The Repetition Of Reverse

By FluffyCinderace

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BoBoiBoy gets possessed by involving in an ancient era in one of their missions. His friends should find out... More

⭐ Prologue ⭐
⭐ Strange Reality Dreams. ⭐
⭐ I Am Here For You! ⭐
⭐ Bloody Dream ⭐
⭐ It happened! ⭐
⭐ Where It All Re-began ⭐
⭐ The Rest Before The Storm ⭐
⭐ Where The Past Fell into Darkness ⭐
⭐ The Exact Moment That Pounced ⭐
⭐ Suffer and Start to Suffer ⭐
⭐ You're not You? ⭐
⭐ Reverse's Strange behaviour ⭐
⭐ What Happened at Same Time⭐
⭐ Cover Up Things ⭐
⭐ Interuption ⭐
⭐ The Present Exorcist ⭐
⭐ How They Met ⭐
⭐ The Continuation ⭐
⭐ Where the Action begins! ⭐
⭐ Hints of Danger ⭐
⭐ Weird Flashbacks ⭐
⭐ Change of Plan! ⭐
⭐ Justifications ⭐
⭐ Unite In A Battle ⭐
⭐ Things Take a Twist ⭐
⭐ The Final ⭐
⭐ Demon Brothers ⭐
⭐ Final Day On Earth ⭐
⭐ Back To The Galaxy⭐
⭐ Revealed Memories ⭐
⭐ A Complicated Case ⭐
⭐ The Nightmare He had⭐
⭐ The Disturbance⭐
⭐ Losing You... ⭐
⭐ Where am I? ⭐
⭐ Angelina is Back! ⭐
⭐ Defender ⭐
⭐ Boboiboy Vs Reverse ⭐
⭐ Heroes Win ⭐

⭐ Reverse Vs Angelina ⭐

100 8 0
By FluffyCinderace


Reverse jumped to the other direction to dodge Amato's sword attack and as soon as Reverse landed on his feet smoothly, he smiled menacingly at Amato. Amato looked at him weirdly.

Amato: Stop with that stupid smile already!!!

Amato said this as he runs towards reverse to give him an another hit with his sword. Reverse teleported back side of him which made Amato stop running due to his sudden disappearance.

And Reverse gives him a kick from the backside which made a huge Impact for Amato to crash on to one of the iron rods of the bridge. It made Amato paralyzed for a while.

Amato: Ngh!

Reverse: What a naive attempt. Do you still think that you are an expert hero? In your dreams. You are a weakling! And a Wimpy little kid!


Reverse heard something from his left side and it was Angelina in Mara's body and gave him a kick on his shoulders which sent him back as he put his hand on the surface of the road to put a grip to stop himself.

Angelina: You may think he is a weakling. But atleast he has a better mental stability than you!

Reverse: Oh look! Our Exorcist right here is supporting that kid!!

Angelina: Just as the dirty spirit as always....Leave that innocent spirit, will you!?

Reverse: Why would you care? You died so you needn't care much about it.

Angelina: Ugh!!

Angelina ran faster towards Reverse and Reverse jumped upon her and tried to punch her on her back, but she immediately rolls and holds his first standing upon one leg.

Reverse: Damn...

And she twists his arms.


Reverse: Ugh!!!

Angelina: And this is what pain feels like reverse. The same pain you have inflicted into your victims!

Reverse: But I still enjoy it...hehe~

Angelina: What? Huh-

As Angelina turns to Amato who was fallen on the side of the bridge road after getting hit on the iron rod was screaming holding his arm. And then she looks back at Reverse.

Reverse: Haha...Don't forget that we are still connected....So, whatever you do with me, Amato suffers too.

Angelina: Damn.

Reverse: Aww...You poor little thing. Did I hurt you again? I still can remember the way I killed your brother. The way he screamed was so good!

Angelina: No!!!!!!

Angelina punched him, as tears slid down the cheeks. She was crying. And she was also angry at the same time and she gave him a kick.

Reverse: ugh!!!

Reverse grunted as he was thrown away from her. She gets onto the Silat pose dropping her sword.

Angelina: Come on. Let's end this!

Reverse: Ooo, I love Silat fights!

Then a destructive fight starts between these two as Amato just watches them fight.
Angelina was fighting with Reverse with full of grief and off course Amato felt it.

Eventhough she was a mere spirit, she had feelings that of like a human. She must have fought for the city when the demons invaded but she's forgotten now. From whatever Amato was concerned about her so far was that, she deserves to live.

Also, she said she didn't live most of her life. Not even fifty years in a human lifespan. And now Amato was into her. Like a sister. He trusted her completely. Even if there was a way to bring her back through these spells, he'd definitely do it.

As he snapped out, he was still watching the same destructive fight continuing. He was able to get up since the pain was gone but his back still hurts. He must have hit it so hard.

Amato: Mechabot! Take that sword!

Oh no! Amato was upto something now, Mechabot agrees and uses the magnet technique to pull the sword right into the arms. As soon as Amato got it, he started running towards the duo.

Coming back to them, Now reverse was becoming faster and Gets hold of Angelina's fists and starts to twist it slowly..

Angelina: Ahhh...

Reverse: Once I get you out of her body. I will make sure that I kill her with pleasure.

Amato: Not on my watch!

Angelina and Reverse: Huh!?

And then, Amato stabbed Reverse with the sword from his spine exactly and it cut through him completely.
And now reverse was completely paralyzed with his legs.

Angelina looks at him fall as his grip on her fist loosens and then she immediately looks at Amato who was also loosing control of his body like the balance on his legs. He was paralyzed too...

Before he fell on to the surface of the road, Angelina catches him.

Amato: W-What? Why can't I-

Angelina: You and Reverse are connected. Whatever happens to reverse that happens to you too.

Amato: What does that mean?-

Angelina: You have stabbed his spine, which makes him disabled...just like Mara...and now you too...

Amato: ...I don't care...Just end him already...

Angelina gets shocked at his angriness on Reverse and smiles at him. As one of the tears from her eyes fall on Amato's cheek.

Amato: Are you-

Angelina: You remind me of my brother...The same moment...

Amato: What..? Ngh!!

Angelina: Huh?

Angelina gets more attentive as she watches and notices that Amato is losing his consciousness slowly.

Angelina: Hey, Amato! Wake up!

And then he passed out cold. As Angelina hugs him and asks him to wake up..Reverse laughs on the other side with the sword still stuck in his body..

Reverse: Aww... Don't worry. He is just asleep.

Angelina: Damn it! Can't you just stay still!?

Reverse: Off course! I am still now. I'm paralyzed.

Angelina lays Amato slowly on the surface and looks at him sleep sound. And she realised that It was definitely a spell. And she went next to Reverse and slapped him twice.

Angelina: And can't you also stop playing with People's minds???!

Reverse: Nopity, Nopity, No ....

Angelina: It's not funny! Now I completly feel like eliminating you! I don't even care about the innocent Reverse soul inside you!

Reverse: you remind me off. He keeps pestering me!

Angelina: I don't -! Uh!? What did you talk about the other one!?

Reverse: Relax! He was just pestering me, during those murders...He didn't even let me do it with calm.

Angelina: What the heck!? You think killing is funny!?

Reverse: I just told you, I enjoy it. You know me from a lot of years, Angelina. How can you forget huh?

Angelina: I won't forget such a ruthless murderer like you who killed my family!! And now I won't let you kill this innocent kid and kill everyone through him in this town!

Reverse: Talks the forgotten protector of Kota Hillr.....

Angelina: Let me talk to him. Just let me-

Reverse: Gah! Now you start pestering me. Alright alright. Just ten minutes.

Then Reverse closes his eyes and re opens them as his black eyes turn to white part and his pupil stayed red.
It meant that the minds just switched the body now with the innocent one.

Reverse (Innocent) : Angelina? Is...that you??

Angelina: Yes. It's me....Reverse! How did you get that corrupted spirit into you?

Reverse: It was all shadow bot. Before, he made a deal with me but I refused to possess any so, he corrupted me. And now...

There were tears coming down from his eyes.

Reverse: I couldn't take...the torture of seeing those Murders....and if Amato was awake now, I would have asked him apologies for whatever I have done.

Angelina: No. It wasn't you. I promise you, I'll get that corrupted spirit out of you and kill it.

Reverse: But promise me that it wouldn't effect the girl you have possessed and the boy I have possessed.

Angelina went silent for a while as Reverse looks at her. And the innocent spirit realised that there wasn't a way to save them with no danger.

Angelina: But...It depends. On the situation. reverse. I can't really promise to not to hurt this kid. Even Mara had asked me the same question.

Reverse: Angelina, I know you can try to save everyone here with our any trouble as long as you got that petal stake with you, everything would be fine!

Angelina: But Reverse! You don't understand it! You think using a petal stake is easy! It needs-

Reverse: Whatever it is, I don't wanna listen to any explanations, Angelina. I'm sorry. But- Argh!!

Angelina: Wha-What's going on!?

Reverse (Corrupted): Hehe~ I'm back!

Angelina: Ten minutes aren't over yet!

Reverse: I can't promise you that! You two were crossing the limits of your talk! Too much emotion! I can't take it!

Angelina: Ugh!! You little-

Before Angelina punched Reverse, his body disappeared into some darkness and started to enter Amato's body.
Angelina realises what was Reverse up to.

Angelina: Don't you dare-

Reverse: (in distorted voice) I dare you too!

Then he got up possessing Amato by destroying his own form as fangs start to grow up and his nails grow sharp. His body was like he wasn't a human anymore.

Angelina: No, Don't!

Reverse: Too late! You can't - Aagh!!!

As Angelina looks at Reverse, he holds his head and his eyes turn to red and white which means it was the Innocent one.

Reverse: (In normal Voice) Angelina! To destroy his stamina. You need the heart and the bone to break it. Or else....You can't beat him at all!

Angelina: What do you mean!? How come-

Reverse: He hid his real stamina in that bone and the heart. If you break it, he will become more vulnerable! but the heart-

Before the innocent spirit said everything the corrupted spirit took over by shutting up whatever he was saying.

Reverse: Damn! He let the secret out!

Angelina: But...Where are...?

Mechabot: The bone! It is with Pian! And the Heart is in that cave right under the bridge!

Angelina: Are you sure!? Ngh!

Reverse started attacking Angelina as she used the sword illusion casting a spell to defend herself while talking to Mechabot, she thinks for a while as her strength goes on gripping the sword from the attack as Reverse struggles to lay a finger on her.

Angelina: You got get that bone, Mechabot! I will take care!

Mechabot nods and flies away to leave the bridge where the fight was happening. While Angelina was dodging the attacks without attacking reverse.

She clearly kept the thought in mind that she should not attack Reverse with her spells nor her combat because it is too fatal for Amato's body to endure and he might die just for one hit.

While dodging the attacks she jumped from place to place slowly going to the cave to grab the victim's heart where the spell was casted in it to store Reverse's stamina!

Reverse: No wonder that damn robot chose you!!!

Angelina: Because I experienced that pain, Reverse! I will never let any demons destroy the planet earth! Life is precious! And I know that without even surviving the full lifespan of it!

Meanwhile Tok aba and Abyss Bot were both running to spot where Shadow Bot had cursed Amato.

Abyss Bot: Where have you found your son?

Tok aba: He was here as I saw!

Abyss Bot: Then that Cursed Circle must be nearby! Let's search!

They were looking for the same circle that the kids discovered and which had caused an incident between them to throw them away. Only through this Amato and the Corrupted Reverse and the Innocent Reverse spirit would be separated and destroyed forever. Or if possible be sealed away.

And Finally they found the circle. Abyss Bot started drawing some more symbols on it and the circle seems to not throw him away because he was a demon.

And Meanwhile Mechabot was on his way to Pian's house to get Angelina the bone so that she could paralyse the ruthless demon in Amato now.
And Angelina had reached the entrance of the cave dodging the attacks of Reverse.

Reverse: Aww...Poor you!! Are you afraid of my attacks?

Angelina: Who said I was afraid? (Smirks)

Reverse: Huh?!

To be continued? Meet you in the next chapter! Bye!

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