Together for a Shared Future...

Von Dragon-Pheonix123

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"The Bond between (Y/n) and I can never tear us apart! Not from the likes of you!" Through many battles. Noth... Mehr

Chapter 1: God's Possession, God's Curse
Chapter 2: A Promise in Spring
Chapter 3: A Picture Together.
Chapter 4: Until Now and From Now On
Chapter 5: Desire
Chapter 6: Desperation
Chapter 7: Bloody Rain
Chapter 8: His Prayers for You has been Answered
Chapter 10: ~Coming For You ~
Chapter 11: Abandon Past
Chapter 12: God's Love to the Dragon-Phoenix

Chapter 9: No Mercy on Sasuke or Sakura

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Von Dragon-Pheonix123

Yato has been running around the forest with the Saber-Team. He search all over for you yntil he saw you lighting up the flare indicating that you've been fighting Sasuke for your life.

So he hurry to save you and then he suddenly saw your brother trying to get you loose from Sasuke's threads. And that's when his heart sinks and felt anger to stop Sasuke from hurting you.

You, Kyouwa and Yato defeated Sasuke who got knocked out and the Hidden Leaf with Kakashi were here and arrested the Uchiha binding his eyes and his arms as he thrash his body telling all the Shinobi's to get off of him.

At that moment, the two had noticed you falling from where you were held by the threads that decayed from your flames, watching as you fell on your back. "(Y/n)!" The two chorused.

Kyouwa tried to move, but barely had the strength to stand, falling on his stomach as he clenched on the end of his sword," (Y/n)!"

Yato ran to you and knelt down cradling you as he shook you lightly. "(Y/n)....(Y/n)!"

You slightly open your eye's weakly and tilt your head seeing Yato, his eyes watered with tears as he held you in his arms. "Yato..."

"(Y/n)!" Yato hugs you close. "Thank god...I found you." Suddenly he heard a grunt alerted him and began to glare behind.

Sasuke was recovering from a sudden power  and began to crawl over towards you. "You think a mere power join together could defeat me?  ....." he couldn't see who was holding you but he better end this now. "I'll kill you and your two friends. I haven't been this enraged in a long time."

When Sasuke was about to attack the person holding you close the Anbu member restrain him with wires as he fell down again.

"That's enough Sasuke. This madness has to stop." The person who had rescued the two of you was one of the Famous shinobi of Konohagakure's Hatake clan. Kakashi Hatake. 

The Anbu binds Sasuke's eyes as he thrashed around getting away while Asben, Niro and Dark showed up and realized that Kyouwa was alive as they hurry to his side while Yato soot up carrying you in his arms in bridle style.

Your teacher Kakashi walks up to Yato with his hands in his pocket, taking a good look at the god.

"Let's get her to safety, my team will put Sasuke into  a secure area to keep an eye on him."

Yato nodded as he follows you teacher with your brothers tailing behind with Sasuke retrained to the Hidden Leaf; The Will of Fire.

{~Konoha Hospital~}

"Of course it hurts." You pushed Kakashi's hand away from your forehead. Ever since you arrived the doctor treated your wounds while the did the same with KYouwa in the other room separately.

You wonder where's Yato anyway. The last time you saw him was just a burly tears in his beautiful blue cat eyes.

"Oh, sorry." The masked sensei smiled from underneath his mask.

"Even though it's been 5 years, nothing has changed. " You rub your temple. "But it's good to see you, taking care of my well being, I'm honored."

"I do care, (Y/n), I'm just trying to cheer you up. After all you are one of my top students other that your old teammates" He handed you a glass of water from the hospital table that was too far away  for you to have reached on your own. "I'm glad that all he could do was give you a cut on your head and some small bruises before we got to him."

"Where is Sasuke?" you asked.

"In a top security facility." He told you. "That's all you need to know."

"He caused hell in my city, I should get to see him and ask him question, you know. Beat him with my own monstrous strength." You frowned.

"He doesn't need to see you until he is in stable condition, and until we have him secured, you and your brothers are to stay down here." Kakashi gave you a look that told you that he was expecting an answer. "You cannot even return yet to your own home yet."

You sighed. "You're right."

"It's about time you got some sleep." He pulled the covers up to your neck. "You've had quite the trip."

"Yeah," tears began to fill your eyes, "I have. I'm glad to be back in the see my fellow comrades once again for all these years."

Kakashi swallowed his emotions...for now. He used his sleeve to wipe the tears from your eyes and then gave you a hug.

"Don't cry, everything's alright now." The silver-haired man put the glass of water on the table again.

His voice sounded distant to you, but you made yourself ignore it. You did not wish to get into another ordeal so soon. You were exhausted and would have to explain everything to your family as soon as you woke up. You would be in so much trouble.

Your lips were dry, your skin faded from the lively color it had once been. The beeping of the IVmachine was an earsore. Your hair was dry, your skin cried for moisture, and the sound of your voice had been missed for years now.

"How much longer do you intend to keep this up?" Sakura asked, clutching her clipboard to her chest. "She hasn't gotten any better, and even if she woke up now, she is too heavily dependent on the machines to even-"

A glare from Naruto was all it took for her to be quiet. "She definitely won't wake up hearing something so negative like that. You're always around her filling her head with that negativity, you'll give her bad dreams, and she'll definitely give up."

"She can't even hear me, right Kakashi, Sasuke?!" The pink-haired woman looked at the other males in the room but gained no support.

Hinata, who was sitting in the chair beside the hospital bed, leaned forward to put her head onto your chest, hoping the sound of it beating would convince her not to start sobbing again.

"Sakura, you said yourself that (Y/n) is in a dream state for at least some of the time. W-Why don't we try to stimulate some sort of...a-any kind of activity that could help her wake up?" She barely got out her words before her weeping accompanied the sound of the IV machine.

"We'll have to try a different method of stimulation in the morning." Sakura said. "You all have to leave the hospital so that it can shut down this section for the night."

Begrudgingly, the four left the room, leaving Sakura with you. Once she was sure that the hallway was clear, she sat in the seat beside the bed that Hinata had just been in.

"Kakashi, Naruto, Sasuke, Gaara, everyone would visit you all of the time, but life had to go on without you. You're just...too heavy of a burden. I mean, sure, I could take care of you like I used to, but it's not like I had to do very much to make you at least look presentable for everyone so that it looked like you were being cared for well. I only did it so that Sasuke would stop badgering me about taking care of his poor, ex-girlfriend."

Sakura put down her clipboard,revealing a small glass bottle of a liquid that would stimulate the brain enough for the you to listen to your surroundings mixed with a substance that would maintain you practically comatose state.

Perfect for giving the patient sweet dreams. The certified doctor injected the fluid into you, as you had once each week for the past...little over a year. Your began to spasm, but Sakura put an end to that with a harsh slap across your face.

"Let's finish up our story, I want to catch up to Sasuke." Sakura smiled and crossed her legs.

"Your pain in your head had alleviated, so you started to explore the building that Kakashi had confined you to. You were miserable. You wanted to see Sasuke, but let's be honest, he didn't love you. 

If he loved you, he wouldn't have hurt you like that, and besides, look at all the trouble he caused. Of course you never learn your lesson, so you have to find your way out and figure out where Sasuke is on your own. 

That's where we'll leave off tonight. I'll let you sleep on that one, it is quite incredible how you can figure out so much on your own, but it is the least you can do with all of the time you have."

Suddenly such a fast reflex stabbed Sakura's shoulder as she let out a curdling scream. Sakura looked down to see you were still awake, glaring with cold murderous eyes of your shade of lavender-blue.

Your quick reflex was to break pretend for Sakura  to think you were asleep but you suppress a little bit to make sure you had enough energy to break the glass cup and stab her deeper to her wound.

"Let's get this abundantly clear, you shit-head." You press deeper in her wound making cry out more. "I never love Sasuke from the moment he took me away from my brothers. I clawed my way to regain my memory and took blood vengeance against those who abused  me, harm my family. You want him, go on ahead so you can drop dead...."

"STOP IT! STOP IT! GET OFF ME!!!' Sakura tries to pry off your hands but they won't budge as you pull it out and grasp her neck.

"I don't give a damn about Sasuke, I will finish him off." you growled and crush her neck. "And maybe I'll finish you as well Haruno... 'cause all you ever done in your life was to show interest in him. You're obsession pisses me off..... you wanna get rid of me that easily? Do your job right and fight me with your own strength."

"Sakura Haruno.....I will gladly devour your life to crisis core!"  you promised with venom when Sakura has enough strength to push you away to the cold floor and hurriedly  took  out her kunai.

But you were faster to react and give her  a scratch to the face with your demon arm as she screams again in agony. She holds her face when blood seeps out when she looks to you in fear. You as a demonic demon killing her as a prey to punish.

"Stay away from me!" She screams. "I'm warning you, stay away you bitch!"

You walk slowly until you felt the sleeping drought taking over your body as you almost fell to your knees giving out.

Sakura just laugh how you still can't take to fight back. "Look at you, the drug is still prepossessing to take over! You scratch my face and now I change my mind letting you sleep...I'm gonna kill you where you stand!"

Just as she was going to think an accident was accrued to her plan a punch in the stomach made her cough up and thrown her back to the floor. She cough as to regain her air when she look up to see your savoir was not other than the God himself glaring dangerously to her.

Yato eye's glow murderously as to think that the person such as Sakura would dare harm his (Y/n) with such resentment all for Sasuke.

"W-who...are you?" Sakura stammers, she's never seen this person before. And by the seeing the God's Chakra, she can see it's overflowing with way more life force than other human beings.

"Just a punishier who dares harm my woman..." Yato glowered at her.

Sakura stumbled her feet and turn around to sun in fear of the God, escaping from any trace she will not wanna be sent to prison.

You groan as Yato turn to concern as he went to your side and hold you close. "(Y/n)! Are you okay?"

"" you couldn't keep yourself awake so you passed out in his arm and Yato was starting to get really worried for you.

"No...Help! Somebody help! Please!" Yato shouted on top of his lounge as he held you for your dear life on the line.

{~With Sasuke~}

Sasuke has escape from the facility and walked down the street alone. It would have been too dark to see if the street lights were not on. He did not want to lose hope on you.

Each day, he could feel that he was closer to seeing his doll's eyes open again and that smile that made even his face light up.

He could barely remember what you looked like before without all of those pictures he had of you. The teen just prayed that you would awaken soon.

"Sasuke!" A voice called from behind him, and Sasuke turned to find Sakura jogging down the street toward him. He was confused as to how did she get scratch by her face. And she's terrible putting make up in a hurry.

He stopped walking, though he did not feel like talking to her. Even so, maybe she was going to say something about you. 

"What is it?"

"We need to talk...about us." She looked down the empty street to make sure that no one would overhear and looked back to Sasuke. "We both feel the same for each other, right?"

"Sakura, don't do this again." The Uchiha sighed. "You already know how it is."

Sakura crossed her arms. "So, you're just going to ditch me a bunch of times and then say that we don't have anything? That's more than you did with (Y/n)!"

Sasuke's eyes shot a glare at her. "(Y/n) and I were going to wait until we got married, not that our sex life is any of your concern."

"Oh, and look at how easily you gave it away to me, Sasuke." Sakura's hands balled into fists and went to her sides. "Even if she wakes up, how do you think she'll react to you not being a virgin anymore, especially when you were sleeping with a friend of hers?"

"You're no friend of (Y/n)'s, you never were, and she saw that but still gave you a chance." The black pupils lowered to his feet. "She deserves better, so much better than you and myself, but we will work it out."

"I wouldn't get my hopes up on that one, you know how (Y/n) is, she doesn't take crap from anyone, except from Akaito Shiharuri, and both of us know that she won't stand for someone hurting her like he did."  A slight smirk made its way onto her face, but the immediate change in expression on Sasuke's face wiped it clean off.

Sakura's back hit the wall, and her eyes met Sasuke's Sharingan. "Don't you ever compare me to him! I treat her a hell of a lot better than he ever did! I love her more than anyone, and I swear to God, if I ever hear you say some bullshit like that to me or her again," his gaze intensified, "I'll..."

His irises returned to onyx, and he backed up. He shook his head, trying to shake off the close encounter. He could not stand anyone saying anything negative about you or anything suggesting the possibility of the end of his and your relationship.

Sasuke had never been in love with a girl until he met you, and he intended on not ending the bond in heartache.

Sakura looked up at Sasuke nervously. "I think I'm pregnant."

"Y...You..." Sasuke's eyes widened. "No, no, you're lying."

"Don't say that!" She frowned, tears beginning to form in her eyes. "I love you, Sasuke!"

"How?!" He asked. "I pulled out every time!"

"Well, apparently not." Sakura watched Sasuke pace back and forth before punching the wall, leaving a huge crack in the foundation of the small building, before walking away.

"Where are you going?! You can't just leave after I told you the truth!"

"I need to think." He said, which was just barely audible to Sakura.

{~With Kakashi~}

"What are you summoning me here for so late at night?" Tsunade yawned as she sat in front of the hokage desk.

"I am sorry to say this, Lady Tsunade," Kakashi put his hands together in front of him, "but I ask that you perform a thorough examination of (Y/n). I am not sure how well Sakura is taking care of her."

Yato has manage to get help and hope to catch Sakura who did this to you.

{~With Naruto~}

The Uzamaki went to find the Uchiha to confront him when he went to find you and then he overheard some of your brother at the hospital that you have a boyfriend who happens to be a god.

And Sasuke never believe that you moved on with a true lover in your life he thinks your imagining a boyfriend just to get away from Sasuke, so  Naruto decided that he would interrogate the stubborn Uchiha  who won't listen to reason.

Naruto stared at Sasuke, his bright blue eyes squinted in suspicion.

"What did you do?" He finally asked.

"What do you mean, 'what did I do'?" Sasuke shot a glare at his best friend, though it had no effect on the blond this time.

"You screwed something up...again." Naruto leaned back on the park bench and crossed his arms. "If I know you at all, it has to do with (Y/n). She's the only person you get upset like this over some 'imaginary boyfriend' who would treat her like a normal lady like than you."

"I'm just worried about her, that's all.' The Uchiha rolled his eyes.

"Don't give me that."  The blond frowned. "You messed something up, Sasuke, but not just 'I called her nice-looking instead of beautiful when she was on her period' big, more like the time you got into that argument and you brought up her panic attacks big. I cringe at the memory."

"So do I, and that's why I told you to let it go." Sasuke sighed in annoyance. "Alright, I'll...I'll tell you. Just listen for once, don't speak until I get everything out."

Naruto nodded, a serious look on his face.

"When you joked that I was hanging around Sakura a lot more than usual, were right about it not being a coincidence. We've been...sleeping around together, and I feel like shit about it.

    (Y/n) shouldn't have to wake up and see a piece of crap like me, but I love her so much, and you know that. I wondered how I was going to tell her when she woke up, but I don't know. And then she says she moved on because she found someone better than me but I didn't believe her lies.  I can't even think about how she'll react, but she would be even more angry and hurt if I try to hide it. The thing is, Sakura says that she might be pregnant."

Naruto's eyes widened. He opened his mouth to speak but then closed it and shook his head. The blond's hands balled into fists as he struggled to find the words to explain how he himself felt about the matter.

"I know I screwed up, and I wish I could take it back, but-" Sasuke started before his body met the icy pavement.

The Uchiha blinked, confused until his brain pieced it together. He saw the blood on the ice. It was his own.

He looked up at Naruto, who wore a look of disgust, pain, and pure anger.

"How dare you disrespect her like that and then have the nerve to sit here and say that you wish you could take it back, can't stand to see her cry, and all that crap?! How do you know when she lies about the person she fell in love with is real?!" The blond shouted.

"How the hell do you expect some who loves you back so much to react when this is how you repay her for trying so hard and trusting you? We both know what she's been through without her memories and how hard it is for her to trust anyone! You want this to be the situation she wakes up to?! 

She's the little sister I never had, and I don't give a shit about who you are, if you break her heart, I'll tear you apart limb from limb!

     If you love someone, you don't hurt them like that, you don't disrespect them for loving another person, especially when they are in a condition like (Y/n) is in right now because she chose to be with you to protect her brothers! What would you do if (Y/n) was pregnant, Sasuke? Would you just find someone else to hold you over and then go back to her as if you deserve her company?! Are you that much of a sack of shit, Sasuke?!"

Naruto panted loudly, catching his breath.

"I know. Seriously no need to shout." Sasuke put a hand up in defense, ignoring the fact that his nose was bleeding.

"Shut the hell up, and get it through you head." Naruto rolled his eyes. "If you knew or even considered (Y/n) has a boyfriend, you would never have done what you did.

She let you get close to her and let you into her life, despite how broken both of you were.  Instead of focusing on herself and her needs, she made your psychological state checked and your happiness her priority. Her only mistake was the same mistake most women make: they are too loving, kind, and lenient to men, even when they know that we don't deserve it, and they don't always see that they are fine without us.

  Kyouwa told me that himself. He said that he didn't want his little sister to become so blinded and asked that I do everything in my power to warn her if she ever got with a guy who would only lead her to sadness and disappointment. The second she wakes up, I'm making sure she dumps your sorry ass.

You're lucky that I'm not going to kick your ass right here because someone already put you in your place. (Y/n) wouldn't want me to waste my time, and you know what? When I told you that she had nothing with Itachi before he died, I lied......

The only reason they never tried to be a family was because he was not the person the eyes she lay on when she looks up at stars constellations. Itachi was so much older than her and she was still underage. If Itachi didn't let you kill him, he would tell a god for her to find the person who would waited for her."

Sasuke sat up on the ground and held his scarf to his nose. Naruto could see the pain in the dark-haired male's face, but he deserved to feel guilty.

If you woke up and found this, you would be devastated. The last thing you remembered was Sasuke asking you to be his girlfriend.

You did not even want to the first couple of times he asked you because you were not over seeing a star which cannot be your fated soulmate. You still wore the Uchiha clan necklace he had given you, even though you kinda liked his trademark necklace better. You kept that one somewhere safe.

Sasuke seemed to truly love you, or at least he realized how incredible of a person you were and wanted you in his life, but apparently, the two of you may not have been meant to be in the first place.

"As for Sakura, she's going to hear from me too, and she better hope she isn't pregnant." Naruto added before walking off.

{~With Yato~}

Yato cross his arms listening to the conversation between the hokage and Kakashi.

"Are you sure?" Kakashi asked Tsunade.

"There is no mistaking it." She painfully shook her head. "There is an incredible amount of the drug is solidified inside of (Y/n) right now. There is no way that it could have formed suddenly, and we would have noticed it when she first arrived here, meaning it was given to her over time."

"I can't believe Sakura would do this." Kakashi grimaced. "Can we remove it?"

"Thankfully, yes, but it will take some time for the drug to wear off and for her to recover fully because she has been exposed to it for so long." Tsunade said.

"However, there is a good chance that she can wake up soon after the surgery because the drug is not destructive without being combined with a more corrosive acid. Even so, this must be what has been keeping (Y/n) unconscious for so long, and Sakura could have messed up her mental state."

Yato scrunch his face out of anger and clench his fist, searing that he'll beat up Sakura for hurting you this way.

Tsunade looked back at the medical staff behind her. "We have to start immediately."

"I will find Sakura." Kakashi said before leaving the room.

"Let's move her into the operating room!" Tsunade instructed, and the nurses hurried to your side.

While they move you to the operating room Yato walk out and do some patrols if he would give both Sakura and Sasuke a piece of his mind.

While he was watch the village he could feel someone was watching behind him as he turn around facing Naruto Uzamaki face to face.

Naruto has now meet Yato for the first time that he was looking at the God weirdly.

"Who are you?" Naruto started asking.

"I'm Yato! The Delivery God! Fast and affordable at your service!" Yato hands him a handwritten paper to him when he beams up for a customer.

Naruto didn't know how to react but all he gave the God the face.

"Uh....okay....sorry but....I never actually heard of you dude...." he blurt out.

Yato yelps clutching his heart when lightning strikes.

"I've seen weirder things, but I never heard a delivery god." Naruto admit.

Yato feels like he's going to turn to dust. And he shed tears and whimper making Naruto taken a back so suddenly. "How could you of all people bully me?! I've work so hard cleaning and this is thanks I get?! Nobody believes I'm a God! Wahh! (Y/n), someone bullied me! Wahhhh!"

Naruto felt like he should take back what he said. "Uh ...I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean to offend you and...." he suddenly paused when Yato mention your name. "Wait, did you say (Y/n)?"

Yato wipe his eyes sniffing his runny nose. "Yes..."

Naruto thinks and asked his questions carefully. "Are you...(Y/n)'s imaginary boyfriend?"

Yato perked up in realization. "Yeah, I'm her imaginary boyfriend. What's in it to you?"

"Because I'm her best friend, Naruto Uzamaki." he introduced.

His eye go wide. "Naruto? Oh now I remember that name! You were her old teammate!"

"You heard of me?"

"I do! She once told me about how you two would hand out at a ramen place I would totally wanna eat there!" Yato boasted.

"Huh.." Naruto rub his chin. "You don't say....So if your (Y/n)'s come Sasuke can't detect your chakra?"

"When you mention chakra, I prefer the term of soul color. The life force within every human being burning your flames flickering." Yato stated. "That's what (Y/n) can see easily just to touch a human."

Naruto was amazed. "Wow, she really picked the right guy to marry."

"Yep, me! Her Yato-God!" Yato winked silly, sticking his tongue.

  "Yato!" suddenly Yukine run up panting.

"Yukine, what's up?"

"It's (Y/n), she's waking up! I saw her finger twitch!" Yukine cries in tears.

Yato felt the hope in his heart came back and waist no time rushing to the hospital as Naruto and Yukine are on his tail.


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