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By mikaelsin

125K 3.5K 304

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1.4K 65 18
By mikaelsin

𝗮𝗳𝗳𝗶𝗻𝗶𝘁𝘆 || 𝟭𝟮
"𝘤𝘢𝘯 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘵𝘳𝘺 𝙣𝙤𝙩 𝘵𝘰 𝘮𝘢𝘬𝘦 𝘮𝘦 𝙘𝙧𝙮?"
𝗴𝗶𝗿𝗹 𝗺𝗲𝗲𝘁𝘀 𝗰𝗵𝗿𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗺𝗮𝘀


          "𝓕igure out what you're getting lucas for christmas?" frankie groans. the two were currently at the mall shopping. "i do not know. i was thinking of getting him a shirt."

"tell me what he likes. i'm sure i can help you." frankie shook her head, "no i want this to be special and personal. i have a month to figure something out, and i will." this was her and lucas' first christmas together, which made her happy, but another part of her was torn because he would be in texas.

frankie and abby walk into a clothing store. "so, frankie, when do you think you'll finally kiss lucas?" the younger sister choked, "abby would you keep your voice down? the entire world doesn't need to know i haven't kissed my boyfriend yet."

"i mean, what's taking you so long, anyway? if i'm being honest," frankie groans, walking away from her sister. "i thought you guys kissed a while ago."

"i told you we were just friends." abby laughs, grabbing her sister's hand. "i thought you were just trying to keep your relationship secret for a while." frankie rolls her eyes, looking through the clothes. "no, and if you may know, i'm scared i won't do it right. i mean, what if he doesn't like how my lips feel? what if my breath stinks? you know?"

abby laughs at her sister. "frankie, your lips are fine." the strawberry blonde walks closer. "why are you so nervous, anyway? lucas has seen you in your bed asleep, with your mouth wide open and drool on the side of your cheek. and he still only has eyes for you." frankie blushes.

"that won't make me less nervous. i've never kissed a boy before and you know that. i want everything to go perfectly." abby sighs. "look, sometimes your firsts won't always be perfect. that won't mean your seconds or thirds won't be. and i know lucas will find a way to make it perfect for you."

frankie and abby stroll around the store for thirty minutes before deciding to leave.

"so, maya texted me today." frankie whips her head towards abby. "saying what?"

"if i would give you the present, she's dropping off later today. i think that would be the perfect time for you and her to make up. you two have been best friends forever. don't let one bad fight ruin you guys," frankie scoffs at her older sister. "one fight? she didn't come to danny's funeral. abby, don't you remember? she chose riley over me."

"and what about you and lucas? wouldn't you say you did the same?" abby asks. "are you kidding me?"

"come on, face it, the minute lucas came, you dropped maya." frankie stopped walking, looking at her sister. "did you guys talk or something? not too long ago you were just saying how he would make my firsts perfect. now you're switching up?" abby sighs.

"yes okay, we talked for a couple of minutes. she misses you, frankie, more than you can imagine. maya needs you back in her life. i just want you guys happy again. i miss the blonde and red duo. lucas shouldn't impede you and maya." frankie shook her head. "i can't believe you. after all those nights i've spent in your room venting to you about maya and everything that happened between us and you still think i should just go crawling back to her?"

"i'm not saying that. i'm saying you shouldn't let lucas cloud your judgment," abby says.

"he doesn't cloud my judgment, you idiot. if anything, he tries to get me to patch things up with maya. he also wants me to have my best friend back because he knows he could never truly take her place. and for you to think that little of him when you know the type of person he is says a lot about you." frankie turns, leaving her sister.

"i'll take the train home."


but that didn't happen. frankie ended up at lucas' house. she knocked on the door. his father answered the door with a smile. "hi, i'm frankie."

"you're the redhead lucas goes on about," frankie giggles, her face getting red. "good things i hope."

"only good things. what can i do for you?" mr. frair looks down at her bags. "oh right, is lucas here?"

"he is. come on in." frankie smiles, walking in. "lucas, you have company." lucas smiles when he sees his girlfriend. "frankie, hey. i didn't know you were coming by." he immediately grabbed her bag, setting it down before hugging her.

they hadn't seen each other in a week, and although they had been texting, it just wasn't the same. lucas has been packing for his trip to texas for christmas. "i've missed you." frankie grins, her heart melting. "i've missed you too."

he grabbed her bags off the floor, gently nudging her towards the stairs. "is your mom home? i don't want to be rude and not say hi.

"she won't be back until the morning." frankie nodded, walking upstairs with lucas right behind her. "remind me where your room is."

"the one that has my name on the door." lucas laughs, pointing at his door. "right." frankie quickly walks over to the door. "do i have permission to go in?"

"yes, you do." the redhead smiles walking into his room with her mouth wide open.

"oh no! i forgot one of your presents was on the bed." lucas groans setting frankie's bags down, walking over to his bed. "one?" he nods, shoving the box into his nightstand. "yeah, i didn't know what to get you. so i got five."

"five?!" frankie groans, dropping on his bed, "i barely got you one thing and you got me five? i'm a terrible girlfriend."

"no, you're not. i know once something catches your eye, it'll be special." he sat down next to her, "i'm upset we won't be able to spend christmas together."

"don't remind me." frankie sighs, laying her head on his shoulder. "i do have a special day planned for you and i. it's a few days before christmas. I know it's a month away but i want everything to go perfect." lucas pulls his phone out to open his calendar. he then shows her the date and the reminder he set. "i was going to come by today to ask you. with the gift you saw."

"you treat me too well." lucas walks back over to the nightstand, grabbing the box. "you deserve it." he kneels in front of her. "you're not asking me to marry you, are you?"

"not now. we are way too young for that type of commitment." frankie laughs, nudging him. "not yet, huh?"

"i definitely plan on marrying you." her face runs red again, "shut up."

"anyway," he clears his throat, opening the box. frankie gasps quietly, "frankie, will you make me the happiest guy alive and go out on a date with me?" the redhead stared at the ring. "lucas...you bought me earrings?" he nodded with a smile. "i remember how upset you were when you lost your favorite pair. i tried my best to find the same one. not real diamonds like your other one, and i apologize for that."

frankie covered his mouth, "don't apologize, this is a wonderful thoughtful gift, real or not." she took off her replacement earrings that she hated. "these won't turn your ears a different color." frankie laughs as she walks over to the mirror to see how they would look. "they're perfect." lucas felt a weight come off his shoulders.

"i'm so glad you like it." he wrapped his arms around his girl, "why wouldn't i?"

"the ones your dad bought you were real and meant a lot to you." frankie placed her hands on his face. "they meant a lot to me because my dad bought them. not because they were real. it was the thought that mattered to me the most." lucas placed his forehead on hers, closing his eyes. "and that is the reason why i am so in love with you." he whispers, pulling her closer, "you're my happy place."

a tear fell down frankie's cheek. "you have a way with words." they both chuckle. lucas pulls away, opening his eyes. "just wait until dinner. i have a whole thing written out for the end of the night."

"can you try not to make me cry?" frankie jokes, wiping her tears. "no promises. now that the cat's is out of the bag, will you tell me why you ended up here?" she groans as she sits on his bed again. frankie then realizes he doesn't have a chair or a beanbag. she just figured out one of his gifts.

"abby and i went christmas shopping. the day was. good, it was at the end of our shopping trip. she brought up maya and how on christmas she was going to stop by to hand me a present and that when maya comes, i should rekindle our friendship." frankie took a second to breathe, "and i already know what side you're on trust me. but i hate how she thinks i should just forgive maya for everything she's done. i get she misses me. only god knows how much i miss her and her impulsiveness that i would either stop or go along with." lucas grabs her hand for comfort.

"i want maya back more than anything. i want our bond back, but how do you forgive your best friend for not being there when you lost someone so close to you? the days i needed her, she wasn't there for me. why do i have to forgive and forget? why do i have to shut my feelings off to make everyone happy and comfortable?" frankie sighs. "and the thing that upset me more is her thinking that you're the main reason we aren't talking."

"what?" lucas was confused. "yeah, she said i shouldn't let you cloud my judgment and not let you impede maya and me becoming friends again. and i told her you pushed for me to talk to her to make things right. it's me who doesn't want to right now. and i also told her it's not right to think that little of you when you would never do that to me."

"it does hurt for her to think that." frankie laid her head on his shoulder, grabbing his hand. "it hurt me too. i hate she said that, but one thing was true. i miss our duo. we were our happiest when we were together. but our trio was even better."

"you, riley, and maya?" lucas asks, wondering. "oh god no. danny was like the glue keeping us together. yeah, maya and i were close without danny, but when he was with us, there was another side of us that came out. i haven't seen them in a while."

"speaking of danny, would you want to go to him today or tomorrow? maybe going there will help you find the answer to rekindling your friendship." frankie thought about it. she hasn't been down there in a while and she needs danny's advice, even if he can't give it to her. "tomorrow sounds good."

"great, i'll pick you up at noon?" frankie nods with a grin. "i truly don't know what i would've done if you hadn't been here. and i know i say that a lot, but it's true. i guess everything worked out." lucas smiles, staring into her eyes.

frankie's phone rings, "sorry." she took out her phone to see the caller id, and it was her sister. frankie hit the red button. "i think you should talk to her."

"no, i think not. there are many ways to tell me to mask up with maya. she didn't have to bring you down like that." lucas nodded, understanding her, "i get it, but she talked about me, not you. i will talk to her about that. you have to make up with your sister, and once you do that, you will then find a way to make up with maya."

frankie groans because she knows he is right. "sometimes you make me not like you."

"that's okay. and you know why?" he kissed her forehead.

"i love you enough for the both of us."


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