Keep Your Head Up

Da TheQuietHufflepuff

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Mae Donoghue was your average working girl. That was until Dean Winchester walked into her bar. Little she... Altro

01. Pilot
02. Wendigo
03. Dead in the Water
04. Phantom Traveler
05. Bloody Mary
06. Skin
07. Home
08. Asylum
09. Scarecrow
10. Faith
11. Nightmare
12. The Benders
13. Shadow
14. Hell House
15. Something Wicked
16. Dead Man's Blood
17. Salvation
18. Devil's Trap
19. In My Time of Dying
20. Everybody Loves a Clown
21. Bloodlust
22. Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things
23. Simon Said
24. No Exit
25. The Usual Suspects
26. Crossroad Blues
27. Croatoan
28. Hunted
29. Nightshifter
30. Houses of the Holy
32. Born Under a Bad Sign
33. Tall Tales
34. Roadkill
35. Heart
36. Hollywood Babylon
Mid-March 2007
37. What Is and What Should Never Be
38. All Hell Breaks Loose (Part One)
39. All Hell Breaks Loose (Part Two)
40. The Magnificent Seven
41. The Kids Are Alright
42. Bad Day at Black Rock
43. Sin City
44. Bedtime Stories
45. Red Sky at Morning
46. Fresh Blood
47. A Very Supernatural Christmas
48. Malleus Maleficarum
49. Dream a Little Dream of Me
50. Mystery Spot
51. Jus in Bello
52. Ghostfacers
53. Long Distance Call
55. No Rest for the Wicked
56. Lazarus Rising
57. Are You There, God? It's Me, Dean Winchester
58. In the Beginning
59. Metamorphosis
60. Monster Movie
61. Yellow Fever
62. It's the Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester
63. Wishful Thinking

54. Time Is on My Side

51 3 0
Da TheQuietHufflepuff


A demon was strapped to a chair having holy water thrown on him. The demon screamed and thrashed from side to side.

"You ready to talk?" Dean asked.

"I don't know," the demon said. "I don't know anything!"

"Oh, you hear that, Sam, Mae? He doesn't know anything."

Sam and Mae smirked. "Yeah, I heard."

"I'm telling you the truth," the demon told them.

"Oh, you are?" Dean questioned. "My God, then I owe you an apology. Allow me to make it up to you." He forced holy water into the demon's mouth. "I'm gonna ask you one last time... Who holds my contract?!"

The demon went quiet, head hanging. When he looked up, his eyes were black and he was smiling. "Your mother. Yeah, she, uh, showed it to me right before I bent her over."

Dean leaned closer. "I want a name. Or else..."

"Or what? You're gonna squirt your holy water in both ends? Please. Brother, that's like a fleabite compared to what's coming to me if I tell you jack. Do what you want. The only thing I'm scared of is the demon holding your ticket."

Dean stared at the demon, then looked at Sam who nodded and began reciting an exorcism. "How does that feel? Does that feel good?"

"Go ahead. Send me back to Hell... 'Cause when you get there, I'll be waiting for you... with a few pals who are dying for a nice little meet and greet with Dean Winchester."

"Should I?" Sam asked.

"Send him some place he can't hurt anyone else."

Sam continued the exorcism and the demon began screaming.


Sam spoke into his phone. "You ran the prints twice. Are you sure? Okay. Yeah, just chalk it up to lab error. Don't I know it. Okay. Thanks. Yeah, I'll tell the lieutenant." Dean and Mae entered. "Bury the body?"

"Yeah," Dean answered. "Looks like these demons ride 'em hard just for kicks." He opened and chugged a beer, then crashed tiredly on the couch while Mae picked up Faith and sat on a chair."What was the phone call about?"

"Remember that thing in the paper yesterday?"

""Stripper suffocates dude with thighs"?"

"The other thing."

"Right, the guy that walked into the E.R. and knelt over dead. His stomach's ripped out?"

"His liver, actually. Anyways, I just found out something pretty damn interesting."

"What?" Dean and Mae wondered.

"The dead body covered in bloody fingerprints, not the victim's."

"Okay, great," Dean said. "My man Dave Caruso will be stoked to hear it."

"Those fingerprints match a guy who died in 1981."

Mae leaned closer to her brother-in-law. "Really. So, what are we talking? Um, walking dead? Walking, killing dead?"


"Zombies do like the other white meat," Dean commented. "Huh. Speaking of, what do you care about zombies?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, you've been on soul-saving detail for months now. And we're three weeks out, and all of a sudden, you're interested in some hot zombie action?"

"Hey, man, you're the one who's been all gung ho to hunt. Mae's usually up for a hunt. I just thought I'd be doing you a favor."

"Hey, no, no, no, no, no. I didn't say I didn't want to do it, okay. I mean obviously I want to hunt some zombies."

"Okay, fine, whatever."

"Mae? Do you?"

Mae met his eyes. "As much fun as it sounds, I'd better watch Faith."

"That's a good idea."


Dean and Sam listened as the coroner said, "Yeah, the rest of the body was intact. The liver was the only organ missing."

"Now, where the liver was ripped out, did you happen to notice any... ah... teeth marks?" Dean asked.

The coroner gave them an 'are you insane' look. "Can I see your badges?"

"Of course, sure," Sam replied.

"Fine. So you're cops and morons."

Dean frowned. "Excuse me? No, no. We're quite smart."

"The liver was not ripped out. It was removed. Surgically. By someone who knew their way about a scalpel. Didn't you read my report?"

"Of course we did. Oh, it was riveting. It was a real page-turner, just delightful."

"You done?"

"I think so."

"Please go away."


"Sure," Sam agreed.


Sam was smiling.

Dean and Mae, who had joined them, noticed and asked, "What?"

"Nothing," Sam said. "So, that kind of punches a hole in our zombie theory, huh, that scalpel thing?"

"Yeah, zombie with skills, "Dr. Quinn, medicine zombie"," Dean stated.

"Maybe we're on the wrong track, Dean, Mae, looking for hacked-up corpses."

"What should we be looking for?" Mae asked, patting a whining Faith's back.

"Survivors. This isn't zombie lunch. This is organ theft."

"Mmm. Great. Faith and I'll stay here."


"I told the cops all of this yesterday," the patient said. "I don't want to talk about it anymore."

"It's just a couple of questions, sir," Sam told him.

"Hey, man. I just got my kidney stolen. I'm tired."

"We'll be out of here quick. Don't you want to get the guy?" Dean questioned.

"Will it get me back my kidney?"

"So what's the last thing you remember?" Sam wondered.

"Feeding my meter. I got jumped from behind... and then I wake up strapped to a table. And then the worst pain you could possibly imagine, only worse. And then I black out again. Thank God. And then I wake up screaming in some no-tell motel in a bathtub full of ice."

"Do you remember anything about the surgery -- you know, what the guy looked like, any details about the room?" Dean asked.

"Let me think about that. Yeah... one thing is coming back to me. You know what I remember? Getting my kidney cut out of my body!"

Before Dean could say anything else, he was pulled away by Sam.


Sam, Dean and Mae sat at the table. Faith was sleeping on a bed. Sam was using his laptop, Dean was happily eating a burger, and Mae was nibbling at her salad.

"So, I got a theory," Sam said.

"Yeah?" Dean and Mae answered.

"Yeah, I talked to Mr. Giggle's doctor. Turns out his incisions were sewn up with silk."

"That's weird."

"Yeah, nowadays it is, but silk used to be the suture of choice back in the early 19th century. It was really problematic. Patients would get massive infections. The death rate was insane."

"Good times."

"Right, so doctors, they had to do whatever they could to keep infections from spreading. One way was maggots."

Dean frowned. "Dude, we're eating."

Mae gagged and covered her mouth, suddenly feeling incredibly nauseous.

"It actually kind of worked because maggots, they eat bad tissue, and they leave good tissue. And get this. When they found our guy, his body cavity was stuffed full of maggots."

"Dude, we're eating! All right, let me get this straight. So, people are getting ganked, right?"


"A little "Antiques Roadshow" surgery, some organ theft," Mae noted, abruptly standing and made her way to the bathroom.

"But why is this all sounding familiar?" Dean wondered, frowning at his brother. "Mae, honey, you okay?"

"I'm fine!" she yelled.

"Because you heard it before," Sam told him. "When you were a kid... from Dad. Doc Benton... real-life doctor, lived in New Hampshire, brilliant and obsessed with alchemy, especially how to live forever. So, in 1816, Doc abandons his practice and..."

"Right, yeah, nobody hears from him for like 20 years, and all of a sudden, people start showing up dead," Dean said.

"Dead or -- or missing an organ or the hand or some other kind of part."

"'Cause whatever he was doing was actually working. He just kept on ticking. Parts would wear out, he'd replace them. But I thought Dad hunted him down and took his heart out."

"Yeah, I guess the Doc must have plugged in a new one."

"All right, where's he doing the deed?"

"According to this, Benton's picky about where he sets up his lab. He likes dense forest with access to a river or stream or some kind of freshwater."

Dean took another bite of his burger. "Why?"

"Because that's where he likes to dump the bile and intestines and fecal matter." Dean looked disgusted and lowered his burger, gagging slightly. "Lost your appetite yet?"

Dean considered his brother's words, looked at the burger, then at Sam, then back at the burger. "Oh baby, I can't stay mad at you." He took a huge bite, staring at Sam as he chewed.


A jogger was abducted. He woke up in Doc Benton's cabin, strapped to an operating table. Doc Benton carved open his chest and removed his heart as the man watched horrified.

"No, please. No. No. No," the jogger begged.


Sam, Dean and Mae leaned over a map on the bed. Faith was banging her toy drum.

Sam pointed on the map to areas circled in red. "So these are all the cabins. Most of them have been abandoned for years."

"So what the hell are we waiting for?" Dean asked.

Dean's phone rang and he answered. "Bobby."

"Hey. Think I finally got a lead on Bela."

"I'm listening."

"Rufus Turner."

"Who's that? Like a Cleveland steamer?"

"He's a hunter, or he used to be."

"And now?"

"Hermit mostly. Does a little selling on the side. Anyway. I put the word out on Bela months ago. He just called. Said a woman got in touch, wanted to buy some things."

"And he thinks it's Bela?"

"British accent, went by the name Mina Chandler."

"She's used that before. Well, it's kinda a sloppy move, isn't it? Getting in contact with one of your old friends."

"Friend? Haven't laid eyes on him in 15 years. He's not the Christmas card type. I doubt she knows I know him. Canaan, Vermont."

"Thanks, Bobby. We're on our way."

"I will. One other thing. Take a bottle of Johnnie Walker Blue."

"Okay." He turned to Sam and Mae. "Come on. We're going after Bela."

"What?" Sam said. "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold on a second."

"Come on. Get your stuff. the clock's ticking."

"Look, I think we should stay here and finish the case."

Mae glanced at Dean, then turned to Sam. "No, Dean's right. We should go after Bela."

Dean nodded and looked back at Sam. "You insane?"

"Dean, Mae, there's no way she still has the Colt! That was months ago! She probably sold it the second she got it," Sam told them.

"Well, then I'll kill her. Win-win."


"Sam. We're going!"


"Why the hell not?"

"Dean, this, this here. Now. This is what's gonna save you."

"What? Chasing some Frankenstein?"

"Chasing immortality." Dean and Mae stared at him, startled. Faith looked up, smiling at her parents and uncle. "Look, Benton can't die. We find out how he did it, we can do it to you."

Dean frowned. "What are you talking about?"

"You have to die before you go to Hell, right? So, if you can never die, then..."

"Wait, wait, wait. Wait a moment. Did you know that this was Doc Benton from the jump?" Mae questioned.

"No." Dean and Mae stared at Sam, tilting their heads in question. "Look, I was hoping."

"So the whole zombie thing, it was lying to me and my girls?"

"I didn't want to say anything until I was sure, Dean. All I'm trying to do is find an answer here."

"No. What you're trying to do is chase Slicy McHackey here. And to kill him? No. You wanna buy him a freaking beer. You wanna study him."

"I was just trying to help."

"You're not helping! You forget that if I welch on this deal, you and my girls die. Guess what, living forever is welching."

"Fine! Then, whatever the magic pill is, I'll take it too!"

"Oh, what is this? Sid and Nancy? No. It's just like Bobby has been saying. We kill the demon who owns the contract and this whole damn thing wipes clean. That's our best shot."

"Even if you two had the Colt, Dean, Mae, who are you two gonna shoot? We have no idea who holds the ticket."

"Well, I'll shoot the Hellhounds then before they slash me up. Now, you coming or not?"

"I'm staying here," Sam replied quietly.

"No, you're not. 'Cause Mae and I aren't gonna let you wander out in the woods alone to track some organ stealing freak."

"You're not gonna let me? Mae hopefully won't tell me what to do."

"No, I'm not gonna let you. She can if it concerns your safety."

"Boys, that's enough," Mae said, packing Faith's stuff.

Sam shot her a look before focusing his attention back to Dean. "How are you two gonna stop me?" Dean and Mae once again looked startled. "Look, man, we're trying to do the same thing here."

"I know. But Mae, Faith and I are going. So if you wanna stay... stay." Dean watched Sam, but Sam continued staring at the wall. He shrugged, put his bag on his shoulder, as did Mae, and headed to open the door. Sam didn't move.

Dean hesitated, then turned back. "Sammy, be careful."

"Make good decisions," Mae added, picking Faith up.

Sam turned to face his brother and sister-in-law. "You too."

They stared at each other for a long moment, then Dean reached out and closed the door behind him, Mae and Faith. Sam let out a huge sigh.



Dean, holding Faith, and Mae climbed the tall stairs onto the porch. A handwritten sign said 'No solicitors, that means you! No asking for donations. No selling ANYTHING!'

Dean rang the buzzer, then he and Mae banged on the security door. They heard a noise and looked up to see a security camera moving to train on them.

"What?" Rufus asked over the intercom.

"His, uh, Rufus?" Dean greeted.

"Yeah, even if I am, the question is still the same. What?"

"Uh, I'm Dean Winchester. This is my wife Mae and our daughter Faith. We're friends of Bobby Singer's."


"You called him this morning."


"Uh..." Dean tried to grin at the security camera, " told Bobby about a British chick who made contact with you."

"And so?"

"You know where she is?"


"Great," Mae said. "Could you tell us where we could find her?"


"'Course not," Dean muttered to himself, raising his voice. "Look, Rufus, man..."

Rufus opened the door. "Look, let me point something out to you three. You three are knocking at my door, so don't "Look, man" me. I'm not your man."

"I'm sorry, sir."

"All right, let me tell you three a little story. See, once upon a time, Bobby called me, asked me to call him if I got a whiff of this Bela Talbot. I got a whiff. I called. The end."

"Okay, yeah, if you could just tell us where she is, I mean, that would be great," Lana told him.

"Dean, Mae and Faith Winchester, right?"

"Yeah," Dean and Mae answered.

"Dean, Lana, do I look like I'm here to help you three?" Rufus questioned.

"I'm gonna say no?" Dean replied in a questioning tone.

"Then get the hell off my property."

"All right, yeah, fair enough. We got one more question for you, though. See, we got this, uh, this bottle of scotch, and... uh, is this considered  good?" He held up the bottle of Johnnie Walker.

Rufus eyed the bottle and began smiling.


Dean, Rufus, Mae and Faith sat at the table with glasses in front of them. The bottle was three-quarters empty. Faith had a cup of milk and Mae, at her request, had tea.

"Bottoms up," Dean said.

The four clinked glasses and drank.

"You know, I don't even bother drinking unless it's this stuff," Rufus told them. "Nectar of the gods, I'm telling you three."

"Yeah, it's a nice change, you know. Most of my whiskey comes from a plastic jug." The three laughed. "So, Bela was here because..."

"She wanted to buy a couple of things, which is gonna take me some time to round up."

"Where is she now?"

Rufus watched Dean closely. "You got three weeks left. Why are you and your girls wasting your time chasing after that skinny, stuck-up English girl?"

"How do you know about that?" Dean asked suspiciously.

Rufus leaned forward. "Because I know things. I know a lot of things about a lot of people."

"Is that so?"

"I know ain't no peashooter gonna save you."

Mae frowned. "What makes you so sure?"

"'Cause that's the job, kid." He turned to Deal. "Even if you manage to scrape out of this one, there's just gonna be something else down the road. Folks like us... there ain't no happy ending. We all got it coming."

"Well, ain't you a bucket of sunshine?" Dean commented.

"I'm what you've each got to look forward to if you survive." He smirked and raised his glass again. "But you won't."

Faith whined as she held up her cup and Mae gave her another half glass of milk.


Sam pulled over his rental car and turned off the engine. He checked his map again, get out of the car and started walking into the forest.


"So, Bela..." Dean and Mae began.

Rufus was quite drunk. "Hotel Canaan. Room 39. But watch your backs."

"I think we can handle Bela," Dean said.

"Oh, don't be so sure about that. There are things that you don't know about her."

Mae raised a brow. "Oh, and you do? Right. Because you know things."

"Yup," Rufus answered in a superior tone.

"And let me guess... you lift her fingerprint?" Dean questioned.


"And that you got jack."

"Yep. She burnt them off. Probably years ago."

"Yeah, so you're right where we are."

"Nope." Dean and Mae looked at him oddly. Faith's nose wrinkled as she frowned. "You do her ear?"


"Hey, man, I'll try anything once, she probably wouldn't, but I don't know. That sounds uncomfortable."

"Ears are as unique to humans as fingerprints."

"No kidding," Dean and Mae commented.

"Of course, that don't fly in the courts over here, but in England, they're all over it. A friend of a friend... of a friend faxed me ten pages of confidential files within a day. All I had to send him was one clean shot off the security camera."

"Right," Dean noted. "One clean shot of her ear."

Rufus handed Dean a folder. "The so-called Bela Talbot."


Sam entered with a flashlight and looked around. He found a journal and pocketed it. He moved to the cellar. A man's dead body was lying on the operating table. He kept looking around, heard a slight noise, and through ragged curtains saw another body. He moved closer. A woman was strapped to an operating table, her arm stretched out beside her and covered in maggots. She was missing skin. Sam leaned in to place his fingers on the pulse point of her neck. The woman gasped and her eyes sprung open. Sam startled violently.

"Shh!" Sam told her. "Shh! Shh! It's okay. I'm here to help you. I'm here to help you. I'm gonna help you. I'm sorry. I'm sorry." He grabbed a cloth and wrapped it around her arm, shushing her the whole time. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry."

They heard a door open upstairs. The woman started crying, unable to help herself. Sam covered her mouth, but Doc Benton heard and started down the stairs with a lamp to investigate. The woman and Sam were gone. Doc Benton looked up to see a window open.

Sam carried the victim to his rental car and placed her in the passenger seat. "Okay, watch your head, watch your head. Sorry."

Sam ran around and got into the driver's seat. Benton came out of nowhere, grabbed Sam's head and slammed it against the wheel. Sam reversed wildly, his passenger screaming. He changed gear and floored it, driving straight over Benton. As the car sped away, Benton rose and looked after them, his head at a crazy angle.


Bela entered, turning to close the door behind her. Dean pushed her back against the door. He laid his arm across her throat and he and Mae pointed their guns at her face. A sleeping Faith had been left in the car.

"Where's the Colt?" Dean and Mae demanded.

"Dean. Mae," Bela said calmly.

"No extra words," Dean told her.

"It's long gone, across the world by now."

"You're lying." He grabbed her bag from her hand to look in it.

"I'll call the buyer. Speak Farsi?" Dean grabbed her around the waist, pulling her against him. "What the hell are you..."

Dean quickly frisked her, found her gun and held it up to her. "Don't flatter yourself."

Mae used part of her gun to snap on the room's lights, then pointed it at her again. "Don't move."

Dean began searching the room, leaving Bela standing against the door while Mae kept the gun pointed at her.

"I told you two I don't have it," Bela said.

"Oh, yeah, we're definitely gonna take your word for it," Dean shot back.

Dean turned his back and continued rifling though her drawers. Bela slid along the wall towards the door. Two bullets went through the door, inches from her head. She froze.

"Don't move," Dean ordered.

Dean continued searching.

"It's gone," Bela said. "Get on a plane if you both must. Track down the buyer. You might catch up to him eventually."

Dean finished searching and returned to Bela, taking a stance next to Mae and the two of them pointed their guns at Bela's head.

"Are you two going to kill me?" Bela asked.

"Oh, yeah," Dean replied.

"You two aren't the cold-blooded type."

"You mean like you? That's true. See, she and I couldn't imagine killing our parents."

A shocked look crossed Bela's face, but she regained her confidence. "I don't know what you're talking..."

Dean cut her off. "Yes, you do. You were, what, 14? Folks died in some shady car accident. Police suspected a slashed brake line, but it was all too crispy to tell. Cut to little Bela... Oh, I'm sorry, Abby... inheriting millions."

"How are you even..."

"Doesn't matter."

Young Abby was sitting on her bed, crying. A man slowly walked into the room and turned to close the door. She looked terrified.

"They were lovely people. And I killed them. And I got rich. I can't be bothered to give a damn. Just like I don't care what happens to either of you."

Dean pushed her roughly against the door with his arm across her throat again. A strand of woven herbs was dislodged from the ledge above the door, but no one noticed.

Dean stared for a long tense moment. "You make me sick."

Mae nodded her agreement as Bela said, "Likewise."

Dean took a step back and he and Mae pointed their guns at her head, the former smirking. She stared back, then closed her eyes. Dean and Mae were distracted and looked up, spying the herbs hanging over the ledge. They looked back at her, thinking. Bela opened her eyes as Dean and Mae dropped the guns.

"You're not worth it," Dean told her.

Dean dragged her aside and left. Bela lifted her hand, which had a scrap of paper in it. She looked at it; it was a motel receipt for The Erie.

She grabbed her phone. "It worked. He and Mae found me. No, Sam wasn't with them. But I know where they are."


Sam's phone rang and he picked up. "Dean."

Dean, in the Impala, said, "Yeah."

"Did you and Mae get the Colt?"

"What do you think?"

"So, does that mean Bela is, uh..."

"No, no, she deserves to die a dozen times over, but Mae and I couldn't do it."

"Dean, Mae..."

"I'm really screwed, Sammy."

"No, you're just..."

"But you were right. Bela was a goose chase. The Colt's gone, and this time I'm really screwed, Sam."

"Maybe not. Look, Dean, I found Benton's cabin."

"You did?" Mae asked. "Was he there?"


"Did you kill him?"


"What do you mean, "no"?" Dean asked.

"Dean, please just listen for a second. I found his lab book, and it has the formula."

"What, the live-forever formula?"


"Great, let me guess. I got to drink blood out of a baby's skull?"

"No, that's the thing. It's not black magic. There's no blood sacrifice or anything. It's just science, Dean. Very, very extremely weird science, but..."

"Wait, wait, wait. What are you... What are you saying? You think..."

"Dean, I think it might be doable. I mean, I know we've hit a lot of walls, but I... I think this formula, I think it might be it. This could save you."

"Okay, so, this formula..."

"Well, I mean, look, look, we're not in the clear yet. There are still things that I don't get..." An arm came from behind Sam and covered his mouth with a rag. Sam dropped the phone. It was Doc Benton.

"Sam? Sammy!" Dean and Mae called.


Sam was strapped to an operating table. His eyes were taped open.

"You can relax," Doc Benton said. "It's all gonna be okay. Ain't nothing gonna happen here that you got to worry about, Sammy. Your chances of coming out of this procedure alive? Very, very high."

"How do you know my name?"

"Oh... I know. You think I'm some kind of monster, don't you? Well, I got to tell you, I have never done one thing that I did not have to do. This whole eternal-life thing is very high-maintenace. If something goes bad, like my eyes here... you got to replace them. And sometimes things get damaged, like when your father cut out my heard. Now, that... That was very inconvenient. So, I'm sure that you can understand all the joy I felt when I read all about myself here in his journal. Kind of makes this whole thing just feel like some kind of family reunion, don't it? Well, I guess it's about time that we get this thing started."

Doc Benton brought his scoop very close to Sam's eye. Six shots rang out, shooting Doc Benton from behind. He turned and saw Dean. Mae had stayed back with Faith.

"Shoot all you want," Doc Benton told him.

Doc Benton approached and Dean let loose two more bullets. Doc Benton threw Dean into the wall and he fell to the ground. Doc Benton approached again, leaning down close to Dean who plunged a knife into Doc Benton's chest.

Doc Benton laughed. "A knife? What part of immortality do you not understand? Pity about the heart, though. It was a brand-new one."

"Good," Dean said. "It should be pumping nice and strong..." He held up a bottle of chloroform. "Sending this stuff throughout your whole body. See, I picked up your little bottle upstairs and dipped the knife into it."

Doc Benton collapsed.

Eventually, Doc Benton awoke strapped to the operating table. Dean and Sam stood over him.

"Oh, hiya, Doc," Dean greeted. "Wakey, wake, eggs and bac-y."

"Please," Doc Benton replied.

"Please what? You've been killing poor bastards over 150 years and now you got a request? Shut up."

"No, you don't understand. I can help you. I know what you need."

"We may have to cut him up into little bits. You know, this immortality thing is a bitch."

"I can read the formula for you. You know... immortality... Forever young, never die."

"Dean," Sam called.

"Sam," Dean responded.

Sam walked out of the room, indicating for his brother to follow.

"What?" Dean questioned.

"I mean, we're talking Hell," Sam told him. "Or needing a new pancreas in like half a century."

"Yeah, well, you can't exactly get those at a Kwik-E-Mart."

"It's not perfect, but it buys us more time to think of something better. We just need time, Dean. I mean, please, just... just think about it."


"Dean, don't you want to live?"

"What he is isn't living. Look, this is simple."


"To me it is, okay. Black or white; human, not human." Dean walked back to stand in front of Doc Benton. "See, what the Doc is is a freakin' monster. I can't do it. I would rather go to Hell."

Doc Benton called out after them. "You don't understand. I can help you!"

He covered a rag with more chloroform and placed it over Doc Benton's mouth. "Now, I'm gonna take care of him. You can either help me or not. Shut up, Doc. It ain't up to you."


Doc Benton woke and lit a match. He was in a box and couldn't get the lid open.

A refrigerator was laid in a hole in the ground and the Doc's book laid on top.

"No!" Doc Benton cried. "No! Don't! Stop it! I can help you! No!"

"Enjoy forever in there, Doc," Dean said.

Dean and Sam began shoveling in the hole.

"Let me out!" Doc Benton yelled. "I can save you! No. Don't."


Bela slowly walked down the hallway and picked the lock on a door. She removed a gun from her jacket and quickly entered. She raised the gun and put three bullets into the bodies lying under the covers on each bed and the couch, then moved closer and turned on a bedside lamp. A clock beside the lamp showed that it was 11:56 PM.

Bela pulled back the covers to find a sex doll slowly deflating. She checked the other bed to find another sex doll. She checked the couch to find a third sex doll and a baby doll. The phone rang and she quickly picked it up.

"Hiya, Bela," Dean greeted. "Here's a fun fact you may not know. I felt your hand in my pocket when you swiped that motel receipt."

"You don't understand."

Dean was in the Impala with Sam, Faith and Mae. "Oh, I'm pretty sure I understand perfectly. See, Mae and I noticed something interesting in your hotel room. Something tucked above the door. An herb. Devil's shoestring? There's only one use for that. Holding Hellhounds at bay. So you know what we did, we went back and we took another look at your folk's obit. Turns out they died ten years ago today. You didn't kill them. A demon did your dirty work. You made a deal, didn't you, Bela. And it's come due."

Bela sat on a swing. A little girl sat beside her, self-possessed.

"I can take care of them for you," the girl said. "And it won't even cost you anything... for ten whole years."

The little girl's eyes turned red, then went back to normal.

"Is that why you stole the Colt, huh? Try to wiggle out of your deal, our gun for your soul?" Dean asked.

"Yes," Bela replied.

"But stealing the Colt wasn't quite enough, I'm guessing."

"They changed the deal. They wanted me to kill Sam, Faith and Mae."

"Really! Wow, demons untrustworthy. Shocker. That's, uh, kind of a tight deadline too - what time is it? Well, look at that, almost midnight."

Bela began crying. "Dean, listen, I need help."

"Sweetheart, we are weeks past help."

"I know I don't deserve it."

"You know what, you're right, you don't. But you know what the bitch of the bunch is? If you would have just come to us sooner and asked for the help, we probably could have taken the Colt and saved you."

"I know, and saved yourself. I know all about your deal, Dean."

"And who told you that?"

"The demon that holds it. She holds mine too. She said she holds every deal."


"Her name's Lilith."

"Lilith? Why should I believe you?"

"You shouldn't but it's the truth."

"This can't help you, Bela, not now. Why are you telling me this?"

"Because just maybe you can kill the bitch."

"I'll see you in Hell." Dean hung up.

Bela sat on the bed listening to the dial tone. She hung up and took a deep breath just as the clock switched to midnight. A deep howling sounded in the distance, then closer, vicious growls began.

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