𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗲𝗻𝗱𝗹𝗲𝘀𝘀...


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── INSO'S LAW in which baek solbi gets dragged along by the heavenly kings' sunshine. fem!oc x woo ju-in More

intro: baek solbi


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𝗮 𝘀𝗼𝗺𝗲𝘄𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗽𝘀𝘆𝗰𝗵𝗼𝘁𝗶𝗰
𝗴𝗮𝗺𝗲 𝗼𝗳 𝗵𝗶𝗱𝗲 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝘀𝗲𝗲𝗸

FALLING back into the rhythm of solbi's normal life was easy. although her first week was a bit of a mess, and possibly the scariest thing in her thirteen years of living, it was really easy to blend back into her simple life. wake up, eat, pet cats, go to school, eat, go home, play with cats, eat, and sleep. yeah, it was extremely lonely and it didn't help that her desk mate hated her, but it was manageable.

truthfully solbi had always struggled making friends. it was one of the reasons why her parents were so against her living alone. although she gives off 'don't approach me' energy, she is extremely desperate for people to talk to her. but solbi would never talk first because that's scary. even after all of solbi's efforts to go back to her normal life, someone keeps making it difficult.

woo ju-in just will not give up. every single day since solbi decided to distance from that friend group, ju-in would approach her. at first it was just at the end of the day, to ask to hang out at her house. but slowly he began approaching her in between classes and during lunch.

solbi always came up with excuses but after a slip up yesterday, with solbi saying 'sorry need to water my fish', she knew that today he was not going to take no for an answer. but today, baek solbi was prepared.

as teacher kim was droning on and on about some math thing solbi will never understand (if only solbi used all her energy to learn math instead of calculating how to escape woo ju-in), solbi was staring at the clock. she had to time her escape perfectly. the moment class is dismissed she'll run and ride in the girl's bathroom, wait half an hour, and then go home.

from across the room ju-in was anticipating solbi's next move. he was having fun chasing her around the last couple of days. but today he knew would be the climax of what he likes to call a friendly game of hide and seek. it was easy for ju-in to tell what solbi was going to do. the hard part was choosing what he'll do in retaliation. ju-in smiled waiting to deploy his plan.

between someone with an extremely high iq and someone who isn't paying attention in math despite being on the verge of failing math, it was fairly obvious who would win.

solbi's plan failed immediately. there was no question about it. ju-in already anticipated that she would run out the room like she always does, so he employed his friends to help out.

first step, ban yeoryeong and ham dan-i. their job was to block the front door. all they had to do was race up there before solbi even realizes what's going on. a crowd would naturally form around yeoryeong and solbi would be unable to escape through there.

so instead the only other option would be for solbi to escape through the back door. by then, the four heavenly kings would already be out in the hallways in the places ju-in told them to be at.

as solbi followed her original plan (not even knowing that she's already fallen for ju-in's plan) and dashed towards the bathroom. but standing across the bathroom was yoo chunyoung and kwon eunhyung. once again using their supernatural perfect face powers to draw in a crowd. solbi couldn't squeeze past anyone to get into the bathroom.

so she turned around and sprinted to the only other place she could think of. the moment she turned around eunhyung and chunyoung exchanged glances. exactly as planned.

solbi was headed towards an empty storage room. there's no possible way anyone would be there waiting for her. absolutely no way.

she flung the door open as far as she could and almost screamed when she saw who was sitting there all alone in the dark.

eun freaking jiho. silently lurking in the room like a ghost waiting to attack the first thing it sees. all he did was look at her with a bored expression and said, "ju-in's waiting in the classroom."

"okay thanks." like hell she's going to the classroom. she slammed the door shut and jogged away. destination: library.

solbi found a quiet and secluded part of the library to crouch down and catch her breath. she never ran like that before, even in gym (she was a perpetual walker). she was huffing and puffing like she was going to blow some idiot pig's house down.

as she was reconsidering her life choices, a shadow appeared above her. looking up, she saw the most angelic smile ever.

"hi solbi. fancy meeting you here." woo ju-in said with a victorious glint in his eyes.

he played her like a dang guitar.

solbi was completely resigned to the fact that she lost. "hey ju-in."

she held out her hand for him to pull her up. after all the effort she put into getting away from him, he still found her. there was no point in trying to defy such a smart guy.

ju-in eagerly pulled solbi up. "nice playing with you, we should do it again sometime!"

playing? solbi was far from playing. she was trying to save her own life. but whatever floats his boat.

the entire group reunited outside the school gates. by now mostly everyone had gone home or were in clubs, so it was fairly empty. solbi walked side by side with ju-in with her head down. it was nice hearing him talk about all the random things he did the past couple of days, but she was so embarrassed of getting caught so easily.

the group (solbi had no clue how she become part of the group) decided to go to dan-i's home for the first time. solbi wasn't so keen on going, given what she overheard a couple days ago. but there was no way ju-in would let her ditch him again.

in fact, ju-in already sensed that solbi was going to bail and grabbed the edge of her sleeve. "solbi and i are going! right?"

the first part was directed at the group, the later at solbi. she let out an awkward smile, "yup!"

they all broke off into small groups, so that they're not blocking off the entire street. yeoryeong and dan-i were leading, then chunyoung and eunhyung, and in the back was solbi sandwiched between ju-in and jiho.

"you know ju-in hasn't stopped talking about wanting to see your cats ever since you mentioned it." jiho remarked.

solbi eyes sparkled at the mention of her precious cats. "my cats are kind of evil. they look so so sweet, but the other day they tore apart my favorite dress because i fed them... a little late..." she trailed off.

after that game of hide and seek solbi forgot to realize that she was going to go home very late. her eyes widened when she realized that she would be coming home to some form of destruction today.

ju-in and jiho seemed to realize the exact same thing. both of the boys had turned their heads to the side to laugh at the situation.

in between giggles ju-in said, "i wonder what they'll tear apart today!"

"better not be my new shoes..." she replied dejectedly.

yeoryeong and dan-i stopped. the gorgeous girl with purple hair turned around. "we're here!"

solbi looked up and gasped.

"you live here? i live here too!"

that caught everyone's attention. yeoryeong took solbi's hands in her own. "that's such a cool coincidence!"

"we've never seen you before. i guess we live on different floors!" dan-i said genuinely surprised.

they did not live on different floors. the group all stood in front of three doors as the three girls were freaking out about how they're all neighbors.

"dan-i you're auntie ham's daughter?!" solbi exclaimed.

"yeah! and you're the one my moms been giving all the extra food too!"

"now we can hang out all the time!!" yeoryeong shouted.

the four heavenly kings just stood to the side waiting for someone, anyone really, to open a door so they wouldn't be shouting in a hallway anymore.

solbi had an amazing time. after quickly feeding miro and dal, who only slightly mangled the curtains, she ran over next door to dan-i's house. the ham parents greeted her kindly and were ecstatic that she got along with dan-i.

she gossiped with yeoryeong and dan-i, played games with jiho and chunyoung, got homework help from eunhyung (who was once again surprised at how little the pinkette knew), and had a blast doing everything with ju-in.

in the back of her mind, the things dan-i said still remained. but after spending a couple of hours with her, solbi knew that she must've misunderstood something. she apologized to the universe for ever doubting the angel dan-i.

when everyone started to leave, yeoryeong suggested a girls sleepover.

"let's do it at my place since i live alone." solbi requested.

yeoryeong gasped. "oh my god that's perfect!"

when yeoryeong smiled, solbi could've sworn she was lights and sparkles around her despite it being dark outside.

"let's send the guys off." dan-i said, getting up and dusting off her clothes.

at dan-i's door everyone was sharing final farewells and promises of seeing each other tomorrow.

solbi gathered the last remaining strength she had to approach ju-in. "thank you."

ju-in looked at her slightly surprised.

"thanks for bringing me here. i had fun." she turned her head to hide her blushing ears, but he noticed anyways.

ju-in erupted into a large smile and pulled the unsuspecting girl into a hug. "i knew you'd fit in well with us. but don't go ditching me just because you got close to yeoryeong and dan-i now, okay?"

solbi's arms were flailing around, unsure of where to put them. the girl was not used to physical affection from people. she finally decided on awkwardly patting ju-in on the back.

"i promise."

unedited. 1700+.

i am so back 🙌

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