๐“‘๐“ฎ๐“ฝ๐“ฝ๐“ฎ๐“ป | Dance Moms

By phantomroyaltea

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If people actually thought that Maddie was the favorite then you are very, very, wrong. The Archambeau-Accard... More

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Cheerleader Blues

The Competition Begins

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By phantomroyaltea

Rosetta POV

You know it feels weird having cameras around you again. I haven't acted in some years but seeing them again makes my skin crawl.

I don't want men saying nothing about my body but if it's only to be here with my friends...so be it. We finally arrived and there was one cameraman following us like it was his last resort.

Me, my mom, and siblings walked into the studio just to get greeted by Abby. "Morning!" She said happily. "Hello Miss Abby." My older sister said with a smile. "Hi!" I said as everyone else just waved to her.

We walked into the den where everyone else was at. "All right, girls, it's the first day of rehearsal for the new competition season." Miss Abby said as I saw my older sister roll her eyes.

"Ladies, you all know why you're here. You are the cream of the crop in your age group, and I have lots of new ideas in store. I am going to do something that no other studio in the country does. Every single competition we are doing a new routine." Abby said as we all looked to our mothers.

"Uh-huh girls, don't look at your mother's I am the coach, I am the teacher. I can make or break you." Miss Abby looked at all of us. "Everybody wants to be front and center. I hear it all the time. Whoever is in the front and center, they can't make a mistake. They are holding that group together." Miss Abby started.

"On top we have two people Maddie and Rosetta. I have Maddie because she is dedicated and because of her stellar record last year. I have Rosetta because she won with a perfect score in her division for the duet." Abby said as I smiled.

"Rosetta you are going to be front and center can you handle the pressure?" Abby asked some as I nodded with a smile. (I know this is not exactly what she said but I wanna change stuff up.)

Maddie Rosetta
Chloe Brooke Nâdiya
Paige Nia Mackenzie Perla

"Our first competition is going to be a Phoenix, and the next competition we are going to win. Then the next and that's all gearing up for Nationals." Abby said as we all nodded.

I won nationals once before Maddie started winning more and I keep getting compared to her. Which it hurts my feelings.

"We are going to do a high energy jazz routine with Nâdiya, Maddie, Chloe, Nia, Brooke, and Paige. And a trio with Maddie, Chloe, and Paige. A solo goes to Rosetta." Abby said.

"Unfortunately, MacKenzie, Perla you both are too young to compete at West Coast Dance Explosion, but you're both still going to go with us anyway." Abby said as we then got started.


"Girls, what are you doing!? Those legs are about as straight as Elton John. Watch that right elbow!" Miss Abby screamed at us.


Orabella POV

"Oh my God, it's like we never left." Christi said rolling her eyes as I just smiled. "I'm not a big fan of this bre pyramid thing because to me, that's more of a Bermuda Triangle then a pyramid." Christi says as we all laughed.

"It's very Divisive. Someone's at the top and someone's at the bottom no teacher does that in a classroom." Queen Holly states out as I agreed with her.

"Are we surprised who is at the top?" Kelly asked everyone as I scoff. "No I would have been shocked
if someone else had been there." Holly says as everyone but me and Melissa agreed.

"Quick question why did you have to ask they question Kelly?" Orabella asked. "I just wanted to know." Kelly said getting defensive. "My daughters only got on top of the pyramid once and that was last time we was here." Orabella states as Holly did agree.

"We all want the best for our children but to ask if anyone surprised at who is on the top is wrong. Especially when they are little kids." Orabella defended Maddie and her children.

"That is true. They all are really good friends and we don't wanna ruin their friendship because some of us might not like each other or get in an argument." Holly said as I agreed 💯.

I'm just here for my daughters and whatever happens just happens.


"Hello I'm Orabella, and these are my daughters Nâdiya, Rosetta, and Perla." Orabella introduce them smiling at the camera.

"I used to be a soccer player when I was younger but when I got pregnant I took a break. My team wasn't happy because I was their star player and I just got hate. So I didn't went back." Orabella explains as her voice filled with sadness.

"But I'm glad that I can get my daughters into acting since they all started dancing, then went to acting, then went back to dancing." Orabella filled with pride. "They all have been busy especially Nâdiya who is acting in the game of thrones." Orabella said prideful.

"My two other daughters stopped acting which I won't go to far on that thing." Orabella said. "So far I think this year will be crazy." Orabella said.

Four days til competition

I was in the studio with Miss Abby learning my solo. "Okay....your solo is gonna be a acro. I know you are good but you can be better at it. It will have lots of tricks in it can you handle that?" Miss Abby asked me as I nodded as I started to learn my cool solo.

"When you do that keep your leg straight!" Miss Abby screamed at me as I correct it. 30 minutes later I was done for practice as I had to go to ballet.

When I got done I finally met up with the rest to finish the group dance. During practicing the group dance Maddie looks sick. "Are you okay Maddy?" I asked as she just nods and keep doing the dance.

"Maddie why the tears sweetie?" Miss Abby asked Maddie whilst she is crying. "My stomach hurts." Maddie said as Abby points at her on the top of the pyramid. "You see the picture, that's where you have to be right now. Let's go through with the group dance one more time." Abby says.

We go through it again and Maddie does the switch left and ran out. I was sad a little that Maddie left but at least I have Nâdiya.

"Keep going girls!" Abby yelled at us.

Three days til competition

"You got your pointed shoes Rosetta?" My mom asked. "Yes mom." I said. "I have it mom don't need to ask me." Nâdiya said as we pulled up to the studio.

Nia, Paige, and I set in the den getting ready for the group rehearsal. "Don't you sometimes get annoyed like being compared to Maddie?" Nia asked as me and Paige agreed. "I mean sometimes but it's fine." Paige answered as we walk into the studio to get ready.

Truth be told it's not fine.

At home I was engrossed with my solo wanting to go to my full potential. I just wanted to make miss Abby proud of me and show her that I can win and that I could beat Maddie if I ever go against her.

Two days til competition

"Make sure that supporting foot is turned out!" Abby shouts at us. "Can I talk to you for a minute Abby?" Dawn asked as she enter the studio. "No i'm in rehearsal." Abby said trying to get her out of here in some way.

"You don't throw my child out of class I pay for class!" Dawn started to raise her voice. "She's not dressed appropriately." Abby just answered. "I'm looking at every single kid out here Abby, they all look like children, isn't that crazy that children look like children! She's dressed appropriately!" Dawn yelled.

"Aren't you a minister?" Abby asked. "Yes I am a minister! Let's play the Bible game Abby! When Jesus saw things were wrong he went after it! And I'll tell you what your not going to do this to my kid!" Dawn shouted.

"Out of the room!" Miss Abby yelled. "Reagan goodbye! Out!" Miss Abby yelled.

One day til competition

(Orabella POV)

I was talking to my oldest daughter dance teacher about how she was doing until Melissa came up to me. "Someone new wants to already join the elite team." Melissa said to me as I looked at her.


"Her mom is also a dance teacher." Melissa said as I goan. "That is not going to work out great." I said as Melissa agreed with me. "She looks nice." Melissa said. "Sometimes the nice people can turn mean." I said.

Competition day

I sat down with Nia on the bus and we was creating our own game. Abby was screaming at the bus driver like she always does nothing too surprising. We get to the competition in the dressing room getting ready.

Until Paige was burned with a curling iron.

Abby gave us some pep talk more like 'You better do good or else' talk.


"Welcome to the stage a junior jazz group, Party, Party, Party!" The announcer said as we walk on stage. "Go! Go! Go!" I heard Abby said.

I did my best. I performed with sass, and gave the correct faces to the judges. When it was done it was time to get my solo on.

"And now please welcome entry 79 with So Far Away, a junior acro solo!"

I made sure to do my faces and only focus on the judges. After I was done the trio went on.

They were beautiful but Chloe's headband fell off and I felt sorry and sad for her. I only prayed for her the entire trio until it was over.


We were in the award ceremony and I was scared for my life. Me, Nâdiya, and Nia clasped our hands together. "Alright. In junior duet/trios first place is entry 23 Pin Up Girls in!" The trio got their awards and sat down.

"Alright here we go. Now we're going to start with junior advanced groups, in third place with a score of 274 going to....Party, Party, Party!" Paige went to collect the trophy. At least the trio scored first place anyways.

"Now moving on to the advanced Junior solos. And second place for the score of 263 go to Marylin with the rose grows!" The announcer said.

Now I'm nervous as heck.

"Now in first place with a score of a perfect 300! Goes to So Far Away! Rosetta Archambeau-Accardi!" The announcer said as I jumped up with a smile. Finally I have won one of my solos and got a perfect score!

How excited is that!?

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