~Marriage Of Asmodeus~ (Updat...

By Cyrilwolf

966 57 2

The sequel of Love for Asmodeus is here! I didn't really think I'd continue this story, and here I am, made t... More

~Serious Conversation~
~The Dream~
~Unexpected Visit~
~The Date~
~The Fear~
~Helping out a Friend~
~Plans Afloat~
~Difficult Day~
~The Condition~
~Paint of Love~
~The Mark~
~The Fight~
~The Fault~
~Final Stop~
~Happily Together~

~The Abnormal Morning~

36 2 0
By Cyrilwolf

The warm weather of a morning rise once more came, the red sky seem as demons all over go do their normal ruthless routines, May teleported to her cousin's window with an author, she was going to do the alarm trick on a certain someone. She floats over to where Filimena normally sleeps, but not knowing once she pulls the blanket away and let's out a huge noise of the horn.

"Rise and Shine! Get up! You've some some Cupid stuff to do!"

May said, but noticed Filimena wasn't here, she was confused, frowned even.


She said, looked around, but shrugged.

"Ah I see, she probably got up early, eh, I'll just find her."

She said to herself, decided to go and find her, she floats around in her apartment room, until she heard snoring. She turns to see something that wasn't what May expected at all.

Filimena was on the floor, sleeping, seems the started experience somehow puts her to sleep. She lays on the floor with the broken glass, some got onto her hair.

"What the hell?"

May floats over to her, she sees her face which her eyes are darken from the crying or the sleepless hours she had last night. She shakes her to bit.

"Fei, hey wake up, you okay?"

She tried to wake her, but she wouldn't budge. She then decided to push onto her, giving her a harsh shove until Filimena grunt to finally open her eyes.


She said, groans and yawns as she slowly gets up, May looks at her, concerned of the condition she's in once she saw her. Nothing the features that caught her attention.

"Jeez there, you're not looking too hot, when was the last time you've been like that?"

May asked, Filimena only yawns and made grunts, but still felt sores from her hands. May notices the cuts on both of Filimena's hands.

"Oh good lord, what happened here?"

May grabs one of her hands, examines the palm, shown worry onto her face, it was rare for her to see Filimena to have something like this, and doesn't know why she did have them.

"Uh, Fei, you going to say anything about what happened here?"

She tried asking again, now showing more concern with her. Filimena shifts her hands back from May.

"I-I'm fine, It's nothing, I just had an accident last night."

"Uh, clearly, Fili, did something happened, whenever there is, I know something up with you, so talk to me."

May said, encouraging Filimena to speak to her. Filimena however still kept her mouth shut, and didn't really want to say anything about what happened last night, she looks at her hands, they shaken frantically. She can only feel her heart ache and her eyes sore from the endless crying and the insomnia she had.

"L-Last night..I..Had a dream, about me getting married with Ozzie. I don't know why, but I thought..It was another of my beautiful dreams I had in future perspectives of what could happened, or so I thought..Until I touch him, used my magic with his, and then..The worst happened with him, I saw him, suffering in my dream, he was in pain as his skin was cracking and his face was bulging in agony, I watched in horror, I didn't understand why it was happening, I couldn't do anything to stop it. I was forced to watch him, until he..."

He stops. for a moment of silence, she started to break down until tears again.

"..He exploded, right in front of me. I was covered in his blood, I didn't..Do anything to stop it."

She had her hands onto her face, covering her eyes and mouth, sobbing in fear. May frowned, she was horrified from what Filimena's trying to tell her about this dream she had.

"Jesus..That's terrible, what kind of a dream was that?"

"I don't know! I never have these dreams, ever! Unless..If this dream..Wasn't a dream at all...More like a vision."

She realized, her heart pounded.

"Vision, what do you mean?"

"Well, Normally when I think of dreams that have me or Asmodeus in them, they always tell me of what could happen next, and that.."entity" shown up on the same time as I had that nightmare."


May was becoming more unsure of Filimena's story, she turns to look at the broken glass of the bathroom mirror.

"There was someone..Here, I saw her, she was...Smiling, taunting me, she was something, or someone, I've never seen before, but something about her was creepy..Gave me an unnerved feeling, but something about her was..Familiar."

"Okay Fei, you're really not making any sense here, you mean to say you saw..Something, an entity from your mirror? And that's what caused you to have that "dream" of yours?"

"I'm positive! I'm not making any of this up, I know what I saw, you're the expert of the dead, and you know a lot more haunting things even more than I do, but somehow, I saw one, and she also said something about..My marriage. Something about it will be a disaster, or something will happened, I don't understand what she knows about me and my marriage, but I refuse to believe what she's saying. Something's going on, and I don't know why."

May then scoots over to give her a light side hug to help her calm down.

"Take it easy, I don't think there's anything you must worry, maybe it was just a stupid prank someone pull off, is there anything else this entity said to you?"

"There's..Another thing she said, she claims to know much about the Hell Spirits, how she was actually..One of them."

May stared at her for a moment, looking puzzled about what Filimena claimed.

"What? But, We're the only Hell spirits ever to walk on Lucifer's ground, we all know it's impossible to have us to be in our physical forms for too long, but yet, we still manage, so there can't be more out there we don't know about."

"That's what I thought too, but she said she has been here longer than we have, but..She's also trapped as well, I-I'm not sure what to think, all this is really making me sick."

Filimena felt her stomach ache from the feeling of worrying too much of this situation, May still tries her best to calm her down, even though she does suck at it.

"Look, why don't we just forget about it for one day, you got some cupid stuff to do anyway, wouldn't want that freakout from last night getting in the way to make some demons in love right?"

She said with a wink, this did cheer up Filimena as she laughed a little by May's sarcastic tone.

"Oh yes, it would be pretty bad, okay, I'll try the best I can for today, I don't want to be homesick from my job"

She said as she got up to get ready. She uses her magic to change her clothes, and works out the cuts on her hands. Brushing her long hair and finished up a few touches to complete her look. She felt good as new, and all her worrying splits away in seconds.

May thumbs up at her, smirk as Filimena flew away to get going on her cupid work, May waves goodbye to her after vanishing without a trace in the sky. But then, May then slowly looks back inside Filimena's apartment room. she floats inside to go back inside, and back to the bathroom where the broken shards of glass still stays. May picks up a few, some of them have the dry blood on the edges. She thought about what Filimena was trying to tell her, staring at the mirror with the look of dubious.

"..Another Hell Spirit?"

Filimena was flying around the city, spotting every demon around the corners and blocks to give them her special magic, making all of them fall in love. She gives only ones who she sees deserve it more as she can see their souls of loneliness to hope for finding someway to love. The first start was good, Filimena circles around, and then from the distance sees the giant hourglass tower, counting down the next extermination day, which she hates the most, but luckily, it was not the time, so she has nothing to worry here. After awhile, Filimena almost forgot about this morning, she didn't feel anything bad after she left her apartment, kinda almost went away in the matter of seconds, but even if she's not thinking about it, she still can't get this sharp feeling from her heart, or even her hands.

Filimena finished up a few touches after all the hardwork of spreading love is done for today, she was real pleased to see all the demons around starting to hold hands and talked, while others kissed and go on dates. This made her day once to lands back down to the ground, made her way to get something to accomplish today's work.

She decided to head down to her favorite spot at the beach, there's a new bakery that just opened only a few months ago that she always wanted to try out ever since it bested another that was popular, but was bankrupt and failed to attract customers at the time of the grand opening. Filimena flies through the sky, and heads to the beach, lands down the sand to walk down to the bakery. The sign that read "Sermuda's Bakery" With seashells and cakes print on the neon sigh in a cute aesthetic style, she pushed the door open, it made a small bell ring as she stands foot onto the pink and white floor. She observes the bakery, loves every detail of pink and white colors, giving it a cute pastel design, including the soft comfy chairs, neatly organized paintings and the display of desserts. There were also aquatic sea designs to capture the flow of the beach life as well. Filimena walks over to where the cashier was, she smells the freshly baked goods coming from the kitchen.

Then someone finally came out upfront, a sea creature demon who was wearing a pink baking gown, has a chef's hat that almost covers her esca which illuminates a blue light. She had a unique design of her skin being the darkest grey with while spots on her, blue hair with streaks that glowed, and also a tail which resembles a siren's tail. On the tag she wore wrote Sermuda, which is her name, and must be the owner of this small little Bakery, she was rushing to put away some trays of sliced cherry cakes on the display counter, by the looks of her, she seems to be in a huge rush. Filimena watches her as she gathers up herself to hurry to the front.

"Hello! Welcome to Sermuda's Bakery! I-I'm sorry, I was trying to get things ready for the morning, I'm Sermuda of course, the one who owns this newly made Bakery."

She laughs awkwardly, Filimena smiles with her arms together.

"Oh, well I must say, you have a very lovely place, and the desserts here smell delicious."

Filimena comment, which Sermuda was pleased to hear her say about her work.

"Oh thank you, I don't get too much comments like that, but still I appreciate it very much, what would you like for today miss?"

She asked, Filimena looks over to the slices of cherry cakes Sermuda was putting away earlier, and decided to get that.

"Is there any chance to try your cherry cakes?"

Filimena walks out of the bakery with a box that has the cherry cake she ordered, the smell of cherry frosting really sends her in a very good mood once she opens the lid to reveal it's glory. The red frosting of the cake was in a neat swirl, added in pink sprinkles with a huge red cherry to complete the look. The base was both red velvet and vanilla, a very odd combination that not a lot of people thought it could work together, but definitely did after Filimena tried it with a small chunk on her fork that drove straight into her mouth. The flavors and the sweetness was all to make Filimena go awe, she hadn't tasted sweets in forever, so it brings her back so much of how much she loves sweets her entire life, except for drinking giant gallons of alcoholic honey. She had another bite, enjoying the taste, but then, as she enjoys her delicious treat, she then heard something, she heard echoing. It wasn't just any echoing, screams could be heard, and then something stings her, her arms mostly, the cuts she wiped still effect her with the multiple sharp edges of burning scars planted into her skin. It hurts her, and the echoing got louder, her vision became shaky, and she felt shaken from the cold that's nonexistent.

This was hurting her head, she even drops the cake once the screams shout at her ears. Filimena grunts, shook her head to get it out of her mind, soon, it was finally gone. Filimena comes back to reality, and saw the cake she dropped.

"Aw man, What a waste."

She said, feeling ashamed when she had to clean up the mess. Soon, someone walked up to her direction.

"Oh, you should be careful what you drop, that seems like a good cake."

The voice of a female said after Filimena threw all the pieces of the cake inside the trash can. She turns to see who it was, and soon realized a familiar face she hasn't seen in sometime. It was Kia, one of the twins at Ozzie's, and one of her friends back in the Lust Ring, it was a surprise to see her here, especially at this hour, Filimena was caught off-guard, but said hello to her.

"Kia? Oh my, what a surprise! I didn't think I'd see you here."

"Oh my gosh! Fei! Oh, I haven't seen you in forever! It hasn't been the same since you stopped coming to work, how have you been girl, anything new?"

"Oh, well, a lot of things happened, just been dealing with things, my cupid job and all, but also with Asmodeus too."

Filimena said.

"Oh, well, that's cool, but is there anything "special" you want to say, like, at all, what happened after all this time?"

"Well, I'm not suppose to say anything about that, it's pretty personal at the moment, the last time I did say, it ended up badly."

"Aw really? Is it that deep? Come on, it can't be that bad!"

She insisted on wanting to know, but Filimena remembered when she did say the news to May, she knew it's best to not reset the cycle again, and so denies her.

"I'm sorry, I can't say, it's best I should tell you when the time is right."

Kia whined.

"Oh, well, if you say so, then I'll respect it."

"So what are you doing here in the Pentagram City? I never seen you here before, you don't usually travel alone in different places, or without even bringing your sister in."

When she said that, Kia frowns.

"Oh..That's actually why I came here, I'm here because I need your help, I did try to find all over town, but it was pretty difficult to find her here from all these sinners passing by."

"Really? What's going on, is something wrong?"

"It's...Kira, there's something wrong with her, she hasn't gone to work and has been in our place alone, refusing to come out to see me or anyone. She even hasn't talked to Jesse either, or perhaps staying away from him."

"What? How long has that been going on for?"

"It's been three months, I don't know what the issue was, she never explained her problem, and always ditches me or avoids me, I never got an answer from her. Even when she does come out, she always wears a giant jacket and other outfits she normally never wears, I'm getting the feeling she's hiding something, and she's trying to not let me see it."

"Oh goodness, that's nothing like her? Do you happened to know where she is now?"

"She's still at our place, I feel it's best you must talk to her, please Fei, it's really important, I'm really worried about her, and I do believe you two will hopefully warm up, she pretty much listens to her mostly."

She pleaded, Filimena feels bad and worries about Kira and her situation Kia's trying to tell her, Kira has been in difficult obstacles before, this one must be important, what could she be hiding and why wouldn't she talk to her own sister or anyone. So Filimena decided to go back to the Lust Ring to find Kira.

"O-Okay, I'll go talk to her, you take care now Kia."

Kia smiled and hugs her tightly.

"Oh thank you so much! You're such a good friend."

Filimena hugs back, thankful for Kia's words. After all that, Filimena floats away back into the sky, she uses her teleportation to head back to the Lust Ring on her own.

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