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By Hypenlabb_

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Must be nice to be rich
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3 days
Our bickering never ends
Blue hair
Date night


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By Hypenlabb_

Eunji's POV:
It was...Niki again I've seen him like the 16973746th time this day "you again"I said annoyed clearly because I have seen him for the 16973746th time today

"You liked something here Eunji"audrey asked "no not really" "You sure?" "The miss dior perfume is nice" "oh" "why?" I asked "Nothing"she replied

I looked around and niki was nowhere to be find thank god!

We went outside to eat some food "AUDREY UNNIE IS PAYING" olivia shouted "yeah...WAIT WHAT!"Audrey looked at olivia while olivia smiled

The day went by with us sharing laughs and smiles together, we decided to go to my house and Have a sleepover even though we have school tomorrow...hehe

A/n POV:

Audrey, Olivia, Ariana, and Eunji were in for an epic night when they decided to have a sleepover at Eunji's crib. The master plan? Bake up a storm and turn the kitchen into a dessert paradise.

Audrey was all about those classic chocolate chip cookies, swearing by her grandma's secret recipe. Olivia, the cupcake queen, insisted on experimenting with funky flavors like lavender-honey and maple-bacon. Ariana, with her sweet tooth for all things fruity, suggested whipping up a luscious berry crumble that would make taste buds sing. Eunji, the hostess with the mostest, threw in her grandma's special cinnamon rolls - a recipe passed down through generations.

Now, picture this: the kitchen was a total disaster zone, flour everywhere, music blaring from a makeshift speaker, and the four friends dancing like nobody was watching. They were like culinary superheroes, each with their own special powers, turning the kitchen into a sugar-fueled battleground.

In between the baking frenzy, they spilled the tea on life - sharing stories about crushes, embarrassing moments, and their most epic fails. Of course, they documented the whole shebang with an impromptu photoshoot, capturing flour-covered faces and mid-dance moves.

Once the baking chaos settled, they transformed the living room into a cozy movie haven. Blankets were thrown around, pillows were strategically placed, and the aroma of freshly baked goodies lingered in the air. With their homemade treats in hand, they dove into a marathon of classic movies, quoting lines and laughing until their sides hurt.

As the night grew darker, the conversation turned deeper. Secrets were revealed, dreams were shared, and the kind of real talk that solidifies friendships unfolded. It was the perfect mix of sugar-induced highs and heart-to-heart moments, making this sleepover one for the books - or rather, the baking blog

Eunji, Audrey, Olivia, and Ariana cozied up for movie night, and they picked "The Silence." The room got all moody with the dim lights, and everyone was ready for some suspense.

Eunji accidentally spilled popcorn during a tense scene, and they all jumped. It was like their own mini jump-scare, and they couldn't stop giggling about it.

Audrey, the thriller expert, started whispering her wild predictions. Olivia was all about those plot twists and couldn't wait for the big reveal. Ariana was deep into analyzing the characters, trying to figure out their next moves.

The room went dead quiet when the characters in the movie hit those unexpected twists. Every now and then, one of them would blurt out a comment, breaking the silence and adding to the drama.

When the credits rolled, there was a moment of "Whoa, that was intense!" shared among them. It turned out to be more than just a movie night-it was a rollercoaster of suspense and laughter, and they couldn't stop talking about it afterward.

After the intense ride of "The Silence," Eunji, Audrey, Olivia, and Ariana found themselves buzzing with energy. They decided to keep the momentum going and switched gears, opting for a spontaneous karaoke session.

They belted out their favorite tunes, laughing and cheering each other on. Eunji surprised everyone with her hidden singing talents, while Audrey and Olivia showcased some impressive dance moves. Ariana, always up for a good time, joined in with infectious enthusiasm.

As the night continued, the friends decided to order some late-night snacks. They reminisced about the movie, shared funny anecdotes, and even delved into some deep conversations. The living room transformed into a hub of laughter, music, and heartfelt discussions.

Eventually, fatigue set in, and they wrapped up the night with a promise to do it all over again soon. With a mix of lingering excitement from the movie and the warmth of shared moments, Eunji, Audrey, Olivia, and Ariana headed off to bed, knowing they had just added another unforgettable chapter to their friendship.

Time skippp

After belting out their favorite tunes in a lively karaoke session and devouring late-night snacks, Eunji, Audrey, Olivia, and Ariana found themselves in a state of content exhaustion. The living room, adorned with scattered blankets and pillows, became their impromptu sleeping quarters.

As the music transitioned to a mellow playlist on the TV, the room took on a laid-back atmosphere. Amidst the soft glow of the screen, occasional sleepy comments and hushed laughter continued to break the settling quietness.

Each friend carved out their own sleeping nook, whether it was a corner of the couch, a cozy bean bag, or a pile of cushions on the floor. The TV's flickering light cast a gentle ambiance, creating a makeshift slumber party scene that felt both spontaneous and intimate.

With the night's shared experiences lingering in the air, they gradually succumbed to the call of sleep. The living room, earlier alive with animated conversations and music, now embraced a serene stillness as one by one, Eunji, Audrey, Olivia, and Ariana drifted off into a dream-filled sleep, the echoes of their laughter becoming a sweet lullaby in the background.

Amid the settling quietness of the room, Eunji, lounging on a bean bag, let out a satisfied sigh. "Guys, that movie was intense, but this night was even better. We should do this more often," she mumbled with a sleepy grin.

Audrey, sprawled out on the couch, chimed in, "Totally! And can we talk about how surprisingly good Eunji is at karaoke? Girl, you've been hiding those pipes!"

Olivia, wrapped up in a blanket on the floor, added with a laugh, "For real! And Ariana, your dance moves are on point. I didn't know we had a mini dance party waiting to happen."

Ariana, from her cushioned spot by the TV, grinned back, "Well, spontaneous dance parties are my specialty. Thanks for indulging me, guys. This night was exactly what I needed."

As they exchanged these final remarks, the room settled into a companionable silence, broken only by the soft hum of the TV playing in the background. It was clear that amidst the fun and laughter, the bonds of friendship had only grown stronger, leaving them with memories to carry into the land of dreams.


Alright, so imagine this morning at school, right? Eunji and Niki are straight-up throwing verbal grenades at each other in the hallway. It's like watching a rap battle, but with more eye-rolling.

Audrey, Olivia, and Ariana are doing their best to play peacekeepers, but let's be real, it's a losing battle. Eunji's got that fiery look, Niki's doing his eye-rolling thing, and the whole school's on high alert for the showdown.

Fast forward to lunch, Eunji's just trying to munch on her sandwich when in walks Lia, Niki's #1 fangirl, leading her posse. Lia's got this smug grin like she's the queen of the universe, and then, boom! She "accidentally" spills juice all over Eunji's seat. Total drama move.

Eunji's giving her the death stare, Audrey's ready to drop some truth bombs, Olivia's firing off sarcasm like it's a sport, and Ariana's like, "Can we not deal with this right now, seriously?"

Meanwhile, the cafeteria's turned into a front-row seat at the drama show. Whispers, gasps, the whole shebang. Lia's acting all innocent, like she's auditioning for an Oscar.

Audrey's calling her out, "Real smooth, Lia. Real smooth."

Olivia's throwing in her two cents, "Some people seriously need a life outside of their own drama."

Ariana, the voice of reason, is like, "Let's not let Lia and her circus ruin our lunch. Drama can wait."

So now Eunji's got a damp seat, Lia's got that annoying smirk, and the cafeteria's basically turned into a teen soap opera set. But you know what? Eunji, Audrey, Olivia, and Ariana aren't letting Lia's drama circus mess with their lunch vibe. They're sticking together, ready to face whatever ridiculousness the rest of the day throws their way. High school showdowns, they've seen it all!

After the lunchtime chaos, Eunji, Audrey, Olivia, and Ariana were done with the high school theatrics. They decided to ditch the cafeteria drama scene and head straight to their favorite chill-out spot - a cozy corner of the school courtyard where they could escape the buzz of gossip and unwind.

As they strolled towards their sanctuary, Ariana broke the silence, "Can we talk about the circus back there? Lia and her juice-spilling minions, seriously?"

Eunji, still a bit irritated, rolled her eyes, "It's like high school turned into a bad reality show today. And my clothes are all wet!"

Audrey, injecting her trademark humor, chimed in, "I bet the producers are just off-camera, sipping on their drama tea."

Olivia, always ready with a witty remark, added, "I mean, who needs Netflix when you have the daily soap opera of high school life?"

They settled into their usual spot, surrounded by the calming greenery of the courtyard. It was their escape from the whirlwind of teenage drama. The friends exchanged knowing glances, letting out a collective sigh as if to say, "Well, that just happened."

Ariana, attempting to shift the mood, suggested, "So, who's up for some good old-fashioned venting? Let's spill the tea on everything, except juice this time."

Eunji, Audrey, and Olivia burst into laughter, the tension from earlier slowly dissipating. The courtyard became a safe space, free from judgment and filled with the laughter of friends who knew how to navigate the teenage rollercoaster.

As they shared stories and talked about anything but the day's drama, the courtyard transformed into their personal haven. The sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow on their little corner. They spent the afternoon basking in the comfort of each other's company, leaving behind the chaotic echoes of high school drama.

Eventually, as the shadows grew longer, they decided to wrap up their impromptu therapy session. They left the courtyard, ready to face whatever challenges the next day might throw their way. High school antics and drama queens could come and go, but Eunji, Audrey, Olivia, and Ariana knew they had something stronger - a friendship that could weather even the stormiest of teenage tempests.

Alright, so after the courtyard therapy, we needed a pick-me-up. Coffee shop to the rescue! We hit our favorite spot, you know, the one with the weird chairs and wall art that makes zero sense but is oddly comforting.

Cups of coffee in hand, we settled into our corner like we owned the place. The aroma of coffee filled the air, and suddenly, the drama from earlier felt like ancient history. The vibes were so good; even the espresso machine was cheering us on.

Audrey, being the brains of the operation, throws out, "Weekend plans, anyone? Movie night or should we spice it up with a road trip?"

Olivia, always up for an adventure, says, "Road trip! We need to escape this drama zone."

Ariana, the voice of sanity, adds, "Whatever we do, let's keep it drama-free. No Niki, no Lia and her minions, just us and good times."

Eunji, feeling the good vibes flowing again, agrees, "Totally. Let's focus on making epic memories."

So, there we were, turning the coffee shop into our personal mission control for weekend plans. Ideas bounced around, from checking out random spots in the city to an impromptu photoshoot in the park. The goal? To create memories that would make today's drama look like a bad sitcom.

As the evening rolled in, we left the coffee shop with our heads buzzing with excitement. Plans in motion, good vibes restored, and ready to tackle whatever the weekend throws our way. High school drama, you've got nothing on us!

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