To watch a Troll

By Nagisa_666

3.1K 99 15

(Set in the beginning of the first Trolls movie, spoilers from the third movie. Branch-centric. Protective Br... More

The Start
The Present
The Bunker

The Future

810 27 3
By Nagisa_666

Branch only rolled his eyes as the yellow troll in front of him continued yelling.

Yes, he'd admit that he did give the troll the middle finger, but with how annoying they were being, how did they expect him not to?

Yes, Grandma Rosie always told him to be nice, but did he have to be nice when no one else was? Yes, Poppy was nice, but who's to say that she wouldn't leave him once he became friends with her?

He learned at an early age that the world is not all sunshine and rainbows, no matter how much the other trolls tried to make it seem like it.

The Bergens still wanted to eat them, the weather wasn't always on their side, and the grass was green.

Bad things happen, and you can't do anything about it. All you have to do is be prepared to face it. And that's what he is. That's what he has to be. He can't be caught off guard, so he had to hone his senses.

If he could hear their music a mile away from their village, surely the chef looking for them could too.

It didn't matter that they called him a party pooper.

It didn't matter that they didn't like him.

As long as he could protect himself from any danger, then it didn't matter.

As long as no Bergens found him, he could be fine with it.

No matter how much it stung.

Because he's Branch, the village grump.

That's all he'd be known by.

And he'd be okay with it, as long as everyone else was safe.

Because no one else should go through what he did.

Soon enough, the screen began loading, getting ready to play, catching everyone's attention as they quieted down, which paused the argument between Branch and the unknown troll, both turning to look at the screen before the other troll glared at him, flipping their hair as they turned to walk away from him, making Branch roll his eyes, turning to sit down before resting his head on his fist.

How dramatic.

Then the screen started, showing him slowly clapping, giving a sarcastic smirk as he leaned against a mushroom, shaking his head before slowly getting up as he spoke.

"Unbelievable guys, really. Really great, good job." He said, securing the twigs as he pointed at them, walking up slowly.

"I could hear you from a mile away!" He yelled, pointing to the forest behind them with an angry face, some trolls rolling their eyes and walking away, the Snack Pack only smiling as Poppy spoke with Branch.

"Good, I was worried we weren't projecting enough," Poppy said in a breathy tone, hopping off of Cooper with a smile, and looking at Branch happily, before turning to look at her friends.

"A mile away? I mean, I get not wanting to harsh the vibe, but wouldn't it be wise not to want to catch the attention of a Bergen?" A dark blue troll asked, making some trolls notice his fins and how he was floating, though Branch only sighed in relief, not even bothering to look at who said it.

"See?! Someone gets it!" He said to himself, shaking his hands in front of him slightly, eyes closed, before looking back at the screen.

"Poppy, if I can hear you, so can the Bergens," Branch said blandly, looking at Poppy at her with furrowed eyebrows, whispering at the end.

"Oh boy," Guy Diamond said with a smile, rolling his eyes dramatically.

"Here we go again," Cooper followed, rolling his eyes tiredly as he shook his head.

"Oh Branch," Biggie simply said, looking at him with slight pity, before the camera shifted from them to Satin and Chenelle.

"You always ruin everything," Satin started, rolling her eyes as Chanelle looked at her before nodding, looking at Branch with furrowed brows.

"Warning us about the Bergens." Chanelle finished, both resting their hands on their hips as they stared at Branch.

"Okay... That was a bit mean... He probably has a reason for it." A purple techno troll said with a frown, looking at the Snack pack who sheepishly looked at each other, other genres nodding and murmuring in agreement.

Branch only looked around in confusion. Normally, the pop trolls would try to give quiet giggles, and no one would try to defend or stand up for him.

Sitting alone, BroZone only frowned at the scene. Branch was probably old enough to remember the terror of living under the Bergens. He probably remembered the day the trolls escaped, and remembered the fear of them being found while escaping.

It seemed like he never forgot.

The other genres of trolls only murmured to each other.

They knew how special grey trolls were. Grey trolls were typically only grey because they lost hope or feelings of joy, and despite most rock trolls having a grey undertone, they still understood the difference.

Grey trolls needed time and assurance, not trolls forcing them to be better or being told they have no reason to be grey.

Soon, the camera showed Branch staring at them with a sad face.

"No, I don't," Branch said sadly before the camera showed a different scene, showing him running into a girl's birthday party, then pushing the clown, shouting 'The Bergens are coming!' Flipping the table, then run out. In another scene, showing the afterparty of her wedding with the clown, before Branch runs in, pushing the clown out of the way, shouting 'The Bergens are coming!', flipping the cake, and then running out. In the last scene, it shows the rosary of the clown, the girl wiping her tears away before Branch runs in again, shouting 'The Bergens are coming!', though this time, he flips the casket of the clown before running out, making everyone pause as the widow glared at him.

"... Why would you do that?" The purple techno troll from before asked, turning to look at a flustered Branch, who hid his face in embarrassment. Soon, he mumbled something inaudible, making the techno troll get closer.

"Sorry? Can you say it again, I didn't hear you the first time." The purple troll asked sheepishly, which made the grey troll flush even more.

"Her friends' prank called me." That was all he mumbled, making the purple techno troll look at him sadly.

"Come on! We haven't seen a Bergen in 20 years." Poppy said with a smile, raising a brow at Branch before she looked at her friends.

"They're not gonna find us." Poppy looked around, lifting her hands as if to prove a point.

"Okay, not cool. At least keep some of his worries in mind." The purple techno troll said with a frown, making Poppy look around sheepishly, Creek placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder, making Branch roll his eyes, the purple techno troll looking at him in curiosity.

"No, they're not gonna find me," Branch started, pointing his thumb at himself to prove his point before he continued.

"Because I'll be in my highly camouflaged, heavily fortified, Bergen-proof survival bunker." He said, looking at her smugly at the beginning before furrowing his eyebrows again, then the camera turned to Poppy.

"You mean you're not coming to the party tonight?" Poppy asked, her smile slightly fading as she looked at the grey troll before the camera turned to Satin and Chenelle.

"But it's going to be the biggest," they said in unison, looking slightly confused before they both smiled, DJ Suki continuing their sentence.

"The loudest!" She said, then the camera showed Biggie, Mr Dinkles, and Cooper, with Cooper finishing the sentence.

"The craziest party ever!" He said with a smile, with Biggie in the background with a blank face, before he looked at Cooper and smiled, nodding happily as they attempted to convince Branch, who only looked at them with a mad face.

"Is that a smart thing to do? I mean, from what this fella is saying, maybe you should tone it down a bit." A sort of lime-green country troll said, catching the attention of Branch and the Snack Pack, who looked at him curiously before letting out quiet laughs.

"Branch is just really paranoid! It's been two decades since we last saw a Bergen, I don't think we're going to see one now." Biggie 'explained' with a laugh, making the rest of the Pop Trolls nod with a smile, the other genres only looking at them in disbelief and shaking their heads in disappointment.

"Big? Loud? Crazy?" The grey troll said, looking at them with an upset expression.

"You're just gonna lead the Bergens right to us!" He shouted, waving his arms around as he tried to make them see his point.

"Are you sure you wanna invite this party pooper to poop on your party?" Cooper 'whispered' discretely, making Poppy bend to her side slightly to hear him, clasping her hands together as she waited for him to finish.

"Yes! I think everyone deserves to be happy!" Poppy said with a smile, looking at Branch who only gave her a confused look before speaking again.

"I don't do happy." He said, furrowing his brows even more.

"Don't be like that Bitty B! You used to love to smile!" Bruce said with a wide grin, eyes squinting as he turned to look at Branch, who only scoffed.

"That was when I was a baby, Spruce, things change." The grey troll said with a scoff, rolling his eyes as he ignored the look they gave him.

"Branch, I know you have happiness inside you," Poppy started, walking closer to the grey troll before placing her hands on her chest, where her heart was before she continued.

"You just need our help to find it." She finished, gesturing her hands towards the Snack Pack who only looked at each other tiredly, before the camera showed Poppy pulling an invitation out of her hair, opening it up for Branch, showing that it was specifically made for him.

It had big words in the back, saying 'BRANCH' on the top with a smaller 'YOU'RE INVITED' beneath it, with the bottom having two flowers and grasses decorating it, Branch standing on a rainbow, holding a heart in his hands as the card sang. Branch himself was a sort of emerald green, meaning that Poppy was still guessing what kind of color he was before he turned grey.

"Celebrate freedom from the Bergens~!" The invitation Branch sang, swinging back and forth before the screen showed an annoyed Branch who only watched the cutout.

Then the invitation Branch shot glitter out of its eyes, hitting Branch in the face as Poppy watched happily, leaning forward to show the grey troll who only blinked with a frown.

"Woah didn't even flinch... Doesn't it hurt when it gets in your eyes?" A random rock troll asked, gaining some attention as they looked at Branch who only looked annoyed.

"Well, when you get glitter shot in your eyes every time she gives you an invitation, you get used to it," Branch replied, making the pink troll giggle sheepishly, brushing some of her hair behind her ear as Guy Diamond took a closer look at the invitation.

"Hey, Poppy, that doesn't look like the rest of our invitations. Did you make that for Branch specifically?" He asked, turning to look at Poppy who got flustered, laughing loudly before shushing the glitter troll who only looked at her curiously before he widened his eyes, looking at Poppy before looking at Branch, a smile slowly growing on his face.

"Poppy, do you like-" Guy Diamonded started before Poppy shoved her hand on his mouth.

"Hey, Guy? I DON'T THINK THIS IS THE PLACE FOR THIS HAHA!" She laughed loudly, getting some attention as they watched her with raised eyebrows.

Soon, the camera showed an annoyed Branch, his face covered in glitter as he stared at the invitation, blinking before the camera showed Poppy, her head tilted and smiling, her eyes half-lidded.

"What do you say, Branch?" She smiled smugly as she gestured for Branch to take the invite.

Branch leaned forward to grab the gift, giving a lazy smile as he grabbed it before throwing it on the ground and stepping on it, breaking it as the Snack Pack took a step back, gasping scandalously before the camera showed Smidge with an open mouth, saying 'oh my god.'

"I'm gonna be real with you, if a troll handed me an invitation that looked like that, I'd do the same thing." The same rock troll who shouted about trollstice said, closing her eyes as she nodded, not caring about the reactions of the scandalized pop trolls.

"I wouldn't be caught dead at your party, but you will be." Branch started, bringing his free hand up to his face as he brushed the glitter off of his face and clothes.

"Caught and dead." He finished, pointing at them before making a slicing motion at his neck, Poppy looked at him with a mad face, before another voice piped in.

"Whoa, whoa! Easy Branch, easy!" Creek spoke, somehow floating in as light showed in, making it seem like he was a god. Before the camera panned out and showed that he was being carried by his hair by a bug, soon it placed the purple troll down, landing on one foot before he stood normally, turning to the side slightly as the bug flew down.

"Bad vibes from this guy instantly. What's up with that?" A random techno troll said, raising a brow as they watched, making Branch take a deep breath before letting out a deep sigh in relief, turning to look at them as he let out a quiet 'thank you!'

"Thank you for providing safe passage, brother, namaste," Creek said, thanking the bug as he rested his forehead against the bugs, before the bug flew away, Creek watching with a smile as Branch rolled his eyes. DJ Suki could be seen in the back watching the bug with a smile.

"Okay, first of all, mate, thanks for sharing your unique perspective on things. Again." Creek said, walking up to Branch who took a step back, Creek patting the twigs that the grey troll had before turning to look back at the Snack Pack, raising an eyebrow as he made Biggie and Cooper giggle.

"But, just for now, why don't you try on some positivity, eh?" The purple troll started, looking at Branch who gave him a slightly disgusted look, raising an eyebrow before Creek gave a little shimmy, popping back up with a smile, Chenelle and Poppy smiling in the back.

"A little positivity might go with that vest!" Creek continued, leaning forward as he puckered his lips slightly to make it seem as if he was talking to a trolling, poking at the air near the grey troll which made Branch lean back even more, before Creek backed up slightly, taking a glance at Branchs vest as the grey troll side-eyed him with a disgusted look.

"Are we not gonna talk about how passive-aggressive that was??? No? Okay." A random rock troll asked, looking around before shrugging and looking back to the screen, not noticing how other Rock, Funk, and Techno trolls nodded, making Pop Trolls look around uncertainly.

"Okay, fine. I'm positive you all are going to get eaten." Branch said with a fake smile, the camera switching over to Poppy, who watched uncertainly before her hug time bracelet went off, she spread her arms out as Creek held her hand.

"It is hug time," Creek said with a smile, making the Snack Pack cheer as Branch only widened his eyes watching them as they forced him into the hug.

"Oh, that feels good. Our hearts are synchronizing!" Creek said, placing a hand on his heart and resting his other arm around Branch's neck, before Guy Diamond gave Branch a big hug, singing 'I can squeeze you forever~!' in autotune.

Soon, Branch jumped out of the circle, landing on his back as he dropped the twigs he was carrying, quickly sitting up and picking up his twigs with one hand, planting the other down on the ground as he got up.

"That kinda looked like it hurt, you okay?" A blue Funk Troll with a crown quietly asked Branch, bending her head down slightly as she turned to look at the grey troll who only nodded with closed eyes, crossing his arms as he acknowledged her.

"I'm fine, this isn't the only thing I've done to get out of hug time," Branch explained simply, not noticing the side-eye the queen gave him.

"Someday, when the Bergens find us and the survival of every Troll is in your hands, I sure hope the answer is singing, hugging, and dancing, because that's all you know how to do!" Branch shouted, walking back to the mushroom he was leaning against, before stopping to turn to look at Poppy, who watched him sadly before Biggie stepped up.

"That is not true! Poppy can also scrapbook!" Biggie said, attempting to defend Poppy who turned to look at him, before looking down sadly, no one noticing how Cooper nodded in agreement in the back, still hugging everyone.

"I can't believe you're gonna be queen one day," Branch said, at first staring at Biggie with a befuddled face before looking at Poppy angrily, turning and walking away after, Poppy staring at him sadly, Creek also watching with a sad face before looking at Poppy, walking up to face her.

"Harsh, but realistic. When you're a ruler, you have to make sure that your subjects are safe and happy." The dark blue techno from before said, nodding his head slightly as rulers from other genres nodded too.

"Tune out his negative vibrations, Poppy," He started, making himself smile as he faced her.

"They're toxic." He finished, making a pushing motion with his hands.

"Ough, ough, like you, ough, ough." A rock troll 'coughed', using their fist to cover their mouth as they ignored the look Creek sent them, which made Branch let out a snort, quickly calming himself when Poppy and Creek turned to give him a blank face.

"Some folks just don't want to be happy." He said, doing some motions before giving her a wide, assuring smile, slightly nodding.

"I guess..." Poppy said, glancing around before looking at Creek, then looking down as if she were a child.

"You guessed right. Boop." Creek said with a calm smile, booping Poppys' nose, which made her laugh a little.

Soon, the camera showed a bunch of glitter trolls lined up, banging some drums before it showed DJ Suki, who was happily making her music before the screen showed four glitter trolls using their hair to hand from the trees before they came together to be a makeshift disco ball. Then it zoomed out and showed Cooper jumping around happily before the camera switched to Biggie being carried in a sea of trolls, saying something although barely anyone heard it.

Then the screen showed DJ Suki jumping around with an open smile before a firefly flew in it, making her pause momentarily before she opened her mouth, and then her eyes one by one, showing that they glowed before she started hopping around again, more fireflies surrounding her.

Soon, it showed Satin, Chenille, and Creek on a Caterbus, Creek using their hair to throw glitter bombs out as they cheered, Creek grabbing another one quickly to throw in the air, before the camera showed Smidge on a mushroom looking around with a smile before she got hit in the face with it, flying backward with wide eyes, landing on her back as a trail of glitter followed her, making trolls gasp and look at her in concern as the music stopped.

Before she quickly hopped up, shouting out 'YOLOO!' loudly, making the trolls smile in relief as the music started up again, all cheering before the screen showed Poppy watching happily as Cooper walked up to her.

"Is this how all your parties go..? Shouldn't you set up safety precautions or a medical stand in case anyone got too hurt?" The purple techno troll asked, looking at Poppy with slight judgemental eyes, making Branch sigh heavily.

"Believe me, guy, she won't listen." He said, making Poppy slightly wilt as she noticed how little hope Branch had for her listening. 

"Wait, did you just call me guy?" The purple techno troll asked in disbelief, turning to look at the grey troll with a raised eyebrow, making Branch shrug,

"You never told me your name, what else am I supposed to call you?" Branch explained, looking at the purple troll blankly who only looked back at him with an open mouth, trying to retort before pausing, nodding his head as he accepted it.

"You're right. Sorry, I'm Synth, nice to meet ya dude!" The Purple troll- Synth- said, finally introducing himself as Branch gave a nod. 

"I'm Branch, like-wise." That was all the grey troll said in response.

Soon the screen started up again, showing Branch watching from a distance, shaking his head in disapproval, before taking a few steps back, still watching as he scoffed, then turned and walked away, the camera switching to Poppy as she shouted for more glitter, the camera now changing to show Smidge pulling a rope that was tied around the petals of a flower, tugging it off with a grin as the flowers bloom, making beams of glitter shoot into the sky, all beams combing at the end to make a pink glitter explosion in the sky. Trolls covered their faces as they leaned back, smiling widely until a big boom happened, glitter spreading all through the forest as the rays of light spread out.

"Oh, wow, that's dope!" A techno troll said in awe, making Poppy preen slightly as Branch rolled his eyes.

"Not gonna be so 'dope' if the Bergens find us because of it." He mumbled, ignoring anyone who heard him. 

Soon, the camera shows the disheveled Chef kneeling on the floor, near a board with a map on it, nearly all locations marked off, and a map in front of her, grill on fire next to the camper she had. She looked at the map in front of her as some glitter particles floated near her, seemingly not noticing until the camera got closer, showing her turning abruptly.

"UGH!! OH, TROLL, she's so ugly!" A rock troll cried out, all genres either hiding their eyes, looking away, or screaming as they looked at the old Bergen, who only rolled her eyes with a frown.

Branch cringed, turning to look away as he groaned, using one hand to cover the side of his face so he couldn't see the Bergen.

The camera then showed her grabbing the telescope, setting it up quickly before she used it, and looking around a bit before the camera showed her pupil dilating, the screen showing her focusing in on one spot before they heard Poppy say 'I can't hear you!', which made the Pop Trolls cheer loudly, another glitter firework going off, this time in the shape of Poppy, the Bergen slowly putting the telescope down before grinning evilly.


"Are you serious?!" Branch shouted, jumping up quickly in anger as Synth stared at him in surprise.

"What did I tell you, Poppy?!" The grey troll shouted, surprising not only the princess, but other genres and Bergens, not noticing the screen suddenly going black, the grey troll kicking chairs and muttering in anger.

The screen suddenly went red, and Branch disappeared, leaving everyone shocked as they began to look around for the troll, his brothers jumping up and looking around in a panic as the screen went back to black before it began to load words up.

"Branch will be taken into a rage room. He will be put back once he either calms down or falls asleep." It explained, slightly calming some trolls, although his brothers still looked reasonably scared for the grey troll.

"Hold on! How do we know you're telling the truth?!" Clay shouted out, pointing to the screen as his brothers nodded in agreement.

The screen then showed a 'loading camera feed' on it, taking a bit before it showed Branch sitting against a wall, hiding his face as he shook slightly, some broken things spread around the room, making his brothers' eyes widen, looking at the youngest sadly before the feed as cut off shortly, making them jump slightly.

"Hey wait! Is he hurt?!" Bruce shouted out in concern, making the other nod in agreement, looking at the screen in concern.

"He will be put back once he either calms down or falls asleep." The screen only repeated itself, making the brothers worry even more, although resigned as they simply waited.

Poppy watched with an upset expression.

First, thanks to her loud, big, and crazy party, the Chef found them, and Branch was mad at her.

She had never seen him that angry before. Sure, he'd gotten annoyed with her, and he said some hurtful things before, but he's never been that upset.

It made her feel worse.

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