Promised To Another

By pearlrantolo

108 21 1

What do you do when you find out that the one you have given your whole heart to was never yours to keep? Tha... More



7 1 0
By pearlrantolo

"Ooh, there you are. I was starting to think that maybe you moved out or something", Sammy exclaimed as she walked into our room.

It was a Friday afternoon and I was sprawled on the bed busy typing away on my phone.

"Hey roomie!" I was genuinely happy to see her. I put my phone down and got up to give her a hug.

I have been quite busy, spending most of my time at the library doing late nights studying with Siba. If we are not at the library, we are usually at her house being tutored by her brother or just hanging out.

I must admit, I have been spending a little bit too much time at Siba's house, sleeping over most nights.

They had a guest room which I was supposed to be sleeping in, but most times I just ended up sleeping in Siba's room sharing her big queen sized bed with her.

Most mornings that I stayed over, Malakai has made us his blueberry pancakes, which I had to admit tasted great.

Anyone who knows me knows that I am a complete sucker for men who can cook.

Like, it's just a basic survival skill girl, calm down!

What can I say, they are called 'weird' fetishes for a reason, so let a girl catch a break.

Seeing him moving around the kitchen with ease like he is in his element improved my whole outlook of him.

Even though he was still a weirdo and we tend to run into each other in the most chaotic ways, I have to admit that he was actually not a complete lost cause.

I got to see how much of an amazing brother he is to his sister. Going out of his way to help her with the classes that she struggled with even though he also had a ton of his own school work to do, plus volunteering at math clinic. On top of that he spent what was left of his time doing FOREX trading, and by the looks of it, he was doing so well.

"The prodigal daughter is back home, I missed us." I said as I released her and plopped back on my bed.

"Well, even though it is good to have you back and would like to hang out, I got plans tonight", she replied with a smile as placed her tote bag on her study desk and sat down on the bed to take off her converse sneakers.

She was dressed in a plain white T-shirt and black jeans, her hair was held up in a ponytail by a pink scrunchie.

"Ooh exciting! What kind of plans?" I asked excitedly as I flopped on my belly and cupped my chin in my hands as I looked at her.

"Did your 'mystery guy' finally work up the guts to ask you out on a date?"

"No, he didn't exactly ask me out. But he invited me to hang out with a couple of his friends for a game night," she replied.

"Okay, that's progress, we will take it. Anyway, the last time he said that there was a girl he liked, did he tell you who the girl was or was that his lousy way of hinting that he likes you?"

An emotion I couldn't quite read crossed her face and disappeared just as quickly as it had appeared before I could process it.

"Ummh, not really. He just dropped the whole conversation and I didn't want to press him for answers. Didn't want to come off as desperate or something." She said as she wrapped a towel around her.

My phone pinged, indicating that I just received a message.

I picked it from my bed where I had left it.

"Oh-oh, who are you talking to that got you smiling like a Cheshire cat ?"

"It's not like that, I am talking to Malakai, he is just being his weird self." I said dismissively.  

"I didn't know that you guys were on texting basis"

"Well, we are not really texting per se. We were just talking about my calculus test script that I got back today." I said as I put my phone down to focus on Sammy.

She regarded me with a suspicious look.

"I didn't know that talking about calculus lightened up your face like that. The last time you talked about it you were grunting and all teary." She said and I did not miss the mocking tone in her voice.

"Hand it over," she said as she approached me with her hand extended. "I want to see all these funny jokes about calculus for myself, maybe they will brighten my day too." She added sarcastically.

"Really now?" I tried to keep a straight face but couldn't help the corners of my lips that lifted up in a smile as I reluctantly handed her my phone.

She typed in the password and started scrolling.

"Oh my word, you guys are definitely flirting!" she exclaimed as she continued to scroll.

"You would have to be really dumb not to realize it, and we both know you are not dumb. So spill the tea, what's really going on between you two?" she demanded.

"Well, first of all we are not flirting. Malakai is just a weirdo and he texts like one too," I responded feebly.

"Secondly, I can't flirt with him even if I wanted to. They have this strict rule with Siba that they don't date or mess around with each other's friends." I added.

"Well, I would love to see you try to explain this conversation to Siba." Sammy said lifting my phone in her hand

"What do you mean? it's all harmless" I said looking at her confused.

"Oh really? Let's see" She scoffed as she scrolled through the messages.

"Exhibit one, 'Are you going to make it a habit to run into me every morning in your pjs? Because the view is amazing and I am not complaining'" she read the text out loud.

Okay, it kind of sounds dirty when she reads it like that.

"or this one, 'why are you not in the guest room?'" she continued.

"Why was he looking for you in the guest room in the first place?"

"Well, I can explain. Once you know the context of what happened before he sent all that you will understand," I said defensively trying to explain myself.

She raised her hands and said, "I am just saying babes. You might not be flirting with him, but he is definitely flirting with you."

She handed back my phone and took her toiletry bag and made her way to the bathroom.

"Plus, don't forget how you guys met, he had always been interested in you from day one and never tried to hide it." She added as she disappeared into the bathroom leaving me confused.

Okay, maybe we have been talking more than necessary recently since I gave him my phone number for him to send me some of the study material via WhatsApp.

It had started off strictly calculus related. I would sometimes video call him when he was too busy to meet in person, and he would patiently explain to me step by step how to solve a question I am struggling with. He is that patient and generous with his time and I am bewildered all the time! Like, what sorcery is this?  Because some of us seem to be lacking in both all the time since we started uni.

But since I have been spending so much time at their house, we had interacted enough to be comfortable around each other, so much that some of the conversations I had with him naturally overflowed over to the chat.

My phone pinged, alerting me of a new message.

Speaking of the devil, it was Malakai letting me know that he is free in the evening if I needed help going over my test script.

Do you see my point!? Who offers their 'free time' to tutor someone on a FRIDAY night?

But who am I to ask the questions, because I sure need the tutoring, plus it's free.

We got the scripts back this morning and I told him but intentionally didn't tell him my test score.


"Hei there, you must be Arielle?" said a girl about my age as she stood in the doorway to Siba and Malakai's house.

"Hey, yah I am here for the study session with Malakai." I said as she stepped aside and I walked into the now familiar room.

"I am Nicole," she offered.

She was wearing  blue denim shorts paired with a white tank top and she was bare feet. The shorts fitted her snugly and accentuated her amazing bubble butt and long toned legs, the tank top had a deep plunge and showcased a very generous view of her cleavage. Her face looked flawless, if she had make-up on it didn't show, but I bet she had some on because it would be unfair for anyone to naturally look this flawless and glowy.

I suddenly started feeling very shabby standing next to her in my biker shorts  and an oversized zeppelin band t-shirt coupled with a pair of vans old school on my feet. My curly hair was thrown up in a messy bun and my face was bare except for a clear gloss on my lips.

Why is she here by the way?

"Khai is upstairs taking a shower, he will be down in a bit. He told me he was expecting you," she offered as she made herself comfortable on the couch and retrieved the game controller from the coffee table and resumed the game that was paused on the huge tv screen.

She looked so at ease in an overly familiar way from the way she was acting, like she has been here enough times to be this comfortable. I have been spending a lot of my time here, and in all that time I have neither seen her or heard of her.

"I am also here for the calculus study session with Khai, he tutors me in most of my modules since I am doing Eco and Math of finance," she provided. I guess the questions in my mind might have reflected on my face .

Oohh...why does that statement make me feel a little disappointed . I wasn't aware that there would be other people joining us. I knew that he tutored other people but I wasn't aware that he actually invited the 'other people' to the house for a one on one study session.

Why did the idea that my coming over to study on a Friday night with him was nothing special suddenly leave a bitter taste in my mouth.

Uuh...nah, wait a minute! Why do I suddenly care about what Malakai does with his life?

I just nodded and made my way to the kitchen and placed my bag on the counter and sat on one of the stools and took out my phone.

Sibahle had said that one of her labs was going to be running until later than usual today, that's why I had showed up at her house without her.

I sent her a quick message asking her how far.

The message showed only one gray tick, indicating that she wasn't even online. I guess the lab was still going on.

I was suddenly a bit nervous since I have never had a study session with Malakai without her being present. I have only studied alone with him during school hours at the school Math clinic lab and over the video call, not at their house.

I heard voices in the living room and a giggle. I got up and walked into a scene right out of a low  budget porn movie.

It seems as if Nicole had somehow dropped the game controller and she was now bending over trying to pick it up. 'Trying' being the key word, because the girl was basically giving Malakai a strip tease. She was working her angles harder than the devil works on the days he is up to mischief.

And Malakai seemed to be enthralled by the seductive scene unfolding before him so much that he didn't even notice me entering the room. Are all men so one track minded!?

The whole scene was so hilarious that I couldn't help the snort that escaped me.

That broke the spell Nicole cast over the room as Malakai wheeled around and noticed me by the kitchen entrance.

"Hey, I didn't know you were here already," he gulped visibly as he walked towards me.

"Yeah I guess Nicole was too busy trying to seduce you so much that it escaped her mind to mention that," I thought to myself.

A  clean and fresh hint of mint and woodsy scent enveloped me as he gave me a loose side hug. He was dressed  casually in gray short sweatpants, a black tee and nike slides on his white socks clad feet. I had to grudgingly admit that he really was a handsome man. Because he wore the hell out of the outfit, it was supposed to be an easy chill outfit but somehow he managed to make it look sexy.

Ooh gosh, I think I might have hit my head really hard on something lately for me to start seeing Weirdo as sexy. I visibly shook my head as if to clear the cobwebs that were suddenly clouding my sound judgment.

"I guess you guys met, Nicole is joining us today for the study session," he said as he walked into the kitchen, pulling me from my questionable thoughts as I followed him.

"Ooh, I have something to show you," I said excitedly as I rummaged through my bag and produced my calculus script and held it up to him.

"Oooh my word, you got 79 percent! This is an amazing improvement Arie," he said as he collected me in a tight hug.

"This is all thanks to you,"  I murmured against his chest.

Okay, full disclaimer, this could have possibly been all in my head, but just hear me out.

Since I am currently flush pressed against Malakai's chest, I don't know if time started to move slowly or he was just holding onto me longer than necessary, because suddenly I started to notice his heart beating frantically against my cheek.

Suddenly there was a shift between us as the air around us started to be tense and almost crackle with electricity

I pushed back slightly against him, he released me but not completely. His hands were still circled around my waist and mine rested on his chest but there was now a little space between us.

Not knowing what to do with all the sudden tension, I looked up questioningly into his eyes.  The worst mistake of the evening so far.

His eyes were hooded and the brown in them, which is usually a shade closer to  hazel, were now darker as he stared at me.

I looked down, suddenly not knowing where to look. I think the next thing that will be going out the window will be my ability to think followed closely by my ability to breath.

He used his thumb to tip my chin up and I had no choice but to stare into his eyes.

"I am so proud of you," he said as he intensely stared into my eyes.

It was at that moment that I realized that I was praise kinky.

My breath hitched and I could literally hear my heartbeat drumming against my ribcage. I was turned on and I couldn't look away.

Someone please tell me it's a freaky Friday or something, because at least then I would have something to blame this madness on.

He started to lean towards me achingly slowly while he used his thumb to rub small circles on my chin.

I almost purred like a cat.

I was caught in a trance and couldn't look away. He was so close that I could literally feel his breath fanning my lips.

There was a sudden shrill filling the room, breaking the moment. He quickly released me and I stumbled startled, his hand shot out to steady me.

"Ooh, careful there," he said as he held me upright.

Even with my fuzzy brain I still couldn't help but admire his reflexes, because I wouldn't put it past myself that I would have landed right on my bum if it wasn't for his steadying hold on my arm.

Once my sanity and wit returned from their vacation, I realized that the shrill was my ringing tone.

Sibahle's name flashed on the screen.

There goes my girl, coming for the rescue again without even knowing it.

I picked up the phone and turned my back to Malakai.

"Hello," I answered breathlessly as if I just ran up and down a set of stairs.

"Hey, I am on my way, probably 20 minutes out. Are you still with Khai?" Sibahle chirped on the other end of the line in all her excited and energetic self.

"Yes, I am here"

"Alright I am going to pass by the drive through to grab us something to eat, do you guys want anything?" she asked.

"Ummh, just get me whatever you are getting for yourself," I replied.

"Okay, what about Kai, can you please find out what he wants. I tried calling him and he is not picking up," she said.

I couldn't help the heat that suddenly consumed my face, because I knew exactly what had kept him distracted from picking up his phone.

I turned around and extended the phone to him.

"Siba wants to know what to get you for dinner," I said as he took the phone.

He kept his eyes on me as he rattled away his order, I looked away and walked away from him to put distance between us. I leaned against the kitchen counter and stood watching him.

"Is that Sibs? Tell her I  want a burger, with a lot of gooey extra chips," Nicole said as  she walked into the kitchen.

I was almost startled to see her, I had forgotten that she was here.

Anyways, why is this girl so comfortable in this house, what am I missing?

Wait, why am I concerned about how comfortable she is, it's not like it is my house or anything.

I might subtly bring the question up later with Siba. Keyword being 'might'.

Okay, you got me. I am definitely going to be bringing it up.

She was now standing in front of  Kai as he repeated the order to Siba and hung up.

"Do you wanna play a round of chuck-blades before Sibs arrive? I just destroyed Theo and Jake online. Such sore losers," she said as she batted her eyes at Kai and placed a hand on his chest.

That was unnecessary, just saying.

"Ummh, I don't think so. You are the biggest sore loser I know, and you know you stand no chance against me," he said as he laughed and playfully swatted her hand away.

He looked so comfortable and at ease with her, the kind of comfort that only comes from knowing someone for years.

"Ohh really, I am the biggest sore loser! Who turned over the table the last time we played monopoly?" she said as her eyes lit up in adoration and moved even closer to Kai and tried to tickle him. He captured both of her wrists in one hand and my phone in the other. He laughed while she tried to wriggle out of his hold.

The girl was definitely in love with Kai, and he was either too dumb to see it or he was just playing dumb.

"I won't stop tickling you unless you agree to play with me,"  She said when she finally managed to free one of her wrist and started tickling him again.

"Alright, Truce. We will play while waiting for Siba." He said while still holding her other wrist. 

I cleared my throat and Kai looked over at me as if he had forgotten that I was even there.

" I hope you don't mind," He said looking at me.

"Can we do the test review after we eat?" He asked.

Nicole linked her arm through his as they stood looking at me, she looked at me as if trying to communicate something. As if she was silently letting me know that I was in her territory.

I nodded, I didn't trust my voice not to show the disgust I was currently feeling.

Did he just blatantly flirt with me one minute and then flirt with another girl the next, right in front of me.

He handed me my phone as he walked out of the kitchen arm in arm with Nicole.

The whole reason why I HATE the 'vibing' stage of a relationship is the helplessness feeling that accompanies the stage.

The part where you can't even ask questions or act hurt when someone makes you feel special one minute and act indifferent the next.

This stage here is not for the weak.

Unfortunately I am 'the weak'.

I am too sentimental and I hate mind games.

So when I 'act' like I might be feeling something for you, it's not an act.

But what can I say, I didn't write the rules for this game. It's time to put my indifference mask on and act like I get  what's going on.

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