The First Command: A Steamy F...

By glasssvial2121

73.9K 2.9K 164

18+ Flora Engelman, a wife without a husband, works as a servant for Lord Ambrose Black, a demon with a past... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-one
Chapter Twenty-two
Chapter Twenty-three
Chapter - Twenty-four
Chapter Twenty-five
Chapter Twenty-six
Chapter Twenty-seven
Chapter Twenty-eight
Chapter Twenty-nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-one
Chapter Thirty-two
Chapter Thirty-three
Chapter Thirty-four
Chapter Thirty-five
Chapter Thirty-six
Part Thirty-seven
Chapter Thirty-eight
Chapter Thirty-nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-one
Chapter Forty-two
Chapter Forty-three
Chapter Forty-four
Chapter Forty-five
Chapter Forty-six
Chapter Forty-seven
Chapter Forty-eight
Chapter Forty-nine (END)

Chapter Seventeen

1.7K 62 1
By glasssvial2121

"How are you feeling, my Flora?" he asked as I lay in his embrace, totally spent and melting in his warm, still-damp arms.

A silence fell.

How was I feeling? It was hard to put my feelings into words because I was having trouble understanding those feelings in the first place.

I knew I felt good despite the fact that my eyes were still weeping. I also knew I was most definitely not feeling sad. In fact, I felt everything but sad, and all of those feelings were still coming out of my eyes in the form of salty tears.

"I feel... happy," I eventually said.

Yes, I was happy. That was the truth. Elated, even. I'd never felt like this before after being intimate with someone else. I'd never felt this relaxed, never this alive. And never this safe, encompassed, understood, and seen.

Perhaps, I felt a bit silly, too. Because here I was, crying, while Ambrose had been so gentle with me. There was no reason for these big tears. I wondered what he thought about it. If he was the one crying, I know I'd feel horrible.

"I d-don't"—my breath hitched—"I don't know why I'm crying. I'm so sorry. I can't stop it."

"Oh, you sweet woman. Stop apologizing and stop fighting it. Crying is nothing to feel sorry about," he reassured me, then kissed the top of my head while his hands caressed my body. Even his tail did, which he used to stroke my thighs, oh so gently.

Like a cocoon, he was all around me. I wished this moment could last forever.

"You're crying because you feel and that is good," he continued. "I make you feel things, just like you make me feel things. You were—and still are—full of emotions."

I dried my eyes. "Thank you. That makes sense."

"Trust me, Fora. I knew tonight was going to make you happy. And it did, didn't it?" His breath was warm against my neck.

"How did you know?" I asked.

"Because I know you. Don't you feel it when we are together? Don't you know me? Know what I need?"

"I feel... something." Admiration, desire, safety, warmth. I felt all that. "And you actually make it very clear what you want and need..."

He chuckled. "That is true. But you also know what I want because we have something special. All these nights I desired you—even though I couldn't have you—I knew you wanted me to take you. You wanted the same as I did."

"I...did long for that," I spoke in all honesty, my sobbing finally ceasing. "But I was bound."

"I know. It made me frustrated in the beginning, and I almost fucked up this chance. I knew you wanted me too, so I became greedy for you. But because of that, I pushed you away. I wanted you more than I was allowed to." He kissed me again. "Believe me that I remember you were bound."

I sniffed. "And how d-do you feel now?"

"I feel as you do, my Flora... Tonight was amazing. You were amazing and made me very happy."

"I did?"

"Oh yes. You were just like I knew how you would be. My good girl."

I beamed at the compliment.

"What happened last night is just the beginning, my Flora," he said. "I will show you—teach you—so many new things. And I know you will like them all."

I wondered what those things were and how I would feel about them. "Okay, Ambrose."

"Did you like everything that happened tonight?"

"I did."

"Good," he purred in my ear. "Tomorrow, we will have a deeper talk, but now, it's time to pee, clean up, and sleep."

"May I..." I turned around to look at him. "May I clean you?"

He stroked a strand of hair out of my face and tugged it behind my ear. "Yes."

Ambrose always had his own people serving him, while my task was mostly taking care of the household. I'd never prepared someone's bath or washed them. But I knew that beside the large wooden cabinet stood a water basin, containing a bowl, a pitcher, some sponges, and a bar of soap.

"May I use that?" I asked, pointing at the basin. "I presume it's cold, though."

"You may. Nothing wrong with cooling off."

He opened his arms so I could get out of his grip, and it instantly made me feel cold. With my legs still quivering, I got out of bed. I felt his cum running down the insides of my thighs and I loved it.

He smirked as he looked at me getting up, his tail swaying back and forth.

"What is it?" I asked, suddenly feeling more naked than naked again. It was weird because, not long ago, I sat in front of him in the most vulnerable position possible, yet now I felt shy again.

"I'm smiling because I knew you'd ask to clean me. It's your caring nature," he answered. "Normally, if someone asks that question, I let them clean me with their tongue..." His eyes glinted mischievously with red sparks. "But I will settle for a normal wash tonight."

"With the t-tongue?"

He hummed in agreement. "I would let you lick up our fluids. Clean yourself off my cock."

I felt myself blush, quickly turned around, and walked over to the basin.

Clean myself off his cock with my tongue...

He'd saved that command for another day, which made me feel both relieved and disappointed at the same time. It seemed such a... perverted task. But it also made me feel hot, as it seemed like a way to claim his body. To not wash myself away, but leave my mark on him, just as he had left his mark on me.

I suddenly felt a pang of jealousy inside, knowing I wasn't the first he had been with. I wasn't even the first woman in this house he had been with. I'd seen Kitty's marks made by him. Not only was I not the first but I was most certainly not the best either, even though he said I did well.

I hated feeling this way. I hated feeling jealousy over something I shouldn't feel jealous about. It was a petty emotion.

But what if he was only praising me to make me feel good? Maybe I hadn't done a good job. All I did was listen to his commands. Then again, that was what he desired.

Why would he want to be with me in the first place, though? I was nothing more than a simple woman. How would this relationship even work? He was my lord. What would the other people in this house think?

I suppose he had always treated me a bit differently, but until now, not many people had noticed our evening talks. Would that change after today? He spoke of a connection. Something meaningful. Something special. He said I was his now.

"My Flora?" he said, snapping me out of my dreadful thoughts. He propped himself up on one elbow and watched how I clumsily poured water from the pitcher into a bowl. It was a wonder I didn't spill anything as my hands were shaking just as much as my legs were.

"Yes, my lord?"

"I can hear those gears inside your brain working. And what did I tell you earlier?" His voice was smooth at first, but while speaking those last words, its tone changed. "Call me Ambrose now. I want to hear no "my lord" coming out of your mouth until tomorrow."

"Yes, I'm sorry. I thought... It just slipped my mind." I dipped my finger in the water. It was cold but not too cold. "And how do I stop these gears from working?"

How could I not overthink? I was happy just a moment ago, but now I was anxious. Maybe even afraid. I hadn't felt that when he first asked how I was doing.

"By coming here again," he said. "I'll make it better."

Just looking at him made my belly tingle. He was gorgeous. He was everything a man could be. He was perfect. And I was afraid a night like this would never happen again. What if I lost him because of this?

Read up to chapter 35 on my Patreon and Inkitt subscriptions!

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