๐—ง๐—”๐—š, ๐—ฌ๐—ข๐—จ'๐—ฅ๐—˜ ๐—œ๐—ง โช ๐—‡...

By inviernorosy

7.9K 470 113

๐—ง๐—”๐—š, ๐—ฌ๐—ข๐—จ'๐—ฅ๐—˜ ๐—œ๐—ง โธป โ ๐—‚ ๐—Œ๐—๐—ˆ๐—Ž๐—…๐–ฝ ๐—๐–บ๐—๐–พ ๐—ƒ๐—Ž๐—Œ๐— ๐—Œ๐—๐–บ๐—’๐–พ๐–ฝ ๐—๐—ˆ๐—†๐–พ...... โž ๐—œ๐—ก ๐—ช๐—›๐—œ๐—–๐—›... More

๐—ง๐—”๐—š, ๐—ฌ๐—ข๐—จ'๐—ฅ๐—˜ ๐—œ๐—ง
chapter one
chapter two
chapter four
chapter five

chapter three

1.3K 94 18
By inviernorosy

third person pov

in the relative calm of the break room, kyungjun set about preparing ramen, the modest aroma wafting through the air. they settled into a quiet corner, and as he handed her a bowl, he attempted to break the heavy silence with small talk.

"so, what's your position ?" Kyungjun inquired, his tone gentle, As Nayeon sat across from him, the ramen serving as a simple reprieve, in the contemplative silence that followed kyungjun's question, nayeon considered the path of honesty or deception. Breaking the awkward moment, she decided to lie, meeting his gaze and stating, "I'm a citizen," concealing her actual role in the deadly game.

Kyungjun, seemingly accepting her response, reciprocated, "I'm a citizen too." she simply nods and continues to eat.

in the lingering silence, Kyungjun broke the quietude with a sincere admission. "I'm sorry," he uttered, his gaze directed downward. Nayeon, taken by surprise, looked up at him, curiosity and vulnerability etched on her face.

"I'm sorry about what happened between us. I'm sorry that I broke your heart. I really am," he confessed, reaching out to hold her hands. "But if you give me one more chance, I swear I'll be better," Kyungjun pleaded, his eyes earnest and sincere. "Now that we're in this mess, I realize how much I still like you. Please, Nayeon," he implored, the weight of his words carrying the vulnerability of someone seeking not only forgiveness but also a chance for redemption.

in the poignant aftermath of Kyungjun's plea, Nayeon remained silent for a few minutes, emotions swirling within her. Tears started to fall as she finally spoke, her voice laced with the pain. "You don't know how much you hurt me, Jun," she confessed, In the heavy silence that followed Nayeon's tearful confession, Kyungjun walked by her side, his eyes meeting hers. Still holding her hand, he acknowledged, "I know. We don't have to get back together, but can you stay with me? I don't want anything happening to you," he said, the sincerity in his voice cutting through the emotional atmosphere.

"Let me take care of you. I promise to keep you safe," he expressed with genuine sincerity. "I know your strong , and I believe you can take care of yourself." "But we can't trust the others. Let's stick together, yeah?" Kyungjun emphasized. Nayeon, overwhelmed by the weight of her emotions, simply nodded through tears. "I'm tired and scared," she admitted, her vulnerability laid bare. Seeking comfort, she embraced Kyungjun in a tight hug, Kyungjun reciprocated the tight embrace, his arms providing a reassuring cocoon in the midst of uncertainty. With a gentle kiss on her forehead, he whispered, "I'll take care of you, I promise."

" i missed your hugs." Kyungjun responded with a gentle laugh, a melodic sound that echoed through the break room.


nayeon's pov

" hey, they're back" i heard someone announce as the group who went to the mountain entered the lobby. and an air of anticipation filled the room. we all rushed toward them, a collective yearning for answers and information etched on our faces.

" what happened to dong hyun ?" a boy asked his face filled with confusion and concern, but the group said nothing, " hey. say something what happened to him" " mina said, " he thought the line stopped there so he went to check it out, then he slipped" somi said breaking the silence.

" then how far into the village were you able to go ?" kyungjun asked junhee, yet again he kept quiet and looked down,kyungjun's frustration boiled over as he shouted at Junhee,"You said you would meet people and call the police, did you do it?" he questioned, the tension escalating in the lobby. "We couldn't go. The entire place is enclosed with the line." Junhee's blunt response landed heavily:

The revelation struck a chord, and Kyungjun's anger erupted, throwing his phone, " we're completely locked in here." junhee said, ", "Then does it mean ....... we can't leave this place until the game is over?" i asked hesitantly Junhee's slow nod confirmed the truth, prompting a collective sigh of despair and tears from everyone.


third person pov

" yah !" junhee yelled as he burst through the doors of the break room, " that's enough." he said pushing jinha off dobum i pushed seungbin off.

" aren't you shamed of yourself Hyunho's question cut through the tense atmosphere, directed at Kyungjun. However, instead of showing remorse, Kyungjun stood up and aggressively grabbed Dobum by his collar. " yah ! yah, stop it" junhee quickly cuts in, " come with me. i have something to say" he says, " why do i have to listen to you ?" kyungjun spat out pushing junhee.

" seriously " hyunho asserted, his frustration reaching a tipping point as he pushed Kyungjun against the wall. Nayeon and the others swiftly made their way out with Dobum.

Kyungjun, seemingly unrepentant, retorted, "You jerk!" and suddenly threw a pack of M&M's at Hyunho. The unexpected act added a bizarre and surreal layer to the conflict, leaving the break room filled with a mix of tension,  " you're not the boss of me"  he spat out at hyunho.

the sudden turn of events, marked by Kyungjun's provocative action, brought everyone to a standstill. Hyunho, now holding a Pringles can, expressed his frustration. "You never get it when I say it nicely," he remarked, his tone a mix of exasperation and determination. "I need to teach you a lesson," Hyunho declared, 

hyunho and kyungjun started fighting, jinha and seungbin tried to join in and help kyungjun but hyunho simply kicked jinha away and threw seungbin away.

nayeon, observing the unfolding altercation, couldn't help but feel a wave of disappointment sweep over her. the promise Kyungjun made seemed shattered as he engaged in a physical confrontation with Hyunho.

The brawl between Kyungjun and Hyunho reached a brutal climax as Hyunho gained the upper hand. A forceful headbutt left Kyungjun sprawling on the floor, and Hyunho seized the opportunity to assert dominance. Choking Kyungjun,  " Are you going to listen?" he demanded compliance, his words cutting through the air. "Are you going to do as I say?" Hyunho shouted.

In a moment of submission, Kyungjun conceded, "I get it." Hyunho, relenting, released his grip and delivered a gentler slap to Kyungjun's face.

the group, still reeling from the violent altercation, watched as Hyunho made his way toward them, leaving Kyungjun on the floor, breathing heavily. "Let's go," Hyunho calmly urged, attempting to lead the group away from the escalating tension.

However, Junhee, sharp-eyed and alert, suddenly noticed Kyungjun standing up and grabbing a pair of scissors. Alarmed, he shouted, "Hey, hey!" and intervened by holding Kyungjun's arms. Nayeon, fed up with the escalating conflict, took matters into her own hands. "Will you stop, for goodness' sake!" she exclaimed, delivering a firm hit to his chest.

In the midst of the escalating tension, Nayeon, fueled by frustration and concern, shouted at Kyungjun, surprising him. "What do you think you're doing?" she demanded, her tone cutting through the charged atmosphere. Kyungjun, met with the stern gaze of Nayeon and the group, seemed momentarily taken aback.

"Come to your senses," Nayeon implored, her own breaths heavy with exasperation. Nayeon held Kyungjun's wrist and demanded, "Drop this. I won't tell the rest, so drop it now." Kyungjun, met with her unwavering gaze, simply looked at her.

"Stop it, please, Kyungjun, for goodness' sake," she pleaded. In a moment of recognition, he relented, dropping the pair of scissors. He left the immediate conflict, taking a seat on one of the tables, 

" We're all going to gather in the assembly hall. You should come too," Nayeon announced, She walked away, leaving behind a directive for Kyungjun.

"Leave the cafeteria door open for the rest," Hyunho instructed before following Nayeon towards the assembly hall.


"I gathered all of you here not to decide whom we should vote for, but to give up on voting," Junhee's authoritative voice echoed through the assembly hall. The weight of his words hung in the air,

" give up on voting ? are you sure about that ?" someone asked him, " If we vote, one person is guaranteed to die. But if we don't, we'll all survive," Junhee declared confidently, "What if we agreed not to vote, but someone voted in secret?" Mina challenged the class president, walking towards him. Her question hung in the air, injecting a sense of skepticism into the proposal to abstain from voting. The assembly hall, already on edge, awaited Junhee's response.

"She has a point. How am I supposed to trust you?" one of the girls expressed, echoing the skepticism that lingered in the room. "We should trust each other." Junhee responded.

"We can collect all our phones, so no one can vote," he suggested. Another girl chimed in, agreeing with the proposal.

" whose going to keep the phones ? the person in charge might change their mind " a girl chimed in, " let's keep them in the center for everyone to see" yoonseo suggested, " yes, we can all watch together" jungwon backed her friend up.

" i'm not doing it. i'm not handing in my phone" mina said bucking up, " i think it's a good idea, let's hand in our phones" a boy said.

Nayeon stood there, engulfed in confusion. The arguments echoed around her as classmates debated whether to hand in their phones or not. The uncertainty of the consequences for not voting left her paralyzed in indecision. The assembly hall, once a place of collective decisions, now mirrored the internal strife playing out within Nayeon as she grappled with the unknown outcomes of their choices in the deadly game.

"Oh, be quiet," Kyungjun's voice cut through the ongoing discussions, bringing a sudden silence to the room. He walked into the circle, holding a yellow bucket, "The class president is actually making sense for once. Why won't you cooperate?" he questioned.

Kyungjun placed the bucket down, asserting his stance. "Hand in your phones, so no one can vote," he commanded, pulling out his own device. "Everyone, make sure you hand in your phones," he reiterated, his tone firm. Turning around to face Junhee, he added, "Listen to me when I'm being nice," before decisively throwing his phone into the bucket

Kyungjun picked up the bucket and placed it in front of Junhee. Without hesitation, Junhee took out his own phone and threw it into the bucket. Kyungjun went around, urging everyone to follow suit. "Hurry up! There's no time," he shouted to those who were taking longer, emphasizing the urgency of their collective decision to relinquish their phones.

Kyungjun reached where Nayeon stood and locked eyes with her. "Hurry up," he urged, his tone a mix of urgency and insistence. Nayeon hesitated for a moment, contemplating the weight of the decision, before finally throwing her phone into the bucket. Kyungjun put down the bucket after collecting the phones.

The students anxiously waited for the voting time to elapse. Nayeon, her eyes fixated on the bucket containing their phones, felt a growing sense of unease. The ticking of the clock intensified her nervousness, and she couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss. Succumbing to her anxiety, she went and sat next to Kyungjun, nervously biting her nails. Kyungjun, sensing her distress.

The sound of the siren intensified Nayeon's nervousness.

"A minute left to vote "

"Darn it, seriously class president. Are you sure we're okay?" Seungbin expressed his frustration, The room, shrouded in uncertainty, awaited Junhee's response in the final moments leading up to the end of the voting period. " let's just wait. it's not yet midnight yet." junhee replied back.

Nayeon's nerves heightened as the seconds ticked away, her gaze fixed on the clock. As the clock struck midnight, one of the boys stood up, pointing at the time. "Hey, it's past midnight, but there's no announcement," he declared. The unexpected silence following the deadline left the students in a state of heightened tension,

"Did it work?" he asked, pointing at the clock. a wave of disbelief swept through the room as everyone stood up. "Are we okay now?" Somi asked desperately. Jinha and Seungbin clapped hands, celebrating their apparent success. Nayeon and Kyungjun held hands tightly, finding solace in each other's presence, while the rest of the students stood up, embracing each other in a collective moment of relief and unity. The unexpected turn of events brought a sense of hope to the group.

"are we okay now?" nayeon asked kyungjun, tears streaming down her face as she hugged him.

the brief relief was abruptly shattered by the resounding siren. The lady's voice spoke up suddenly, declaring,

" Participants must vote and identify the mafia. "

nayeon and kyungjun broke away from their hug, exchanging fearful glances. Their phones began to ring with a warning, plunging the room back into tension. The unexpected turn of events left the students grappling with the renewed uncertainty of the deadly game, realizing that their challenges were far from over.

a group of girls suddenly stood up, moving towards their phones, but their intentions were halted by a boy who intervened. "What do you think you're doing?" he demanded, " what else ?, what if we do. nothing and die ?" she said.

" are you going to take responsibility ?" she shouted at the boy, " she's right" mina said going for her phone but was stopped by junhee. we don't know yet" he tried to reason with her, " what if we die listening to you ?" she replied back.

" stop blaming junhee and clam down" somi shouted.

Just as mina was about to walk away, a body suddenly fell from the upper floor, eliciting screams from everyone. nayeon held kyungjun's hands tightly, both of them standing up in shock.

" for breaking the rules, lee soobin and park jihoon will be executed "

nayeon watched in horror as soobin stood up, blood streaming down her face and her eyes white. Suddenly, jihoon's body fell on the girl, both of them dying.

" lee soobin and park jihoon were citizens "

nayeon watched in confusion as suddenly Kyungjun pulled out their phones, the girls eyes widened with a mix of surprise and confusion as the boy handed her phone back to her.


Kyungjun continued his task of collecting phones, once the bucket was in place, he skillfully extracted his own phone, maneuvering it into his pocket, however, as his eyes swept over the array of surrendered devices, a glint of recognition sparked in Kyungjun's eyes. There, in the pile, lay nayeon's phone, distinguished by the Jennie photocard at the back. the same photocard he had carefully chosen for her on a day when she expressed how much she wanted it. a smile of nostalgia and mischief played on kyungjun's lips as he remembered the joy on nayeon's face when he presented her with the coveted photocard.

Kyungjun seized the opportunity. a smirk adorned his face as he pocketed her phone.

end of flashback

" Participants must vote and identify the mafia. "

" if we don't vote, we die" dobum yelled casing everyone to run to get their phones.

  " for breaking the rules, oh jin seok will be executed "

As nayeon watched in horror, her classmates frantically searched for their phones in the bucket, shouting in panic. The chaotic scene threatened to engulf her thoughts until she was abruptly snapped out of it by kyungjun. His urgency pierced the tumultuous atmosphere as he shouted at the girl, "vote for anyone, even me." With shaking hands, nayeon opened the phone and cast a vote for kyungjun . a heavy sigh escaped her lips as she slumped to the ground in shock, the weight of the decision settling on her shoulders.

" choi nayeon voted for ko kyungjun

the room plunged into darkness as the lights suddenly went off, replaced by ominous red lights flickering on and off. the wailing siren echoed through the space, intermingling with the frantic screams of her classmates. the unsettling symphony of chaos heightened the sense of dread, leaving nayeon paralyzed with fear as the deadly game took an even more sinister turn.

winter's note

my kyungyeon i love them sm 🫶🏿

not proofread if you see spelling errors no you didn't ? 🤨

OMG I CANT BELIEVE THE SHOW IS ALREADY OVER 😭, the plot twist was insane !! i really enjoyed the show 10/10.

anyways, what did you think of this chapter ? am trying to make nayeon have human characteristics ( let me know if i succeeded in that !! ) i hope you guys enjoyed this chapter <3

don't be a silent reader :/ i love feedback and comments,, and if you have any ideas you can comment them !!.

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