As Clear As Crystal


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The Inhumans have always been secretive about their existence, very few were aware of them. This only makes i... More

The Mysterious Arrival
A King's Decision
Someone To Talk To
A Late Night Visit
Proper Introductions
A Tense Night
Que Sera, Sera
Remaining Inconspicuous
A Glimpse Of Something New
Sneaking Out (Again)
Personal Concerns
Conflict At The Breakfast Table
The King's Favour
Demonstration Of Character
Blowing Cover?
A Safe Place
Violence And Accusations
Taking Chances
A Show Of Compassion
To Change An Opinion
A New Lead?
When Needed The Most
The Morning After

Siblings At Odds

252 21 0

The tension in the air was palpable, a thickness in the atmosphere that was near suffocating as Black Bolt and Maximus stared at each other. For what he had done outside of the palace, stirring the worries of the people, the King had no choice but to call a trial on his kin and it hurt him to do so. But Maximus didn't appear hurt, his expression was of disdain as he called this whole thing ridiculous only to be told to remain silent by Gorgon as he emphasised the seriousness of Maximus' actions.

"You were calling on a coup, an act that can only be described as treason" the Royal Guard spoke firmly but Maximus just scoffed, retorting that he was merely warning the people of the dangers that Black Bolt himself ignored. "You were questioning the King's authority, attempting to discredit him to the people, inciting distrust in him" Karnak added but still Maximus showed no remorse, refusing the accept that what he did would be considered treason as he claimed his actions to be just.

"In fact, the reason treason is being committed by our dear King himself; siding with the human rather than his own people, refusing to see the danger the human poses even after all the time he has been here" Maximus' voice dipped to a malicious tone, glaring daggers at his brother as Gorgon advised him to pick his words more carefully with what he was accusing Black Bolt of. But, of course, the Minister of Defence ignored that warning, taking a step closer to where his brother was seated at the large, round table where the Inhuman Royal Family sits as they hold trial.

Staring up at his brother, Maximus had pure animosity in his eyes directed at his kin. "Look at you now, looking down at me for seeing the truth, for calling it out when you refuse to act, you don't even see how many question you, don't you, brother?" Maximus asked rhetorically, again ignoring the warning tone in which Gorgon spoke his name. Black Bolt kept a stoic expression, though his fists were clenched on his arm rests as he listened to his brother's words.

"Gorgon and Karnak do as you say of course, always so loyal, but Triton sees the truth as he witnessed the depravity of humans, your own wife took it upon herself to try and erase the problem from the beginning, only to be forced into silence because you don't want people to see your cowardice". His words were mixed with venom, like a snake hissing as Maximus was gritting his teeth as he got closer to the table. "And that must sting, to have the woman you love doubt you so, even now, isn't that right, Medusa?" He asked, turning to face the Queen herself as she avoided eye-contact whilst the others at the table turned to her.

Medusa's expression said it all, but Maximus seemed to derive a twisted pleasure from it. "Because you argue about it still, I hear you, brave enough to speak your mind that you doubt the human's intentions" he said, causing Crystal to speak up to ask her sister if she really still didn't trust you. Crystal herself wasn't sitting at the table, instead she was off to the side with you as you silently observed the trial.

To answer her sister, Medusa admitted she still doubted you, she still didn't know you after all but that was due to the rule you two avoid each other. "But what about Gorgon and Karnak? Even Black Bolt himself? They see that he is a good person!" Crystal started to raise her own voice, Medusa replying that she couldn't base her opinions on what others say. "Not even my husband" she spoke woefully, an apologetic expression on her face as she looked at Black Bolt who bowed his head.

"Not when it doesn't correlate to your own biases at least, you seem happy to let Maximus colour your opinions, you hypocrite!" Crystal shouted, making her sister wince as you caught her hand to pull her back. "Calm down, Crystal" you spoke in a hushed tone, only for Maximus to laugh at her. "I wondered when you would speak up, so eager to defend your little pet project" he taunted as Crystal clenched her fists as he then went to ask about Crystal's whereabouts during the incident outside.

"You are usually joined at the hip, so where were you?" Maximus asked as Crystal glared back at him. "I was with Triton, trying to talk to him, to convince him that not all humans are bad" she answered with Maximus then feigning shock, asking Crystal if she was trying to undermine what Triton had endured which made the Inhuman Princess to spit for him not to twist her words.

"What Triton went through was horrible, I hate the people who did that to him, but not all humans are like that!" Crystal snapped, gesturing to you as she said you weren't like that. "He wouldn't hurt Triton, nor would he hurt anyone here, and yet you are trying to paint him as a bad guy, using what Triton went through to justify your opinions!" She shouted at Maximus who just smirked before Black Bolt hit the table to call for order, Karnak telling Maximus to not stir more trouble.

"Right, this isn't about the Princess' hurt feelings, but my point about Medusa still stands" Maximus smirked as he looked at the Queen again. "Because you do doubt my brother, even though you love him so" he mocked as Medusa kept her head bowed, replying that she does voice her own concerns, but never would she try to discredit her husband in front of the people of Attilan.

Maximus merely scoffed at this, shaking his head before saying that was disappointing. "Brave enough to doubt your beloved, just as much of a coward to do anything else, I had hope for you since that night you tried to kill the human" he spoke down to Medusa, jumping a little as Black Bolt again banged his fist on the table for order. Maximus regained his composure quickly though, clearing his throat before turning his attention to Triton.

"Surely you have more sense, given what you had to endure? Even with the Princess trying to persuade you otherwise" The Minister of Defence asked the scarred Inhuman, making Crystal clench her fists at her side as she saw Maxiumus' smug expression. Triton looked at Black Bolt before going back to Maximus, he didn't answer though. But his silence spoke magnitudes, his own opinions demonstrated back at the infirmary with what he said to you.

Maximus seemed satisfied as he turned back to his brother; "and there you have it, am I truly at fault for doubting you when others around me share my concerns?" He asked before shrugging and asking what that even mattered for anyway. "After all, you'll just cover up the truth again, won't you, Black Bolt? You'll ignore the threat until it brings about our ruin, so who's the real traitor here?" Maximus asked.

Black Bolt suddenly stood up as he glared back at his brother who flinched a little but quickly recovered to stare back with the same malice as before. There was silence, it was ironically rather deafening as you all waited for someone to speak. Unsurprisingly, Maximus broke the silence, asking if this was the part where judgement was passed down on him.

"What is your verdict, husband?" Medusa followed up, Black Bolt looking at her before he signed his response, his wife reading his motions before she stood up to speak for him and she turned to face Maximus.

"Maximus Boltagon, judgement has been decided for your offence of treason through attempting to incite coup d'etat" your punishment will be the removal of your title as Minister of Defence, the stripping of your royal rank and as such your right to the throne, finally, you are to be removed from the royal palace" Medusa translated her husbands words, the room otherwise remaining silent as Maximus just stared up at his brother. Then he scoffed; "why not go the extra mile and banish me from Attilan?" He remarked only to be met with a cold stare, Black Bolt had heard enough.

Holding his arm out to the side, Medusa called in the guards from the other side of the door and asked them to escort Maximus out of the palace. "No need, Medusa, I know my own way out" the condemned Inhuman interrupted, turning his back to his brother. "You'll see soon enough; you follow the rule of a fool who claims to be a King" he then started to walk to the door, only to pause and look back once more at his kin.

"Mother and Father must be so proud" he hissed, Black Bolt visibly recoiling and wincing, before turning to face you. Maximus said nothing else, feigning a motion to go in for an attack only for Crystal to step before you, as well as a flash of light with Lockjaw appearing before her with the large dog growling. A smug smirk turned on Maximus' lips as he then left, the guards following behind to make sure he left the palace.

This left the room in that deafening silence again, eyes glancing around until Black Bolt motioned that everyone else could leave with Gorgon, Karnak and Triton obeying immediately. Crystal also turned to leave but was called after by Medusa, she barely looked back at her sister as she asked if they could talk.

"Talk? Talk about what? Are you going to try and tell me that he's a bad guy as well?" She asked as she motioned to you. "Because you've already said it enough, you made your own thoughts clear, Sister, and I am not turning my back on my friend" she said before looking at you, asking if you could go somewhere private to talk about anything else now. You looked back at Medusa, then past her to Black Bolt to see the King looking back. He frowned, looking downcast at what he had to do and you mouthed an apology before turning back to Crystal.

She led the way as you left the room, though not without patting Lockjaw on the head as thanks for him standing between you and Maximus. The large dog gave a bark before teleporting away, leaving Medusa do Black Bolt alone, both husband and wife looking at each other as they remained silent for a moment until Medusa spoke.

"I-I..." she didn't even know what to say, but Black Bolt just nodded as Medusa also left the room. The King stood alone, bowing his head and clenching his eyes shut, he brought his fist down on the table and it crumbled to splinters under his unintentional use of power.

This...this was not what Black Bolt wanted.

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