Earth in Star Wars, ( on hold...

By Dreydon9

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I do not own anything you see on here More

brutal war and troop numbers
First engagement of War
The citadel second unknown team
The 4 shadows of a umbara
Umbara aftermath
The End Of The Clone Wars
The Rise Of The Empire
Military changes
War is coming

Unexpected start 

548 5 2
By Dreydon9

Year 2536
Month April 21

We see a man in a battlefield with dead soldiers everywhere, and in the far distance you can make out audible sounds of explosions and gunfire including blaster fire, The soldier looked around, seeing his fellow comrades and the enemy and he says how did this happen in a sad, horrified defeated tone, who has realized the horrors of war

If we wish to understand this, we must go back three years in Time 4 years into the past to the year 2532 and we see the same man who's name is Sam he is in his early twenties he was born on January six on 2521 he was put in a adoption center well no one adopted him so when he hit 14 years old he left the adoption center and went to find a job he would find one it did not pay well it only payed at 5$ hour and in a year he only makes 10,400$ a year so he gets a a cheap apartment that only costs around a 100$ a month he's main goal for now is to find a better job and get a more stable life and also he's not really bothered to find his real parents since they put him in a adoption center but since he grew up poor with no parents he learned on his own how to cook knew how life works where he lives is on Savannah like the name says the planet is like the savannah back on earth well back to sam he is currently finding a better job then his current one he did find one and he was lucky on this one they we're about to hire someone else but that person did not meet up to the expectations but sam did and he was hired this job payed around 26$ per hour or in a yearly term 54,000$ which is a significantly better job then his old one and sams current age is 17 so with the new job he moved out of his old apartment and moved into a better place it had internet the internet did not really change that much it only got faster since they first colonized mars and so is not really bored as much as he used to be also his new apartment is pretty small

This what his place looks like

It was pretty small but is was the best one he could afford and he's been doing pretty well ever since he got his new job he's also been going to a gym like 4 times a week he's well built he got a a above average body type hight now is 5,11 feet tall and weighs around 195 pounds and now we skip to when he is at 21 years old

He is at his boss office right hopefully to get a promotion

Sam pov so boss why am I here ?
In a nervous tone

The boss you are here because you have called here because someone in the army wants you join it because of a war that's currently happening with the republic

Sam pov there's war happening?

Boss pov yes there is a war happening between the cis and the republic and how this war started when a large part of the republic left and formed the confederacy of independent system and this war had brought some concerns about the war and the earth government had found CIS scout ships at the edges of earth space and when a earth battleship was sent there the cis scout ships immediately left and earth government suspected a war might be coming so they started to recruit people and get them ready if the cis attacks also did you not know

Sam pov no I did not know really since most of my teenage life I did not really have any internet also do I get a pay check

Boss yes here this about 197,61$ should be enough to cover your rent for the month also you have to get ready around a week you have to head to a military base by Sunday

Sam pov ok btw how do you know so much?

Boss pov I was contacted by a some military guy idk who is he but he wanted someone who is well built and you came to mind and yes I'm aware how sketchy it sounds but he did confirm that he is a soldier, a commander, in fact and get ready you have by Sunday to get ready for your new job good luck soldier

4 days later he is currently on his way to the military base where he was told to go

Btw this is what the military base looks like

It wasn't that large only spending about 700 meters in length and 900 meters in width and there is around 560 soldiers there at the time it was mainly a outpost and a training camp as well there a range and the barracks and like the obvious stuff but there is a research center researching technology and upgrading our current tech

And as Sam was told to get out he was met with a commander who was warring a uniform telling him to go to the training center his training will start by 4 pm and it will end by 12 am

And let me tell the training was incredibly difficult like it was really underestimated I almost passed out 8 times during the training but I pulled through and passed it and now it's the weapon training it was difficult for a while but I got better over time like they say practice makes perfect but I wouldn't say perfect It's above average right now at least the training I did finish the training and I was given my Armour the average armor

And as I put it on it was fairly comfortable and just as easy to move around without the Armour on and I was still pretty agile and the armor itself was not that heavy surprisingly and my gun the P8-AR the heavier option which I preferred sense it gave me more comfortability better handling of course i gave it a red dot a handling grip

Now we skip a few months to the first few months of the clone wars we see a earth fleet consisting of 2 battleships 1 carrier 8 frigates and Sam is stationed and he is on one of the frigates and as he is walking around the hallways alarms started blaring and the speakers turned on as well saying a CIS battle fleet had dropped out of hyperspace a began attacking us I made my way up to the bridge to see the CIS fleet as I made it to the bridge I saw a large CIS fleet it consisted of 8 Munificent frigates 6 Recusant light destroyers 1 Providence dreadnought then the CIS fleet engaged our fleet we were outnumbered by a few ships the first ones to engage were the Munificent frigates the ships first engaged our battleships in hopes of taking those down but little did they know our battleships shields are extremely powerful and can withstand heavy amounts of damage the shield itself can last up to 10 hours plus sense they were built to handle plasma to the maximum amount possible so our battleships were doing fine Munificent frigates were destroyed about 5 of them then all of separatist ships sent out there droid fighters to deal the damage but they did not account for our point defense system, and the droid fighters were quickly destroyed, and our carrier sent out our space superiority fighters and quickly cleared up the remaining then the fighters started to move on to the enemy ships and begin targeting valuable parts of the ship like the engines and the bridges of the ships and the rest were quickly destroyed, but unknown to us the CIS used this as leverage to declare war on us claiming they were attacked by a Earth fleet with no reason and this gave the CIS the go ahead to freely attack any earth planet and this was the start of a unexpected war, Galactic scale one so we prepared for a defensive war for a while and due to this unexpected event, the war is suspected to last even longer than the usual three years

The first battle against the CIS

A CIS fleet had dropped out of hyperspace above a earth colony consisting of 12 Munificent frigates 8 Recusant light destroyers 2 Lucrehulk battleships 1 providence dreadnought

And the earth planet is defended by 6 battleships
2 carriers 18 frigates to defend the planet until a relief force comes in to reinforce the defenses which will take a few hours

As the starts, it was clear that the CIS fleet had more numbers and so for more fire power but the earth space superiority fighters had secured superiority. The fighters have been focusing on attacking vital parts of a ship so far they have only destroyed 2 munificent frigates but the CIS fleet had managed to destroy a couple of frigates opening a small a enough for 20 droid transports that got through and entered the atmosphere and dance troop transport to rematch with anti-air defense systems

These did a lot of damage to the CIS droid transports taking out 6 leaving 14 left which still pose a threat

And now we see Sam he is currently walking in one of the military bases and he was ordered to get on an AI dropship because he was being sent to the front lines of defense and as he was walking towards the hangar bay his commander told him you are assigned to AI dropship squadron 3 and as Sam made his way to the dropship he was assigned to

As he walked in the AI dropship he took a seat in the middle and he waited for a bit but it wasn't long as the rest got on like I said 120 soldiers were on board now and 60 infantry class robots 4 assault robots 15 anti-aircraft robots as well 2 tanks and as the AI dropship began lift of but as it began to leave the hanger bay a person decided to talk with Sam

Random soldier hey what's your name?

Sam pov my name is Sam why?

Random soldier why not I would like to get to know you sense we might die during this war also I have not told you my name yet my name is almond

Sam pov that's a pretty unique name I've never heard of someone with the name almond nice to meet you though

With his new found friend how would this go would it end up in both of them living for death for one of them stay tuned to know what might happen later on

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Do it. {Not all ideas/characters are mine and storyline may not go along with movies/shows} All rights go to George Lucas
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