Y/N 10 : Hero Of Heroes

By anirud11

23.5K 540 653

I don't own ben 10 or the characters , it's owned by man of action , but the story and characters , or variat... More

Episode 1 : And Then There Were 10
Episode 2 : Animal Mayhem
Episode 3 : The World Of Steam
Episode 4 : Krakken
Episode 5 : Slimy situation
Episode 7 : Sludgepuppy Wedding
Episode 8 : Phil Billings And The Null Void
Episode 9 : Trouble In New York
Episode 10 : Y/N 10,000
Episode 11 : Tetrax And Bounty Hunters
Episode 12 : Meeting Xylene
Episode 13 : Gwen 10
Episode 14 : Zs'Skayr
Episode 15 : The Fentons
Episode 16 : The Clown's Last Laugh
Episode 17 : Y/N V.S Malware (Re-Write)
Bio (Update)
Episode 18 : The Forever Knights
Episode 19 : The Big Tick
Episode 20 : The Vengers
Episode 21 : Aqua Mania
Episode 22 : Ken 10 Part-1
Episode 23 : Ken 10 Part-2
Episode 24 : Blast To The Future
Episode 25 : Nature's Judgement
Episode 26 : Y/N V.S Albedo / Verdona's Visit
Episode 27 : ???
Episode 28 : Negative 10 Part-1
Episode 29 : Negative 10 Part-2
Secrets Of The Omnitrix : Part 1
Secrets Of The Omnitrix : Part 2
Secrets Of The Omnitrix : Part 3 (End)

Episode 6 : The Rise Of Lucky Girl

640 19 6
By anirud11

We cut to to night , our trio is currently wrapping up a fight , y/n was in his new alien he named upgrade

Y/n: (putting the robber down to where the police were) and don't think of ever stealing again or you'll face me again , but next time even worse.

Robber: (struggling to speak with the gag)

Police officer: (saluting) we thank you for your assistance strange gooey creature

Y/n: it's no problem! And the name's upgrade!(beeping from the dial of course) uh...gotta go! Bye!

He uses his stretchy limbs to get out (yep , I gave him Mr fantastic powers ,thought it would be cool) of the scene and back to max and gwen , who were waiting at the entrance of the museum , timing out in just the right time

Gwen: (crossing her arms) about time! I've really been excited about checking this place out

Y/n: well , so-rry , things like these put me to sleep(rolls his eyes)

G.Max: alright that's enough you two! Come on! (Putting his hands on both their shoulders and walking off)

(Cut to later)

The trio were walking around , checking out the artifacts and props , y/n was just reading his comic book , not bothering about anything , gwen , however , was looking at this strange charm at the gift shop

For some reason , she felt attracted to it

Y/n: hmm?(looking at gwen)something on your mind gwen?

Gwen: yeah....its just that charm , for some reason I want it really bad , its like I'm attracted to it , but its 500 dollars , I don't have that kind of money!

Y/n: (sighs) well , I'll get it for you (pulling out the mom money from his pocket)

Gwen: but your mom gave you that!
Don't you want to keep it for yourself?

Y/n: ub ub ub(putting a finger on her mouth) sssshhhh , don't speak anything , I insist , it's the least I can do for you considering you saved my butt multiple times

Gwen blushed and but nodded


Y/n smiles and goes to the gift shop , he hands the money and gets the charm

Y/n: here you go!

Gwen:(hugging him) thank you so much

Y/n blushes , God she was so beautiful with that smile , they let go and suddenly the whole building shakes , the wall is busted open , revealing two new figures

The both of them looked not from this world and as if from a different planet all together , they had a strange aura that gwen was able to sense(this is because gwen's anodite spark has awoken and over time she will slowly awaken her powers , but first , she has to learn the basis of mana and magic first)

Red hood skull: where is the charm of bezel? I can sense it's presence emanating from this area

White haired girl: calm down uncle hex , might as well have some fun terrorizing these people and getting information, what do you say?

Hex :(sinister smile) ah , a wonderful idea charmcaster....(turns to the crowd) now would any of you care to tell me where the charm of luck is?

He started to float up in the air , his eyes glowed even more yellow , and red orbs engulfed his hands

Hex: no?~alright then , a shame....

He then started to chant something , and then suddenly , the walls started to come apart and float up to him , all the broken debris combined into a single giant hand

Hex: it was fun knowing you all , but you denied me , and hex always gets what he wants , so this is goodbye~

As he dropped the hand , the civilians braced , expecting the inevitable , but then suddenly , a green flash occured , and the hand stopped where it was , before falling into tiny pieces , a blue flash zoomed through , carrying all civilians out of danger and into safety , it was none other than y/n

Y/n: are you all okay?

Random citizen: Hey wait a minute! Thats one of those weird monster hero guys on the news !

R.Citizen: oh yeah! I remember that!

The citizens started cheering , y/n took in the pride , before turning to hex

Y/n: alright! You better prepare thyself for a butt kicking!!

Hex: heh , foolish creature~

He prepared for another attack , but was stopped by a super speedy barrage of attacks , he didn't even see it coming

Hex: (groaning)what is this!

Y/n: that's the power of a hero!

Hex: (gritting)insolent worm!

The both of them begin to fight even more , while this was happening , we cut to gwen , she held the charm close to her , then suddenly , it began glowing yellow , as the light dissipated, it had become a necklace around gwen's neck

Gwen: (confused)wah?

Just then , it glowed yellow , and she felt as if all her senses acted at the same time , she jumped out of the way , avoiding the purple blast , it was none other than charmcaster

Charmcaster: ah , so you have it , well , nevermind , it seems that it's reverted to its true form as a talisman , thank you for you assistance

She noticed the purple book in gwen's pocket at the corner of her eye

Charmcaster: ah~the spellbook of bezel , wonderful , two mystical artifacts at one place , now give them to me!(While holding out her hand)

Gwen:(backing away) nope! Never in a million years!

Charmcaster:(sighs) then I'll just claim them from your dead body(purple lightning was pertruding out of her hands , charging up another blast)

Charmcaster : hemo ta!

She unleashed, gwen's instincts kicked in again , the talisman now forming a barrier around her , she ducked out of the way barely

Gwen: woah! How did I do that?(sees the furious older girl) yikes! Better hide!

She starts running away to a hiding spot , the albino with chasing after her

Charmcaster: come out come out wherever you are~

Gwen was well hidden , she took the notebook out of her pocket

She opened , and suddenly , the words began to glow pink , changing themselves into English, something gwen knew , it showed drawings and inscriptions on how to do the first spell on the page , a windspell

Gwen:(reading) so , just focus on what to do ..... channel your energy.... and , got it!

She went out of the safespot , jumping right before charmcaster
Charmcaster:ah there you are~

Gwen: alright , try this (pointingbher palms front and focusing) VENTANUS PERPETUA!

A gust of wind shot out of gwen's palms , forming a tornado , that hit charmcaster

Charmcaster:(panting) huff~huff~ , that spell , it carried so much mana!

Gwen:(confused) mana?

Charmcaster:(suprised) you don't know what mana is? Well , you simpleton , it's our life force , one thats present in every single living being , it can be used and projected into energy , that's what we call magic , real magic

Gwen:magic's real?well , take this! SOTANO...AURUVUS....MERASMUS!!!
Pink energy shot out of gwen and trapped charmscater in a net , which incapacitated her and knocked her out for now

Gwen: whew....that was cool! , but , I better go help y/n!

She then starts running off to the direction where y/n and hex were fighting , y/n timed out a while ago, no one saw him thankfully , but he was hiding from hex

Y/n:(looking at his wrist) this watch seriously has bad timing

Hex:Found you~prepare to die~

He then prepared a red energy beam , but was hut with a pink sphere , it was gwen , her eyes were glowing pink , and the talisman was glowing , she held the book open in her other free hand

Y/n:(suprised)Gwen! But how did you-

Gwen:save it for later! We have a battle to win! And by the looks of it , your timed back in !

Gwen was right , the dial was finally back to green , y/n smirked

Y/n:alright it's HERO TIME!!(slamming it down)

(Just the transformation)

Y/n:(cracking his fists) let's go!

Y/n charged at hex , gwen used a levitation spell to fly , hex was just shocked , this mana , it's so similar , to HER

(Yes , told you , meet gwen's grandma , Verdona Helen, thats going to be her anodite form , my headcannon is that anodites are genderless and just pure energy that can take the form of an avatar of their desire , also another little thing here , anodites are a subspecies of the celestialsapiens , and with the proper training , they can be on par or as strong as one)

This child , she must be of her bloodline if she had an aura like that
, he still remembered how he was on his knees in front of verdona , she was truly the strongest there was

Hex: hmmm, you must be of verdona's lineage....you have the power and the potential , except it's so much more

Gwen: alright face mask , what do you know about my grandma?

Hex:Heh...your grandmother is one of the most strongest beings in multiple realms , now , enough talking , come and face me!

Y/n then did a thunder clap

Y/n: now we're talking!

The two pre teens and the elder sorcerer charged against one another , clashing with stronger forces , gwen tapped into her mana , it's as if on instinct the talisman had told her what to do once more , she let out a giant purple orb

(like goku holding a spirit bomb , except one hand and much smaller , and pink , btw , yes , saiyans do exist in this universe , I'm working on it , I was inspired by reading 5 years later , the fanfiction made by The Ink Tank , some stuff I'm gonna borrow from there)

Hex was defeated and on the ground

Hex:(Panting for air) such power...this battle ends here , but be warned , spawn of verdona, I will be back for you and claim that talisman as my own...

Hex then flew off , the still trapped charmcaster was taken by him using his telekinesis

Y/n:(timing out) well , that's one way to enjoy a night , but how did that creep know about your grandma?

Gwen: Yeah...but I'm gonna find out soon

G.Max:(walking towards them)well....looks like you dealt with it , good job!

Y/n: grandpa , where were you? You were gone for the whole ordeal!

G.Max: (scratching the back of his neck) well , I was at the supermarket , they had great deals on goat testicles and sheep tongue!

Y/n:(shrugging) fair enough..also , your cooking is kind of growing on me!

G.Max:well I'm glad to hear that!

The trio leave , gwen stood silent while looking at the direction hex had flown away

Gwen: what does he mean strongest in multiple realms?

She brushed it off and and ran to catch with the duo


Gwen was studying the book , seeing what else she can do

Gwen:wow! There's alot of spells in here , like a fire spell , a tsunami one! Oh , and a growth enhancement one!

Y/n:(laughing while eating dinner, roasted goat testies and sheep tongue) that sounds cool actually!

Gwen: (disgusted) gross , how can you eat uncle Max's cooking?

Y/n: (munching) well , once you start trying , it really grows on you, want some?

Gwen: no thank you , anyway , I'm thinking of joining the hero business , got a name?

Y/n : that's not a bad idea ! I could use a partner in crime! Hmmm...how about ,"Lucky girl"? You know , since you have Magix, and that necklace makes you lucky..

Gwen: I like it!!but I'm thinking a costume , give me a moment , also , I think it needs a mask

Y/n: hold up! I got just the thing for you!(running to his bed and taking something out) I found this back at the gift shop earlier and got it for free , I think it works!

Gwen:(taking it) yeah! Just the thing I need, wait here!

She ran off to the changing room

(Cut to later)

The door opened , and out came gwen

Gwen:ta-da!(striking a pose) what do you think?

Y/n: you look good(While blushing)

Gwen:(blushing a little) thanks....

Grandpa max then came to them

G.Max: right kids! , time for bed! We got a big day tomorrow , a wedding!

Y/n: (suprised) really? Who's wedding?

G.Max: well , a son of my two good friends back in the early days , his names Joel, and well , I'll leave the bride a suprise!

Y/n: okay (yawns) all that witch fighting really burned me out , good night!

He says while walking to the bed area

Gwen: good night uncle max! I better go change!

She says running back into the changing room

G.Max:(sighs but smiles) I hope tomorrow the sludgepuppies will behave...we fought for decades and this wedding is the only way to an alliance...


That wraps up chapter 6 , next we'll do the lenopan episode , y/n will get a new alien in that one , until then ,
Peace! , also , hope you like the new cover

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