Mischief vs Obedience (Monkey...

By etye2002

1.3K 36 5

Guan yin is from a small village with little food and not enough water, to help her people she does her resea... More

Authers note / Update
😈 The Last Demon 😈
🎇 Acended Ceremony 🎆
🤝 Making a Deal 🤝
👺 Welcome to Hell 🪦
📖 Book of Everlasting Life 📖

🐵Birth of The Monkey King 👑

163 4 1
By etye2002


"For thousands of years, The great Buddha oversaw the universe.

And the Immortal Ones in heaven and hell watched over earthly affairs.

Monstrous Demons walked among us, and dragons controlling weathers and rules the seas.

Everything was in balance.

We respected the gods, and we followed the rules, until one night a magical rock gave birth to a powerful being."


Up above from a far away island, night full of stars with the moon shining above earth. in the centre of the mountain on a tall cliff was a huge egg made out of stone waiting to be hatch.


The rock spilt in half, opening to reveal this powerful creature. A sleeping baby monkey with red fur matching the red gems around him, sucking he's thumb in his peaceful slumber, only to slowly wake up to the world before him

"Meet.........*sigh* Trouble"

Fluttering his eyes open with a sudden full of energy leapt of his rock with exciting chirps and hoping around with every step, happy to be out of his rock to explore as he looked around with baby monkey noises and oohs. he looked upon the universal skies with clouds but there was something in the distance that the baby monkey couldn't quite see, squinting his eyes at the mysterious shape in the clouds.

Suddenly a glow red light beam bast out of his eyes startling the monkey. stepping back a bit, hands above his eyes to make it stop to only reveal his now red glowing eyes, confused but then quick to realise this new fun trick he discovered, giggling as he actives it again laughing as he is having fun with his new found power, looks to the weird shape cloud again with the light beam followed his gaze.

In The Jade Palace (No not the kung fu panda one) up on The Celestial Realm known as Heaven

A huge office room that belongs to the jade emperor the ruler of heaven, in front of his desk are his four servants he summons for whatever the emperor needs them to do. there was also a ginger white cat behind him sleeping on a cushion.

"Okay, okay. Attention, everyone. We have important business to discuss." Jade emperor speaks in commend.

"I, your Jade Emperor, Architect of the Universe and Lord of the Immortals, shall throw the greatest, most fantastic banquet since the one we did last Tuesday." He brags about the coming event he was about to discuss while his servants just continuing looking at him with unemotional looks.

"Doesn't that sound fun, hmm?"

"Understood, Your Majesty." Servant 1 replies nodding.

"Now, seating arrangements." Jade Emperor pulling out his scroll ready to start his guest list, while he was reading the red light beam from before, appeared in his office waking the cat god and catching his attention to the red dot. as the jade emperor continues reading the red dot moved around as the cat god tried to catch it.

"Place the Immortal Ones at my head table.
Minor gods by the kitchen in the back..."

Jade Emperor yells as the red beam hit his eyes "what the!?" Shouts in Confusion, the cat followed the red beam but didn't realise it jumped over the balcony, falling down from heaven meowing. Jade Emperor went to his balcony to see where the light beam comes from. It would've appeared it was from earth. from the baby monkeys eyes,
"What on earth?" Shielding his eyes from the light, the monkey's eyes stopped, beaming, light, laughing, squealing drumming on his chest, before leaping off the cliff wooing landing on the ground as he's laughing evilly while running like a maniac through the jungle.

" hmm... uncontrollable monkey shooting light beams from his eyes?" The Jay Emperor said confusingly as he still trying to figure out. How can a regular monkey do that? Could it be a demon?

"He's probably just excited your majesty"

"Well, we can't have that" scowled at the servant, "get rid of him" waving his hand in a shooing way.


A deep booming voice startled the Jayde Emperor. He looked up to see a glowing golden giant above him, Buddha himself.

"Buddha, I didn't see you up there" a smiling Jade Emperor nervously response as his eyes swiftly shifted to the monkey, then back at Buddha.

"This monkey is a powerful being..... he has an appointment destiny.....

As well for his guardian who will guide him on his journey .......

Let him find his way...."

Buddhas expression didn't change at all, fading away as he leaves.

"Very well, I mean, what's the worst he can do right?" The jade Emperor annoyedly responded as long as it's not his problem anymore as he questions his servants.

"What about this... guardian my lord?" One of his servants asked

"So far as I know it's not my problem anymore. Now where were we?  ah yes deserts! I'm thinking at 10 feet egg tart sculpture of meeeee~" he returns back to his office with his servants following him writing their scrolls for the banquet.

—— Back on earth ——

The night has turned day as the red baby monkey ran all night through the jungle exploring full of laughter and joy as he ventured. coming towards a bush hearing laughter and giggles , pushing the bush apart seeing a mother monkey coos holding her baby playing together. the mother pulls her baby into an embrace with unconditional love.

the red baby monkey looks at them surprisingly causing his red eyes to disappear back to green, smiling at the sight. those monkeys looked so happy together clearly enjoying each others presences, the mother puts down her baby, grabbing a banana beside her to give her child. the green eyed baby monkey also wanting a hug, so with her distracted quickly throws the baby monkey away taking his place before giving the mother a sudden hug taking the mother off guard.

The baby monkey closed his eyes as he nuzzles the mother, feeling the warmth and affection from the embrace, sighs in delight feeling peaceful.

The mother however doesn't feel the same.

She shoves the baby monkey off her hissing aggressively, scaring the baby monkey as he runs away from the angry mother.

The baby monkey was far enough to stop his tracks, looking a little sad. He miss the hug, it felt nice. He hears something up ahead of him seeing an old monkey teaching a group of little monkeys, the baby monkey mood lights up in delight. quickly rushes to the old monkey, he wants to feel that warmth again.

"A wise monkey never stretches beyond his grasp" the old white monkey shares his wisdom to the little baby monkey who looked board out of their minds. The old monkey then grunts, looking down to find a red baby monkey hugging him, the little monkey smiled feeling the same warmth again

Confused by this random little monkey, the elder pulls the monkey off him making the red monkey drop to the ground, while the other four baby monkey stare at him confused but curious of him.

"Will you let go?" The old monkey scolded with his hands on his hip as he stare down at the baby monkey, who is unfazed by the rejection.

The red monkey laughs getting up noticing the four little monkey, greets one of the them with a bone crushing hug.

"Ow!" The tall brown baby monkey cried in pain before collapse to the ground. The red monkey looks at him confused, oops did he broke him.

"Ah. Huh?" The red monkey turns to the other two baby monkeys behind him with his arms wide, wanting a hug but the other two steps back in fear of his bone crushing hugs.

The elder monkey knocks the red monkeys head for the interruption, before walking towards a coconut tree, "As I was saying,"

He jumps onto the tree and starts to climb to the top "if the coconut is meant for us...."

He swings the tree forward, reaching out his hand to reach for the coconut in the sunlight but misses by an inch

"it will be within reach" seeing he can't reach any farther, hums in defeat.

"Mm. Not today." He Shrugged

"Oh!" The red monkey smiles, figures out what he's doing running over to the coconut tree in the day light. Four of the baby monkeys gasped as he rans out of the shadows from the trees. The elder see him running

"Out of the light!" He yells to the red monkey, not paying attention to the elder as he continues running to the coconut tree before jumping high to kick the tree, causing the coconuts to fall, but also bending the tree, swinging back to hit the old monkey, he falls landing hard into the ground as coconuts from the tree he was holding onto fells down too, hitting his head causes him to grunt with pain.

The four little monkeys laughing at the scene making the elder growls in anger causing the four monkeys to stop. The red monkey comes back with a coconut in his hands, the white monkey gets up to discipline him, right before another coconut fell hitting his head once again causing the four little ones to giggle.

The red baby monkey smiles showing him the coconut for improvement. But the elder just growls, pulling him back to the shade making the baby monkey drop his coconut.

"No, no, no, no! We live in a world of rules and order." The old monkey yells at him in disciplined but the red monkey titled his head confused.

"Oh?" What are these rules and orders? Why should he care? It's not in his nature.

"Observe" the elder opens his hand, giving a demonstration.

"Think of my palm as our universe.
Compared with this greatness," the baby monkey and the other four looked at his hand curiously before the old white monkey places a pebble on his hand.

"one little monkey is an insignificant pebble." Suggested that the red monkey is this pebble. Should he find that assaulting?

"Only the Immortal Ones in heaven are free to live without rules." The elder points to a palace shaped cloud in the sky, known as heaven. The red monkey was intrigued, turns to the old monkey, pointing himself and back at heaven smiling, wanting to go there.

"Know your place, young one." Narrowed his eyes at him, hearing the rejection the now mad baby monkey glares at him. What does he mean no! Why isn't he allowed to break some rules, rules and order sounds boring!

"Oh!" The elder was shocked when the red baby monkey flicked the pebble off his hand causing it to hit the tall baby monkeys eye. He screeches in pain, covering his injured eye as stumbling back accidentally stepping on the other monkeys foot. He yelps before shoving him into the white baby monkey making her punch tall baby monkey, causing the whole group to fight and bite each other. While the red monkey was standing in the side lines witnessing this, laughing and clapping enjoying the show.

The old monkey tried to stop them but the group end up rolling off to the end of the cliff landing near the waterfall groaning.

"Come back here right this minute!" The elder demanded the children to come back to the shade where it's safe. Hearing the old monkey glances at him before realising, they were in the sunlight.

"Out of the light!"

In terror, they covered their heads waiting for what comes next.




Nothing happened, they uncovered their heads, smiling that there was no danger and enjoying the sunlight as they all laugh together.

"Come back!" The elder yells in demand one more time, the red monkey smiles ran over to them, wishing to join in on the fun. A deep growl stops him, the other baby monkeys stops laughing when they heard it behind the waterfall.

A silhouette with two red glowing eyes glazing at the baby monkeys in hunger before releasing a monstrous roar.

"Run! The demon is here!"

The baby monkeys run away as a tiger demon leaked out of the waterfall, the red monkey more curious than afraid stares at the tiger flying over him, seeing him grabbing the tall baby monkey. Gasped in horror as the tiger takes the shrieking monkey back to the water fall, This made red monkey run back to the jungle.

(Rip baby monkey, first have your bones crushed, get poked in the eye, beaten up by your friends. Now this, sorry baby monkey king but you cursed that poor soul 😭🎻)

All the monkeys ran deeper to the jungle with the four baby monkeys parents waiting for them, the baby's run towards their parents arms feeling relief that they were safe............. Except one.

The mother whimpers when see didn't see her baby, tears started to form as she cries in despair as her son was now gone forever. The elder with a sorrow look comforted the devastating mother, hearing the bushes rumble the old monkey looked angry knowing whose fault was this.

The red baby monkey made it back to the troop of monkeys. The leader was not having this.

"Your......" pointing at the baby monkey stoping him from coming closer, baby monkeys shrink down by his angrily glare "recklessness drew the Demon of Havoc upon us!"

"You don't belong here, outsider!" Baby monkey kings eyes widened, feeling sad and scared whimpers

"Coconut him." Making the other monkey hold a coconut, ready to aim

The scared baby monkey tries to get away as they all throw their coconuts at him, making him trip and covered himself from the blows. Right before the old monkeys coconut can hit him, he stood up and held his hand out, catching it with his eyes turn glowing red as he angrily glare making the troop gasp in shock.

The angry baby monkey gathered all the coconuts, turning his back to the troop walking away, Returning from once he came.

Back on a cliff hill, the baby monkey dropped all the coconuts to the ground, He is fired up with determination and ambition making a goal for himself. beat the tiger demon, redeem himself and finally be accepted by the monkeys.


Somewhere in a far far away village, in a small wooden house, a little girl had a goal too. Teach herself medicine, make herself useful and never let that awful day happen again.

Two scenes were playing as she was setting up ingredients and plants on her desk.

the baby monkey grabbed his half shell rock egg and throws it on top of the other.

The little girl grabs her book and opens it leaning it to a wall for her to read.

the little monkey smashes a coconut into the rock, drawing with it before jumping down. They both looked at their work in a job well done before their montage began.

The baby monkey has build himself a dummy of the tiger demon.

The little girl build herself a workshop like lab.

He growls as the baby monkey, flexes his not existing muscles, ready for training Grabs a coconut from the pile, adjusting his aim before throwing with not enough force making it land in front of the dummy.

The little girl begins her research as she reads the book on herbs and takes notes, rapidly writing it down on her scroll.

(Note to self, Im not an expert on pharmacist stuff or how they make medicine in the 16th century. Please don't criticise me on how I'm doing it wrong, I'm just trying my best. but do please a comment if  you can help me out and might change it later.)

The red monkey keeps throwing coconuts, failing miserably hitting the tiger rock dummy. Puts up another coconut, reeling it back to throw it, but accidentally throws it backwards. The baby monkey looks behind watches the coconut fall off the cliff. "Huh?"

The little girl continues to write, not looking away from the book. Reading on the next step to the ingredient, adding mint leaves to her bowl. Collects a raspberry from a raspberry bush plant, but was stuck. With a hard pull yanks the berry off placing into the bowl.

*Pot crashes*

Little girls eyes wide open stopping on what's she's doing, looks down beside her seeing a broken pot smashed to the ground with dirt spilling everywhere. The little girl sucks her teeth "oops", Oh boy she's in big trouble.

Back to the baby monkey, who keeps on throwing coconuts at the dummy missing but slowly getting closer. He holds the coconut down to his knee gaining a Headstart before kicking it like a football, but instead of landing a hit at the tiger dummy he hits a bird flying by.

On to the next step the little girl carefully pours a bottle with a steady hand, but sneezed causing the whole bottle to fall into the bowl along her snot. Eyes widened , Sniffing rubbing her nose as she glazed down at the mess. Disgusted "eeeewwww" starting the whole recipe again.

Grunts as the baby monkey throws the coconut at the dummy with force but bounce back to the baby monkey hitting his head making him fall down. Getting back up glaring at the dummy rubbing his cheek, more determined than ever throws another coconut at it. This time it lands a hit at the dummy causing the dummy's head to fall. Seen that he succeeded, smiled and cheers in victory before Throws another coconut.

Outside near the wooden house, seeing the little girl climbing up a tree. One of the branches contain an elder flower that she needs, gasped slips but catch herself. With a determined huff goes back to climbing, the elder flower just in her reach, stretches out to grab the flower but soon falls. Screams before hitting the ground, grunting as she sits up with leafs in her hair, rubbing her bum when looks at her hand, seeing that she got the branch that holds the flower. She smiles in success "haha yess" cheers before cutely giggling.

Years went by as the two continues their training, waiting for the day to change their lives and history forever.

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