Heaven's Unholy โœฟ Heaven Offi...

By Hazelnutsu

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๐‘ฌ๐’—๐’†๐’ ๐’ˆ๐’๐’…๐’” ๐’‰๐’‚๐’—๐’† ๐’‚๐’ ๐’–๐’๐’‰๐’๐’๐’š ๐’‘๐’‚๐’”๐’• There is one rule in this world, a human rises as a god... More

Prologue + Exposition
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
(Arc 2) Chapter 7
(Arc 2) Chapter 8
Extra 1: OC Images #1
Extra 2: Locations #1
(Arc 2) Chapter 9
Info about the Author!!
(Arc 2) Chapter 10
(Arc 2) Chapter 11
(Arc 2) Chapter 12
(Arc 2) Chapter 13
(Arc 2) Chapter 14
(Arc 2) Chapter 15
Incorrect Quotes #1
(Arc 2) Chapter 16
(Arc 2) Chapter 17
(Arc 2) Chapter 18
(Arc 2) Chapter 19
(Arc 2) Chapter 20
(Arc 2) Chapter 22
(Finale for Arc 2) Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chinese New Year Special #1
Valentine's Day Special (SMUT) #1
Valentines Day Special (SMUT) #2
Chapter ???: The "Feminine" Talks
Chapter 32
The Archaic Gods (Teaser for Arc 3)
Chapter 33 (Arc 3)
Chapter ??? (Book 6 Special - Part 1)
What actually happened during Black Water Arc
Chapter ??? (Book 6 Special - Part 2)
Chapter ??? (Book 6 Special - Part 3)

(Arc 2) Chapter 21

347 18 5
By Hazelnutsu

Chapter 21: To be Loved is To be Changed

Hours of Xu: 7-9 pm



Hong'er called out to you both "What's the matter dear?" you asked "I um.....want to... pee...."

A moment of silence came. "Come with gege. A-Lian?" You looked up to meet his eyes "Sure, let's go Hong'er" You lend Hong'er to Xie Lian.

He gave you the gift set that was securely wrapped in paper and tied tightly with a rope. "I'll wait for you in Xinyan Teahouse, let's rest there for a while."

Xie Lian nodded and left with Hong'er, watching the two disappear within the crowd.

You walked to the the direction of Xinyan teahouse, it was the nearest teahouse compared to the previous one you and Xie Lian went in.

The teahouse didn't have many people inside, since they were all busy preparing for the grand finale tonight. So you told the waitress you will be having fresh green tea with 3 teacups. Since the teahouse was self serve she handed you the tray for you to bring to your table.

You sat at the very last table, and put the gift set on the table, it wasn't infront of you but a few inches distance, not far but enough for you to see it.

You touched your chest and was searching for something only to remember "Oh fuck, i forgot I'm in my male form"

You see, you have a habit to store a handkerchief or a small towel folded and stored in your cleavage. If you ever feel like wiping your sweat you just grab it freely between your bosoms.

Your chest was all flat when it clicked to you "Should i return to my female form..." you looked at the potion bottle you grabbed inside your long ass sleeves "But what if i get caught...ugh"

You groaned and stared at the potion bottle, if it could speak it would be tempting you to switch back for the sake of "easy storage"

It was only then you snapped back to your senses when you heard familiar female giggles coming near the entrance door.

With a swing, the door opened revealing a tall woman with heavy caked makep and revealing hanfu that showed her cleavage, highlighting the shape of her breasts.

She came alone but before she went in she looked out of the door as if she was talking to someone "Ahahaha~ you're so funny, our brothel will open at the hours of Xu alright~ Come visit me~!"

With a slam the smile on her face contorted to an annoyed look "Hmph, if he wasn't a rich merchant i wouldn't be serving him. His money saved his ugly face."

Your eyes widened, recognizing this woman. It was one of your female flings. Her name was Xinyan. This teahouse was owned by the rich merchant she successfully seduced and charmed, to the point where that man would name the teahouse with her name.

"Old wrinkly dude who's unmarried at the age of 50 and me who's on her 20s...haha, just wait till you die you old hag..." since your table was very far she didn't see you amidst her daydream, she circled and giggled near the entrance

"And then once you die I'll quit from that brothel and take over your riches and business...then..." a pink blush formed on her face "One day her grace might consider taking in female concubines...but next I'll have to ascend, i successfully caught her heart after all..."

A bead of sweat rolled down your forehead hearing her words "Oh your grace...it's been almost 3 years! 3 whole damn years! Where have you been!? Have your forgotten your favorite woman and left to another one!? Are my big breasts and skilled fingers not enough for you!? Hmph!"

She thought she was alone in her teahouse to freely vent out her emotions, but she was wrong, you were there.

"Consarn it! I know we are just one night stands but there's just no way she would actually leave me...ugh..." She panted after yelling so much and walked on the hallway separating the tables, towards your table.

You tried to distract yourself by drinking the tea, although you promised to drink together with those two, the situation needed to be helped.

"Huh...isn't that...?"

Her voice made you almost choke "Your grace? Is that you? In your male form?" well you choked now.

"Ahem ahem...! Xinyan..its you, this is...an unexpected meeting" Amidst the awkwardness your formality didn't left. "Ha....hahahaha!" The woman laughed, covering her face

"Oh goodness, it really is you~" her tone was seductive as she bent down, allowing you to see her cleavage "Haha~ how long have you been here~?"

"Just now, i decided to take the window since the entrance was blocked by a crowd, it's a huge traffic out there" you casually said acting like you're not nervous, but...

"I see~ Your grace have you been using my lip paper? Your lips look dry and pale, here let me kiss it~" She leaned over but you backed away "I uhm, no need"

She quirked her eyebrows and stopped trying to kiss you. Your pale lips was just you getting nervous if she finds out you listened to her rant.

"Tell me your grace..." She grabbed your chin and stroked your bottom lip "Where have you been? Don't you come always visit me when you're in your ovulation week? When you're so needy and horny begging for pleasure? Have you gone infertile? If so it doesn't matter, I can still give you the pleasure and love you need~"

She giggled and this was getting awkward to you. You sighed and pushed her hand away, shocking the woman "You want me to be honest? It seems that I'll have to take this serously"

"Want to know why?" She sweat profusely but still kept that smirk of hers "Enlighten me my darling~"

"I quit sleeping with women."

Silence fell.

"For almost 3 years now" You put a hand over your forehead "Ever since i was engaged, I quit visiting brothels and my flings. Although it was arranged and i never have...any...feelings towards my fiance. I quit. So Xinyan.."

"This relationship. It's over." You said sternly, with no hint of hesitation. Xinyan's smirk fell.

"Huh.....you can't be serious!" She stood up, in complete denial while you sat gracefully looking at her dead in the eye "I am."

"Huh...I.." She gritted her teeth and clenched her fists "You gave it all up! For one person! For that man!? Is it one of your concubines!? Tell me! Or is it...that.....crown prince...?" Her face turned shock upon realization

You had no response, it was clear you weren't joking "This has to be a mistake! You gave me up for that crown prince! You...you've completely changed. The (Name) I know isn't like this! You never liked a man before! You never believed in commitment and true love!"

"Tut, not liking a man isn't equal to not having any interest" You chuckled, but Xinyan still continued to spew nonsense from her mouth "Even so! You just cant leave me!"

You tsked at her words but still continued to listen to her rambling "You had thousands of women you sleep with! And you quit FOR HIM!? You're definitely going to regret this! Once you're sick of him you'll be a bitch in heat going back to brothels! Going back to ME!"

You wheezed then cackled. Stunning Xinyan who was speechless at your reaction. You stopped and looked up at the ceiling before looking at her, your eyes filled with fury.

"Silence, wench." Your voice had no hint of softness that you used to speak to her in bed anymore, you didn't realize the potion you used for the male voice had disappeared and returned to your original voice.

"I know what i am doing. Stop whining, i haven't visited any brothels or any of my flings. Just shut up." You twirled the teacup, looking bored

"You really changed...just why-"


You slammed the teacup onto the table, luckily you weren't that strong enough to break it. Droplets of tea fell. Out of fury you spat "I said quit whining. Leave! This instant!"

"You can't make me! This is MY teahouse-" you glared at her "Do as what your queen says. Your face is caked with so much foundation, you look like a ghost."

Xinyan fell to her knees on the ground, sobbing, letting her tears ruin her foundation. "Makeup is supposed to make you pretty, not turn you into a ghost. JUST LEAVE. DON'T LET ME SEE YOU EVER AGAIN."

Your tone went higher in rage and she immediately stood up and ran with tears streaming down her cheeks

At the same time, the waitress of the teahouse was holding a tray of fresh mooncakes. "My lord, there's a man and a child looking for you. We also have our limited edition mooncakes for free to celebrate- Eh?"

She halt seeing Xinyan crying and running at the same time "Xinyan? What's wro-" The prostitute didn't bother and ran past by her.

When she opened the door she saw Xie Lian and Hong'er on his arms, both looking at her confused. Her crying didn't pause. She ran past by him and to the busy streets, not caring if she caught unnecessary attention.

"What...was that...?" Xie Lian was puzzled "Pay no attention to her. She was a heartbroken maiden who got rejected by the man of her dreams" Your voice echoed on the walls.

"My lords, here's our traditional yingyue mooncakes. It's only for free today" the waitress lead Xie Lian to your table and she placed the tray.

The mooncakes were different the regular ones. There were four mooncakes. The first had the design of a woman's face. Next is the shape of the Moon with stars. Third is a rabbit and lastly is a fox.

The waitress cut it to half and all of the fillings were made from red bean paste and lotus seeds.

"Gongzis, the woman here is our moon goddess" you asked "Then who's the fox?"

"It's the second god we worship in Yingyue. Shuai Chen, The Huxian"

Although many tales portray him as a mortal woman before ascending as a man that successfully seduced you, the crown princess. It was debunked and unconfirmed. Many still believed Shuai Chen was a woman in his mortal life but you knew the truth.

Huxian was his heavenly title, there are many fox spirits and they bow to their God which is him. The immortal fox. The imperial noble consort of the crown princess. The most beautiful man to ever live before Xie Lian was born.

"Any questions, gongzis?"
"No more, you may leave"

The lady bowed down before leaving. Three of you drank tea and ate mooncakes under the sunlight from the window.

"Hong'er, say ah" You gently cupped Hong'er's chin "Ah" He opened his mouth and he slowly chewed the mooncakes. "Tastes good?" he nodded

"Gege is always making and eating these mooncakes. Yet he doesn't share the recipe with me...that guy..." you scoffed "Haha...I wonder what it's like to have a sibling" Xie Lian looked down on his teacup

"Oh? If you ask me it's never boring but my gege can be so annoying. We fight over random things sometimes. But he's the best brother i could ask for" Hong'er loves to stare at you and Xie Lian, he doesn't know why, but he loves it.

"Aiyo, you really cried over that...?"

At the teahouse's kitchen, Xinyan was curled into a ball against a wall, she hugged her knees. The waitress was looming over her, both her hands on her hips.

"Min-niang..." Xinyan sobbed as she called out for the waitress "It was just a fling! But....I..
fell...too hard..."

Min-niang sighed, she looked out of the window facing the many tables and saw you laughing with Xie Lian with Hong'er on your lap.

"Is that really the crown-princess? It looked like the heavenly prince for me" Xinyan hastily replied, her voice still hoarse from crying "They're twins, what did you expect?"

"I know i know!" She retorted and continued to stare at you, being happy and chatting with them, the complete opposite of you speaking with Xinyan minutes ago.

"To be loved is to be changed" She said "Huh?" Xinyan looked at her

"Look at the crown prince, he changed her." Min-niang couldn't help but smile "So true love still exists nowadays. She gave up her pleasures for him. I...wish i could find someone like that..."

Xinyan didn't say a word, and looked at the Min-niang who had a solemn face "Crown-prince Xie Lian, you're lucky, you catched a woman like her. Nowadays women are only there for money, never for love"

Xinyan couldn't stand staying silent, he stood up and wiped off the remaining wet tears. "Hmph, isn't the crown prince supposed to be at Xianle attending their nation's own festival? Why is he here?"

"I don't know...Ah! I remember now!" A memory popped on Min-niang. "It was this morning, around 2 hours ago i think..."

2 hours ago...

"Hello? Is anyone there?" Huge knocking could be heard from the Xinyan teahouse.

"Hello? HELLO!?" Feng Xin's voice grew louder "You're doing it wrong, what if they think you're being impolite?" Mu Qing crossed her arms.

"Huh?" He glared at Mu Qing, when he was about to speak the door infront of him swinged open revealing Min-niang.

"Good morning Gongzi, how may i help you?"

Feng Xin's fear of women made him back away and hide beside Mu Qing. Mu Qing groaned and coughed "Ahem, I'm sorry for the intrusion miss. But we are looking for the crown prince of Xianle..."

"Oh! What does he look like?" Min-niang was always eager to help people out

"He's this tall, clearly gay but he hasn't admitted it-" Feng Xin smacked Mu Qing's shoulder "Have some respect! Just because his highness isn't here doesn't mean you can say that!"

"Tsk, it was just a joke. Why don't you do it?" Mu Qing means what if Feng Xin were to be the one speaking to Min-niang. Well that shut him up. "Heh as expected...Ahem, miss as i said before..."

"He is 178 cm, has long chestnut brown hair and wears a robe what nobles wear. He has yellow eyes" Mu Qing waited for Min-niang's answer but alas...

"I'm afraid i haven't seen a man with those characteristics yet gongzi. I'm sorry i wasn't any help to you." She sweatdropped.

Mu Qing and Feng Xin had disappointed faces. "I see, sorry for troubling you" nevertheless he still kept his cool "It's alright gongzi. You're welcome at our teahouse anytime" and the door slammed shut.

"Fuck!" Well Feng Xin was not having it "We've been roaming for hours and there's still no sign of him! Your highness where the hell are you!?"

Mu Qing sighed "Keep yourself calm. Yelling and cursing won't help. We were sent to Yingyue to fetch him as his attendants. If the civilians sees our improper behavior, it would stain the reputation of Xianle and its royal family."

"Damn it..." Feng Xin still cursed. The two went on to continue looking for Xie Lian.

"There were two men looking for the crown-prince" And that's what happened. "The other guy with an armor on looked like he was scared of me...i wonder what i did..." Oh Min-niang, you still don't know.

"Ah i see now..." An evil grin appeared on Xinyan's face "Let's go find those two men and spill the location of their prince. I will ruin their date as much as possible."  


The rabbit parade was beautiful, the rabbit lantern was exquisite and had flower patterns on it. It was truly magical. The street dancers and performs were kind and entertained the spectators on the side of the streets.

One street dancer even entertain Hong'er with silly and cute dances that made others laugh and Hong'er watch with keen interest.

Hong'er's legs wrapped around Xie Lian's neck since Xie Lian was taller than you. It allowed him to get a full view amidst the huge crowd. Xie Lian held onto Hong'er's legs gently.

You were beside them, eating another stick of strawberry tanghulu watching the street performers and dancers.

One dancer grabbed you and let you join them to dance. You joined them. You did a few moves, because you were full and there's still food in your hand, and the street dancer acted as your partner.

You both giggled and laughed "Baobei is having a fun time" Xie Lian chuckled seeing you goof around and smile. It was overall a fun time.

Enjoying the festivities to your hearts content. You ate a few cheap food that was specially made for the festival. You feed Hong'er and Xie Lian feeds you. Three of you toured around the avenue and soon, dusk came.

The sun was slowly setting and it was time for the moon to come. The orange sky gave a nice touch to the now glowing yellow and red lanterns hung on every building.

Three of you rested on an outdoor table near the street foods. Many families, couples and friends ate on different tables with their choice of food. Some had tanghulu, zongzi, dimsum, mantou, mooncakes and more. Xie Lian sat across you and Hong'er still on your lap.

"What's next of today's agenda..?" You asked while wiping the sweat off Hong'er's forehead.

"A street vendor told me the grand finale of this festival will start at the hours of Xu. Before the fleeing of lanterns, an opera will start at 7. This happens once a year where the performance will be held on the stage in the main avenue. Look..."

Xie Lian pointed to the direction of many men setting up a big stage "Thats where it will be performed"

"Ah so that's where Shuai Chen will perform" you thought to yourself. "Let's rest here for some more then continue touring-"

"Your grace and your highness."

The familiar voice and two shadows looming behind you says it all. Xie Lian's eyes widened "Mu Qing! Feng Xin!"

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