.


CLEMENTINE LOOKED THROUGH THE WHOLE HOUSE FOR TYLER. Teetering on the brink of giving up, Clementine redirected her path toward Robby, who oversaw Sam and Tory's intense beer cup competition. As she stepped into Moon's living room, she stumbled upon a scene that crystallized her resolve. Hawk, with a malicious gleam, poured beer onto Demetri, prompting Clementine's jaw to drop open in sheer disbelief.

As Demetri hurried off, nursing both wet clothes and wounded pride, Hawk reveled in his petty triumph, a cocky smirk playing on his lips. Clementine's eyes, however, transformed from shock to hardened determination. A swift about-face led her into the kitchen, where she seized Hawk's wrist with an unyielding grip.

Executing a deft spin, she cornered him against the wall, her arm firmly pressed against his neck. The room buzzed with gasps and murmurs as partygoers 'ooh'd at the unexpected confrontation, the tension palpable in the air. Clementine's bold move captured the attention of everyone present, turning the party into a stage for an impromptu showdown.

Clementine's fingers clenched the fabric of Hawk's shirt with increasing intensity, conveying a clear demand for his compliance. "You need to leave Demetri, the Miyagi-Do's, and I alone," she asserted, her eyes shooting daggers at him.

In response, Hawk's cocky smirk persisted, undeterred by her warning. "Do you think I care what you say? How 'bout you let me know, and we can talk about this in... another room," he suggested, a suggestive glint in his eye.

Clementine's disbelief morphed into a mixture of frustration and incredulity. She abruptly released her grip on his shirt, taking a step back to look at him. "You think I want to hook up with you just because I'm standing up for my friend against his old best friend? How does that make you think I want to hook up with you?" she shot back, her tone laced with irritation at the audacity of his assumption.

Hawk's overconfidence wavered as Clementine's hand swiftly and decisively met his cheek with a resounding slap. The room fell into a stunned hush as he recoiled, holding his face in evident pain. Undeterred, Clementine's eyes flashed with a mix of anger and resolve. Seizing the moment, she delivered a sharp verbal retort, her words cutting through the air. "I have a boyfriend, egoistical asshole," she declared, her tone carrying a firm conviction that left no room for misinterpretation.

With a frustrated groan, Clementine vented her annoyance by shoving Hawk aside as she briskly passed, the forceful motion propelling her towards the open front door. Swinging it wide, she stepped outside into the refreshing breeze, hoping for a moment of reprieve.

In the distance, her gaze honed in on her brother, peacefully stationed on the lawn, hydrating with a bottle of water. The furrow of her eyebrows betrayed a mix of curiosity and concern. Determined, she closed the distance and lowered herself to a slow sit beside him.

Cutting through the tension, she confronted him directly. "You gonna tell me what's going on, or am I gonna have to resort to smacking some sense into you to get the details?" she quirked a eyebrow.

The golden hues of the setting sun painted the scene as Tyler's eyes stayed focused on the sky. He began to share a vulnerable revelation, "I called Sierra a few days ago. I was with my buddies, the ones I introduced you to. I was drunk. She told me to go fuck myself, said we're never happening again, and that our relationship was a whole mistake."

The weight of his words lingered in the air as he continued, "The next day, scrolling through Instagram, there's a post with her and her ex-boyfriend – the one who had previously caused her harm, beat the crap out of her and who I had to beat up."

Clementine's gaze remained fixed on the side of her brother's face, a mixture of sympathy and concern in her eyes. Comfortingly, she rubbed his back and reassured him, "I'm so sorry, Ty. You could've told me."

As Tyler looked at her, tears streaming down his face, he poured out his inner turmoil. "How am I supposed to tell my sister that I'm still in love with her best friend's older sister?" His voice croaked with emotion.

Clementine tilted her head, a sad smile playing on her lips. "I would have jokingly messed with you, but then I would tell you that you need to move on. Sierra... she's... Sierra. She's just back with him to piss you off, but you know he won't touch her again because he could go back to juvie for it."

Tyler's contemplative gaze remained fixed on the captivating hues of the sunset as Clementine, leaving him to his thoughts, stood back on her feet. As she reentered the house, her eyes transformed into steely resolve upon spotting Blaire. Engaged in conversation with Clementine's boyfriend, Robby, Blaire seemed oblivious to the storm brewing.

A laugh from Robby intensified Clementine's frustration, prompting swift action. With determination in her stride, she approached the duo, cutting through their exchange with a rough, passionate kiss. Her hands pressed firmly into the small of Robby's back as the intensity of the kiss unfolded, leaving little room for anything else.

Breaking the kiss, Robby tried to introduce Blaire. "Clem, this is—" He began, but Clementine was having none of it. "Blaire, I know," she gritted out, her sharp glare directed at the source of her irritation.

Blaire's glare met Clementine's with equal intensity, forming a silent standoff. However, before the tension could escalate further, their conversation was abruptly interrupted by the arrival of Demetri.

The sudden shift in dynamics caught the attention of the partygoers as Demetri seized the microphone, creating a burst of static. All eyes turned toward him as he tapped the cup he held. "Excuse me! I'd like to make a toast... to Eli Moskowitz," he announced, the room falling into a hushed anticipation.

Crossing her arms, Clementine raised an eyebrow as Demetri's cup was raised in the air. "Oh!" he scoffed, a note of sarcasm coloring his tone. "I'm sorry. Some of you might know him as Hawk." With that proclamation, he dropped his cup, creating a moment of tension and curiosity in the room. Clementine observed the unfolding scene with a mix of apprehension and intrigue, uncertain about the implications of Eli's alter ego being exposed.

Clementine braced herself, anticipating that this wouldn't unfold well. "But underneath that crazy clown cosplay and whatever type of Manic Panic he dumps in his hair, he's still good old Eli. My binary brother. Well, he was my binary brother." he insulted, his words carrying a biting edge.

Hawk glared harshly at Demetri. "You wanna know what he is now? A real zero." he continued, the weight of his words hanging in the air, creating a tense atmosphere.

Clementine couldn't help but snort at Demetri's unexpected toast, earning a nudge from Robby, a silent plea to compose herself and avoid further escalating Hawk's anger. Robby, aware of Clementine's earlier confrontation with Hawk, had been informed by Blaire about the incident, prompting him to caution against adding fuel to the fire.

Clementine's attention was instantly drawn to Hawk, noting the tension as he clenched his jaw. She observed him with a furrowed brow, a hint of confusion in her eyes, just as Hawk's nostrils flared. Without hesitation, he took a purposeful step forward, a subtle warning in his movements. "All right, that's enough, Demetri," he declared, his voice carrying an unmistakable and threatening tone. The atmosphere in the room shifted, the tension escalating between the two friends.

Demetri continued his roast, saying, "Don't let that angry red hairdo fool you. One single girl couldn't even like him; he tried to hook up with Clementine Katz, knowingly full well that she is dating Robby Keene." All eyes turned to Robby and Clementine, who stood in the spotlight of the unexpected revelation. Clementine's face turned red, and in response, she blew a playful raspberry and rocked on her heels, injecting a moment of levity into the situation.

Demetri's gasp cut through the room, his mock surprise adding theatrical flair. "Oh, how could I forget! Eli's a big softie. We watched every Harry Potter movie together. And he bawled like a baby when Dobby died," he continued, sarcasm dripping from every word. The partygoers, including Clementine and Robby, erupted in laughter, finding unexpected amusement in Demetri's playful roasting.

Undeterred, Demetri took the opportunity to embellish further. With a pouted lip, he imitated Eli sobbing, mimicking the emotional reaction to Dobby's demise. The room filled with laughter, but Hawk's reaction was far from jovial. The intensified anger on his face hinted at deeper resentments brewing beneath the surface.

"In the words of Eli's hero, Steve Jobs. "I've got one more thing." Have any of you heard of sleep enuresis?" Demetri's mention of sleep enuresis cast an uneasy hush over the crowd. Clementine, visibly disapproving, felt that Demetri had gone too far, venturing into territory that was both personal and uncomfortable. Despite her limited acquaintance with Hawk, she sensed the need to intervene.

Swiftly, Clementine dashed to the stage, determined to retrieve the microphone and put an end to Demetri's relentless teasing. A surprising struggle ensued as Demetri resisted, holding onto the microphone. They went back and forth, tugging at the mic in a silent battle.

Urgently, Clementine leaned in, her whispered plea carrying a mix of concern and frustration. "Demetri, don't do this! You've had enough fun tonight! You're drunk," she gritted, attempting to reason with him. However, before she could regain control, Demetri continued, "Right, where was I? That term was a medical term. In the King's English, it's good old-fashioned bed-wetting."

Demetri's tongue clicked playfully as he delved into the details, "And Eli here is a pro. Even my mom had a special air mattress for sleepovers. And she called it.. "Eli's waterbed.""

Laughter echoed through the gathering, creating a lighthearted atmosphere, abruptly disrupted when Hawk assertively stepped forward. With a casual toss, he flung his solo cup into Mitch's arms. "Screw mercy! You're a corpse!" He threatened. The room hushed as Clementine, sensing tension, instinctively widened her eyes and moved protectively in front of Demetri, ready for whatever might unfold.

Hawk and his crew advanced, halted only by the intervention of Robby and Chris. The air thickened with tension as glares exchanged like unspoken challenges. Clementine, frustrated, audibly groaned, descending from the stage to position herself between the opposing forces. "Back off, all of you! We can handle this without karate!" she shouted, met with a scoff from Blaire. "Screw talking," she muttered under her breath.

The wailing of police sirens reverberated through the house, causing Clementine's eyebrows to shoot up in sudden worry. "I've gotta find my brother! Robby, make sure Sam gets home safely, please!" she urgently yelled, her words hanging in the charged atmosphere. Without waiting for a response, she swiftly sprinted out of the room, driven by the urgency of the situation.

Clementine hurried outside, witnessing her brother being loaded into the police car. A silent curse echoed in her mind at the sight of a beer bottle on the ground, signaling his relapse. With an eye roll and arms crossed, she faced the approaching woman officer. "So, you gonna make this easy or hard?" the officer questioned, hands on her hips. Clementine, a sarcastic smile on her lips, replied, "Easy. My brother's headed to the station in cuffs. Might as well keep him company."


A lovely way to end a chapter before the next chapter that ends Clementines happiness!!!😊😊

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