The Human Condition

By SimpleyWasTaken

108 1 0

In a "perfect" world where time has no meaning, a beast forged from the last bits of humanity left in the wor... More

Prolouge: And Again
Act One: The Walled Garden
Act Two: Partners In Time
Prolouge 2: The Omen

Act Three: The Blindness Of Us All

8 0 0
By SimpleyWasTaken

The quartet found themselves surrounded by the lingering echoes of a forgotten era, the ruins of the time machine standing tall as a testament to their temporal escapades. Dr. Fox, Willow, Arlo, and Harold gathered amid the remnants, their conversations weaving through the air like whispers of the past and anticipations for the future.

Arlo, visibly anxious, blurted out, "What year is it now?"

Dr. Fox, puzzled, responded, "Year? Well, you see, we live in a time where counting years has become a bit obsolete. We measure things differently."

Arlo's expression shifted between confusion and frustration. "Obsolete? What do you mean? How do you keep track of time?"

Harold, still adjusting to the ruined surroundings, added, "Guess we've got a lot to catch up on."

The quartet navigated the twisting tunnels, shadows dancing along the walls as they moved through the underground labyrinth. Dr. Fox suggested Vaporwave Valley, the neon-lit city, as a potential destination. The idea sparked a glimmer of hope amidst the gloom that surrounded them. As they emerged into the open air, the world above revealed itself. The sky, once a canvas of freedom, now bore the scars of red translucent strands, an eerie manifestation of the Soulstuck's pervasive reach. Willow's connection to the spiritual energies of the world resonated with an unsettling truth – the Soulstuck's influence was spreading far and wide, entwining everything in its malevolent grasp. Yet, before the weight of this revelation could fully settle, their attention was abruptly seized by a sight that left them dumbfounded. The Apex Tower, an emblem of their time, defied gravity, hovering in the sky like an otherworldly monolith. Dr. Fox's gaze fixated on this surreal spectacle, shock and disbelief etched across his face. The quartet stood in silence, grappling with the magnitude of the Soulstuck's power and its undeniable impact on their reality.

In the distance, Vaporwave Valley beckoned with its neon lights, holographic signs, skyscrapers, clubs, and nightly parties. The city stood as a beacon of the far future, a dazzling rendition of what once might have been Las Vegas. The allure and mysteries it held became the focal point of their planning.

Dr. Fox, with his characteristic analytical mind, mapped out potential routes and challenges. Willow, attuned to the energies of the environment, sought insights that might help them navigate the futuristic landscape. Arlo, harboring a sense of resentment over perceived abandonment, grappled with internal turmoil. Harold, having unintentionally traversed time, faced the strangeness of a future he never expected.

As they discussed their impending journey, the ruins of the time machine loomed in the background—a stark reminder of the unpredictable nature of time travel. The quartet, bound by the twists of fate, forged a collective determination to confront the enigma that lay ahead. The landscape, a fusion of forgotten relics and glimpses of a vibrant future, set the stage for their adventure into Vaporwave Valley and the unknown challenges it held.

As they continued to discuss their journey to Vaporwave Valley, the absence of traditional timekeeping served as a reminder of the vast temporal gap that separated the quartet from their origins. The concept of years had evolved into something beyond conventional measurements, leaving Arlo grappling with the unfamiliarity of this future era.

The squad eventually made it in a slightly awkward walk into the vibrant city of Vaporwave Valley, greeted by the mesmerizing spectacle of neon lights illuminating the skyline. Skyscrapers adorned with holographic signs towered above, casting a palette of colors that painted the night. Flying cars zipped through the air, leaving trails of light as they navigated the bustling cityscape.

Cafes and clubs pulsated with music, inviting citizens and corebots alike to indulge in the lively atmosphere. Parks offered serene retreats amidst the urban jungle, and dedicated locations for corebots buzzed with mechanical chatter as they socialized in their own unique way. The quartet marveled at the seamless blend of futuristic technology and lively social spaces that defined Vaporwave Valley.

A distant crowd hinted at the city's thriving nightlife, promising a symphony of entertainment and energy. As they strolled through the city, the quartet found themselves immersed in the rhythmic heartbeat of Vaporwave Valley, a place where the future unfolded in dazzling displays of innovation and creativity.

The quartet's joyous exploration was abruptly interrupted as Dr. Fox keenly observed the distant commotion. The once-celebratory crowd now scattered in fear, their laughter replaced by urgent shouts and panicked footsteps. A sense of foreboding gripped the quartet as they quickly retreated to a safe distance, casting a collective glance back at the source of the chaos.

In the midst of the turmoil, a figure emerged, its form a stark amalgamation of purple and red hues. The ominous dual-toned presence hinted at the insidious influence of the Soulstuck, a grim notice that the malevolent force had already reached the heart of Vaporwave Valley. The quartet exchanged concerned glances, realizing that the threat they sought to escape had followed them, casting its dark tendrils over the futuristic city.

Undeterred by the looming danger, the quartet knew they couldn't stand idly by. With grim determination, they steeled themselves for the challenges ahead, ready to confront the Soulstuck and protect Vaporwave Valley from the encroaching shadow that threatened to engulf it.

Dr. Fox, a steely resolve in his eyes, motioned for the others to stand back as he approached the enigmatic figure tainted by the Soulstuck's ominous touch. The air hung heavy with tension as Dr. Fox, with deliberate steps, closed the distance between himself and the manifestation of malevolence. Amidst the chaos, he raised a hand, demanding a moment of eerie stillness.

His voice, a firm yet inquisitive tone, pierced through the disarray. "What have you done?" Dr. Fox's question hung in the air, a plea for answers in the face of an encroaching darkness. The crimson red Soulstuck, a silent and foreboding presence, offered no response, its ominous existence shrouded in an unsettling quietude.

The purple humanoid soul, seemingly struggling against the Soulstuck's grasp, momentarily sparked hope among the quartet that some fragment of the person it once was still lingered. However, their optimism was short-lived, as the rebellious spirit was swiftly overpowered, once again succumbing to the soul-crushing influence of corruption.

The Soulstuck, with its newly acquired puppet, darted away, skirting around a colossal tower at the heart of Vaporwave Valley. Dr. Fox and the others were left bewildered, their minds racing with questions and confusion. Why hadn't the Soulstuck attacked them directly? Who was the enigmatic purple soul, and why did it seem to resist the Soulstuck's control, if only briefly?

In the narrow alleyway, away from the chaotic streets of Vaporwave Valley, the quartet huddled to discuss their next course of action. Surrounded by towering skyscrapers adorned with neon lights, the quartet exchanged puzzled glances before cautiously approaching the source of laughter. The abandoned Corebot, nestled in the dumpster, continued its janky sounds, its voice oddly reminiscent of a certain ancient female vocaloid singer. Dr. Fox, ever the inquisitive mind, couldn't resist delving into the peculiar existence of this disconnected prototype.

Dr. Fox: "Now, that is weird. Pretty sure those are supposed to sync up with the Thundercloud for stuff. How is it managing to be without that connection?"

Willow, intrigued: "It's like a rogue, dancing to its own beat. I kinda like it."

Arlo, skeptical: "Is this thing safe? It's giving me the creeps."

Willow, somewhat cautiously: "It seems harmless, but how does it even function without tapping into the servers?"

The prototype Corebot, nestled in its metallic abode, responded with a series of beeps, whirrs, and seemingly nonsensical phrases, leaving the quartet scratching their heads in confusion.

Dr. Fox, pondering: "Maybe it's onto something. Being disconnected might be an advantage in this situation. No influence from the servers means it's not susceptible to the corruption's manipulation, right?"

Willow, considering: "Could be, but we need to figure out what it knows about the Soulstuck and how we can use that information. Maybe it's seen something we haven't."

Arlo, still uneasy: "Alright, but if it starts self destructing or some shit, I'm out of here."

Harold, scanning the surroundings: "We've got bigger problems than a quirky Corebot. Look at the city; it's falling apart. What's the plan now?"

Dr. Fox, eyeing the prototype: "Let's see if we can get any useful information out of our eccentric friend here. Then, we figure out how to deal with the Soulstuck and the chaos it brought."

As the quartet engaged in a blend of cautious curiosity and strategic planning, the peculiar Corebot continued its gibberish-laden responses, serving as an enigmatic companion in their quest to unravel the mysteries that surrounded them.

Dr. Fox, driven by curiosity and the desire to extract information from the disconnected prototype, decided to tap into its core through the unique connection he had with the Thundercloud. Closing his eye, he extended his soul towards the Corebot's digital essence. Almost instantly, an overwhelming surge of chaotic energy flooded his mind, causing an unbearable headache that reverberated through his fractured eye.

As Dr. Fox strained against the mental onslaught, a small piece of his already damaged eye fell off, clattering to the ground like a delicate shard of glass. The quartet, witnessing this unsettling moment, watched as Dr. Fox, weakened and disoriented, stumbled backward and sank to the floor.

Willow, alarmed: "Herb, are you okay? What happened?"

Arlo, helping him sit: "You don't look so good. Maybe messing with that thing's mind wasn't the best idea."

Harold, concerned: "We need to be careful. We can't afford any more setbacks."

Dr. Fox, breathing heavily: "I... underestimated the resistance. There was something in there I can't understand, and I... paid the price."

As Dr. Fox rested on the cold alley floor, he felt the drain of his energy, the cracks of his fractured eye becoming slightly more pronounced.

With Dr. Fox weakened, Arlo and Harold gently lifted him, supporting him on each side, and decided to head inside the nearby building. They found the elevator and pressed the button for the top floor, hoping to get a vantage point from a balcony that overlooked the entire neon-lit city

As the elevator doors closed, Willow, determined not to leave the peculiar Corebot behind, turned back to grab it. To her surprise, the Corebot seemed to be in a deep slumber, emitting soft snores. Despite its apparent lack of responsiveness, Willow, with gut feeling it could prove useful, decided to drag it across the floor. The Corebot snored in sync with its unwilling journey, seemingly content in its half unconscious state.

As they ascended, the elevator music played a light, cheerful tune, creating a stark contrast to the intense events unfolding around them. Willow, now on the rooftop balcony with the rest, continued to pull the prototype Corebot, its metallic limbs scraping lightly against the floor. The quartet anticipated that their vantage point would provide crucial insights into the unfolding chaos in Vaporwave Valley.

As Willow approached, Arlo and Harold gently laid Dr. Fox on a reclining chair, allowing him some much-needed rest. The atmosphere in the room became tense as Arlo, with a somber expression, asked if he could pose a question. Harold, slightly puzzled but agreeable, nodded, opening the door to a conversation that had been lingering in the shadows.

The room fell into an uneasy silence after Arlo's apology, and Harold's reaction was a mix of disappointment and frustration. He gazed at his brother with narrowed eyes, the air thick with unspoken resentment.

Arlo took a deep breath, trying to find the right words. "Harold, I never intended to abandon you. It was chaos back there, and I had to make a split-second decision. I thought you were right behind me."

Harold scoffed, uncrossing his arms to gesture around the room. "Clearly, I wasn't. You left me to fend for myself in that dark, ruined crypt. Do you have any idea what it felt like, dude? You going through that machine felt like nothing to you. I felt all the things that you skipped."

Arlo's expression shifted from defensiveness to guilt. "I... I can't imagine. But we're here now, and I'm sorry."

Harold's eyes narrowed further. "Oh, now you want to work together? After leaving me behind, you expect everything to be fine and dandy? You get us into situations and you think a sorry can just fix everything?"

The tension in the room escalated as the brothers locked eyes, their emotions raw and unfiltered. Willow, standing in the doorway, observed the familial conflict with a somber understanding of the complexities that existed between the two. She could sense the pain in Arlo's eyes and the bitterness in Harold's voice.

Arlo, realizing the depth of his brother's hurt, softened his tone. "Harold, I'm genuinely sorry. I never meant to hurt you. Let's figure this out together."

Harold, not hesitated in the slightest, let his anger stir more. He sighed, not relenting a bit. "I am so done." Harold stood up, and walked back towards the elevator, by himself.

. Arlo slumped in his chair, his shoulders weighed down by guilt and regret. He had hoped for reconciliation, but his attempt had only exacerbated the rift between them.

As Arlo wrestled with his emotions, a sudden voice broke the silence. It emanated from the now awakened Corebot, startling everyone in the room. "lol is that the grim reaper?"

The quartet exchanged puzzled glances, unsure of how to interpret the cryptic remark. Willow furrowed her brow, leaning in closer to examine the Corebot. "What do you mean, 'the grim reaper'?"

The corebot's metallic frame vibrated with a hint of amusement. "cloak!!!!!"

Dr. Fox, still recovering from his earlier ordeal, struggled to comprehend the situation. "But... I don't see anything."

The Corebot shrugged, its movements jerky and erratic. "i seeEEE!" It walked to the edge of the balcony, and pointed to the side of the building. There, Arlo was visible in the elevator, now stuck and it's glass shattered on the outer side.

With a sudden jolt, the corebot's systems flickered erratically before abruptly shutting down, its once vibrant screen now displaying a ominous warning: "Evacuate Area: Harvest In Progress."

The quartet turned trio stared in disbelief at the cryptic message, their hearts sinking with dread. Willow's eyes widened in alarm as she read the words aloud, her voice trembling with unease. "What... what does this mean?"

Dr. Fox's mind raced with possibilities, his analytical instincts kicking into overdrive.

As the unsettling warning echoed in their minds, a sudden thud resonated through the room, followed by the distinct sound of dragging chains. Dr. Fox, Willow, and Arlo exchanged wary glances, their senses on high alert as they scanned the area for any signs of movement.

Then, seemingly out of thin air, a figure materialized before them. It was about the height of a child, draped in a billowing black cloak that trailed behind her like a shadow. Two gleaming blades adorned each of her arms, connected by chains that clinked softly with every movement. A golden mask obscured her features, shrouding her identity in mystery.

Dr. Fox's eyes narrowed in suspicion as he took in the sight before him. "Who are you?" he demanded, his voice tinged with a mixture of curiosity and caution.

The cloaked figure remained silent for a moment, her gaze locked on the three with an intensity that sent shivers down their spines. Then, with a swift motion, she raised one of her chained blades, the metal glinting ominously in the dim light.

"I mean you no harm," Willow spoke up, her voice steady despite the unease creeping into her heart. "I'm just trying to figure out what's happening here."

The cloaked child remained silent, her hidden face betraying no emotion as she regarded them with an inscrutable gaze. It was clear that she held secrets of her own, and Dr. Fox couldn't shake the feeling that her presence was somehow connected to the unfolding chaos surrounding them.

The figure's voice, though youthful, carried an air of wisdom beyond her years as she spoke. "What brings two sunshiners to the heart of the big city?" she inquired, her tone laced with curiosity and a hint of suspicion. "And what of the rest of you? Souls untethered from your carnations, wandering in a place where that us strictly forbidden."

Dr. Fox exchanged a puzzled glance with Willow and Arlo, uncertainty flickering in his eyes. "We... we're not entirely sure," he admitted, his voice tinged with a note of apprehension. "We were brought here unexpectedly, thrust into a world we don't fully understand."

The unknown being regarded them with a mixture of interest and wariness, her gaze lingering on each member of the quartet in turn. "You're not the first lone souls to find themselves adrift in this city," she remarked cryptically, her tone heavy with implications yet to be revealed. "But whether you're a threat remains to be seen."

Willow stepped forward, her expression determined as she met the cloaked figure's gaze head-on. "We're not here to cause trouble," she stated firmly. "We just want to find out what's happening and how we can stop it."

The figure's masked face betrayed no emotion as she considered Willow's words, her silence stretching on for a tense moment. Then, with a decisive nod, she lowered her blades, the chains rattling softly as they settled against her cloak. She asked, "So then, what were you doing alongside it?"

"I've never been associated with the SoulStuck," he retorted firmly, his voice laced with conviction. "I don't know what you're talking about."

The figure was quickly drawn to a massive holographic news station adorning the side of a towering skyscraper. A reporter's fearful voice echoed through the air, drawing their attention as they watched footage of Dr. Fox's human form intertwined with the soulstuck, wreaking havoc across the city.

The scene depicted the soulstuck's ominous presence looming over the chaos, its tendrils reaching out to ensnare unsuspecting victims and drain them of their essence. People fled in terror as the streets filled with lifeless bodies, their souls stolen away by the malevolent entity.

Dr. Fox's heart sank as he watched the damning footage, his mind reeling with disbelief at the sight of his human self seemingly complicit in the soulstuck's atrocities. "That's not me," he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper as he struggled to reconcile the horrifying images with his own sense of identity.

Willow's hand tightened around his, offering silent support as they stood transfixed by the grim tableau unfolding before them. The cloaked figure beside them remained silent, her inscrutable gaze fixed upon the holographic display, her expression somehow more unreadable now.

The cloaked figure, her form shrouded in darkness, paused for a moment, her gaze flickering with an enigmatic intensity. "I'm just going to cut to the chase here," she confessed, her voice low and tinged with a hint of remorse. "I'm here to harvest a few of you all."

The cloaked figure's words hung heavily in the air, sending a chill down Arlo's spine as he struggled to comprehend the gravity of her declaration. "Harvest?" he repeated, his voice tinged with confusion and mounting dread. "What do you mean?"

The figure's gaze bore into him, her golden mask betraying no hint of emotion as she explained, "In the eyes of the ThunderCloud, unregistered sunshiners such as yourselves are long overdue for harvest. It is my duty to ensure that souls are collected according to schedule."

Arlo's heart hammered in his chest as he grappled with the implications of her words, his mind racing with fear and uncertainty. "Harvest... you mean... we're going to be killed?" he stammered, his voice trembling with apprehension.

The figure's response was inscrutable as she regarded him with an unreadable expression. "It is not for me to decide your fate," she replied cryptically. "But the ThunderCloud must be upheld, and the consequences of defiance are severe."

In an instant. the cloaked one's blade sliced through the air with deadly precision, severing the very essence of Willow's soul in a cruel and unforgiving strike. In that fleeting moment, her form seemed to waver and distort, ethereal wisps of light spiraling outward from the point of impact. With a strangled cry of agony, Willow's form crumpled to the ground, her soul forming into another link on the killer's blade.

As the chaos unfolded before him, Harold's mind spun with disbelief and horror. With a surge of adrenaline-fueled desperation, he launched himself at the cloaked figure, his every instinct screaming for him to protect his comrades at any cost. He sent them and himself down the side of the skyscraper, but his valiant efforts were met with chilling finality as the figure's blades struck true, slicing through his flesh with brutal efficiency.

In a heart-wrenching moment frozen in time, Harold felt the searing pain of the blades tearing through his body from his view stuck in the lift, his form sliced in midair as he and the figure plummeted towards the unforgiving ground below. With a sickening thud, his the mysterious landed unharmed and once again turned invisible.

And as Dr. Fox bore witness to the devastating scene unfolding below, a surge of grief and despair washed over him like a tidal wave. His heart heavy with sorrow, he knew that their journey had taken a dark and irreversible turn, leaving behind a trail of shattered hopes and broken dreams.

As Dr. Fox ventured deeper into the shadows of the skyscraper, his footsteps echoing off the cold, metallic walls, he couldn't shake the feeling that something was terribly wrong. The air was thick with tension, and an eerie silence hung over the once bustling city.

As he reached the ground floor, a shockwave of disbelief washed over him as he beheld the gaping hole that had torn through the heart of the building. The jagged edges of the rupture glistened in the dim light, a stark reminder of the destructive force that had rent the structure asunder.

Peering into the darkness below, Dr. Fox's heart sank as he caught sight of ancient ruins hidden amidst the rubble. It was as if a veil had been lifted, revealing the forgotten remnants of a bygone era lurking beneath the surface of the modern world.

It was common knowledge that the city of Vaporwave Valley was built atop the structures of bygone eras, but actually seeing or visiting said ruins was strictly forbidden. It's said that down below, strange beings formed, and things happened according to nature, but wrong. Almost like the effects that would happen to people and animals after horrific calamities that the ancients would call "nuclear warfare". Something must be there that caused all of that to happen.

But it was the sight of the soulstuck's tendrils snaking their way through the debris that sent a shiver down Dr. Fox's spine. The malevolent energy seemed to pulse with a life of its own, a grim testament to the insidious influence that threatened to consume them all.

With a heavy heart and a sense of trepidation gnawing at his insides, Dr. Fox steeled himself for the task ahead. He knew that they were running out of time, and that the fate of their world hung in the balance. With a grim determination, he set out to find Harold, his resolve unwavering in the face of unimaginable peril.

As Dr. Fox slowly climbed down the chasm in suspicion that Harold fell below, his mind raced with a flurry of thoughts and questions. Where had Harold fled to? What horrors awaited them in the depths below? And most importantly, how could they hope to stop the relentless advance of the soulstuck now?

With each step, the weight of responsibility bore down upon him, urging him onward even as uncertainty clouded his thoughts. He knew that time was of the essence, and that they couldn't afford to waste a single moment in their desperate bid to thwart the encroaching darkness.

Suddenly, a faint sound caught Dr. Fox's attention, drawing him towards a dimly lit alcove tucked away in the shadows. There, grappling against the ceiling of the ruins, was Harold, his eyes wide with fear as he clutched a makeshift weapon in his trembling hands.

"Harold!" Dr. Fox called out softly, his voice tinged with concern. "It's me, Fox. We need to get out of here."

Harold's gaze flickered upwards, his expression a mix of relief and apprehension as he recognized his friend's voice. Without a word, he rose to his feet, the weight of their shared burden evident in the weary slump of his shoulders.

Together, they made their way back to the surface, each step a testament to their resilience in the face of adversity. As they emerged into the harsh light of day, Dr. Fox couldn't shake the feeling that their ordeal was far from over.

With a silent vow to stand against the darkness no matter the cost, he turned to Harold, his eyes shining with determination. "We'll find a way to stop this," he said firmly. "We have to."

Suddenly, the SoulStuck found them. Grabbing Harold by the waist, it pulled him into the ruins below.

As Harold's desperate cries pierced the air, Dr. Fox's heart clenched with dread. He lunged forward, his instincts screaming at him to save his friend, but before he could reach out, more tendrils of the soulstuck emerged from the depths below, ensnaring Harold in their twisted grasp.

"Harold!" Dr. Fox shouted, his voice echoing off the surrounding buildings as he struggled against the suffocating grip of the soulstuck. With every ounce of strength he possessed, he fought to break free, but the tendrils held him fast, their malevolent energy seeping into his very mind.

A sense of corruption washed over Dr. Fox, its insidious tendrils worming their way into his mind and body, distorting his thoughts and perceptions. He felt himself losing himself, his vision swimming with static as consciousness slipped through his fingers like sand.

Then, darkness descended like a shroud, swallowing him whole as unconsciousness claimed him. When he awoke, it was to the harsh reality of his surroundings, the broken remnants of a building crumbling around him as he lay sprawled on the ground.

For a moment, he lay there, dazed and disoriented, before the full weight of what had transpired crashed down upon him. Harold was gone, taken by the soulstuck's relentless advance, and he had been powerless to stop it.

With a heavy heart, Dr. Fox pushed himself to his feet, his body aching with every movement as he surveyed the devastation around him. The city lay in ruins, its once vibrant streets now silent and desolate, a stark reminder of the havoc wrought by the soulstuck's inexorable march.

Dr. Fox lay sprawled on the ground, his body battered and broken, every movement sending waves of pain rippling through his weary limbs. As he struggled to gather his wits, a low rumbling began to reverberate beneath him, the ground trembling with the force of an unseen power.

Dr. Fox realized the truth: the soulstuck was on the move once again, its insatiable hunger driving it to ever greater heights of destruction. As the tremors grew stronger, he staggered to his feet, his gaze sweeping the horizon in search of the source of the disturbance.

And then he saw it.

High above, atop a towering skyscraper, the soulstuck stood, its form pulsating with malevolent energy. And beside it, a figure that sent a chill down Dr. Fox's spine: his own human body, twisted and corrupted by the soulstuck's dark influence. Whatever it needed his vessel for, it seemed to be done with it. Moments later, the carnation was thrown off the building, lifeless.

Before he could even begin to process the implications of this chilling revelation, the ground beneath him lurched violently, sending him tumbling to the ground once more. With a deafening roar, the entire city of Vaporwave Valley was ripped from its foundations, its entirety lifted into the sky by the SoulStuck's unstoppable power.

For a moment that seemed to stretch into eternity, Dr. Fox watched in horror as the world around him was torn asunder, buildings crumbling like paper beneath the soulstuck's relentless assault. And then, with a sickening lurch, the city began to fall, hurtling towards the earth with terrifying speed.

As darkness closed in around him, Dr. Fox felt himself slipping into unconsciousness once more, the echoes of destruction ringing in his ears. And then, everything went black.

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