The Quest for Normania #1: Th...

By curious_cat_3

202 37 72

BOOK #1 OF SERIES #1 OF "THE MAGES OF AHALA". --- [UPDATES ON SUNDAY] Believing she's cursed and thus a dang... More

Author's Note
The Prophecy
1. Shadows of the Mind
2. Shadows of the Heart
3. Yela Rumin's Intention
4. A Source of the Curse
5. The Lost Eurin
6. The Witch of the Lake
7. To Plan a Coup
8. The Door of Andrios
9. A Shocking Declaration
10. Sleepless Night and a Fight
12. Communication Channels
13. Of Bonds and Khams
14. Of the Nightmares that Haunted them
15. Norin's Communicator
16. A Fight to the Death
17. Starting Life Afresh
18. Exchanging News
19. Some More Waiting
20. A Search-and-Attack Party
21. Through the Door of Andrios
22. The Question of the High Priest
23. A Revelation for Agatha
24. Norin's New Mission
25. Companions in the Desert
26. Back to Where it All Began
27. Bonds So Loyal
28. Chilly Reunion
29. A Student's Return
30. The End of One Mission and the Beginning of Another
31. The Winter is Here
32. A Royal Threat
33. Discussing Strategy
34. The Young Warrior
35. Problems of being a Noble

11. Kissing and Practising

7 1 2
By curious_cat_3

"Does last night count, Cassandra?"

Cassandra startled out of her reverie. She was in the library, along with Teresa and Norin. While Teresa was watching her best friend, Norin was pouring over some books.

Cassandra's gaze found Teresa's. "Hey. You mean... what happened last night? The..." She glanced at Norin and her voice dried up. She didn't want to speak of her personal matters with a foreigner or even a stranger in the room.

Teresa smiled. "Yes, that's the one. Do you want to talk it over somewhere else? You know, considering you're not going to read that book for us after all?" She gleefully pointed at the book under Cassandra's hand.

The eurin blushed. "I was reading, actually. But yes, I think I need some break. I don't know how that man does it, though—have you seen how fast he reads?!"

Teresa nodded in wonder, but Norin didn't even turn a hair.

Cassandra beckoned to Teresa and they went to the stairwell and went up the stairs. They were the top of the Palace of Silone and above that was a huge terrace, spanning all across the breadth and length of the building. It was often rather peaceful and not a lot of people went there.

Sure enough, Cassandra found it devoid of any presence when she arrived there. She left the door open when Teresa entered behind her and went to sit against the far wall. Her friend sat close beside her, almost touching.

"So... you really didn't mind the kiss last night?" asked the eurin hesitantly.

Teresa chuckled. "No, I quite enjoyed it! I wished it didn't have to end, though."

A wondering smile crossed Cassandra's lips. "Well, my father wouldn't have approved of it, most certainly. I'm glad he doesn't have to find out!"

At this, the other woman blushed. "A-actually, he does – I mean, did."

Her eyebrows rose and her smile turned amused, much to Teresa's surprise. "Really? How come? And what happened?"

"Well, do you remember that day when I dressed you up?"

"You dressed me up lots of times."

"I mean... the last time I did it."

"Oh." Cassandra's face felt like it was going to melt if it heated up any more.

"Yes, that day. Based on your face, I imagine you felt the same way, too. It was... it was the first time I saw your whole body – by mistake, of course. I... I was sorry after I came out and almost immediately knocked into your father! He knew that look I had on my face, I know he did!"

"Oh, your poor girl," Cassandra reached out to stroke her friend's face. "Yes, he never approved of my interest in girls; he wanted me to marry a man when I grew up. Did you know whom he set me up with, the day before he died?"


"Nik! Can you believe it?!"

Teresa's eyes widened and her hands went to her mouth. "Oh my goodness! That's why he wanted to claim you that day – as if – as if he already had permission!"

"Wait – do you mean my father already promised me to Nik?"

"It may have well happened, your – Cassandra. I also think that it was what Nik needed from your father and that's why he killed him. I mean, you know, eventually the kingdom would go to him, since your father didn't have a male heir."

Cassandra nodded. "He promised me as much—that he would give the kingdom to the husband I chose." She sighed. "I'd be very happy if there was no kingdom to give to my 'husband' to. Well," she turned to Teresa and her eyes softened, "not that I'd be marrying a man, in the first place."

The other woman smiled. "Me neither. But my parents would really love you. I know they would. They don't mind people like us. In fact, they knew about me and even tried to set up dates with other girls in the village!" She giggled. But then, her thoughts went to what happened next and her eyes welled over.

Cassandra couldn't bear to see her friend this way. She leaned over and put her arms around Teresa's neck. "It's going to be all right," she murmured softly in the latter's ear. "I'll be your family. I know I cannot replace them all—your parents and sister and brother—but I'll always be here for you, no matter what."

And this time, it was Teresa, with tears in her eyes, who leaned forward to kiss Cassandra. The latter melted into it and wished it could go on forever...


Mithra had come out for some fighting practice right after breakfast.

She hoped Norin would come along, as well, but he wanted to study some more books to see how he could conjure a Blue Moon. It was useful work, so she didn't protest, though she badly needed a partner to practice with.

'But now, I wish I had,' she groaned inwardly. 'Should I go and ask Eurin Cassandra? I'm sure she'd been trained to fight... though I don't think that other woman, Teresa, was. Oh well, I'll find out later – I don't want to go back in again.'

"Want something?"

She started inwardly, but was trained enough not to show it. She spun around, hand ready at the hilt of her sword to her side.

A man stood a few feet from her. He raised his hands in a show of peace when he saw where her hand went. "Pardon me, I didn't mean to startle you. But I do have to say—you're a pretty good soldier!"

She raised an eyebrow in question.

"I mean, the way you're so ready at a moment's notice. Just a second ago, you seemed like your head was in the skies."

Mithra shrugged. "I like to be on my feet every time."

"Well, I wonder if you've come out to practice and are seeking a partner? Because I know I am."

Mithra smiled. "Yes, you guessed correct. Is there a field where soldiers practice?"

"Well, there is, actually. Come on, let me show you."

She didn't reply immediately; she was sceptical. She thought his words for a while, wondering all the time how she did not see him before, for all the time she'd roamed the palace halls. Well, not all of them... Still, he bothered her.

It was after a bit of pondering that she realised something: 'Neither did he ask for my name, nor did he tell me his! Also, he doesn't seem suspicious or anything, ask me what I'm doing in a royal palace!'

At last, she shook her head. "No, thank you. I mean, it would be nice to practice some time, but I really, really need my partner. You know, moves that only he can teach me and all." She smiled as brightly as she could manage. "He's not free at the moment, so I'll bring him out as soon as he's done!"

Without letting the man answer, she turned around and sped back into the palace.

On her way to the library, she spied that the staircase she used was going to the next level. She went to the bottom of it and pondered. 'Should I explore or go back and wait on Zura? No, no way am I going back to that stuffy library again!' She shuddered. 'Yes, exploring seems better. Eura Ansari did mention this was the final level, so I assume that stairway leads to the terrace. What a splendid view I'll have!'

So, off she skipped up the steps, light on her toes.

And what a view she got!

There, directly opposite the already-opened door to the terrace, two women sat kissing – practically eating each other's faces!

Perhaps sensing her eyes on them, the couple jumped apart and turned to her, their faces going bright red. Their eyes fixed her for a moment, before turning away.

"Oh my," gasped Mithra. 'It's Eurin Cassandra and Teresa! I knew I felt something unusual about them!' She cleared her throat and smiled pleasantly. "In case you're feeling embarrassed, please don't. I'll just pretend I didn't see it, that's all!"

The two women heaved a sigh of relief, glanced at each other, and burst into giggles.

Cassandra turned to her as she settled down beside them. "Thank you. I know most of the world is fine with people like us, but my father never was exactly sympathetic. Thank you for understanding."

"No, please, that's all right," reassured Mithra. "In fact, I might actually be one you. Seeking a girl partner, I mean."

Cassandra at once pulled her friend to her side. "Well, you won't be taking my Teresa from me, that's for sure!" She grinned.

The mage let out a light laugh, "Well, I must admit I was rather taken in by her when I first saw her. But now that I know she's already taken, I can back off. You'll have no problem from me."

Teresa sighed in relief. "Thank you. Yela Mithra, is it?"

"No, just Mithra. Mithra Surita is my name."

"Well, thank you, Mithra."

"No problem. See, I was just bored, waiting for the boring librarian." She snorted in pretend disgust.

Cassandra laughed, "Oh, you mean, Zura sama? Yes, he's quite the reader, isn't he?"

"I grew up with him and I can tell with absolute certainty that that's true."

"So, what's the plan?"

"Nothing; just that idea of his about fooling the Door of Andrios. I say, we should all help him. Work will get over faster."

Teresa nodded. "You're right. We just came out for some fresh air and... to discuss some stuff. And, well, to do out 'business', so to speak! Anyway, let's go back. I feel terribly guilty about leaving that poor boy all alone." 

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