By Chirag2008Modgil

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Percy Jackson, the son of Poseidon gets adopted by the god of the dead, becoming the child of the two stronge... More



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By Chirag2008Modgil

                                                                      A BLACK HEART Chapter 19
A/N:- This chapter features terms from Jujutsu Kaisen as I'm planning a JJK crossover with PJO after HOO takes place! More clarifications in the second A/N! Enjoy!

"You..." Percy said as he lunged at the body of his childhood friend, but she dodged. "Why?"

"Maresca's my grandmother. Of course, I would help her!" Cam said nonchalantly as she picked up a golden rope and jumped from the wall, tying him to a seat. "I guess, blood is thicker than water, pun intended!"

Percy stopped moving. Right. Her mother was the daughter of Assunta Maresca. But, still, this was wrong. The Cam he knew, wasn't like this.

"My eyes tell me that you're Camilla," He said as he bent down. "My eyes also tell me that you died, then how? My senses told me your soul reached the underworld! Then who are you?"

Camilla just smiled as her eyes turned from the cheery blue to gold and her voice turned deep. "You didn't dispose of the body well, did you?"

She laughed at Percy's expression and lifted up her shirt to show her toned abs and a healed-up torso with just a huge dark mark in the middle, the same place where the shrapnel from the throne had pierced her body.

"Courtesies of Mother Earth! I'm what you would call an Eidolon," She said and bowed but then had a confused look on her face. "What's the matter?"

"Why are you here?" He asked, trying to change the topic as he thought of his own foolishness as tears touched the edges of his eyes.

Cam tsked. "Don't cry now, I hate seeing strong men cry. I know you've faced a lot of suffering, I was there, and I also know that you're going to suffer a lot more too!"

Percy looked up as if to ask, 'What?'

"That's why Gaia sent me here! Join us and all your dead friends will be back! Swear allegiance to us! Swear that you'll help us tear down Olympus and you'll have whatever you want!"

The son of Poseidon was stunned but then laughed. "You said you'd done your research right? Then you should know that my fatal flaw is loyalty and that I'll never betray the ones that gave me a new life."

Saying that, he tried to be heroic and break out of his bonds but they resisted.

Fake Cam laughed. "This train is modified to curb any godly powers. You can't do anything here!"

Percy sighed. This was a lot like something Achilles's friend had told him in the underworld. He remembered something along the lines of cursed techniques that can modify conditions and all that and hit the wall, shocked to find it soft.

His guess was right.

"This isn't actually a train is it?"

That comment made Cam's ears tense and he knew he had struck a spot.

"You're right. This is a train enforced with cursed energy to make an innate domain, one of Maresca's powers." She sighed. "But how do you know?"

Percy breathed heavily. "A friend. I've tried using cursed energy a few times before, once when I was fighting Atlas, who you might know, and the second time when I was fighting Antaeus. And I have to say, I never really got the hang of it."

"For the sake of this body, I don't want you to die," Fake Cam said and got up. "So I'm just gonna tell you one thing. Domain Expansion's gonna help you in the next battle. Maresca's got some cards up her sleeve, beware of them."

Percy got confused. "Wait, where are you going?"

"You're not the only one in the train, there are several other criminals and you're all going to a Russian jail, and believe me, no one wants to go there. Maresca's given them a contract to either kill you or get killed or go to jail."

Percy swore as Fake Cam laughed and clapped as the rope binding his hands broke apart. "Go to your right if you want it to end quickly."

"Why're you helping me?"

"Two reasons. One, Gaia wants you alive. Two, after seeing this body's memories, I kind of like you, not in that way, but you're a good guy, I hate seeing kids like you die."

Percy sighed and tied his hair up and started to stretch his arms.

"As a consolation prize, I'm gonna leave this body after this," She said as Percy thanked her and left him alone in that compartment with his hands handcuffed.

He turned to his right and kicked the door open, still thinking about how they got from Italy to Russia but then stopped as he saw dozens of men in the next compartment.

"Oh fuck."

At that sound, they all turned around to look at him, big bulky men with daggers and knives in their hands. For a moment everybody was still, probably taking in the opponent's appearance.

Percy's black blazer was covered in a bit of dust and his green shirt was stained with blood as his eyes glowed defiantly. His stature was a bit stooped but he emanated power, even if his godliness was curbed.

A tall man pushed past the crowd and stopped right in front of him. He was about seven feet and muscular and spoke in Russian. "You're a dead man walking, let's see how many more steps you can take!"

Percy just smirked and flexed his hands, breaking the handcuffs effectively.

The man, unfazed, tried to strike a right hook but the demigod ducked under it as the rest waited and watched. The man turned around but Percy grabbed his back and twirled around his neck and landed on the other side, choking his neck with the iron handcuffs.

The man clawed on the chain as he gasped but the son of Poseidon pulled one more time and he was dead as Percy threw his body to the side and it fell with a thud.

The rest took a step back and he just said with a slight smirk. "You know we can all still go and blow the jail up, right?"

The men looked at each other with nervous glances and then raised their weapons and roared, all of them rushing at the same time.

"I did warn you," Percy said and got to action.

The first man came at him as he twirled around and pushed him down then went down and swept the legs of another off the ground.

A third came at him with a knife as he grabbed that, stopping it in front of his face as he jabbed at his liver with his fist and kicked a fourth that came from the left.

He then punched a head and Roundhouse kicked another, as more people came. Another tried to slash at him with a knife but he dodged it and using his hand, stabbed it in the back of another as he punched the throat of yet another.

There were so many people that it was getting hard to keep track of who was who, even though he didn't really care.

While he was engaged with one man, another came from behind and stabbed his shoulder. Percy grunted and slammed him back and kicked the one in the front in the chest.

He turned around to see more fallen ones rising. He swore as he felt the blood trickling down his arm. He pulled the dagger out and threw it as it hit a poor fellow in the forehead after two people dodged it.

They advanced and attacked with two machetes which Percy blocked but they pushed him to one wall and punched his stomach. He groaned and kicked one and after freeing his right hand, he grabbed a head and knee kicked it.

Another person was waiting for him and threw blows at his face. One hit but he dodged the other and grabbing the man's waist, he performed a suplex, slamming him into the floor.

He blocked in the way of another knife and grabbed the hand of another and while dealing with him, Percy got stabbed in the stomach.

He cursed. He was getting tired and not having the power of Poseidon to rejuvenate was not good.

He pushed two down and then jump-kicked another. Before he could rejuvenate, another man came and pushed him to the wall again. He tried to hit him but the man grabbed his head and threw him to the floor.

Percy groaned as he rolled and hit his head on the door to the next compartment. Blood was dripping from his arm and stomach and his lips. He also had a cut on his forehead as he grunted as he punched a man who was getting up in the head.

Before he could get up, a man kicked his face as he groaned and grabbed his nose.

"Ow, man," He said as he made a T sign out of his fingers. "Timeout guys!"

The rest of the men walked forward and one of them lifted his leg up but before he could strike it, a loud thud came from the roof above them as everyone looked up in anticipation.

A man had gotten up and was yanking a knife out of his thigh as the sound came again right above him as another sound like that of metal sliding against metal came and then a black three-foot-long sword appeared, stabbing straight through the roof and into the head of the man.

Everyone took a step back as Percy smiled. The man fell down in a sputter of blood as the rest of the life force was sucked by the blade of stygian iron and with a loud thud, a teenager landed from the roof, on his knees, carrying a cup, resting his elbow on his sword hilt.

Percy raised a hand as Nico Di Angelo smiled, his black hair not long enough but still touching the base of his neck. He stood up and for a second no one did anything. Then the fight started.

One of them advanced and met his end at the end of the blade and the second got stabbed. Nico decapitated a third and then knelt down next to Percy.

As the roof had broken, the domain had been broken too so Percy could feel his strength returning as he grabbed the cup.

"Stopped at a coffee shop?" He asked jokingly.

Nico laughed. "How you doing, brother?"

"Now's not really the time to talk about that," Percy said as he pointed to the hordes of more people coming. "I'll tell you later."

The son of Hades nodded as he turned around and skewered three people, who all were raising their weapons with no good intentions.

He punched another in the stomach and kicked a third back until the compartment they were in was fully dead except for Percy and Nico.

Their victory was short-lived though as several other people were coming in the next one.

Percy was pretty happy and proud to see his brother reaching this level. From that scared little boy, he had turned into a scary little boy as he laughed at the irony.

Nico decapitated a head and looked back at Percy. "You've taken it easy so far, let's get to work, Perce."

Percy smirked and got up, wiping the blood from his face. Percy sighed and threw the cup to the side and dashed, using the wall as a leverage and jumped, twirling in mid air to grab the neck and rolled down to crack it.

As he landed, he exclaimed. "Whoo! That's the first time I pulled that off!"

The rest were confused as Percy swept their legs from underneath them and did a kip up to stand. He donkey kicked a man and slammed another in a pile of crates and grabbed his hand and smashed his groin with his leg. When he pulled his hand back, he saw a sharp pointy thing in his finger.

"Uh, Nico... this guy's got a grenade!"


"I've got the pin!" Percy said as he prepared himself. Nico

nodded frantically and summoned a huge amount of skeletons to cover him.

The compartment Percy was in exploded and the bones disintegrated. The roof flew off and all that was left was the floor. For a moment, Nico couldn't see anything but then the smoke dissipated, and he saw the horrifying sight of a burnt body standing, wearing only charred pants.

But, slowly, as if by a miracle, the skin started to reappear on the wounded areas and turned back into their normal color as the blisters healed up, showing off the toned abs as Percy's cocky smirk and long hair returned.

The son of Hades was shocked as he looked at his brother for a few seconds but then regained his composure. "You could've stopped the blast, right?"

"I could've," Percy said, smiling. "But I wanted to show off!"

More people surrounded them, but they were cautious now, waiting for the others to make a move.

Nico swore. "Why are these guys never ending!"

Percy sighed as he grabbed the head of one of the guys and slapped it. "Listen to me, everyone... you guys can still go to Jail, so please do. It'd be nice for me and my brother to have a little quality time together, don't you think?"

The guys were not stupid as they knew that any hostility would spell certain death, especially when that hostility was directed towards a man who had healed up from an explosion. So they all looked at each other and nodded.

Instantly, Percy's smile came back. "I knew you'd listen to reason! Nico, come on, let's go somewhere better."

After shadow traveling and minutes of explanations, Nico's only expression while he was sipping a McFlurry was that of shock. But, still, he listened intently. Of course, Hades had told him about the Romans and all that, but he hadn't told him what Percy had actually been upto, and then he had no idea about the Jujutsu thing.

"A friend of Achilles was met by me in the underworld. Said something something cursed energy. He had said that we demigods, being part god, have a huge amount of store of cursed energy or just energy, so we are good candidates for it. Never really understood it though."

Nico could only nod. After some time, he asked the question that Percy was dreading. "When are you coming back?"

Percy's expression deflated. "I don't really know... but just don't tell anyone about my whereabouts."

Nico had responded in affirmation and that had been the end of the conversation.

Now, Percy was walking in a mall, thinking of what to wear to Maresca's last day when someone stopped his train of thoughts by standing in front of him.

"Excuse me," He said and tried to walk around but the figure spoke, the same disembodied voice coming out of it.

"You made it out, huh?"

Percy smiled and nodded. "I see you upheld your promise."

"I'm a person of my word."

"So, you gonna kill me too?"

The Eidolon shook her head. "Go, we'll meet again soon."

Percy smirked as he grabbed his shopping bags and walked out of the place, the last thing he heard being, "Best of luck."

A/N:- So, now, I don't know how you're gonna like this JJK crossover idea or whether you even know about it or not... but a lot of the ideas for Percy have originated from there. I take a lot of inspiration from these sorts of things. I hope you like it and even watch Jujutsu Kaisen, thank you! Bye, have a nice day! Do leave reviews down for me!

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