Odyssey of the Stars (Star Ra...

By lightcero

8.3K 168 297

To say that (M/N) was having the time of his life would be an understatement. "I've always wanted excitement... More

Opening Song
A Hacker, A Femme Fatale, And A Stellaron

Beginning Of A New Journey Part 1

2.1K 46 120
By lightcero

Here's a new chapter.

Sorry for the wait, but I've been trying to update my GI reaction book for some time now. It's been a long road and I'm only done with like half of the chap.

Forgot how I have a bad habit of making each chapter almost longer than the previous chapter. Then again, I did not think at the time that I would make a reaction book. Just wanted people to have something to enjoy reading without it being too short.

And of course work, with Christmas around the corner, I'm finally getting more hours and more days. Of course that does cut into the time I have for Wattpad.

Also, I have now come to the conclusion that this story contains the most crack of any of my other stories (including the reaction books) in terms of humor.

Also, a little bit of lime at the beginning. At least, I think it's lime. Or sexually suggestive, one of the two.

Oh, and Kafka and Blade both being bad influences.

Don't own the pics.


'I hate my life.'

Was the thought running through (M/N)'s head.

He always knew that karma was going to get him somehow, some way for leaving without even leaving a letter explaining that he was going on a journey and that he wasn't dead or that it was because of anything they did. Though he was surprised that Mei didn't tear open a hole in space and dragged him back home to eat all the missed meals he didn't have.

Mei was yandere scary when one of them skipped one of her meals.

(Poor Kiana. The one time she skipped a meal, all hell broke loose)

If only he knew what the hell happened after he left (i.e. canon events of the game), if he did...he would pray that she never found him. Kiana was going to be a nightmare to deal with once he got back (she was going to kill him!), but he did not know just how badly he needed to avoid Mei.

She was going to stuff him up of all the meals he missed until he explodes! OP powers, regardless.

Yeah, Karma is really going to get him good.

But come on, did it really have to come in the form of a clingy smoking hot female!?

"Can you loosen your grip, already!?"

(M/N) asked Stelle who merely tightened her hold on him in response. The buxom female purring (the fuck?) as she snuggled up close to him.


Stelle simply said as she rubbed herself against him.

...Was it (M/N) imagination or was he seriously seeing raccoon ears and tail on her all of the sudden?

...Nah, considering that she had a Stellaron shoved inside her she'd be more of a nuke.

'I wonder if she orgasms, will she literally explode like a nuclear bomb?'

(M/N) thought to himself before shaking his head. There were more important matters at the moment than figuring whether or not she would literally explode like a nuke.

Like the fact that they have been in this position...FOR THIRTY MINUTES!

'Where the hell are Dan Heng, March, and Arlecchino?!' (M/N) thought to himself. 'By now, they should have been here!'

It didn't take that long for the Astral Express crew to get from one place to another on the space station. They didn't skip leg day like the majority of the staff members here.

So, where the hell are they!?


"Really March?"

Dan Heng sighed as March took a victory shot of the beaten-up monsters of the Legion.

"What?" March looked at him. "We should commemorate this day; we kicked some serious Legion butts!"

"But you didn't take pictures of the Doomsday Beast."

Arlecchino pointed out.

"...Girl. You literally sent that thing flying."

March deadpanned.

"How the hell was I going to get a good shoot of it?"


Arlecchino conceded.

"We should try to find (M/N) and Arlan as well." Dan Heng spoke up. "Need to make sure he hasn't traumatized anybody else yet."

"Oh, come on. You're exaggerating!"

March scoffed.

"...He overthrew a freaking government and mentally tortured them with some of the worst things to ever exist." Dan Heng deadpanned. "Granted they deserved it, but he was VERY creative with his mind games."

"They can't even look at their shadows without jumping."

"Why didn't he just kill them?"

March asked, before quickly adding.

"I-I mean! Not that it's a good thing that he didn't, since killing random people that aren't our enemies is kind of a big no-no with the IPC. But they kind of...deserve it?"

The end of her question was hesitant due to the fact that they are not murderers, just trailblazers.

"Elementary, my dear March 7th."

(I almost put "Elementary, my dear March the 7th. As if she's the seventh girl of her bloodline to be called March 🤣🤣!!)

Arlecchino smiled.

"Killing them would be much too easy and giving them a quick death. Letting them live with the mental trauma he inflicted upon them would be hell on earth. In death, they would be free. But having to live with it every day of their lives would be torture as they will never recover from that nightmare."

"...Yeah, that'll do it."

March nodded.

"Let's find him!"

-Back to our dear protagonist-


(M/N) let out a totally manly scream as Stelle began to make some provocative moves on him. Namely, her hand suddenly started groping his clothed groin.

"Gah!" (M/N) shouted as he could feel Stelle hand playing with his manhood. "Woman, what the fuck is wrong with you!? Haven't you ever heard of the word 'consent'!?"


Was all Stelle said, as (M/N) member was unfortunately (or fortunately for you hornies) beginning to harden as Stelle played with him.


(M/N) face was very red as steam poured out of his ears.

"I see why mom said you would have many lovers." Stelle blushed as she rubbed her knee against him. Feeling his hardened shaft growing. "That's not something only one woman could satisfy."

"You crazy...wait..."

(M/N) eyes widened.

"MOM!?" He screamed. "That crazy chick is your MOM!??!"

"Don't know." Stelle mumbled. "Can't remember much...just know that she was there. Her and some others...memories hazy..."

"...And yet you know how to do this?"

(M/N) had a tone full of incredulously.

"Momma and papa teach me this."

"Who the fuck are your parents for real!?" (M/N) shouted, cause no way he believed Kafka to be Stelle real mom. "And what the hell did they teach you!?"


Stelle onto memory lane as she cuddled with her husband...


"All right, Stelle!"

We see Kafka smiling at a confused Stelle who was unsure why Kafka suddenly called her to train. And then had her seat on the couch, while she, Silver Wolf, and Blade were all here.

Silver Wolf was busy playing a game though, so Stelle wasn't sure why she was even there to begin with.

"It's time we taught an important lesson of training."

Kafka smiled, while Stelle was still just confused.

"As you know, you have surprisingly grown more than what we expected." Kafka said, pointing out to the young woman physique. Causing the girl to blush at that. "So, we have decided that you must learn an important training that you can only do with a partner."

Stelle blinked.

"But you already told me about the galactic birds and the bees."

She pointed out.

"But we haven't given you a live presentation of how to love a partner quite thoroughly."

Kafka smiled.

"Which is why you are going to get one now."

"Oh, Bladie!"


Daddy Blade just looked at Mommy Kafka.

"It's time!"

Kafka smiled as she slowly unbuttons her blouse in a rather provocative position.

What happened afterwards was a display of power and vigor as Stelle just watched with a confused expression and Silver Wolf just continued playing, popping her bubblegum several times.

-End flashback and I have such a weird mind at times-


(M/N) just stared at Stelle who just told him in vivid detail about her lesson on learning the pleasures of sex.

"...Why the fuck were you even with the Stellaron Hunters in the first place!?"

(M/N) was at a loss! Kafka and Blade; two notorious members of the Stellaron Hunters...parents?! They could act like a parent unit!?

'What the fuck!?'

(M/N) looked like he was about to have an aneurysm.



(M/N) was brought out of his stupor as Stelle placed a kiss on his cheek in a rather adorable fashion.

...Well, it would have been adorable if Stelle wasn't pressing her boobs against him in a naughty manner. Or if she wasn't fondling him down there with one hand, the other caressing his body.

Stelle giggled cutely (HOW!?) as she felt his muscles.

"Guess down there isn't the only thing that's big."

She (somehow) cutely said as she rubbed her hand against him his muscular physique.

"How the hell is this the only thing you can remember from your apparent amnesia!?"

(M/N) asked/shouted. Remembering the conversation between Kafka and Silver Wolf.

Stelle just shrugged as she kissed him.



(M/N) eyes widened as Stelle pressed her lips against his. Ignoring how soft and nice they felt, he was in complete shock at the girl's boldness.

'Not even Kiana and Arlecchino were this bold when kissing me!'

Kiana was something of a tsundere when it came to kisses, Arlecchino tended to have cute reactions to being kissed. Which led (M/N) to the conclusion that she isn't kissed that often and tends to get flustered about it.

But Stelle? She was a bold one.

...But now that he knew who exactly 'raised' her. And to make matters worse, even with this suggestive position they were in. Stelle still exuded an aura of innocence. How that was possible with what they taught her, (M/N) didn't want to know.

All he knew was that it was making her even more attractive and harder for him to get her to get off. Especially with how his body was acting up from her touch.

'Calm down, (M/N)!' He thought to himself. 'You can do it! You can fight it! You've seen a woman body before; you can take control of the situation here!'

Too bad for him, the harder he resists, the more irresistible he becomes to certain females. Why do you think Arlecchino is still following him?

'Come on, (M/N) RESIST!' He mentally screamed as Stelle continued kissing him. 'RESIST!!'

...He failed.

Letting out a groan, Stelle began a tongue battle which (M/N) unthinkingly did. The two getting into a little tongue war as (M/N) hands soon got grip on her hips as she pushed up closer to him.

'Fuuuuck!' (M/N) thought to himself. 'It's too early to be doing this! Resist!'

(LOL...NOPE! Suffer 😈)

But alas, he was slowly but surely melting into the kiss. But before it could go any further...an image popped into his ind.

Raiden Mei standing at by a door with a yandere like smile to her face.

"That's it, (M/N)." She smiled sinisterly. "You should enjoy this opportunity because when I get my hands on you."

"You won't live to see tomorrow as I will punish you with both mine and Kiana cooking."

The imaginary Mei giggled as she disappeared.

The fear of this illusion was enough to grant him the strength to get Stelle off him!


He gasped, panting as he realized what he was doing.

"We barely know each other!"

Stelle pouted.

"Stop being cute!"

(M/N) shouted, red face with embarrassment.





(M/N) voice took a louder tone as Stelle began rubbing her chest against his clothed shaft.


(M/N) unintentionally screamed 'wry' instead of 'why'.


(M/N) screamed as he was now in a new precarious position at the moment. Namely being, that if he did not do something, he was going to bed a random girl that was now his wife!!

Somewhere, Kafka felt amusement.

"We can change that."

Stelle said.


"We can get to know each other closely."

Stelle voice took on a sudden...seductive tone.

...Curse you, Kafka.

"I'm also quite curious on this power switch position."


"You-Surely you don't mean..."

"Mom and Dad like to switch top and bottom time to time." Stelle confirmed his worst fears. "I'm curious to know what that's like."

"...They fucking left that memory as the only one intact on purpose didn't, they?"

(M/N) muttered darkly to himself.

That was the only explanation why she's trying to mate with him.

"...And how the hell can you still make it sound so innocent!?"

Stelle blinked at him as she continued seducing him.

(M/N) could feel his willpower seeping away from him, slowly but surely.



"There you are!"

Help was always on the way.

"We've been look...ing...for...you...?"

March slowly trailed off as she stared at the sight before them. (M/N) and an unknown girl on the ground, with said girl...seducing(?) him with her unfairly large chest.

'No fair!' March thought to herself. 'Why is my chest smaller than hers!?'

"Oh?" Arlecchino raised an eyebrow, amused at the situation. "Are we perhaps...interrupting something?"

What an amusing sight to behold.


(M/N) shouted out as he jumped up, before helping Stelle get up.

"It's-It's not what you think!!"

"Mehtinks the boy doth protest too much."

Arlecchino snickered, enjoying the look of embarrassment on the male's face. Payback for making her feel so flustered and shy!

Oh, revenge was sweet...especially since she had quickly taken some pictures when they got in.

"Listen to me!"


Dan Heng shook his head as he crossed his arms.

"It's quite clear what happened here."

"I thought we were bros!"

(M/N) yelled at him in betrayal.

"And that's what bros do." Dan Heng smirked. "Having fun at our bros expense."



(M/N) cried as Stelle hugged him.

"...How many girls are you planning on seducing?"

March deadpanned.

"I'm not seducing anyone!"

"That girl says otherwise."

She pointed to Stelle hugging him.

"...I can explain!"

"No, you can't."

Arlecchino laughed.

"This is too good to let you explain."

"Why you!!"

"Who are you, anyways?"

Dan Heng decided to just get this show on the road, otherwise they would be stuck there for all eternity.

"My name...?"

Stelle groaned a bit.



Dan Heng frowned.

He didn't recognize that as the name of anyone who worked here.

'Unless she's new.'

He thought to himself.

'...If that's the case, then why was she trying to bang (M/N)?'


'A yandere!?' He thought to himself. 'Or a horndere?'

...Eh. Unless it involved him in some way, not his problem.

(M/N) felt betrayed once more.

"I'm Dan Heng." He introduced himself. "This is March 7th."

He pointed to March.

"And she is Arlecchino."

He pointed to the Knave.

"...You're named after a month?"

Stelle blinked, confused.

"...It's a little bit more complicated than that."

March admitted.

"What are you doing here, child?"

Arlecchino asked the girl.

"Are you not aware of the Antimatter Legion running amok on the space station? Everyone has been herded off to either a safe zone or to the Master Control Zone."

"Antimatter Legion?" Stelle blinked. "Master Control Zone?"

"Uh, yeah!" March shouted. "Come one, girl! How can you forget such important things!? You're lucky Asta had us here to help!"


Stelle was just confused.

"Uh, yeah?" March looked at her in bewilderment. "Petite cutie with pink hair? Acting Lead Researcher of the Space Station by Madam Herta?"


The look of confusion on Stelle face said it all.

"Man, that girl really needs to step up." March shook her head. "I can't believe her own employee doesn't even know her name."

"She ain't an employee here, genius."

(M/N) interrupted her.


March said in shock.

"Does she look like anyone who works here?"

(M/N) asked.

"Well...now that you mention it, no." March admitted. "In fact, she doesn't even look familiar."

"But then why is she even here!?"

She asked in a louder voice.

"...Hell if I know."

(M/N) decided to just go with that.

"Just found her here, with amnesia to boot."

"...You're telling me that you found a random girl suffering from amnesia in probably one of the most secured space stations in the whole universe." March started. "And one who apparently wants to get into your pants for no reason at all."

She finished with a deadpan tone in her voice.

'Well, I have no idea how well you guys would react if I told you that Kafka and Silver Wolf were here.' (M/N) thought to himself. 'Or how you would react if you knew what Kafka told Stelle what I (apparently) am to her.'

They would most likely hand her over to the Interastral Peace Corporation (IPC) for interrogation if they learned she had some connection with the Stellaron Hunters. They would try to use her as a means to lure them out, or at least Kafka and Silver Wolf. He wasn't all too sure about her relationship with the other members.

And there was no guarantee that it would work anyways. Hell! For all he knew, they could have just left her there with no intent on seeing her again.

"That's about right."







" ̄へ ̄"




Dan Heng shook his head at the strangeness of the situation.

"Now that we located (M/N) and ascertain his safety, we should split up for now."

"WHAT!?" March shouted out in surprise. "But why do we need to split up now?!"

"Arlan from the Security Department hasn't been heard from in a while." Dan Heng explained. "His last known location is in the vicinity around here. I'm going to go find him first and catch up with you guys later."


"Oh, alright!" March sighed in defeat. "Don't need him dying on us. He's one of the few people that aren't a stick in the mud here."

"Stay safe."

Dan Heng nodded to them.

"Especially you."

He added as he gave March a pointed look.

"What's that supposed to mean!?"

March shouted as Dan Heng left.

"Hey!" She shouted. "Ohhh, that guy!"

"We should head to the Astral Express."

(M/N) interrupted her.

"We can have Himeko and Welt help us what to do next with Stelle."

He said.

"Astral Express?" Stelle blinked at the new words. "Himeko? Welt?"

"Yeah!" March nodded. "We aren't with the space station; we actually just came here to drop off a package to Herta when the shebang happened. We're called Trailblazers by many, or also referred to as Nameless due to being considered as part of them, because we follow the Path of The Trailblazers."

"Himeko is our Navigator and also the one to repair the Astral Express!" March explained. "I guess that means that technically the Astral Express belongs to her."

"Mr. Welt Yang is a fellow Trailblazer and a battle experienced man."

"We follow the path of the Aeon known as Akivili." Arlecchino took over. "Akivili, the Aeon of the Trailblaze. It was thanks to this Aeon that many passageways were opened. Thanks to the creation of the Star Rail Network that is still used today."

"Sadly though." (M/N) sighed. "Akivili disappeared thousands of years ago and no one knows why. Just vanished one day without a trace. Some believed Akivili to have perished in battle, and some believe Akivili might still be alive but either hiding or in a deep state of hibernation. But who knows?"

"So far no one has found a conclusive answer to this great mystery."


"We should get going." (M/N) groaned as he stretched his arms, working out any stiff joints in his body. "We might be strong but it still isn't safe here."

"Yeah." March nodded. "We could still possibly run the risk of dealing with a Lord Ravager (Emanator of Destruction) if we're not careful!"

"What are the Antimatter Legion?"

Stelle asked.

"Goons owned the Nanook, Aeon of Destruction."

(M/N) answered.

"The Antimatter Legion, or Legion for short, seeks to destroy all life and civilization in the universe." He simplified the explanation. "It is unsure why they seek such a goal. Perhaps it is in their nature. Perhaps they seek something that can only be found in the destruction of worlds."

"You and I both follow the Path of Destruction."

He stated to Stelle.

(Which was ironic when one considers his secret power)

"Though, your power has yet to fully awaken."

He added.

"I see."

Stelle looked at her hand.


"Q&A is over for now." Arlecchino spoke up. "We need to go now."


(M/N) nodded.

"But first, we need a weapon for Stelle."

"Found one."

Stelle suddenly said as she picked up a...metal baseball bat?

"...Where the hell did that come from?"

(M/N) just stared at the conveniently placed item.

"Was that there before?"

March blinked.

"Interesting choice of a weapon."

Arlecchino mused, not having any problems about Stelle choice of weapons.

What? Back home people had some weird weapons. She switches between a sword and polearm depending on her mood.

(From what I could find, old leaks said she would use a sword. Some of the more recent leaks say she will use a polearm but who knows. So, for now she can use both.)

(Though honestly, I am hoping she's not a Polearm user because I suck at using those characters. Can never deal high enough damage from them)

And here in the freaking universe everybody seems to have a thing for unique weapons!

She couldn't really complain if it got the job done.


Another noise shook the space station.

"Let's go."

(M/N) nodded his head as he started walking with Stelle in tow.

"Oh!" March suddenly said. "By the way, (M/N)!"


(M/N) turned to her.

"Just letting you know...I got some spicy pics of you and Stelle being naughty!"


(M/N) choked on his saliva at that unexpected announcement.

"You wha-!?"


March interrupted him as she showed him the pictures on her camera revealing that YES, she did take pictures when they arrived.

How she did that in such a short amount of time, no one knows. Not even Arlecchino and Dan Heng saw her whip out that camera and started snapping away.

"And noooow..." March smirked. "I'm going to send it out to our dear friends!"

"Don't you dare!!"

(M/N) screamed as he lunged at her.

Laughing, March started running.

"Gotta catch me first!"

"Why you!!"

(M/N) yelled as he chased after her.

Arlecchino simply chuckled under her breath as she placed a hand on a confused Stelle shoulder.

"Come on, kid." She said. "We got work to do and a couple of idiots to keep in line."

Stelle just nodded as they chased after an irate (M/N) and a laughing March.

(What (M/N) saw in his mind when Stelle was seducing him)

(...Yeah, angry Mei = dead (M/N)/OC/Captain)


Not really all that satisfied with how I ended this, but I wanted to put this out before I went to work. Hope you guys liked it.

And now...


We now know that (M/N)/WE follow the Path of Destruction.

But what do Paths do you want:




To be on?

Let me know.

Have a good day/night!

Continue Reading

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