Her Eyes 5

By UrbanQueen

147K 9.4K 35.8K

The cartel life is done for some but only at its peak for others. With the feud between the Hunter siblings a... More

1 - "I Do?"
2 - "Party Over"
3 - "IED"
4 - "Forever Mr. Lotus, A Baby & A Cub, And Voyeurism"
5 - "Someone I Know"
6 - "Requited Love"
7 - "Last Business Meeting"
8 - "Dallas"
9 - "Hide And Seek"
10 - "Sneaking Out Of School"
11 - "Whore"
12 - "Tick-Tock"
13 - "Lifeline"
14 - "Slip of The Tongue"
15 - "In The Knick Of Time"
16 - "Adopt"
17 - "Mental Breakdown"
18 - "Practice What You Preach"
19 - "Tired"
20 - "Nigga"
21 - "Translations"
22 - "Juvie"
23 - "Withdrawals"
24 - "Delusional"
25 - "Snuff"
26 - "Domino Effect"
27 - "Catatonia"
28 - "Cousins"
29 - "Hunting West"
30 - "Ready Or Not, Here I Come, You Can't Hide"
31 - "Smoke and Mirrors"
32 - "The Royals"
33 - "Sentencing"
34 - "Dizzy"
36 - "Eloping"
37 - "Epilogue"

35 - "Where's Egypt Marshall?"

3K 243 660
By UrbanQueen

Lisa awoke to dozens of missed calls and texts, neighbors banging down her door and to news that was now making international headlines: Egypt Marshall was missing.

It was every parent's worst nightmare and it was coming true right before Lisa's eyes. She didn't think life could get any worse than it was right now, but she'd been proven wrong.

First it was Egypt's behavior that was the problem. To the rocky relationship with her father. To her killing a baby. And her now disappearing from the face of the earth.

Lisa was watching one of the news stations as they talked about it. Apparently, the rehabilitation center she'd been at in Vermont didn't have counselors at the facility. So once a week a van full of kids needing to see therapists as part of their rehab requirements, would travel out to a third party site. Camera footage from a Dunkin' Donuts showed the van Egypt was inside with some other girls traveling on the road where it was then T-boned from the side. Masked men jumped out the van they were in and ambushed the rehab van pulling girls out left and right. Some ran, some got shot and some got taken. Egypt were among some of the ones who were taken. The kidnappers took off with the girls they managed to take and left. Only the driver, one employee from the rehabilitation center and three girls were remained at the scene.

Lotus! Lisa thought, knowing it had to be the work of his cartel. He had changed his mind and come after her. Lisa dropped to the floor and let a deep sob escape her lips. She could be dead right now. Despite what Egypt had done Lisa could not just delete her love for her daughter.

Besides, she would never be able to live with herself if she didn't know what happened. Frantically, Lisa ran up the stairs to call her mother, Sheila.

Lisa didn't have a car since she abandoned her Range Rover at the car dealership and stole one of their cars when she attempted to flee New York with Egypt. Of course police recovered the stolen car and though she would serve no jail time for her stunt, her license was suspended for the next two years.

As soon as her mother picked up the phone her mother was screaming back at her about the news. She was one of the people who had called multiple times but Lisa had not picked up.

Sheila told her that she was five minutes away and to be outside.

Lisa was outside in three minutes in the same spaghetti strap dress she was wearing as loungewear inside the house; with tall leather boots on. She was looking crazy but she didn't care. Sheila pulled up in five minutes like she said she would.

Lisa jumped in the passenger seat, hugging her mom. "I'm so scared ma!"

"Me too baby." Sheila said, stepping on the gas.

They floored it to Lotus' house on the other side of town. When they arrived Lisa put in the code at the gate and it opened. Sheila drove onto the large property and didn't even stop the car before Lisa jumped out.

She banged down the front door and rang the bell. Ember answered the door with three soldiers behind her, looking at a crazed looking Lisa who had snot and tears leaking out her eyes and nose.

"He took her! Please Ember I just want my baby! I can't..." Lisa started to jumble her words.

Ember was so confused. Sheila had to explain that they believed Lotus had Egypt. They begged her to tell them if she knew anything and spoke to her from the place of a mother.

Ember felt bad for both her son and Lisa. But she wouldn't want Egypt to be here if that was the case. She didn't want that mostly for her son's sake. She didn't want Lotus in any kind of legal trouble. He was powerful but kidnapping was a life sentence if caught.

"Lisa and Ms. Sheila I'm sorry to tell you, but she's not here. Why would he have her here?"

"Y-you don't know that! This is a m-mansion, Ember!" Lisa hiccuped through her violent cry. "H-he could have her a-a-anywhere. Did you check the basement? That's where h-he had us the first time! That's where he loves t-to put people! Please let me see! Please!"

Ember watched the daughter and grandmother, feeling pity for them. She huffed and motioned them inside to show them there was nothing to hide. All three searched the basement then the entire house. The place was empty, proving Lotus didn't have Egypt here.

The three women ended up back in the foyer.

Lisa still was not convinced however. "What if he has her at some remote location?"

Sheila stood holding her daughter. Ember looked at Lotus' soldiers who stood stoned face, not knowing what to do. They would've never let Lisa and her mother inside the house, but the boss's mother okayed it and she lived here so there was nothing they could do.

"I'll call him." Ember said, now the one trembling. The two ladies behavior was scaring her.

Lotus didn't answer his phone the three times Ember called. But she didn't have to wait long as Lotus had pulled up ten minutes later. He'd come from Hunter mall, checking up on business. He saw his mother calling but didn't feel like answering. Plus he was close to the house any way.

When Lotus walked in his home and was met with his mother, Lisa's mother Sheila and Lisa, he stopped chewing the gum in his mouth, caught off guard. He looked at his three men who all looked at his mother. So Lotus did the same.

"Lotus they're looking for Egypt, she's missing." Ember said softly, she tilted her head to the side giving him a look that begged him not to be responsible for this. "Do you know anything? Just as a parent, tell her if you did anything."

Lotus stared at his mother for a long time. He watched her standing close to the Marshall women, rubbing her own arm up and down like she was cold. Then he peeled his brown eyes away from her and looked at Lisa. He started chewing his gum again and a sudden calm washed over him.

"What do you want to know?" Lotus asked.

Lisa's heart skipped several beats. "Lotus tell me where she is."

He didn't say anything for a few seconds. Then he started walking. "Follow me. Just you." He said, but making a head motion to his three men to accompany them.

Lisa didn't hesitate. She noticed Lotus didn't even take his shoes off as he walked toward the grand staircase. Which was something he would never do. She had her shoes on as well but the circumstances were different. She was here for her missing child.

Ember stood in the foyer, lips folded, rubbing both arms up and down praying her son hadn't done anything crazy to Egypt. Sheila also stood nervous but the two grandmothers were quiet, standing next to each other.

The halls were quiet except for Lisa's sniffles that made it easy to tell she had a nose full of goo.

Lotus led her into the master bedroom and turned around and closed the door for privacy after his three guards came in. Lisa searched with her eyes for clues of some sort as she walked toward the middle of the room. Lotus locked the door and walked past her.

He found himself leaning against the edge of the bedpost. The wooden bedpost was uncomfortable but he didn't care right now. The silence was deafening as he undid the button to a cufflink. He undid the other cufflink then rolled his neck like he had a kink in it before finally stilling.

"So lemme get this straight," Lotus said, releasing a sigh like he came from a long day's work. "I tell you I never want to see you again, yet you come back to ask me for your daughter...who killed my son?"

Lisa's thick lips shook in complete desperation and sadness. "Lotus please..." Her hands trembled as she clasped them together as if praying, "if you have her, just tell me."

Lotus leered for a moment, put his tongue in his cheek and made a sound. "Hm." His eyes switched to over her shoulder and he tilted his head in her direction. "Have fun."

Lisa was about to ask him what he was talking about, but realized he wasn't talking to her, he was talking to his goons. She turned her head when she heard one of his men move. A powerful slap sent her to the carpeted ground.

The three men pounced on her, punching her in the face and immediately swelling her lip. Lisa screamed bloody murder trying to fend off their blows. She had no chance as she was up against 5'9, 6'1 and 6'2 men, all weighing at least sixty something pounds more than her.

Their assaults split her lip next as they drew blood. Lisa screamed, begging them to stop. "Lotus!" She cried, hoping her cries of horror would snap him out of it and make them stop.

Lisa had no idea where she was. She knew she was in the master bedroom. But one minute she was on the ground. The next her back had hit some type of surface with wood that caused the room to shake and a bunch of items to come tumbling off the shelf. Now she was back on the floor being dragged across the floor so hard she could feel the heat on her skin from the rug burn she was getting.

Lisa didn't have hair so one man used her dress and dragged her savagely through the room. The material tearing like it was made out of paper. Her bra popped during the debacle, making it fall off her. Her dress had also risen to around her waist at this point and because she had no panties on, she was naked.

"Lotus make them stop! Please stop!" She cried hysterically.

Lotus watched as she was dragged by one man, while another took off his leather Gucci belt. Lotus watched in amusement as Lisa kicked the man dragging her. Her force was strong enough to send him flying back. She bolted up and scrambled for the door. But was tripped by the third man.

She fell hard and the belt wielder was on her quick. A resounding slap against her back with the leather belt made her skin ripple in waves. The man whipped her with the belt as she screamed to the top of her lungs. Her horrifying sounds only amping him up more.

"Is that screaming?!" Sheila questioned, rushing toward the staircase. She slowed down when she got to the foot of it.

She still wasn't sure but she wasn't about to leave her daughter up there alone. She started to ascend the steps and when she heard it more clearer, she turned back to Ember standing below her. "She's screaming!"

Ember followed behind Sheila as they made their way to the commotion. When they heard the domestic violence behind the door, they screamed and pounded on the door for Lotus to open it. They could hear Lisa's blood curdling screams.

Lisa's legs, back, stomach, breasts, hands and arms burned from every blow of the belt—or the metal buckle at times if it caught her on a less fleshier part of the body like the knuckles, face or knees. She kicked her legs in all directions, her vagina and ass on front street for everyone to see.

Lotus felt nothing as he witnessed this. He was too far gone. The belt wielder stopped hitting and another man picked up the slack. He picked her up by her neck, tossing her this way and that like a rag doll.

All the two mothers heard from outside was banging, slamming and Lisa's cries for help. The master door was a sturdy, quality door that was almost impossible to open.

The beating sounded vicious and it didn't sound like it was gonna stop anytime soon. No one said it but they felt like Lisa was gonna die in that room.

While belt hitter was taking a break, number two and three slapped and punched her. Beat her like they were trying to prove who was the real Ray Rice. Beat her like there was a prize saying the last one standing left the room with their life. Beat her until Lotus put his index finger up

Lisa lay in a leap, moaning and groaning. Her naked body battered and bruised. Lotus walked up to her slowly, stared, then spit on her like she had done so many times to him. The hot saliva landed on her face as he stepped over her, headed to the bedroom door where the mothers were panicking.

He opened the door and was met with her mother, Sheila. "Sheila, hey, I didn't say hello downstairs did I?" He said, giving her a genuine smile.

Sheila screamed to the top of her lungs seeing her naked and beaten daughter barely moving. She rushed in the room toward her and Lotus' smiled dropped seeing she came for Lisa.

Ember stayed by the door, a hand over her mouth as she only looked from Lisa to Lotus. She couldn't see her from where she was standing, just her legs sticking out from behind the bed.

The maids quickly scurried from the door wanting no parts. His guards stayed put though, knowing not to make a move unless he told them too.

His room was overturned from the beating they put on her.

"Lotus..." Ember whispered, eyes blurring with tears.

Lotus raised his hand and his mother cowered. Those stupid tears almost made him do something he would otherwise never dream of. But then he thought of his father and folded his four fingers and used the pointer in her face.

"You have one hour to pack your things and leave my house." Lotus said. The audacity of Ember to bring Lisa to his home. To question him about that kid—in front of them, like she was on their side.

Sheila was crying and hollering bringing Lotus back to the spectacle in the room. He looked at number three and nodded toward Lisa. Number three went over there and grabbed Lisa by an arm. He drug her as Sheila screamed, begging him to stop. She wasn't even moving anymore. She was too old to try and do anything and the way these men just beat her daughter, she was not trying to be next.

"Lotus stop this! Oh God please stop!" Sheila begged, following behind them.

Lotus walked behind Lisa's naked body being dragged down the hall. Thump. Thump. Thump. That was the sound as her head hit every step going down.

Number three dragged her outside the house and let go, letting her legs drop on the concrete. Lotus bent down, knowing she was unconscious at this point. Still, he spoke to her.

"I surmise you now understand what 'I don't want to ever see you again' means. The next time I'm gonna put a bullet in your head."

Lotus stood just in time to see Sheila catching up. He pointed a thumb at Lisa.

"Get this bitch off my property."

His men and her mother immediately rushed over to her while he walked past them and back into the house. He saw Ember standing at the top of the landing.

"One hour. And take that blind fucking pervert with you. The one who has to go to whore houses to get his dick wet because no normal woman would fuck him!" Lotus yelled, hoping Dalton could hear.

Ember found some courage, appalled at the way he was coming for his older brother. In her fifty-six years she had never heard Lotus talk to his brother in such a way.

She gripped the railing. "Stop it!" Her voice cracked. "Don't talk about your brother that way! Lotus you're losing your mind!"

"No, I'm opening my eyes." Then he narrowed them, speaking more to himself than to her. "You brought this woman into my home. I mean...you questioned me in front of them about her kid's whereabouts with tears in your eyes. So concerned on where her daughter could be, when her daughter killed my fuckin' son!"

Ember was a wreck now. Lotus walked off but Ember came flying down the stairs. Lotus could hear her and wanted nothing more than to be away from her.

"This is the last time I'm gonna tell you, one hour. Then you'll be outside with whatever you were able to get. Everything else will become mine or go in the trash." He said matter of fact.

Ember, a slim woman had acquired enough strength in the moment to turn her son around. Her eyes were red, tears soaking her face that was starting to show crows feet at the edge of her eyes.

"Why are you doing this? Treating me this way! I'm your mother."

Lotus knocked her hands off roughly and involuntarily laughed at that. He kept walking. "Funny."

"Funny? So I'm not your mother?"

He stopped walking and so did Ember not sure of what his next move would be.

He came up so close she almost took a step back getting flashbacks of Lisa's beating only minutes ago.

"Mother? You haven't been my mother from the moment you learned of my son's existence. You and that obese, three inch dick son of yours who loves playing like he's so soft, demure and quiet. Sightless bastard always locked in his damn bedroom probably playing with his pussy. Because that's what he is, a punk ass wimp that pays for sex. Did you know that?"

Ember's tears and snot mixed. All she saw was hatred and coldness in Lotus' eyes. He was so far gone.

"I bet you didn't 'cause you were so busy hating Gene."

Ember snapped. "Don't say that! I didn't hate him!"

"Yes you did, you and Dalton. You never gave him a chance. In the three years you've known him you held him once. And it was to take him out the car and into this house the day we got back from Dallas, because Lisa found out about him. That's the only reason you probably touched him. Because in your twisted mind you probably thought you were helping me get rid of him. Thought Lisa finding out about him would make me have to choose sides, right? The illegitimate child verses the main one."

"You're wrong." She cried.

"You know what the craziest part to me was? I couldn't figure out for the life of me why you never adapted to Gene the way you did Lisa's kid. Why you never cared to be his grandmother the way you feigned for the other one. I pondered this for months, but then it hit me. You favored Lisa's kid because you both were second in life."

"What?" Ember whispered, crushed her son would say that.

"Yeah. Even though Gene was the outside child, I loved him more than I would ever love that waste of sperm. Just like even though you were dad's wife, you knew dad was really in love with his ex-girlfriend. Which is the same reason you took to Iris and not Cilia. Because Iris had the ring but Cilia is really who Allele loved. You resented Gene because you were jealous of him."

Ember was in full on hysterics now. She didn't care that she was being put out. She was a millionaire. Her husband had left her a lot of money. She had properties all over. But the relationship with her son is what she valued most.

"How can you say that?!" Ember cried. "I gave both Cilia and Iris a chance! I never chose sides with Egypt and Gene!"

Lotus rolled his eyes not caring to hear anything she was talking about. He couldn't hear Sheila hollering anymore for her unconscious daughter. So they probably left or he was just in a part of the house too far to hear from inside.

"You just shocked me when you came with Gene. I didn't know how to handle it."

Lotus rose his eyebrows, peering down in her wet eyes. "Oh, I'm sorry Lisa number two. I didn't know I stepped out on our relationship too. Do you hear yourself? I didn't cheat on you, I cheated on Lisa. How did my infidelity affect you? No matter what I did outside my relationship with Lisa, any child I make is still blood related to you. So don't stand here and insult my intelligence. You weren't confused on how to handle shit because there wasn't anything to handle other than to accept your grandson. But you were fuckin' jealous because I loved him more than the other kid, like dad loved his ex more."

Ember was trembling. "Lotus stop."

"You, your daughter and your granddaughter were all side bitches! You were dad's actual side bitch, Lisa's dog was my side child and Iris was Allele's side wife despite all three of you were suppose to be the most important."

"You're horrible."

"And what was that pussy's problem with my son?" Lotus said making a head motion to the upper level. "Huh? What was he mad about? Did he want to be the main handicap in my life or something? I knew he wasn't worried about my relationship with Iris because I barely knew her. So what, was it when Gene came around this time there was actually a threat? That I had a smaller child who needed more attention, who happened to be blind like him so he saw it as Gene taking his place in my life? He became jealous like you and withdrew like the worthless pussy he is."

Ember cried.

"Now I see why Cilia can't stand you. And now I can see why you were the second choice for dad. I'm convinced you use to pay my father to fuck your miserable ass. Because there was no way that man got turned on looking at you."

The resounding slap echoed off the walls before Ember could stop her hand. A silence fell between them. Fear crept across Ember's face not knowing what his reaction would be. Lotus ticked his jaws and peered at her.

"...Forty minutes." He said, turning and leaving her standing there. 


The triplets sat at the circle table for lunch. Each of them had a lunchbox with a Capri-sun juice, turkey sandwich and a pack of fruit snacks.

"I can't believe Squidward got fat from all the krabby patties!" Jaxon said, referring to the episode they saw of SpongeBob last night.

"I know." Phenix said smiling from ear to ear. "He don't even like krabby Pattie's. But then he liked them and ate all of it! That was crazy!"

Alix was sitting across from them quietly stuffing his face. Jaxon turned his attention seeing Alix wasn't adding to the conversation.

He saw his empty silver juice packet on the table and only bread crumbs from his sandwich left. He was chewing what was left in his mouth. The only thing that remained was his unopened pack of fruit snacks.

"I want your fruit snacks." Jaxon said to Alix.

"I want my fruit snacks too." Alix replied.

Jaxon stared at him not sure if he was being mean or not. Before he could question him further about why he wanted his own snack, Prince sat down at the table next to Alix, smiling from ear to ear.

Jaxon frowned. Sometimes he sat with them at lunch now and Jaxon hated those times because he couldn't talk to his brothers. He could—but he chose not to because he didn't want Prince in any kind of conversation with him and his brothers.

As usual, Jaxon turned mute when Prince came around. He wanted to hit him again but he knew he would get in trouble, so he wouldn't. He was really jealous of the relationship Alix and Prince had. He didn't like seeing Alix laugh and joke with other people. Phenix was quiet so he didn't have to worry about that.

Jaxon stayed quiet but stared at Alix and Prince. They started talking about a Nickelodeon show which irritated Jaxon because Alix didn't say anything during their conversation about SpongeBob. But now he was talking to Prince.

Phenix saw his brother steaming and looked across the table knowing it was the presence of Prince. Phenix kissed Jaxon on the cheek making Jaxon narrow his eyes and slowly turned his head toward him.

"What are you doing?" Jaxon asked, his cheek wet from Phenix's juice stained lips.

"I'm making you feel better, you're mad." Phenix replied.

Alix and Prince were now looking at the two of them which made Jaxon a little more antsy. He didn't want Prince to think he was a baby. He wiped his cheek which hurt Phenix's feelings.

"Don't kiss me!" Jaxon said.

Phenix frowned. "Stop Jaxon," He said dragging the first word. "Mommy and daddy said be nice to me."

"I am being nice."

"No, you wiped my kiss."

"Because I don't want a kiss." Jaxon complained.

"But I always kiss you." Phenix reasoned, which was partially true. He did, but depending on Jaxon's mood he accepted it or not.

Prince just tossed his food around in his plate, not knowing what to make of the brothers arguing. He was little and couldn't explain it, but he knew Jaxon was trying to find a way to start a fight with him in particular.

Alix chose to be the mediator. "Jaxon don't yell at him and Phenix don't kiss him. Come sit by me." Alix patted the empty space next to him.

Phenix got up with a quickness with his lunchbox, but was yanked back down when Jaxon grabbed the handle on top his backpack. He crashed back down in the seat so hard it startled Prince and made him look across the table at them to see what happened.

Jaxon's gaze was piercing on Alix. He was already talking to his friend, he didn't want Phenix to go over there too. He was mad at Alix for having Prince at their table and trying to make Phenix move. Alix stared back at him calmly, which was making Jaxon more mad.

The boy balled his fists and began bouncing his leg, getting angrier the longer Alix stared at him. It was like he was challenging him.

"Want to move?" Prince asked, looking at Alix.

Jaxon's hardened gaze landed on Prince. He wanted to spit on him. He wanted to hit him. Even though he was mad at Alix, he wasn't going anywhere with his brother. He needed to mind his business.

"No." Alix said, continuing to stare at Jaxon.

Jaxon returned his gaze to his brother and could feel the range boiling. He wanted to spit on Alix and hit him too. He couldn't explain why he got so mad and wanted to do these things. Whenever other kids got mad they could do it without yelling, breaking something or hitting. But it was really difficult for Jaxon to keep his composure. It was just a natural instinct for him to lose it.

Phenix's heart was galloping as he could feel the tension brewing. He didn't want his brothers to fight. He slid his fruit snacks in front of Jaxon, then wrapped his arms around his angry brother.

"It's okay, don't be mad." Phenix said. Jaxon was still staring at the two boys across the table, unblinking. Phenix tried to turn his brother's face to him. "Don't look at them Jaxon, stop..."

It took Jaxon a moment but he turned his head to Phenix. He saw his brother's face, looking like he was about to cry, as usual. Even though he was mad, he let Phenix hold his face and talk to him.

"Take a deep breath." Phenix said sucking a breath in dramatically.

Jaxon stared at him, kinda wanting to assault him too.

Phenix released his breath. "See? You okay?"

Alix frowned and looked at Prince, twirling his index finger in circles at the side of his head. Jaxon snatched the fruit snacks off the table and beamed it at his head.

Alix who saw the item coming toward him instinctively recoiled violently and shielded himself as the pack of sweets hit him. Prince and Phenix jumped as well since the move was so sudden. A teacher who was standing nearby and saw them came rushing over.

"Jaxon, no!" The woman said, pulling him away. She was aware of his behavior already so it was no surprise. "That's your brother, you don't do that. Come with me."

She took him away leaving the three boys sitting at the table in silence. Phenix was just sitting there, scared.

"You okay?" Prince asked.

Alix shrugged. "Yeah, he always gets mad. He's crazy like in the cartoons."

The woman spoke to Jaxon and managed to calm him down. Mainly because he hadn't gotten off of punishment too long ago and he didn't want her to tell his parents. So she made him go say sorry to his brother. Alix was still annoyed at first but eventually after a minute he accepted the apology.

The two brothers hugged it out but as Jaxon peered down at Prince over Alix's shoulder, he couldn't help but wish those fruit snacks he threw at Alix had been a pair of scissors for both of them.


Dallas, Texas

Rome laid on top his hard bunk bed in the Henry Wade Juvenile Justice center. He'd served four months of his four year sentence so far. He'd been transferred to a different state because the judge claimed there was "no space in New York juvenile centers." Rome felt like the judge really transferred him so far out to a state like Texas because he may have felt the unfamiliar environment would scare him and make him straighten his life out.

It wasn't working.

If anything, being so far away from everyone he knew only made Rome more volatile and depressed. Especially when he knew Egypt had gotten off the hook with rehabilitation when she was the one who shot the kid. Rome was all alone, with no friends or family. He tried reaching his grandmother, uncle and brother and none had gotten back to him.

He worried for all of them. He knew for sure his uncle would be going to prison. He had bodies on the gun Egypt killed her brother with. So he was most likely serving life for those two murders on the gun. But he had no idea if those childhood endangerment charges against his grandmother had dropped and if she'd been released or what foster home they'd placed his little brother in.

It was agonizing to Rome. At least his uncle could fend for himself in prison. He was a tough guy. But his grandma and his sweet ass brother? Hell no. The thought of someone harming those two was enough to make Rome tear up every time he thought about it.

A sniffle broke him out his thoughts and made his teeth grind. A week ago he had gotten a cellmate. Some whiny little bitch who was always crying. Rome wasn't gonna front like he hadn't cried a few times in here. But those were silent tears. He knew better than to be doing that shit in the open. But the lil' nigga in the bunk under his was a straight up bitch. The nigga stayed crying.

Rome didn't know much about him. Couldn't even remember his name. Just knew he hung out with one other dude. Both his celly and the celly's friend were African, but the celly's friend had a deeper accent.

Rome had no idea what his celly could've possibly done to get in juvie. This little boy was sweeter than cheesecake. Unless it was one of those "looks can be deceiving" thing where he raped his little sister or killed his parents or some shit.

Nah, that's White shit. Rome told himself, cracking a smile at his little joke. His smile was quickly wiped off his face though as he heard his cellmate break out into a sob.

He had two cellmates come and go in the four months he'd been here. And those were both over fights he'd had with them. Over them doing something he didn't like. This third one was definitely on that list and was gonna get lumped up quick.

Rome didn't consider himself a bully, but honestly he was frustrated and depressed. He had no one and he was angry so he was finding ways to release that anger and it was on the other juveniles around him.

"Yo', da fuck is you crying so much for? Every time I look around you crying. You know where you at? Cut that shit out!" Rome barked.

It got silent, making Rome shake his head in disgust. He couldn't stand them little sucka niggas that was so tough on the street but got in juvie and was scared.

Cairo put a hand over his mouth, trembling on the bottom bunk. He hated it here. He only got here a week ago and hated the environment. Luxe adoption agency was bad, but he rather go back there then spend another second here.

Cairo was definitely not a fighter, but a week ago there had been a big incident at Luxe. He was being beat on by an older kid named Williams, who was fifteen. A boy four years older than him and thirty pounds bigger than him. It was happening off and on for a few days. One day Cairo's best friend caught Williams beating on his friend in the kitchen and jumped into action. Sanyu himself was only one year older than Cairo; so was no match for a fifteen-year-old. He was losing the fight so ended up picking up a frying pan and bashing him in the head with it. He only hit him twice in the head but the blows were so hard guards thought Sanyu and Cairo jumped Williams. Cairo wasn't gonna snitch on his friend who only stepped in to protect him. So they were both charged with assault and battery and sent to Henry Wade Juvenile Justice center for two months while Williams had to get eight stitches in his head.

This was technically Cairo's "first" offense and it was clear he was new to jail. He had mistakenly assumed since he and his boy Sanyu came in together that meant they would be in the same cell. But to his dismay they were split up, saddening the young child even more.

He wished his dad was still alive or that his brother Bonnie loved him. He wiped at his tears, trying to stay out of his hostile cellmate's way. Rome was like another Williams' just without the hitting. Cairo wouldn't be surprised if the hitting started soon though. Anything seemed to set this kid off.

Rome turned on his side, he couldn't wait until it was lunch time or something so this little boy could get the hell out the cell with all that crying.

Even though the judge bringing up Egypt's text messages didn't help the case at all, Rome was still happy it was brought up. Because it meant Gia had did what he asked and went to her friend that had the texts and tried to help him. She couldn't control the outcome of the case but the fact she tried to help was all he cared about.

He often thought about calling or writing her but figured that would be stupid. Maybe she only exposed the text message thing because she felt bad in the moment or because she thought it would get Egypt in more trouble like he told her it would. But there was no doubt she believed he contributed to her baby cousin's death, so reaching out to her would be wasting time.

None of his old friends had reached out to him either. Not Kemani, Richard, Chyna or Star. In all fairness, he's been to juvie plenty of times and they never reached out because they knew he would be right back; but this time it was serious. They knew it would be a long time before they would see him again and not one of them had sent a letter.

Fuck them, I don't care. Rome thought to himself.

Cairo couldn't help the soft sob that left his lips. He was so depressed. Rome's eyes popped open and he rolled over, sat up and hopped off the top bunk. His feet landed on the concrete floor making a thunderous clap throughout the 4x4 cell.

It startled Cairo whose face contorted into shock and confusion.

Cairo was yanked out his bottom bunk and hemmed up against the wall. Before he could register what was happening, Rome's open palm landed across his face. "Didn't I just tell you about that fucking crying? Wipe your face!"

Cairo's heart was pounding out his chest. He quickly wiped his face but he was trembling. They were matching with the green jumpsuits and their number tags on, but were two completely different people.

"I'm sorry," Cairo's voice cracked. "I'm scared I just wanna go home."

"Nigga we all do! You think niggas come here for vacation? You been crying in this bitch all week and I ain't say nothing to you. This one day I want peace and quiet and you can't shut the fuck up? Shut up!" Rome barked. His hand landed across his face hard again, making Cairo whimper and hold back tears. "Lemme tell you again and imma fuck you up, you hear me?"

Cairo nodded profusely.

Rome let him go and used the ladder to climb back on his bunk. He knew he was being a little bit of a bully but he really was going through a lot and the pussy below him was making it worse.

Cairo crawled back into his bed and buried his face in his pillow and cried himself to sleep. Hours later the guards opened the gates for chow time.

"Lunch time!" A guard hollered. "Lunch time!"

Cairo noticed Rome wasn't moving but he saw his chest rising and falling. Either he heard the C.O and chose to keep sleeping or didn't hear and was a hard sleeper.

Cairo crept out his cell and made his way to the lunch room. He got his tray and quickly spotted his best friend, Sanyu. Sanyu sat way at the back. He liked to see everyone so he could see who was coming and going.

Cairo sat at the table with his boy who noticed the dry tears on his face right away.

"I told you about the crying, Cairo. These boys are more vicious than the ones from Luxe. I know you wanna go home but try and play it cool." Sanyu told him, his accent heavy.

Cairo sighed and rubbed his eyes. Sanyu and Cairo were so close because they were the only two African boys in the adoption agency. Neither had friends and were often bullied for where they were from, so they kind of stuck together. Cairo was soft and though Sanyu was no fighter he would always defend himself. He also always ended up defending Cairo who was too scared to fight. But Sanyu was trying to work on breaking his friend out of that.

"I know but I hate it here. And my cellmate hit me for no reason."

"He what?" Sanyu frowned, pausing with his potato wedge midway to his mouth. His face was already stuffed.

Everyone tended to eat fast because lunch time was quick. Or would end up ending quick if a fight broke out.

"I wasn't even being loud. I was crying to myself and he pulled me out my bunk and started hitting me. Telling me to shut the eff up and stuff. He just wanted to hit me. I should tell the C.O on him." He grumbled.

"Sshh!" Sanyu told him, knowing he would get his ass beat if anyone heard him conspiring to snitch. "Don't talk like that in here, you know better."

Cairo frowned.

"And what did you do? You know he'll run around bragging he slapped you up and you didn't do anything. Or better yet he'll make you his punk. Not on no sexual shit, but like his errand boy."

Cairo didn't say anything, trying to imagine being Rome's puppet. He seemed like the type, he was definitely a bully. He was worried now.

Sanyu sucked his teeth and mumbled something in his language.

"You gotta stop this. You're gonna learn how to fight soon." Sanyu opened up the carton of chocolate milk and took two big swigs. He wiped his mouth with a napkin and stood abruptly, walking off.

Cairo jumped up from the table and followed behind his boy. "Where you going?"

"To beat his ass."

"Sanyu! No!" Cairo protested grabbing his friend's arm, wide eyed. He only told him to vent, not start a fight. Truthfully the real reason he didn't want Sanyu to fight Rome was because he was the one who had to go back in the cell with Rome after. Fighting him was just making the situation worse.

"Stop." Sanyu said, yanking his arm back irritatedly as he kept walking out the chow hall. He had a stain on his chest area from the chocolate milk on his green jumpsuit, but he didn't care.

He didn't bother trying to explain to Cairo how these things worked. Although he never been to juvie himself until now, he knew common sense was if Cairo was getting yoked up and not doing anything about it, it would attract niggas to try and play with him that way because people saw they were always together. So it made people think it was a 'birds of a feather flocked together' sort of thing and that both of them must've been punks. And Sanyu was not trying to have anyone play with him like that.

He reached Cairo's cell and saw Rome sleeping on top. Without warning he snatched him off the bunk and threw him across the small room. Rome's eyes popped open in panic and confusion.

He quickly stood but stumbled, still asleep. Sanyu wasn't gonna hop on him. He'd give him a fair chance to square up. Cairo stood outside the cell scared as hell.

Rome was no longer in a stupor. When he realized it was Sanyu he knew what time it was. This was his celly Cairo's friend. He had obviously come to stick up for him.

Rome smirked. "Not you sticking up for your man."

Sanyu swung and Rome dodged. Rome swung back but Sanyu ducked. Sanyu rushed him, his back hitting the wall. The two boys fought wildly, tearing up the small cell. The fight spilled out into the corridor and the hooting and hollering from the other juveniles couldn't be contained.

The inmates egged the two boys on. But the noise was so loud guards came flooding in, in less than a minute. Both boys were throwing vicious punches, trying to get the other on the ground.

Guards tackled both of them, breaking it up. More guards swarmed in blowing whistles and yelling 'lockdown.' Both boys were placed on the ground and handcuffed while they both yelled threats to each other.

This time Rome was the one to be removed from the cell. 


Lotus stood in the pool in his backyard, chaperoning the three boys who were in safety gear and pool floats. Phenix, Jaxon and Alix were spending the day at Lotus' home while Cilia kept Casi to take her on a play date with Roselyn.

Phenix had on a white tank top and swimming trunks and was in a circle shaped alligator float that was keeping him above the water. He also had on elbow floats as a precaution.

Alix had on blue swimming trunks but was shirtless. He was in a circle kangaroo float and wore arms floats. He had on water googles too.

Jaxon was in red swimming trunks and also shirtless, with two elbow floats on. He didn't want the inflatable rings his brothers were in.

It was raining today, but Lotus had a glass enclosure over his entire pool which made it useable at all times no matter what the weather was.

Alix and Jaxon were having a grand time but Phenix was kind of nervous. Even though he had on all the gear and was safely in his float, he was worried it would sink. So Lotus held his float with one hand to reassure him.

"Look at me uncle Lotus, I'm swimming!" Alix said, kicking his feet in the water.

Lotus glanced at him, baring a half smirk. "I see."

Neither of the kids knew of the drama that had taken place earlier. Just hours before his mother and brother had been kicked out. A house that had once been full of occupants now only had one person. Lotus was back to living by himself as he had some years ago. He had to admit he liked it. He felt at peace getting to be by himself.

Ember had to gather Dalton and pack as much as she could in the time she had left. They packed a good amount of stuff in a U-haul they managed to get to the property. But Lotus kept his word and literally threw out what they couldn't fetch within that hour. Most of it being clothes and shoes.

"Can I come out the float?" Alix asked, wanting to float like Jaxon.

Still holding Phenix's float, Lotus walked over to Alix, dragging Phenix along. He then let go of the float for a moment to take Alix out and placed him in the water. The floats on his arms kept him above the water.

"Do you wanna come out too?" Lotus asked, looking at Phenix.

"No, can you lift me?"

Lotus took him out and held him at the side of his body.

"Don't drop me uncle Lotus!" Phenix warned.

"I won't." Lotus said.

Phenix was content swinging his feet back and forth in the water.

Lotus stayed in the pool with the kids for an hour. Then they got out and took showers, changing into a different change of clothes they had packed for after they got out the pool.

The chef was cooking for everyone in the kitchen while the boys played around in the living room. Lotus' phone had been blowing up with calls from his mother but he hadn't answered any of them.

He didn't hate his mother or brother, but he disliked them now. Deep down he knew he still loved them but his hatred right now was too great. Maybe one day he would be able to forgive them, but right now he just wasn't there.

He knew it wasn't for anything important other than to cry on the phone and plead her case, any way. If it was an emergency she would've texted it or got in touch with White Locus or Bonnie to get in touch with him.

The chef prepared food but nothing fancy. He made them fried chicken, macaroni and cheese and steamed broccoli. Lotus could've had the chef make the food healthier, but he stuck to what they liked to eat so they wouldn't waste.

After they finished eating, Alix and Jaxon were spending time with Danielle in the living room, while Phenix and Lotus were on the grand piano.

Alix and Jaxon found the piano to be boring. But Phenix liked it, so he allowed Lotus to teach him songs on it. They played "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star". Lotus taught him the piano keys, smiling and not getting mad when he messed up.

Ten minutes into their session, Phenix crawled onto his lap and it shocked Lotus. It warmed him up as they took it from the top and played the song again. The uncle and nephew were becoming extremely close and it was noticeable to all around them.

Lotus didn't have much people he had an intimate relationship with. Cutting off his mother and brother, the love of his life Noelle and barely talking to both of his sisters, he was alone. He only had Bonnie and Phenix's company, which he was content with. He didn't have any problems with his other two nephews or niece Casi, but he felt closer to Phenix.

Phenix thought about telling Lotus about how Jaxon had went beserk today at lunch and threw fruit snacks at Alix. But he didn't know if Lotus would tell his mom and get Jaxon in trouble. So he left it alone.

Phenix got it right for the first few seconds but then messed up again. They both laughed.

"One more time and we can go see what your brothers are doing." Lotus replied.

"Okay!" Phenix said, gleefully. Smiling from ear to ear, he began touching the piano keys. 

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