Next of Kin

By Insomnia_cafe1994

265 19 0

Illyana Matthews; At the age of 12, Bruised and battered is all the young girl has ever known. Kidnapped at t... More

Introduction :)
- The Prologue -
01| The New Guy
02| The Weapon
03| The Call
04 | The Talk
05 | The Welcome

06| The Twin

24 2 0
By Insomnia_cafe1994

Twin.. I had no idea I had no idea I had brothers let alone my very own twin. He come across so nice and warm and so familiar, like i've known hime my whole life.

He smiled down at me and before a had the chance to react, he pulled me back into a tight hug, this time a little too tight for my still aching ribs. Doing my best to hide the whimper and the wince, I pulled away subconsciously hoping no one would notice.

I could feeling stares boring into my head from all around. Slowly glancing up I saw everyone's eyes shift away, some even going back to glaring. To be honest I'd rather the glare anyways.

"Elias, your sister has just arrived home after a long day of travelling. You will see to it that she isn't hassled to your dramatic extent," Alessandro snapped at my overly excited twin.when I looked over at him I could see a twist of hurt glimmer in his eyes, causing a pang of guilt to my chest.

"It-t's okay," I whispers barely audible, sending my twin a small smile which he immediately returned before rewrapping his arms around me. This time much more delicately.

After a moment of awkward silence, he boys started to shuffle out in their separate directions. Some bidding goodbye others not even acknowledging my existence.

"We are so happy you're home Bambina, unfortunately me and Sandro have to get back to work but we'll see you at dinner. Ok?" Bellamy said smiling gently down at me before turning till my still hugging twin.

"Eli, Buddy why don't you show Illy to her new room. Help her get settled and maybe take her on a little tour. And maybe Mave can help?" He asked sweetly before ruffling Elias' brown locks.

"Sure!" Elias answered jumping a little with excitement while Maven just nodded slightly.

Slowly we watched the older two file out of the room, not before they both glanced back, sending a flash unrecognisable expression our way. Something that was both warming and slightly scary.

Once they left my fluffy haired twin began to bounce again, the excitement just radiating off him. Looking into his eyes I could see his mind racing through a million different things.

Though his energy made me wary somehow i've never felt safer. There was something about my other half that made me feel ok to let down my guard. Only a little bit though.

"Oh, Oh what do we do first! Oooh There's the game room, Oh and the library, do you still like reading cos we used to love reading. Oh theres the pool, or the pool room or the cinema. We could go sit the sunroom or we could go do some paintings in the art room or we could go to the gym, wait no thats boring, oh oh oh we could..," Elias started rambling on a thousand words per millisecond, bouncing up  and down.

I don't think i've caught  half the things he said. A game room and a cinema. Wait did he say library!

Eli's rambling was cut short by a hand resting on his shoulder, essentially an act to calm him down. seeing who the hand belonged to I see Maven standing quietly behind us, his face calm and relaxed while he held his adoring gaze on his little brother.

"Why don't we start by taking our Sorellina to her room first,' he said so softly, if his words were real they'd be a cute little fluffy puppy. Nodding eagerly I felt a bigger hand wrap its self around mine.

Within seconds we are racing down the big white halls with Maven trailing behind us always a few steps behind. I did my best to hide my discomfort of my sore ankle and the ache of my ribs.

We took a bunch of twists and turns, went up a flight of stairs and I think we even went down at some point before halting at the beginning of a corridor.

My smiley twin stopped so abruptly I almost smacked straight into his back.

"This is where all our bedrooms are. I know it seemed like a long trip," he sheepishly smiling, I think the throbbing of my ankle agrees.

"There's actually a lift, from the room next to the foyer but I wanted to give you the scenic tour."
Eli added on sending an even bigger smile. I tried my best to hide my dismay from the fact we ran half a country mile, so fast could have sworn he was Sonic the Hedgehog.

I turned back to Maven he was rolling his eyes at his brother's antics. Locking his brown eyes with my own he sent me an apologetic smile.

We walked down the corridor and each room a golden embossed letter on each of the doors, Eli explained where each of my new found brothers resided at night.

Basically it went from oldest to youngest. Starting with Alessandro's obviously.

"This one is Chandler's, it may look neat on the inside but don't be fooled it smells cos he hides all his mess in dark places. Then Mavens room on the left and this is my amazing, awesome bro cave of a room and lastly..." Elias' explanation trails off quietly as we stop a sleek white door with the cursive letter 'I' encrusted on it.

Silently I step forward and trace the delicate looking letter. It's so beautiful. Had they know she was coming, had this always been here, was there someone else starting with the letter 'I'?

"This has always been your room, even after you were gone. We never touched it, well till we found you again. We didn't want you to stay in a babies room." a small voice came from behind me breaking my inner spiralling.

Maven had taken a step forward, holding the most sincere look in his eyes as he reached for the doorknob. "I hope you like it."

The door opened revealing the most fancy room i've ever seen. Its a million and two times bigger then the basement with giant windows letting in all the golden light showcasing all of the extremely expensive furniture.

It was so beautiful, could this really be for me? What did I do to deserve this.

Stepping into the room my jaw literally dropped in awe. Holy guacamole! this place was huge a wooden framed king sized bed in the centre, luxurious fluffy white carpets, a big desk and the biggest bookshelf in the entire world.

Walking around I found it had a bathroom attached to the room. Not just a toilet but a grand bathroom with gold a white marbles floors and massive mirrors.

A shower so big it was practically a room in its self and a bath I thought I could probably do a backflip into! Oh wait I can't to a backflip, never mind.

I walk out back into the main room and see there's another room attached, I decided to explore it. Entering in this room I was instantly confused, why such a big empty space with just shelves and drawers and coat hangers.. OHH this is a closet?!

Why would any one need a space this big? I mean the most i've ever own was a jumper, two pairs of pants and a couple of shirts. Maybe each item could have their own corner of the room, give them a bit of room to breathe. Maybe it keeps them cleaner?

As I was trying to decipher why rich people needed a whole room for clothes, it dawned on me. I didn't have my bag, Oh chicken strips. I must of left it in the foyer. I wonder if I ask nicely they'll let me use the lift instead.

My thoughts were cut short by Elias calling for me, as he entered the oversized closet I thought better ask now or later.

"Hey um.. I-i uh accidently left my bag in the.."

"Oh all good I'll grab it" He smiles cutting me off.

"Oh no you don't have too,"

"No it's fine i'll only be a second," My twin concluded before rushing out of the room entirely too fast.

But seriously has anyone checked his DNA for sonic blood? Maybe the game was based off of him, maybe thats why they're rich. I couldn't help giggle to my self.

[1402 words]

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