By Weird_karma

17.1K 745 176

Shin y/n, one of the losers at her school. But she suddenly gets 9 popular soulmates? ( No disrespect to the... More

Episode 1: nine girls
Episode 2: meeting the others
Episode 3: Don't fight
Episode 4: why me
Episode 5: Tug of war
Episode 6: Date with mina ( Short chapter)
Episode 7: Sanake
Episode 8: Lily has I love you in it - haewon
Episode 9: Past
Episode 10: talk about the truth
Episode 11: New kids
Episode 12: snapped.
Episode 13: crazy stupid love
Episode 15: I'm your funny valentine
Episode 16: Don't you go falling in love
Episode 17: rough times
Episode 18: confusion and a sleepover?
Episode 19: sleepover? 🔞

Episode 14: I had a dream

507 28 15
By Weird_karma

A few days had passed after the incident and things had calmed down from there. The girls still fight over me but I've gotten used to it.

While walking to class, minji accompanied me there when suddenly someone grabbed my wrist before pulling me towards them. I looked over my shoulder and noticed it was Tzuyu. I looked at her with a confused expression before getting dragged away by her. We suddenly stopped in an empty classroom. She started glaring at me, making me even more confused.

"I don't want you getting too close to minji." She said. I sighed before placing my hand on her shoulder. "Tzuyu, she's just a friend of mine, she knows I belong to you guys, we've known each other for a long time and I know she would never do anything like that to me." I assured Tzuyu. I noticed how Tzuyu grumbled and rolled her eyes.

"Tzuyu, seriously, she wouldn't. She's just my childhood friend, you don't say the same thing about lily.." I told her. "Because I know that she has a soulmate and won't make moves on you." She muttered. "Look, just because Minji is childhood friend's with me does not mean that I like her and will cheat you guys for her. I will never like her like that. I promise." I said. She nodded before letting go of my wrist.

"Fine, I'll give her a chance, but if I see her lay a finger on you, she's dead." Tzuyu warned. I sighed before leaving the classroom along with Tzuyu. I walked back to my classroom and sat behind Lily like usual. 

Lily turned around to look at me with her usual smile. "Y/n guess what!?" She said a little loudly but I hushed her, making her lower her voice. "Sorry, sorry, but guess what!" She said excitedly, I thought about it before looking at Lily again. "You figured out what you're going to give to haewon for valentine's day?" I asked.

She nodded excitedly before looking around the room cautiously and started digging through her bag. "It's perfect for her!" She exclaimed. She pulled out a ring box before opening it revealing a diamond ring. "Holy crap!" I said to myself. I took a look at the ring while she was smiling proudly. "Isn't it beautiful? It's beautiful like haewon's-" She was about to finish her sentence but someone cut her off. "Beautiful like my what?" I nervously turned my head to face the culprit and noticed that it was haewon. I quickly shoved the ring into my pocket while Lily threw the box into her bag. "Hey haewon!" Lily said nervously. "Don't 'hey' Me." She said.

Lily smiled nervously. "It was nothing! Just complimenting you!" She giggled nervously before giving me a look. I nodded, making haewon look at us suspiciously before walking to her seat and sitting down. We both sighed, I handed Lily the ring and she quickly hid it away.

"That was close.." She muttered. Kyujin ran into the classroom looking distressed.

"Y/n! Y/n! You have to see this!" Kyujin said. She hurriedly took out her phone and showed me a photo of nayeon.. Kissing someone.. willingly.. I took a closer look at the photo and noticed that it was real.

My eyes widened before I covered my mouth with my hand and started tearing up. I lowered my head while Lily gave me a hug. I buried my head into her shoulder.

"I-I thought she actually loved me.. I-I thought she-" Lily cut me off. "Shh, it's okay Y/n.. I should've known that she wasn't who she said she was.." She muttered. We went outside of the class and I started sobbing into Lily's shoulder. "Do any of them genuinely like me..?" I cried into her shoulder. Lily started looking angry. "I should've known Nayeon was a liar. I should've never trusted her.." She muttered to me. She patted my back while kyujin comforted me.

After a few minutes, the teacher noticed me crying so they decided to send me home. Ryujin picked me up and asked me what was going on, I told her about the photo and she became quiet.




At home




I laid in bed the whole time, I didn't eat, I didn't even move. Yuna walked into my room holding food and water. "I heard what happened.. Look, if you want us to deal with it-" "I don't want you to make it worse." I cut her off. She sighed before setting the food on the desk beside my bed.

I sat up and drank the water while Yuna sat beside me. "I don't understand.. I thought she changed.. I-I thought that what she was telling me was true.. Do the others even like me..?" I muttered to her. Yuna shrugged. "I didn't trust her from the very beginning, I knew she was just playing with your emotions. I didn't want you to fall for any of them, they were probably playing along with Nayeon." She explained. I looked at her with sad eyes. "Maybe it's best I don't talk to them anymore.. They're all probably like Nayeon.. A liar and a manipulator.." I said angrily before tearing up again.




A few hours later, at school during lunch




I kept my head down and didn't even eat my food. I just stared at it with a sad look in my eyes. I was heartbroken... 'What did I do to deserve this..?' I asked myself repeatedly. They all looked at me sadly before someone approached the table. I looked up and saw that it was nayeon.. With a cold look in her eyes. I looked away from her.

"What's wrong? You didn't respond to any of my texts last night!" She yelled angrily. I stayed quiet while Lily and kyujin glared at her. "You know what you did." Kyujin said. Nayeon looked at her with a confused expression, making Kyujin take out her phone and show Nayeon the photo she took. Nayeon looked shocked.

I tear fell down my face while looking away from her. "Did you all.. Even love me..?" I asked her quietly. She looked at me coldly before sighing and shaking her head.

"You want the truth? Fine. I don't actually like you. We didn't actually like you. We're disgusted by the fact that you're our soulmate. We had to play pretend with you so I wouldn't see your pathetic ass crying. That's the truth. You disgust me." She said coldly. She walked away from the table while the others looked at me with shocked and concerned faces. I got up quietly and left the school.

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