A Fox Surrounded in Darkness...

By kindheartedshutin

448 34 3

The Madrigals aren't the only family to be blessed with a gift in their Encanto. There is a second family nam... More

Character info
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10- The Rose-Red Tyrant
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20- The Usurper from the Wilds
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 4

24 2 0
By kindheartedshutin

Your pov...

Italics- thoughts

Tw: mentions of abuse, and neglect

"So do I get to stay," Grim asked. "I'll even listen to the human."

"Incredible... I've never seen anyone bend a monster to their will quite the way you have," Mr. Crowley states looking at me. I feel like he's taking a jab at me since I'm a fox. "I must confess, my educator's intuition did sense something about you after that brouhaha at orientation, Y/n. I could tell you had a certain animal trainer-y, beast master-ish quality to you. Oh, yes."

"Are you sure it's not just the ears and tail," I questioned. "Anyways, what are you gonna do with the cat? Even if you kick it out again, he'll probably just come back. I mean... I could watch over him, since I have nothing else better to do."

"WHAT? A monster stay HERE," Mr. Crowley was shocked.

"Whoa, did you just...?" Grim was also shocked. Why are they so surprised? Are people not nice in this land?

"I guess he would be okay company," I start explaining. "Also, you might not want someone from another world just wandering around campus without any company."

"Hmmm... I suppose I cannot deny your plea," Mr. Crowley says. I so didn't plead but go off. "Very well."

"Myah?! Really," Grim gasps.

"Let me be clear! Under no circumstances would I admit anyone to Night Raven College who has not been selected by the Dark Mirror—especially not a monster." That's a hard blow. "Nor do I intend to allow you, Y/n to freeload until you're able to return home."

"Hrmph! Never shoulda got my hopes up..." Grim sulks.

"Now, allow me to explain," Mr. Crowley begins. "It was the Dark Mirror that transported you here. Therefore, this school does bear some responsibility for your well-being. So I will allow you to remain in this dorm, free of charge. However, you will need to pay for your own food, clothing, and incidentals."

"How do you suggest I do that," I asked.

"As to how you will do so, penniless as you are," Mr. Crowley laughs. As much as he says how nice he is, he's being pretty mean. "Yes, a fine plan."

"What is it you want me to do," I sigh. I know this isn't gonna be good.

"You needn't seem so alarmed. I'm simply going to ask you to do q few odd jobs around campus. From what you've done here, Y/n, I can tell you know your way around a broom. So what do you say to you two working together as a janitorial team," Mr. Crowley proposes. It's not like I have much of a choice. Might as well, make myself useful as Abuela Alma says. "If you agree to that, I will make a special exception and allow you to remain on campus. I'll also allow you use of the library, so that you may study, and research ways to return home. How boundlessly charitable I am. Ah, but only when your work is over, of course!"

"Whaaat? What kinda deal is that?!" Grim complains.

"Well, I don't have much of a choice," I tell Grim and he looks at me unimpressed.

"I wanna put on one of those sweet uniforms and be a student, not sweep up people's junk," Grim huffed.

"Dude, were you not listening," I facepalmed. "You can't be a student here!"

"If you're not satisfied with my offer, I can arrange to have you thrown out again," Mr. Crowley suggests. I'm starting to feel like Grim is gonna be causing more trouble then he's worth. What did I get myself into?

"...Alright, fine! Let's do it," Grim complies.

"Um... Mr. Crowley... so all we have to do is clean up after people and do odd jobs, correct," I ask for clarification. Mr. Crowley nods his heads. "Seems fair enough."

"Wonderful. Then I beseech you both..." Mr. Crowley pauses for dramatic effect. "To work hard as the newest members of Night Raven College's janitorial staff! Now, I be on my way. Have a goodnight."

"Goodnight, Mr. Crowley," I say as I watch him leave. I turn to Grim, "Come on, let's head up to the bedroom. Be forewarned, the bedroom is a bit colder than the rest of the dorm."

"Huh? Why is that," Grim asked.

"Have you not noticed the ice covering the entire dorm," I questioned. How dense is this cat?

"Woah, no way! The ice looks supper pretty," Grim complimented. "I wonder if it tastes good."

"Don't try eating the ice. I'll give you some black ice tomorrow to chew on," I say and started to walk to the bedroom. "Let's go, it's getting late."

"Right," Grim says as he rushed to catch up. I wonder if I'm actually able to get some sleep. I should considering that I'm in a whole new world and I'm not with my family. As we enter the bedroom, Grim is awestruck. "Wow, it's even snowing in here. Even with you having no magic, this is cool."

"Thanks for the underhanded compliment," I mutter. Grim jumps on the bed as I head to the closet out of habit. I open the closet and stand in shock. How'd all my close get here, even the ones I made with Mirabel. "What kind of magic is this?"

I look around the room to see what other items have appeared from my home in Encanto. I found sketchbooks, fabrics, yarn and thread, my camera, some jewelry, and my outdoor bag. I grabbed my outdoor bag and searched it. The bag contained everything I was supposed to carry on my person like extra change of clothes, cleaning supplies, hand sanitizer, skin ointment, medication, and Julieta's arepas. I grab some sleep wear to change into and head to the bathroom that was attached to the room. The bathroom was also stocked with my personal belongings from Encanto.

After I finished my nighttime routine, I headed out of the bathroom and saw Grim snuggled up by the headboard and pillows. I grab a small blanket from the closet and drape it over him. Once I layed down in the bed, I underestimated how tired I would be after not sleeping for about 11 years.


In Dream Land...

I open my eyes to find myself floating in darkness. I try to move around but I wasn't able to. Soon I was pulled down onto a yard. Wait... this yard is from my old home in Japan. I look up to see my family home appear. I look at the old home before I decided to head in.

Inside the house nothing had really changed. It looked the same as the day my family moved to Encanto. I see the younger versions of my cousins Myrtle and Isu running past me. My household in Japan was like the Madrigal's household, all of our family's generations lived under one roof. Walking further into the home, I see my older brother Hiroshi and cousin Lucilla working on schoolwork at the dining room table. I hear a scream from the kitchen and rushed over to see what happened.

Once I got into the kitchen, I couldn't believe my eyes. Why am I seeing this? I don't need to be reliving my memories. A younger version of myself was crouched down in front of my mother. She was holding an empty pot that was once filled with boiling hot water. I knew exactly which memory this was. Mother had poured the boiling water onto my younger self, I had asked to be able to attend a normal school like my siblings and older cousins. This was right after I had received my Gift but I wasn't able to control it yet. Whenever I got sad or angry, my Gift went out of control, but instead of my family trying to help me control my Gift, they shunned me and treated me like a monster.

After that incident, my aunt took me to the hospital and was told that I had third degree burns that would permanently scar my skin. The burns were on the left side of my face, neck, and shoulder. The doctors had questioned my aunt about my situation at home since they ran a bunch of tests on me and found that I was malnourished, sleep-deprived, and had multiple cuts and bruises along my body. My aunt was shocked, to say the least, for she was barely home because of her work.

The night I was brought home from the hospital, my mother and father were very angry with me. I guess when I was the hospital, my aunt decided to go talk to them, the end result for me was terrible. I was beat and shoved into an abandoned closet for 2 weeks. After that I tried to avoid my aunt. I knew she was trying to help, but she only ended up making things worse for me.

My parents had a lot of issues with my aunt, that's why we moved to Encanto, to be away from her. Their plan didn't really work since Dolores could hear anything that would've happened.

I really wish that we didn't have to move from Encanto...


"Hee hee hee..." I heard a voice that sounded familiar. "Aren't the two of you supposed to be off cleaning the school today?"

"Mmmmm.... Nngh.... Fine more minutes, Ma...." I hear Grim mumble.

"Go ahead, sleep the day away. And you might neeever hafta wake up again," another voice joked. I opened my eyes to see the 3 ghosts.

"Just like us! Ah ha ha ha ha!" Laughed the third ghost. I really gotta think of nicknames for them. I close my eyes as I feel Grim start to move around.

"Myah?! The ghosts are back! Hey, Y/n, up and at 'em," Grim shouted. I'm thinking I might put a muzzle on him or do something with his loud mouth.

"There's no need to be so loud," I sigh. "Besides the ghosts are friendly, unlike you." Ah, I thought of great nicknames for them. The ghosts turned Grim.

"So I hear you'll be living here from now on," the first ghost asked. "Hope you like pranks as much as we do! Hya ha ha!"

"We gotta get rid of those things for good," Grim whisper-shouts to me.

"Awww.... but I even thought of nicknames for them," I frown. "I was gonna call them Fester, Hugh, and Ryuu."

"Ehhh?! Why did you give them names," shrieks Grim.

"Because I can," I stated.

"Good morning, Y/n. Did you sleep well?" I screamed at the sudden appearance of Mr. Crowley and got up out of bed.

"Not at all! I was afraid of fallin' through the bed if the ice decided to break," Grim complained.

"How dare you think so lowly of my ice," I gasps.

"Speaking of the ice," Mr. Crowley begins. "Is this apart of your 'Gift' Y/n?"

"Yes, it is," I reply.

"Exactly how ramshackle IS this dorm," Grim continues to rant. "And worse yet, we got woken up by ghosts that the human decided to name!"

"Well, I had the best sleep in years," I say. "I really needed that. And Grim what's wrong with me naming ghosts?"

"I am delighted to hear that you're adjusted so well, despite being sent to another world," Mr. Crowley praises. "Now, speaking of moving on, let us discuss your assignment for today, after you get ready." Mr. Crowley leaves the room and I get dressed.

After getting dressed, I meet Mr. Crowley in the lounge.

"Your job today is to clean the campus. That said, the campus is vast, and without magic, it'd be quite a Herculean task to clean it all," Mr. Crowley says and I snarl. I'll show him what I can do without magic. "Therefore, today I'll have you focus on the area spanning from the front gate to the library. Now, Y/n... I do expect that you'll keep a close eye on Grim, lest he cause another incident like yesterday."

"You have my word, sir," I say as I'm mentally preparing for what Grim might throw my way.

"Do not fail me. You may take your lunch in the cafeteria. I eagerly await the fruits of your labor." With that Mr. Crowley leaves.

"Hrmph. I ain't cleanin' nothin'!" Grim sulks. "I'm here to study magic so I can be blastin' off spells left and right! Like BAM! POW! FWOOM!"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever," I say, then got an idea. "Say Grim.... if you and I get done cleaning by 4pm then after dinner, I'll help you practice your magic. I'm a very good fighter so I'll be great practice for you."

"Well, if you put it like that a little cleanin' can't hurt," Grim agrees.

"Well, then if we want to be finished by four, we should go get started," I say. Grim agrees and we head out of the dorm.

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