Exposure (Kylo Ren)

By CrimsonTea

169 2 1

Like many, Vora Sabina was a victim of the First Order. She was brought in to work for the First Order due to... More



11 0 0
By CrimsonTea

Vora was the first MT in her team to work at the Finalizer medical bay. There were three medical droids to her one human self. She wondered how often medical droids had breaks and if they needed them. They weren't usually that chatty about non-medical matters.
As Vora watched her machine co-workers, she took a large gulp of her coffee. They definitely didn't sit down to eat or drink whilst in the medical bay. Vora felt she would have seen it by now if true.

On her way back to the medical bay after showing her team to their rooms, Vora had accidentally encountered the Finalizer's caffeine supply. The hot cup of familiar machine coffee had set her up for the long sleepless night, along with the bright incessant lights of the medical bay.

Every second of the downtime on shift was used to assign the roles of her team and a working schedule. Vora decidedly numbered her team from 10 – 17, rather than starting from MT7 in case Kenar had already found a replacement or decided to train a few more MTs on Starkiller. The MT database would sync within a few days and Kenar would see the new MT profiles. For the first few months, Vora planned that the MTs with the most experience would work with the ones who were slightly less experienced.

Months. Eugh.
Vora looked at the calendar template on her tablet with a scowl. She didn't want to have to be around the First Order for many more months.
She thought about the events in the Silencer's training room. Was it merely a tease or would she be regularly given these training sessions. What was in it for the Commander? It complicated Vora's burning drive for finding an astute way to leave the First Order. Then, one day, she'd come back for Kenar and Boona.

Vora looked back down at the calendar. The first morning on the Finalizer was assigned to MT-11 and MT-15.

They both arrived at 0400 looking much better rested than she felt.
After ensuring the new MTs were competent and comfortably set up, Vora headed down the hallway to get some much-deserved rest in her new room.

It looked exactly like her old room but with a desk at the foot of the bed. Vora supposed was the First Order's way of encouraging its workers to keep on working even in their downtime.
The paperwork that came with being an Officer wasn't new to her. On Starkiller, Kenar, Boona and Vora had shared out the admin work for more than a year. It had worked well for them, and they'd never had a supervisor or officer during their time together.

Vora entered the refresher which annexed her room and changed out of her officer uniform for the first time in 36 hours, discarding the clothes into a pile on the floor to be taken to the medical quarter's laundry station. MTs had to regularly make sure their clothes were properly sanitised after any particularly gruesome or 'splattery' events. Thankfully, upon arriving to the Finalizer, Vora's new room had come prepared with a second uniform ready for her.

Vora stepped into the shower. In general, the room felt no different than on Starkiller. The First Order had probably found solace in the one practical interior design template. After getting out of the shower, Vora changed into her softer night clothes. The wearing of clothes to sleep was something Vora did in case of an emergency requiring her attention, otherwise she preferred dismissing clothes for sleep. Some nights she would leave them folded by her bed to change into if needed. Since it was her first week as head MT on the Finalizer, she was preparing for any potential outcome.


After a perfect amount of sleep, Vora started her day in the canteen with a proper breakfast far superior to shovelling handfuls of dry crackers into herself every hour when on busy morning shifts.
She sat alone with a cup of coffee and a plate with hot buttered bread, fruit, and an amalgamated beige pile of proteins.

She only had to do administrative work for the day.
The paperwork, Vora thought, was the biggest perk to being an Officer. When she was just an MT, Vora had to do the hard physical work all the time and rarely had slow days. She hoped to get the admin work done in good time and then take a walk around the Finalizer if her clearance permitted it.

After breakfast and an hour spent reviewing the paperwork, Vora had finished. There were no incident reports to file. After scanning everything and sending it to the appropriate higher-ups, Vora went to the medical bay to check in on MT-11 and MT-15. It was the end of their shift, and they were about to swap over to MT-12 and MT-13.
The logbook had been filled appropriately and the bay didn't look like a mess. Vora realised that she'd been holding on to some stress as a new team leader and let it go with a deep breath.
They aren't idiots. It'll be fine. She told herself.
Vora stayed at the medical bay until the MT change over and then headed back to her room.

A messenger droid was by her door. She greeted it and identified herself.
"Officer Sabina. Commander Ren requests your presence on the Silencer. Follow me."
Vora wondered why the Commander had not sent her a tablet message. Perhaps that was beneath him. Messenger droids were supposed to be used in urgent situations.
"Do I need anything like a change of clothes and my kitbag? Is it a mission?"
"Your kitbag only." The droid informed.
Vora sighed and followed the droid down the halls.

The Silencer was exactly where she had last seen it and didn't show any signs of being prepped for departure. The droid left her and Vora tentatively walked up the ramp.

"Commander Ren?" She called out. She felt herself feeling strangely elevated. Despite the Commander's volatile impulses and cruel tendencies, Vora found herself curious for her ever interaction with him. Especially since the time in the training room.

A blast door was slid open. Vora walked towards it and entered the room. It was the medical bay. It looked smaller and cramped with Kylo Ren in it. A medical droid was also in the room.
"The information for your baseline exam you requested." Commander Ren explained. The medical droid handed Vora a clip board. She immediately thanked and dismissed the droid on Commander Ren's behalf before quickly moving to stand in between the droid and Commander Ren, who was now rising from where he sat on the cot.
The last thing she needed was to see Commander Ren killing a medical droid for his own warped view of self-preservation. The First Order needed as many medical droids as they could get.

"If it's been covered, sir, what am I here for?" She asked once the droid had left. "You asked me to bring my kitbag. Did you need any further tests or are you injured?"

"Once you have reviewed the information, join me in the training room. Leave your kitbag here."

Vora felt her skin flush with excitement. She hadn't expected to experience the training room again so soon. She quickly reviewed the paper in front of her. The information showed that the Commander was physically very healthy and had estimated high levels of endurance. He refused to answer the psychological questions, but Vora was surprised enough that he had permitted the baseline exam. She folded the paper and put it in her pocket to type up into his file later, not wanting to waste any time that could be spent in the training room.

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