I am The Impossible (X-men)

By Dj24live

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Shaw or Schmidt had wanted the perfect mutant, one that was powerful but would listen to him. Instead he got... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4

Chapter 5

3 0 0
By Dj24live

I got out first and looked in awe at the building before us. Hank got out and closed the door. We walked to the others, looking at the mansion before us.

"This is yours?" Sean questioned.

"No, its ours," Charles states.

I looked at Charles and tilted my head.

"Honestly, Charles. I don't know how you survived, living in such hardship," Erik states as he turns and looks at Charles.

"Well, it was a hardship softened by me," Raven says.

She stands in between Erik and Charles. Charles gives Raven a forehead kiss.

"Come on time for the tour," Raven states as she moves forward.

"Charles, this is a mansion. I will be lost in here even after a tour," I state as we move forward.

Charles laughed and turned towards me.

"Don't worry. It is easy to move around in there."

I looked at Charles and then at the mansion.

"Sure, if you hear me calling out in my mind for you or Raven, it means you were wrong."

Raven walked in front of us and showed us around. After the tour, I could tell you where I would be and where I would not go.

I was sitting with Hank in the library when Charles walked in.

"Abigail, what made you faint at the CIA?" Charles questions.

I looked at Charles and then at Hank before answering.

"I think it is part of my mutation. When Darwin died, it felt like someone ripped a hole through me. My body did not know how to handle it, so I fell asleep."

Charles nodded his head, "I believe you got another power."

I looked at Charles and shook my head.

"Another one?" I question, looking down.


I laugh and get off the couch.

"You have to be kidding me."

"What do you mean?" Charles questions.

I shift into my natural form and tilt my head as I look at Charles.

"I can travel through milliseconds. I can fly, I have the ability to change how I look. And now I have another power? What is this one?"

Charles moves forward and grabs my arms.

"You can tell if a mutant you know is dead."

I feel tears gather in my eyes. I move back and walk around Charles.

"Abigail," Charles starts.

"Charles, let her go," Hank says as the doors close.

I walk up the stairs and enter the room I have claimed as mine. I walk to the window and open it, letting the fresh air enter the room.

I sit in front of the window and listen to the sounds coming from outside.

I hear the door open as someone enters my room. Turning my head, I see Alex.

"Sorry, I called for you, but you did not answer."

"Sorry, I was sidetracked."

"I can tell."

I give a small smile before looking back outside.

"Can I ask you something?" Alex asks.

I nod while turning back to face him.

"Are you alright?"

"I will be. As long as I stay calm."

"What do you mean?"

"If I am not careful, my emotions can cause problems."


I stand up and nod to my bed. Alex sits first, then I do.

"I have some kind of way with electricity. I am not 100 percent sure how it works."

"When did you first find out about it?"

"I was working on a communication device. I moved my hand to grab wires and saw electrical sparks coming from my hands."


I laugh and shake my head.


"You did not tell us what you want your name to be."

"When you first saw me like this, what did you think?"

"Honestly, I thought about the devil."

"Kritanta," I say.

"Kritanta. What does it mean?"

"Kritanta is the god of death."

Alex chuckles and wraps his arm around me in a side hug.

"I have to say I did not expect that."

"What did you expect?"

"Something darker."

I laugh and shake my head, moving forward.

"The God of Death is not dark?"

"Not what I meant. I mean something that sounds darker."

"I figured."

I hear footsteps and turn to the door to see Charles.


"Alex, I need to talk to Abigail alone."

Alex looks at me, and I give a nod. Alex stands up and leaves the room.

"Night, Abigail."

"Night Alex."

I look at Charles.

"What is it?"

"I want to talk about earlier."

"I have nothing to say, Charles."

"If you would let me, I have some things to say."

I sigh and move my legs under me.

"I can not understand how you feel. You have multiple mutations while the rest of us only have one."

I look at him, then look away.

"I can not understand anything you are going through, and I won't try to say I understand, but if you let me, I can help you."

I turn back to Charles, tears in my eyes.

"I felt Darwin leave Charles. I. It hurts."

"I am truly sorry that you had to feel the pain of a friend dying."

Charles walks over to me, and I nod, letting him know it is alright that he sits beside me.

"If I could, you would not have to feel that pain."

I chuckle and wipe the tears away.

"You can not keep me safe from my mutation, Charles."

"I know."

Charles gives me a side hug, being careful of my wings.

I look up at the door as I hear Erik walking towards us. Charles releases me and looks towards the door as well.



Erik turns his attention from Charles to me.

"I have a question for Abigail," Erik states.

"What is it?" I ask, tilting my head.

"Who are you running and hiding from?"

I could tell Charles was wondering about this as well. I moved off my bed and turned to the window, seeing the stars covering the sky.

"I. I would rather not have to repeat this. Could we talk about this tomorrow with the others?" I Close my mind off keeping Charles out.

"Of course, Abigail," Charles says.

I hear him move off my bed and grab Erik.

"Goodnight, Abigail," Charles says, closing my door.

I wait a few minutes before I close the window, turn around, and go to bed, lying down, knowing that Shaw will cloud my nightmares.

I wake up and turn, looking at the clock, seeing that it is four. I get up and take a 30-minute shower. I open my window and spend the next two hours grooming my wings. Once I am finished, I move them around, feeling nice and clean. I walk down the hall and the stairs to go into the kitchen.

Opening up the fridge, I grab eggs, Bacon, and toast. I grab some veggies to make Hank an omelet. I make scrambled eggs for Alex and Sean. For Erik, Charles, and Raven, I make sunny side-up eggs. When cooking the bacon, I make half of it soft and half of it crunchy. I make seven pieces of toast.

I turn to grab plates to see Erik grabbing them and utensils.

"I got them. Just watch the food."

I hear more footsteps as I turn the stove off. I turn and move out of the way and nod to the others.

Hank nods as he grabs his food, and the others follow. Once they have their food, I put what is left on a plate for me, moving all the pans to the sink before I sit down.

We eat in silence. And put our plates in the sink.

Charles turns to us as Erik turns the sink on.

"Erik and I will do the dishes. The rest of you go do something for 30 minutes, then meet in the library."

Everyone nods and goes off. I walk to the library and look at some of the books Charles has.

I hear Alex and Sean talking as they enter the library.

"Abigail, we have a hypothetical," Sean says.

I turn around and sit on the chair.


"Do you think Hank and Raven are going to end up together? Or do you think someone else has a chance with Hank?" Alex questions.

"I know that someone else has a better chance than Raven with getting together with Hank."

"Really?" Alex asks.

"I pretended to be Hanks cousin for two years. I know Hank."

As Raven and Hank walk in, Alex and Sean sit on the couch.

"Abs," Hank says, walking over to me.


Hank hands me the circuit board for my arm.

"I was able to fix it. Now it should work."

"Thank you."

I move off the chair and leave the library to my room. I set it down on the desk and turned around, walking back to the library to see Hank sitting in the chair and Raven on the couch beside Sean. I walk over to Hank as Charles and Erik enter the room.

"Abigail," Charles says.

I walk in front of them as I focus on conversing with them simultaneously. Once I can talk to all of them, I look down.

"I have been running and hiding from someone for three years."

"Who," Erik asks.


I look up slightly to see the shock on most of their faces till I get to Erik. His is anger.

I blink, and Erik grabs me by my throat, holding me off of the ground.

"You knew him. Did you help him?" Erik spits out angrily.

I try to say no but can not as I focus on breathing and grab Eriks arm.

"Erik." I think Charles says.

"Stay out of this."

I see Charles come up to us and grab hold of Erik's arm.

"She can not talk. She can barely breathe. Let her go."

Erik released me. I drop to the floor and take deep breaths in as Hank comes over to me.

"I am fine, Hank."

Hank helps me up and watches Erik.

I connect back to them.

"He made me. I was his weapon. Azazel got me out before it could get worse."

I saw Charles grab Eriks arm as he shook his head.

"I woke up and was surrounded by scientists. Shaw used me. He had a room with guns and lasers. He had me in there till I fell over from exhaustion."

Hank grabbed my hand.

"I was never perfect. I was put through tests that lasted hours. He modified the lasers, and I did not know until one hit my back."

I close my eyes and take a breath in and out.

"Your marks," Alex starts.

"They are scars from all of the tests done by him. Every bullet, laser, knife, and needle mark."

"Needle?" Raven questions softly.

"He wanted to see if I could become better."

I look at Hank as he moves, releasing my hand. Turning around, I focus on my wings to make them disappear.

I hear gasps and a sob coming from Raven.

"Azazel had to bring me to the scientist. He saw all of the blood and thought I was dying. They cleaned it up and told him I should not do anything for two days. He tried to tell Shaw, but he did not listen."

Taking a breath, I turned back around as my wings came out.

"Eight days before Azazel got me out, I woke up strapped to a table, needles and wires connecting to me. I saw him then a needle as he injected me, and then I passed out. I woke up in the room with lasers for eight hours. I was brought back to another room, and then Azazel came and took me away."

"How long were you with him?" Erik questioned.

"I was with him for about three years."

"Did you know he could do that with energy?" Alex questioned.

"No, I thought he was a human who wanted to control a mutant."

"I am s," Charles starts.

"Don't. I do not need to hear a sorry," I say as I leave the room.

I reach the outside door and stop to ensure I am not connected to the others. I walk outside and fly up onto the roof.

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