My roommate... (Kavetham fanf...

By D3athsH0lyWat3r

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Kaveh and Alhaitham had been roommates for almost a year now. They fought a lot and one day the fight escalat... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 5

954 24 64
By D3athsH0lyWat3r

Kavehs POV

Alhaitham carried me back home and even though I felt better the thought of just leaving this world still haunted the back of my mind.

I knew Alhaitham was suffering because of me and I wanted to get better for him but the process of recovery would be difficult and hard, making me just want to forget about it and keep my problems to myself, finding a way to just "deal with them".

"I'm so sorry..." I mumbled for the thousandth time and Alhaitham assured me everything was okay for the thousandth time too.

When we got home, we both went to bed and tried to reconcile sleep, but there was so much going through our heads that made it impossible to even feel a little sleepy.

Alhaitham held me close and that familar warmth spread through my body again. He was carresing my hair and I felt myself tearing up again.

How could he be so nice to me even though of what I had almost do to him?

I realised that with Alhaitham my life isn't that bad at all and I decided I was going to fight against my negative feelings and make his and my life easier.

As my decision slowly set my mind at ease, tiredness came over me and I slowly drifted to sleep, still in Alhaithams warm embrace.

"I love you..." I managed to say to him before I completely sank into sleep.

Alhaithams POV

I didn't wanted to let go of Kaveh. 

The thought that he'd actually leave if I did haunted my mind. 

I recalled everything that had happened this night and that made me hold him closer to me.

Once we were in bed I just wanted to give him back the sensation of comfort, just make him forget everything bad and demostrate him how much I love and need him.

My small gesture seemed to work as I noticed him gradually relax.

What I didn't expect was him telling me that he loved me. Those simple words he just mumbled half asleep made me tear up again. 

This 'I love you' was different. His voice was filled with hope and strenght to continue and overcome every obstacle in the future. Together.

"I love you too..." I whispered back, my eyes also getting heavier with each passing moment. "I love you so, so much, Kaveh..."

The next morning

I woke up before Kaveh. He was still curled up next to me, still fast asleep.

His mouth was slightly opened and his hair was all over the place. It was adorable.

I didn't wanted to leave him alone or wake him up by accident, so I just stayed in place and only snapped a quick picture of him like that.

Kaveh slowly started to wake up like half an hour later.

"Mmm...Alhaitham?" He mumbled in a hoarse morning voice which send shivers down my spine...

That had been hot.

A sudden thought of pinning him against the bed flashed through my mind, which clearly didn't help the emotions I was feeling at that moment.

"Alhaitham you both just woke up! Relax!" I told myself and pushed those feelings away. This wasn't the right time yet...

Kavehs POV

When I woke up I noticed Alhaitham a little weird. Did I said something funny?

I didn't give it importance and we both got ready to start another day.

To be honest I felt way better than yesterday and I still knew I wouldn't just be magically "healed", but I was going to improve. For Alhaitham!

That morning I wasn't especially hungry but I still ate something, earning a "well done" kiss from Alhaitham.

This cheered me up and the day got better when Alhaitham told me he didn't had to go to work today. I loved when he'd pick me up bridal style and that's what he did for the whole morning.

First he made sure I was okay and in the bathroom nursed my newer cuts. He did it so carefully and lovingly I wanted to cry again, kiss him, hug him and never let go. I knew seeing them was hard for him and the way he just managed it made me fall more for him that I already had.

Then we spend the rest of the morning on the couch to suposedly watch something, but we got distracted cuddling and sharing kisses.

Then one of them became a little more passionate than expected...

Alhaithams tongue asked for entry into my mouth and I let him in. We both seemed to loose ourselves in that kiss and the air grew hotter.

Unpredictably Alhaithams hand went from my neck into the diamond-shaped cutout on my back. 

His gentle yet bold touching made me shudder and tense up a bit because of how unexpected it had been, but at the same time it felt amazing and made me flush in all shades of red.

Seeing my reaction, Alhaitham chuckeled and it sort of turned me on.

The situation started to get serious. Alhaitham was undoing my shirt and anticipation filled the room.

We both wanted it and we were both ready to take our relatioship to the next level when someone knocked on our door and destroyed the moment.

We inmidiately jumped up and broke apart. 

Someone had to get the door.

We looked at eachother and seeing my messy hair and almost unbuttened shirt, Alhaitham stood up to get it.

It was Tighnari.

He wanted to talk to me and once my hair was okay and my shirt buttoned I walked up to the door.

"What's the matter Tighnari?" I asked him, dissapointed that the moment between me and Alhaitham got ruined so quickly.

"It's just that Cyno is getting insufferable with his TCG obsession and he wanted me to ask you if you're free tonight to play all together." Tighnari replied, rolling his eyes at his boyfriends passion towards a "stupid card game".

"Oh, I almost forgot!" Tighnari added, "We'll meet at Lambard's tavern at 7 p.m. and Cyno will invite, of course, he just doesn't know it yet." He said the last part with a mischievous grin.

Tighnari left and Alhaitham and I got ready to meet the two at the tavern. 

I wasn't really fond on going there since it's always crowded and it reminds me of the days I'd just drink my problems away, but knowing that Alhaitham would come too I relaxed a bit and decided I was going to enjoy the night.

Alhaithams POV

When Kaveh and I arrived Cyno and Tighnari were already waiting.

They had chosen a table at a more secluded space and I noticed Kaveh relax a bit at that. He had been a little anxious the whole way here, since the place reminded him of the times he had been at his lowest.

As we sat down, Cyno excitedly showed Kaveh a new TCG card and Tighnari and I chatted for a while. It made me relax to know Kaveh had such good friends.

Then we ordered our first round of drinks and started playing.

Of course Kaveh lost first, which made him have a small tantrum.

"You'll never grow up, will you?" I teased him even though he looks very cute when he is mad.

The other two laughed and we finished our first round of the TCG, which surprisingly ended with Tighnari winning. Now Cyno was pouting too.

I decided not to drink any more because I'm a lightweight, but the others ordered more drinks. Kaveh being the one with the most.

After another round of the game the conversation started to get deep.

Tighnari and Cyno had been together for a good while now and I told how Kaveh and I started dating.

We had both decided not to tell them about the events of the past few days, because Kaveh wouldn't feel comfortable with it, and even though they were good friends of his, it was something between Kaveh and me.

Eventually I was interrupted by a drunken Kaveh, who behaved like a baby and wanted to get my attention.

He kept poking my arm and saying my name like a three year old.

"What are you? Two?" I chuckeled and I just had the impulse to pull him onto my lap.

I inmidiately regretted it (not really) when I saw the way Tighnari and Cyno were grinning at eachother.

It started getting late, so we all decided to head back to our respectives houses.

I had to basically carry Kaveh back home and he didn't stop talking and giggling all the way there. Honestly, seeing him that cheerfull wasn't too bad after everything that had happened to him.

When we arrived we both threw ourselves onto the couch. We stayed there for a few minutes not saying anything.

"Today *hic* has been funnnnn" Kaveh slurred and then went silent again as if he was thinking about something. "... I know how *hic* this day could get even better" he continued.

"How?" I replied jokingly, not expecting it to be anything serious since Kaveh was just rambling nonsense, when he came up to my ear and whispered in a suggestive voice:

"We could have sex"

Authors note:

Yep, I've just condemn myself to write smut the next chapter...


Anyways, I hope you've liked this chapter and sorry for taking so long to write it. I had been on vacation with my family that's why it was imposible to find time to continue. I'll update this fanfic more regular now.

I don't know how long it'll take me to write the next chapter, so I'll just tell you guys if it's going to take longer.

Have a great day and a late happy new year!


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