Interviews with Wattpad's Blo...

By 4everJCandME

747 8 6


Interviews with Wattpad's Blood.
Interview with MP13Girl
Interview with hrdcorewriter432
Interview with HerBeautfulDeath
Interview with PerfectiOn
Interview with thetis26
Interview with Saacijainjaiswall

Interview with AphroditeKid

81 1 0
By 4everJCandME

1.Me:What books are you currently writing on wattpad?

1.AphroditeKid: It's an adventure story called Individuals: The Director of Death.

2.Me: What inspired you to become an author?

2.AphroditeKid: Well, little things. Small occurrences in life, dreams, even daydreams. Reading from other authors helped me too.

3.Me: What gave you the idea for your book?

3.AphroditeKid: It started from a daydream. I would wonder what it would be like to have another world out there that were probably weren't familiar with, with people with strange powers.

4.Me: What do you do to help you write a story?

4.AphroditeKid: I ask for advice, especially for decisions on what to write next.

5.Me: What do you do when you get Writer's Block?

5.AphroditeKid: I read, read, and read. It always helps me.

6.Me: What do you like to snack on when you write stories?

6.AphroditeKid: Ice cream, definitely. :P

7.Me: What are your inspirations/influences?

7.AphroditeKid: Cornelia Funke is my number 1 influence, as well as Rick Riordan.

8.Me: When did you get interested in writing?

8.AphroditeKid: When I was still in third grade, staying in the school library during lunch time. I decided I wanted to have a book too :)

9.Me: How many books have you written?

9.AphroditeKid: So far, I've completed only one, but I'm working on more.

10.Me: What are all the things you focus on when writing?

10.AphroditeKid: Grammar, punctuation, emotions... I like to

feel and see what I write, and get the reader to do the same. :)

11.Me: Do you write about characters with personalities simillar to people you know in real life?

11.AphroditeKid: Some of them, yes, especially my brother and his curious bunch of friends. :P

12.Me: Do you have any kids?Pets?

12.AphroditeKid: Sad to say, none at all. I'm fourteen, and my sibling has asthma, so no pets at the moment.

13.Me: What's the most difficult part when you write books (beginning or ending)?

13.AphroditeKid: Ending! I always, ALWAYS try and figure out if what I did was right, or if it was a good idea to do this. I change a lot of things. :P

14.Me: Who are your favorite authors on wattpad?

14.AphroditeKid: AnnieGil, NatSlight, rimmie558, KennyLogan, quite a lot. :)

15.Me: What do you want to tell your fans?

15.AphroditeKid: You guys are supportive and amazing! Keep writing! :)

That concludes the second interview with AphroditeKid.

I will put up the next interview when I can.

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