behind the stage lights|kim s...

By minhoiyv

656 20 11

Park Y/n, an actress who is dating famous K-pop idol Kim Seungmin, is also a MC host. She used to be a K-pop... More


Chapter 1

233 8 5
By minhoiyv

It was an early Saturday morning, the wind whispered through, ushering a refreshing breeze into your room, where the gentle patter of raindrops landed upon your window. Rising up from your bed, you sat upright, your gaze drawn toward the window as you indulged in a leisurely stretch, coaxing life back into your back. Your tousled hair mirrored the casual chaos of the morning, and an unexpected reluctance settled in — the prospect of hosting today at Music Core seemed uninviting, as if the world outside your window held a more appealing allure.

Promptly extricating yourself from the cocoon of your bed, you embarked on the task of readiness with a determined briskness. The lingering cold from the earlier rain underscored the external environment, yet the stringent adherence to the dress code remained non-negotiable. A lingering sense of bewilderment stirred within you, a perennial puzzlement at the insistence on donning thin attire in the face of brisk weather.

Undeterred by this meteorological paradox, you meticulously curated an ensemble that wove together both style and compliance. A delicate pink vest, embellished with an artful ribbon, took center stage, gracefully layered over a pristine white shirt. A fashion-forward gray plaid skirt added a touch of sophistication to the ensemble, its patterns forming a visual tapestry of elegance.

To brave the residual chill, you opted for white socks, a subtle contrast against the backdrop of black doll platform boots that exuded a hint of edgy flair. Completing this sartorial symphony, a pink headband adorned your hair, a whimsical finishing touch that transcended mere functionality, transforming into a statement of personal style. As you stood prepared to face the day, your attire became a testament to the artistry of fashion in navigating the intersection between external elements and individual expression.

In a brisk descent, you hastened downstairs to partake in a hasty breakfast before embarking on the journey to Music Core. Despite the proximity of the venue to your residence, a sense of urgency propelled your steps, a contradiction to the knowledge that time was not an adversary.

Saturdays, a paradoxical blend of convenience and disdain, bore the weight of hosting duties you found increasingly wearisome. The promise of amusement, once fervently whispered during the initiation of your contract, had dwindled into a monotony that now colored your Saturdays with a tinge of reluctance. The thought of severing ties lingered, yet the inertia of commitment held you in a reluctant embrace, tethering you to a routine that, while mundane, resisted the finality of termination.

Having concluded your breakfast, you deftly retrieved your phone and embarked on the journey to Music Core. The air, not as frigid as anticipated, nevertheless bestowed a crisp embrace upon your skin, its cool tendrils eliciting a tingling sensation that added an unexpected layer of awareness to your morning. The solitude of the hour, a quiet canvas painted in the muted hues of dawn, revealed a city still cloaked in the tranquility of early morning, with only a handful of souls venturing into the day's awakening.

Navigating through the streets, the clock ticking toward 6 am, you soon found yourself standing before the familiar facade of the Music Core building. Pushing open the door, you ascended the stairs, the rhythmic echoes of your steps resonating in the quiet corridor. As you entered the designated area, your eyes met the sight of Lee Know, already present, comfortably seated on a couch, engrossed in the digital realm of his phone. The shared space held the quiet anticipation of a day yet to unfold, a prelude to the orchestrated cadence of hosting duties.

Taking a seat on the edge of the familiar couch, you awaited the arrival of videographers and broadcasters, poised for the commencement of the live video session. In a sudden break of silence, Lee Know's voice cut through the quiet, acknowledging your punctuality. "You're here early," he remarked, prompting your nonchalant response, "I'm always early." A sigh escaped him as he defended, "Well, you're earlier than normal."

Turning to meet his gaze, you couldn't help but roll your eyes at the irony of the conversation. "I don't want to be here," you whined, weariness seeping into your tone. Lee Know, however, remained undeterred by your protest. "Why not? I honestly love this place," he confessed with genuine enthusiasm.

"Fuck off," you retorted with a playful smirk, attempting to mask your reluctance with a semblance of feigned annoyance. His response was a chuckle, a light and knowing acknowledgment of the love-hate relationship you both shared with the bustling world of Music Core.

As the minutes ticked by in anticipation, the elusive manager and staff failed to make their appearance, provoking Lee Know's audible frustration. "Where the fuck is the staff?" he complained, his discontent palpable. Unperturbed, you offered a nonchalant response, "Don't ask me."

"I wasn't," he retorted. The exchange escalated as you fired back, "Then who were you asking?"

"Myself," he declared proudly, a hint of playful arrogance in his tone. Unimpressed, you delivered a cold retort, "Okay, well, no one wants to hear you talking to yourself."

"I do! In fact, I love my voice. Unlike you, who doesn't like their own voice, so they have to bring down others' confidence in themselves," he teased, his sarcasm hanging in the air. The tension simmered as you declared your departure, "I'm leaving."

Teasingly, he probed, "Awh, why? Is it that you're mad?"

"No, the staff aren't here, and this is just pure torture at this point," you explained, a trace of exasperation in your voice. His response was swift, standing up slowly, "Okay, well, if you're leaving, I'm coming with you." The shared camaraderie, laced with banter and the promise of escape, unfolded in the quiet prelude of an unfinished day.

As you rose from the couch with intent, your phone intrusively interrupted the impending departure, unleashing a disruptive melody. Exhaling a sigh, you retrieved your phone, rolling your eyes at the unforeseen disruption. The screen illuminated with a message from the Music Core staff, and with a swift tap, you accessed the digital missive.

"Hello, Y/n, and Lee Know. This is the Music Core staff letting you guys know that there will not be a Music Core live today. Our apologies. Thank you." The gravity of the unexpected revelation widened your eyes in disbelief. "Are you kidding?" you groaned, a palpable displeasure resonating through your voice as your head involuntarily fell back in exasperation.

Lee Know, sensing your frustration, inquired, "What happened now?" With a hint of irritation, you explained, "Fuck, hell! The Music Core staff just sent out a message saying there won't be a fucking live for today." The shared anticipation of the day's proceedings dissipated into a cascade of thwarted expectations, leaving behind an air of incredulity and a shared sentiment of annoyance between you and Lee Know.

In the aftermath of the unexpected revelation, a palpable silence hung in the air. "Do you want to, maybe, go out, then?" Lee Know ventured hesitantly, sensing the lingering annoyance. "You're seriously asking this?" you retorted, a tone of exasperation coloring your response. "I'm just asking," he replied, his words cautious.

"Fine, I guess," you spoke, acquiescing to the impromptu suggestion. Rising from the couch, Lee Know mirrored your movements, and together, you exited the room. The transition from the confined space of Music Core to the world outside brought with it an unspoken agreement to navigate the unforeseen turn of events together.

As you walked, an unexpected thought crossed your mind, and you blurted out, "You do realize sasaengs are a thing, though, right?" His response was matter-of-fact, "Yes, is that a problem?" You sighed, lamenting, "You're so slow." His bland rejoinder was swift, "No, I'm not. You are. I don't understand the problem with that."

Attempting to clarify, you raised the issue of rumors. "Ever heard of that?" you queried. "Yes, I have, Miss Genius," he scoffed in a tone that balanced between sarcasm and genuine acknowledgment. As you reached the door, Lee Know assumed the role of a gentleman, opening it for you with a smile that managed to be both innocent and annoying as hell simultaneously. Rolling your eyes at the gesture, you exited the building, with him trailing along behind you, the unpredictability of the day unfolding in unexpected twists and turns.

Despite the lingering dampness in the air and the persistent chill, not quite enough to induce shivers, you couldn't contain your excitement. "Let's go get ice cream first!" you exclaimed, a burst of energy propelling you into a brief dance. Amused, Lee Know chuckled and replied, "On this cold of a day? Yeah, no way."

Turning to face him, you shot a glare his way. "It's not even that cold! I also haven't had ice cream in like, months. Maybe even years!" you exaggerated with playful flair. He sighed, countering with a more subdued suggestion, "Let's just go have a walk, maybe?"

Rolling your eyes at the perceived mundanity, you urged, "That's boring. Be fun for once! How about we go to... a theme park! That sounds fun, doesn't it?" Your enthusiasm bubbled as you proposed an alternative adventure. "You're way too energetic. It's too early in the morning to go to a theme park," he declared pragmatically. "Let's just go to the park; if not, then let's just go back home," he suggested, attempting to ground the plans.

Groaning in reluctant agreement, you conceded, "Fine, let's head to the park then. I'll beat you there!" With that proclamation, you darted off towards the park, paying little heed to the wet ground beneath your feet. "Hey, watch out! You're going to slip!" he yelled, a cautionary note in his voice. Ignoring his warning, you continued your sprint, leaving him behind. As he sighed, you raced ahead, the promise of a spontaneous morning adventure unfolding in the wake of your energetic determination.

Having endured Lee Know's intermittent scolding during the damp journey, you reached the park unscathed, promptly defending your hasty run. "I didn't even fall; be happy because of that!" you retorted, brushing off his reprimands. His response, a sigh laden with exasperation, echoed through the serene surroundings. "You are so childish and immature," he remarked wearily. Unfazed, you whispered under your breath, "So are you, bitch."

Eager to shift the atmosphere, you redirected attention to the beauty around. "This place is pretty, look at the flowers!" you exclaimed, attempting to steer the conversation toward a more positive note. "Here, let's go to the garden! Seungmin took me here last time, and there were daisies. They probably bloomed; let's go see them!" Without waiting for a response, you seized his wrist, pulling him towards the garden. Caught off guard, he stumbled forward, nearly falling prey to your unexpected initiative. "Shouldn't you be taking Seungmin here then? All you do is talk about him every day," he scoffed.

"Only because I haven't seen him in weeks!" you countered, the twinge of longing evident in your voice. Finally reaching the garden, you bent down to pluck a daisy, confirming your earlier anticipation — the daisies had indeed bloomed. "They're pretty, aren't they?" you asked with genuine excitement. His response, a nonchalant "Yeah, I guess," failed to match your enthusiasm.

Undeterred, you selected a tall daisy and extended it to Lee Know, but he hesitated to take it. Attempting subtle signals proved futile, and you had to spell it out. "Take it," you clarified, to which he replied, somewhat embarrassed, with a simple "Oh." As you continued to explore the floral display, Lee Know found himself twirling the stem of the daisy absentmindedly. "Pretty," he muttered, catching you off guard. "Hm?" you queried, confused by his quiet remark. "Oh, nothing. Go find more daisies," he deflected, revealing a subtle vulnerability that lingered beneath the surface of his usual composure.

Having returned home several hours ago from the impromptu park excursion with Lee Know, you found yourself surrounded by the remnants of the day — five daisies nestled beside you. The echo of laughter and the scent of blooming flowers lingered, remnants of an unexpectedly enjoyable experience picking out daisies. The vibrant petals now added a touch of natural beauty to your surroundings, a tangible reminder of a day that deviated from the usual routine.

As you sat in reflection, the memories of twirling through the garden with Lee Know replayed in your mind, the carefree moments etched in the delicate petals you had collected. The transient joy of the day persisted, encapsulated in the presence of those simple yet significant blooms.

You pulled out your phone, and decided to go onto TikTok, because, why not?

There, the first video you saw, was a video of you. Not just you though, it was you with Lee Know at the park earlier. Of course some crazy ass sasaeng was stalking you guys. You clicked on the comments, expecting them to be shipping you guys, and you thought right.

I think they're dating..🤔
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Without thinking, you obviously opened the replies.

I think they're dating..🤔

this just goes to show how slow kpop stans are..💀
hyunjinslefttoenail ▸ BANGCHANS REAL WIFE 😍
Y/n confirmed They were dating
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You quickly opened up the rest of the replies, invested in this conversation.

BANGCHANS REAL WIFE 😍 ▸ hyunjinslefttoenail
no she didnt..💀💀
lee know confirmed it in a fancall
no??..he didnt confirm nowhere, they arent dating. get over it 💀
even if they didnt PUBLICLY announce it, its kind of obvious they like eachother soo
BORN TO BE SOTY!! 💖 ▸ kkurabuns
lee know and lia are dating 🥦

Obviously, you knew TikTok K-pop fans were insane, but this was just embarrassing.


a/n !

this chapter was some quite interesting usage of words..🤑

if u dont understand smth that is written feel free to ask i literally asked my best friend to check it and she said the words were way too complex 🙁💔😿

also dont expect this much in future chapters (and im meaning this strong vocab and shit)

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