Total Drama: Lindsay X Male R...

By SkyZJ99

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You are a famous teenage actor who received an offer from Chris McLean to be apart of a new reality show call... More

Prologue: Island
Not So Happy Campers- Part 1
Not So Happy Campers- Part 2
The Big Sleep
Not Quite Famous
New Deal
The Sucky Outdoors
Phobia Factor
Up The Creek
Paintball Deer Hunter
If You Can't Take The Heat...
Basic Straining
X-Treme Torture
Brunch Of Disgustingness
Bros Unite
No Pain, No Game

Who Can You Trust?

823 24 5
By SkyZJ99

Chris: Last time on Total Drama Island. Things really got cooking between the campers. Heather pushed Leshawna too far in the cook-off challenge and ended up one chilly mama. Owen had a hard day. Geoff led the Killer Bass to victory and the Screaming Gophers got to the bottom of their losing streak. It was buh-bye Beth. Have the Gophers broken the curse? And just how much trust do they have in one another? Find out this week on Total. Drama. Island.

Scene opens up to Chef serving weird ass slop to Gwen's tray.

Chef: Today's breakfast is Hawaiian-Italian fusion casserole.

Gwen: You mean leftovers from the cooking challenge.

Chef: Yeah, that's right! YOU GOT A PROBLEM WITH THAT?!

The goth girl quickly salutes, not to anger the psychopathic chef any further.

Gwen: Sir, no sir!

Chef salutes back. Gwen walks over to the Gopher's table and sees Heather wrapped herself in a blanket and sneezing due to being stuck in the freezer during the last challenge. The goth girl smirks.

Gwen: Need a little echinacea?

Heather: (sounding stuffy) You're so funny. You think that you can just lock me up in the freezer and get away with it? I am gonna make you sorry that you ever met me.

Gwen: (to Leshawna) Too late.

Heather: You are such a...a...a...ACHOO! UGH! I hate this place!

Meanwhile with the Bass, we see D.J. patting his pet bunny on the head. The gentle giant slurps on Chef's breakfast with a straw. He chews on the food for a bit and feeds it to his bunny like a mama bird. Geoff give a weirded-out look. A reasonable reaction.

With Duncan, we see him getting some coffee from the coffee dispenser and sees a spare mug on the shelf. Duncan takes a quick glance to see if anyone is watching. He swipes the mug and hides it under his shirt. Just when he was about to head for the table, Courtney subtly points accusingly at the punk rock guy.

Courtney: (angrily whispers) I saw that! How can you just steal a mug?

Duncan: 'Cause it's cool-looking and I don't have one. Heh, DIDN'T have one, that is.

Duncan heads to the Bass' table with Courtney following him.

Courtney: But you might get kicked off.

Duncan: Aww. And here I thought you didn't care about me.

Courtney: The last thing we want is to lose another player and I don't wanna lose because you feel like going all criminal on us.

Duncan: Whatever. You dig me.

Courtney groans in frustration.

Courtney: Why do I even bother?

Scene cuts to the peaceful wilderness of Muskoka. Sad music plays as Chris walks up to the camera with a sad look.

Chris: Hi, Chris here. Sometimes teams just don't get along. So the producers and I thought that the best way to work through the group friction would exploit it for laughs.

The host rubs his hands together in excitement like a kid on Christmas Day.

Chris: This is gonna be awesome!

We cut to Chris and the campers standing on the dock. Each contestant is with their own teams.

Chris: So, last week's challenge exposed a few Gopher issues...

Gwen and Leshawna glare at Heather. The mean girl angrily looks away from them with her hands on her hips.

Chris: ...and I'm sensing a little something funky floating in the Bass pond, too.

Duncan playfully nudges Courtney with his elbow. The C.I.T. gives the punk rock guy an annoyed look and shoves him to the ground. He gets up and brushes himself off while Courtney gives Duncan a smirk.

Chris: So this week's challenge is gonna be centered around building trust. Because all good things begin with a little trust.


Gwen: I trusted Trent once. He left me buried alive on the beach.

*Confessional end*

Chris: There will be three major challenges that will have to be completed by two or more members of your team.

Duncan rolls his eyes while Courtney glares at him, dreading if she's partnered up with a hooligan like him.

Chris: Normally, we like to have the campers choose their partners, but not this time. More fun for me!

Later, Chris and the campers are at the first challenge. They all stand near the base of a mountain.

Chris: Ok, so for the first challenge, you'll be doing an extreme free hand rock climbing adventure. D.J. and Duncan will play for the Bass. Heather and Gwen for the Gophers.

Gwen groans in annoyance. Can't blame her, really.

Y/N: This is a disaster waiting to happen.

Chris: Here's your belay and harness.

The host tosses the climbing gear to both teams. Heather snatches the gear off of Gwen's hands.

Gwen! Hey! What's your damage?

Heather: If you think I'm letting you hold me up, you're nuts.

Chris: You won't be holding her up, exactly. One camper pulls the slack through the belay as their partner climbs. If the climber falls the belay will stop them from crashing.

Chris tosses one end of the rope to Duncan. The punk rock guy pulls it to see if it can actually hold.

Chris: The catch? Both the side and the base of the mountain are rigged with a few minor distractions like, rusty nails, slippery oil slicks, mild explosives, and a few other surprises.

Harold: Wicked!

Y/N raises his hand.

Y/N: Do you have any tetanus shots in case if anyone touches the rusty nails.

Chris ponders for a second.

Chris: Don't think that was on the list for medical supplies. I don't know. Ask Chef.

Chris shrugs with no concern at all. Y/N rolls his eyes.

Chris: Anyway, the person on belay must also harness their partner up. It's all about trust, people.

The Gophers have uneasy looks as Heather and Gwen get right into each other's faces and glare.

Chris: And remember, NEVER let go of the rope. Your partner's life depends on it.

Gwen raises her hand.

Gwen: Excuse me, can we trade partners? I REALLY don't feel like being dropped on my head today.

Heather: Puh-lease! As much as I love your company, I'm not going to throw a challenge just to kill you...yet. Now spread 'em.

Y/N: Woah, let's dial it back a bit, shall we?

Duncan helps D.J. with getting the climbing gear on. The small head of the gentle giant's cute little bunny pops out of his pants pocket. D.J. pulls his pet bunny out of his pocket saying that climbing on the rocks would be too dangerous if his pet bunny came along. So, he entrusts the safety of the bunny to Geoff.

Back with the Gophers, Heather finishes up with getting the gear on Gwen.

Heather: There, you're all hooked up.

The goth girl looks down at the gear and sees another rope near her gothicc ass.

Gwen: What's the second rope for?

The mean girl gives Gwen a smile.

Heather: It's a back-up line.

Gwen places her hands on her hips, feeling like something is off.

Gwen: What are you smiling about?

Heather: Nothing. I'm just REALLY happy we got on this challenge together.

Gwen looks at Heather suspiciously.


Heather: It's all her fault for messing with me. I've got a doctorate in revenge and humiliation.

*Confessional end*

The first challenge begins. Gwen and D.J. begin their climb up the mountain and so far, Gwen is taking the lead. Just when it was gonna be smooth sailing, a small explosion occurs near the two climbers. They could feel the intense vibration on where the two climbers hands and feet grip on. Another pushes Gwen back as she starts screaming and falling. The Gophers gasp, fearing for Gwen's life. Thankfully, the rope on Gwen's gear stopped her from crashing into the ground.

Gwen: Ow!

Heather: It's ok! I've got you!

Heather called out. Chris leans into the frame of the camera.

Chris: I promised surprises.

The host then holds up a big water gun.

Chris: Habanero pepper sauce, anyone?

Chris aims the gun and shoots the sauce at Heather. Her hair and face are now drenched. She groans in frustration with her eyes shut tight, cautious of any of that sauce getting into her eyes.

Heather: Ugh! What the heck, Chris?!

The mean girl lets go of the rope to rub her eyes off of any sauce. Gwen starts falling again and hits the ground. Fortunately, the fall wasn't as high up and dangerous that it didn't fatally hurt her.

Chris: Muy caliente.

Chris then sprays Duncan, but the punk rock guy came prepared. Duncan drinks the sauce with sunglasses on, preventing any of it getting on his eyes. He licks his lips and smirks.

Duncan: Is that the best you can do?

Chris: (whispers to camera crew) Is that the best we can do?

The challenge continues, D.J. is struggling to keep climbing, but Gwen manages to catch up and pass the gentle giant. Heather smirks and calls out to Gwen.

Heather: Come on, Gwen! You don't want to fall...behind!

Heather then pulls one of the ropes. The rope attached near Gwen's behind rips her skirt off, revealing her purple panties with a small skull on it. The skirt lands on D.J.'s face, blocking his eyesight. Gwen screams at what just happened. Duncan removes his sunglasses and admires the view.

Duncan: Well, you don't see that everyday.

Chris: No, you don't, my man. No, you don't.

D.J. removes Gwen's skirt off his face. His eyes widen at the sight of her panties and starts losing his grip on the rocks. He falls and lets go of the goth's ripped skirt. The skirt was in the air for a second until Gwen quickly grabs her piece of clothing. As D.J. screams on the way down, the rope on Duncan's hands flies right off of them due to the speed of the gentle giant's fall. He also gets his ankle caught on one of the ropes and drags the punk rock guy up and both unfortunate teammates crash into each other. Both guys groan.

Duncan: This bites.

D.J.: Uh, big time.

Gwen still holds onto the rock and covers herself with her ripped skirt. Knowing that she's almost to the top, she couldn't give up now, even with the current predicament she's in.

Gwen: Ah, screw it!

The goth places her skirt on her teeth and uses both of her hands to climb the rest of the way to the top.

Chris: Looks like the Gophers have won the first challenge.

Gwen finally reaches her goal. She raises her ripped skirt in the air triumphantly.

Gwen: Yeah!

Gwen quickly realizes and covers herself again.

Gwen: Crap!

Heather: Great job, Gwen!

The mean girl shouts up to Gwen and in return, the goth flips her off.


We see Y/N with his arms crossed and a pissed off look on his face.

Y/N: Yep, Heather'll get her comeuppance.

*Confessional end*

Scene cuts to the main lodge, the lights in the cafeteria are slightly dimmed and three spotlights shine down. One spotlight shines down on a podium, and the other two shine down on both Bridgette and Geoff, and Trent and Lindsay. A stunt guy does a few flips and lands behind the podium. Chris emerges up, brushes himself off, and gives a cocky smile.

Chris: And now, round 2. THE EXTREME. COOKING. CHALLENGE.

The stunt guy awkwardly crawls on the floor to avoid being seen. Albeit, poorly. Both teams watch the poor guy crawl towards the kitchen doors.

Chris: Each team must choose who cooks and who eats.

Geoff: (to Bridgette) I was head chef last time. You better cook.

Bridgette nods in agreement.

Lindsay: Ohh, Todd, I'll be the cook!

Lindsay said excitedly.


Trent: Ok. She's no Stephen Hawking, but hey, it's cooking. How bad could she screw it up?


Y/N: I think Lindsay can pull this off. She and Gwen made that flambé after all...Then again, if I remember correctly, I think Gwen did 95% of the work. Hmmm.

Y/N hums with uncertainty.

*Confessional end*

Chris: Today, you'll be preparing, Fugu Sashimi. The traditional Japanese poisonous blowfish.

Chef carts out a fish tank with two of the poisonous blowfish inside. A loud gong suddenly vibrates everything and everyone in the whole room. While the three campers are caught by surprise due to the vibrations, Lindsay just claps with excitement.

The host uses a pointer stick on a projector screen that shows the anatomy of the Japanese blowfish.

Chris: The Fugu blowfish contains enough lethal toxin to kill 30 people.

The psychopathic chef taps the glass with the small fish net, causing both fish to bloat.


He said with a sadistic grin as he tosses both fishes to both teams.

Chris: They must be sliced VERY carefully to cut the poisonous organs. The poison paralyzes the nerves and there is no no worries.

As Lindsay pokes the poisonous fish with the knife, Trent gulps nervously and places both of his hands on Lindsay's shoulders with desperation in his eyes.

Trent: You have taken biology, right?

The blonde nods.

Chris: Begin!

Trent wipes the sweat off of his forehead in relief. Lindsay pokes the blowfish again and it suddenly starts flying around the room like a deflating balloon. It keeps zooming around for a few seconds until it breaks through a glass window.

A little while passes, and both blondes finish making their foods. For Bridgette, she made sushi that looks really tasty. She wipes her forehead with her hand at her hard work.

Bridgette: Ahh. Finished.

As for Lindsay, her dish looks like the fish was fresh out of a grinder. She looks at it with a nervous look while holding a bottle of ketchup. Bridgette presents her food to Geoff. He slowly slowly brings the sushi towards his mouth as a subtle drumroll plays. Everyone leans in for anticipation as Bridgette tenses up, fearing the worst. Geoff finally places the food in his mouth and starts chewing for a bit until he swallows. His eyes dart around if anything bad has happened to him. Fortunately for Geoff, he's completely fine and enjoys the sushi. He gives the surfer two thumbs up.

Geoff: Excellence!

Bridgette's eyes beam with hope as D.J.'s pet bunny hops onto the table. It is now Lindsay's turn. She presents her dish to Trent.

Lindsay: Ta-da!

Trent looks down at the dish. The only thing added to the fish slop was a smiley face made by ketchup. Trent takes a piece of the food off with his fork, he nervously looks at it and takes a bite. Lindsay watches him chew for a bit until he swallows. Trent's eyes shrink, his right eyelid starts twitching, he starts punching himself in the face, and starts screaming. His demeanor abruptly changes to his calm collective self. He looks at Lindsay and chuckles. The blondes smiles, but her victory was dashed away when Trent's stomach starts gurgling.

Trent holds his body has he collapses to the ground. Bridgette and Geoff look on with shock as the chill dude covers Bunny's eyes. With little strength he has left, Trent weakly climbs up to the table. His skin is now pale blue as he looks up at Lindsay.

Trent: (slurred, groggy voice) I thought you said you passed biology?

Lindsay: I said I TOOK biology.

Trent collapses again and starts puking.

Lindsay: EWWW!

Trent's body twitches as the waterfall of puke pools out of his mouth.

Chris: It's cool. Give him 24 hours and he'll be up walking and breathing good as new.

Chris walks away as the three campers look down at Trent.

Geoff: Uh, is anybody gonna help this guy?!

Chef, now wearing a female nurse outfit, leans down towards the poor bastard opening his mouth. To Trent's horror, the psychopathic chef is about to perform mouth to mouth. May God have mercy on his soul.

A while later, Chef takes Trent to the infirmary and the campers wait for the third round. Speaking of the third round.

Chris: Good news, the third round involves three more challenges. It's the three blind challenges. It begins with the blind William Tell, followed by the blind trapeze, and culminating in the treacherous blind toboggan.

D.J. notices Bunny isn't with Geoff.

D.J.: So where's Bunny? I miss him.

Both Geoff and Bridgette's eyes widen. For context, the two were going out swimming, but had to leave Bunny on the dock so it won't get hurt. Unfortunately, a snake ate the poor bunny whole, which in turn the snake got grabbed by an eagle. And to add salt to the wound, a shark at the eagle, the snake and Bunny. Geoff tries to think up a lie.

Geoff: Uh, Bunny? I-I'll go get him.

Geoff and Bridgette share a nervous glance as he walks off.

The host walks up to D.J. He puts a pair of safety glasses on the gentle giant, along with an arrow placed on his head. D.J. looks up at his head confused.

Chris: Like legendary marksman William Tell, you'll be knocking arrows of your partner's head with crab apples.

Chris said as he tosses an apple in the air.

Courtney: Um, wasn't it the other way around?

Chris: Shhhh-hush! Also, the shooter will be blindfolded.

The host presents the white cloth as D.J. gasps in horror. Chris ties the blindfold on his face as he continues to explain.

Chris: The person who knocks off the arrow while causing the least amount of facial damage, wins.

Chris blindly uses a slingshot. He pulls the apple connected to the rubber and lets go. Unfortunately, the apple hits the gentle giant's cojones. D.J. grips where the apple hit him and collapses to his knees. Chris uncovers the blindfold and sees what happened.

Chris: Aw, nuts. (to campers) Leshawna and Owen, you'll be one team. Courtney and Sadie, you'll be the other.

Harold raises his hand.

Harold: I'm violently allergic to apples.

Sadie jumps ecstatically.

Sadie: Ooh! Let me shoot. I'm a good shot.

The C.I.T. sighs as she rolls her eyes.

Courtney: You better be.

Chris: Ok, let's rock and roll.

Both Courtney and Owen stand out in the field. Both wearing safety glasses and arrows sitting on their heads. As for Leshawna and Sadie, they're both wearing blindfolds and they each have their own slingshots. They also have their own baskets of apples for ammo. Both blindfolded girls take aim and fire. Owen and Courtney get bombarded with apple after apple. Owen seems to taking the hits pretty well due to his big boned body, while Courtney isn't holding her own very well. Leshawna lands a couple of hits on the big guy's head, causing him feel dizzy. With determined focus, Leshawna pulls the rubber back and lets the apple fly right into the arrow on Owen head. She removes her blindfold to see.

Leshawna: Ooh, did I get a bullseye?

Sadie: I got her this time!

Chris: Leshawna won already!

Sadie ignores the host and fires again.

Courtney; Hey, moron it's ov- ooh!

The apple hits the C.I.T. in the face. The "twin" starts firing all over the place, causing everyone to duck. Chris runs up to Sadie and places both of his hands on her shoulders.

Chris: Sadie, it's over man! Let it go!

Sadie: Oopsie...sorry.

Courtney: (dazed) You're going down.

The C.I.T. faints.

Courtney is taken to the infirmary while the campers stand near a trapeze set.

Chris: And now, the Blind Trapeze. To avoid serious injury, the trapeze has been set up over this pond...which is full of jellyfish.

Both teams gasp as they all see an overwhelming amount of the stinging fish in the pond. Chris tosses both blindfolds to Bridgette and Heather.

Chris: You two will stand blindfolded on the platform until your partners tell you when to jump.

Heather: And then?

Chris: Then hopefully they'll catch you...or that's gonna be one heck of a painful swim. Ha-ha. Ok, hut, hut!

The second blind challenge is now in preparation. Y/N and Heather play for the Gophers while Bridgette and Harold play for the Gophers. As both teams wait for the challenge to begin, D.J. notices that Bunny still isn't with Geoff.

D.J.: So, yo, where's Bunny at?

Geoff: Huh? I-I-I forgot. I put him- uh...There was a...

D.J's eyes start to water. Fearing for what happened to his fluffy companion.

Geoff: He's not with us anymore... He, uh, hopped away? Uh, but I'm sure he'll be back. Sorry, dude.

The gentle giant places his hand on Geoff shoulder.

D.J.: Nah, it's not your fault, man.

D.J. walks a distance away from the group with his head down.

D.J.: My little bunny. We were such good friends.

The poor guy shouts up to the sky.


Geoff looks down. Feeling horrible for lying to his friend. Duncan sees the whole commotion and walks away from the group.

The Bass start their turn. Harold's legs hold onto the swinging trapeze, getting himself a good rhythm to the swing.

Harold: Ok, Bridgette.

Bridgette, now wearing the blindfold, nods nervously.

Harold: Jump now!

The surfer girls was about to jump, but fear overwhelms her as she steps back and holds on to one of the beams. The nerd groans.

Harold: If we're going to win, you've got to trust me.

Bridgette: Ok, sorry. Next time.

Harold: Ok. 1, 2, 3.

Harold swings up near her.

Harold: Jump!

The surfer girl leaps off and successfully grabs Harold's arms. The two swing over the jellyfish infested pond and the Bass cheer.

Geoff: All right! You did it!

Chris: Ok, Gophers, your turn.

It's now Y/N's turn on the trapeze. The actor gets his swinging ready while the blindfolded Heather keeps her hand on the beam next to her.

Y/N: You ready, Heather?

The mean girl nods.

Y/N: Alright, 1, 2, 3.

The actor swings away from Heather.

Y/N: Jump!

Heather jumps but completely misses and falls into the jellyfish pit. Electricity sparks all over the pond as Heather screams in complete and utter pain. Now dangling, Y/N looks down with regret.

Y/N: Sorry, Heather! My head wasn't in the game today.

The campers have shocked looks as Heather keeps getting electrocuted. Even Chris is shocked, despite enjoying the suffering of the contestants.

Chris: Ooh, that's one point for the Killer Bass.

Gwen looks up at Y/N and she notices the actor giving her a subtle wink.


Gwen: You know, despite on how I believe that celebrities are all a bunch of self righteous jerks, Y/N L/N just might be one of the good ones.


Y/N: Hey, I swear. It was a complete accident. I had no intention of trying to get back at Heather for messing with Gwen...again.

The actor stays silent for a second before he gives a sly smirk.

*Confessional end*

At the infirmary, we see Heather walking in with a jellyfish stuck to her head.

Heather: "My head wasn't in the game," my ass. He did it on purpose. And for what? I don't know.

The jellyfish electrocutes the mean girl.

Heather: OW! Frickin' stinging jellyfish.

She gets electrocuted again and sits on one of the medical beds. Courtney jolts up from the beds she was laying on and her hair is slightly messed up.

Courtney: What? Where am I?

Heather: You're in the infirmary. (to Chef)
Got anything for removing jellyfish?

Chef nods to the mean girl as he's trying to feed soup to the comatose Trent. The jellyfish shocks her again as she gives a thumbs up. Heather lays down to at least try to get some rest.

Courtney notices Duncan outside the infirmary as he walks backwards with a carrot in his hand like he's trying to have something follow him. She also notices a bunny, who looks similarly to D.J.'s pet rabbit, following the punk rock guy, due to the carrot.

Courtney: What's Duncan doing with a rabbit?

Meanwhile, with the campers.

Chris: And now, the final leg. The Blind Toboggan Race.

Leshawna: The say, what?

Chris: Each team will have a driver and a navigator. The driver steers while the navigator shouts directions. Oh, yeah, and the driver will be blindfolded.

Everyone except D.J.: (gasps.)

Chris: Not many of you left, huh? Keep losing you guys. Oh, well, uhhh, Gwen and Leshawna, Geoff and D.J.

Both teams head up to the cliff side near where the campers did their first ever challenge while the Gophers and Bass stay down on level ground near the finish line. The unfortunate contestants reach the top and see a lot of trees and rocks that they have to avoid. Geoff tries to help D.J. get his head in the game, but the gentle giant is still feeling down, believing that his fluffy companion abandoned him. Geoff glances at Chef coating the bottom of the sleds in lube.

Chef: Just lubing them up. Get a little more SPEED going.

That's not gonna be taken out of context at all.

Both teams are ready. D.J. and Leshawna sit on the front of their sleds blindfolded while Geoff and Gwen sit behind their partners. Chris blows his air horn and both him and Chef push both contestants down the hill. As both teams race down the hill, Leshawna and Gwen fly off a rock, giving the girls serious air time. Unfortunately for them, they land on a river, which also leads them towards a waterfall. The two go down the waterfall and just when they thought they were goners, they land on a large branch and it catapults them back to the race.

As the race continues, Y/N's eyes catch Duncan holding a small bunny rabbit. The actor was just a bout to ask until the punk rock guy gives him a throat-slitting gesture. Y/N sticks his hands up, signaling that he won't say a word.

Meanwhile with D.J. and Geoff, they're not doing so good due to D.J.'s mind still in complete sorrow.

Geoff: D.J., we really need you to steer, dude! Bunny would want you to live!

Duncan: Hey, D.J., look who I found!

He yelled as he shows the bunny over his head, making sure they get a better view.

Geoff: D.J., Duncan found Bunny!

D.J.: Don't tease me, man!

The gentle giant lifts up his blindfold and sees the small bunny on Duncan's hands. D.J.'s eyes are now filled with hope.

D.J.: Bunny, you came back! Aight, let's do this!

Now determined, D.J. puts his blindfold back on, awaiting Geoff's orders. The chill dude tells him which way to steer and D.J. would follow through. Then, Leshawna and Gwen passes them, giving the Gophers a better chance of winning. Suddenly, explosives bang all around both teams. It's revealed that Chris is the one setting them off.

Chris: We had a few explosives left over and I just hate to waste.

The host keeps setting them off as both teams struggle with the overwhelming explosives around them. One dynamite explodes near D.J. and Geoff, and it sent them flying into the air. Gwen looks back and doesn't see the opposing team behind her. The Bass' hopes are shattered while Owen, Lindsay, and Y/N cheer for the two girls. Their cheering abruptly stops as they see D.J. and Geoff land right on the finish line. The three Gophers' jaws hang open in complete and utter shock as Leshawna and Gwen arrive with their sleds coming to a stop. The Bass cheer in victory.

D.J. takes off his blindfold and takes the small bunny off of Duncan's hands. He spins around with the bunny with pure happiness and nuzzles the small fluffy creature with his face with tears in his eyes.

D.J.: Thanks, Duncan. You're the best.

Duncan: Whatever, man. It's just a stupid rabbit.

Courtney walks up to the punk rock guy with a genuine smile on her usually annoyed face.

Courtney: I can't believe you found a new bunny for D.J. You're a good guy.

Duncan: What? No, I'm not.

Courtney: You are. You're actually nice.

Duncan: I don't know what you're talking about.

Courtney: I saw you do it, Duncan.

Duncan: Whatever! He wouldn't leave me alone. Weird rabbit.

Duncan glances around for a bit and lowers his voice to Courtney.

Duncan: Okay, fine, I did it. Are you happy now? Listen, don't tell anybody, okay? I don't want 'em to think I'm soft or anything.

Courtney: Your secret's safe with me.

The C.I.T. gives a soft smile to Duncan as she walks away. He notices the camera filming him.


Duncan: I'm not nice, ok? Just to set the record straight.

*Confessional end*

Heather, with her face being covered with a couple of bandaids, and Trent, somewhat still recovering but still mumbling incoherently, joins back with the group as Chris gives the verdict.

Chris: And the Bass are the winners of the toboggan race!

The Killer Bass cheer but got cut off by the host.

Chris: Unfortunately, I said that these were blind challenges. By taking off the blindfold for a moment you broke the number 1 rule.

D.J.'s eyes shrink with realization.

Chris: Which makes the Gophers today's big winner.

The Screaming Gophers cheer as Leshawna and Gwen exchange a high five. Y/N cheers along with his team, but Heather grabs the collar of his shirt and brings his face to her pissed off face.

Heather: YOU are so lucky. If that big softie had never took his blindfold off, your ass would've gotten voted off for jeopardizing this team.

Y/N: I'm afraid I don't know what you're talking about. Now if you'll excuse me, my knees are killing me for doing that trapeze thing.

Heather removes her hand off of the actor's shirt and he walks away. Lindsay catches up to him and locks her arm with his as she rests her head on his shoulder. As the two walk away, the actor looks over his shoulder and gives Heather an evil smirk, causing the mean girl to grit her teeth with rage.


We see Heather punching and kicking all over the inside of the outhouse in complete rage. She lets out a primal scream as she kicks the camera with full force, cutting off the feed.

*Confessional end*

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