Dark Horse ((Onepiece crossov...

By XyliaYeshiori

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{pls don't read it yet until I fix my plot, I'm still not used to using the writing feature, so there's going... More

Chapter 1: How This Happened
Chapter 2: How This Happened (Pt 2)
Chapter 3: After The Fall
Chapter 4: Suprise!
Chapter 5: To Much Happening In One Day?!
A/N(choosing who you meet next chapter)
One Piece Character Ages

Chapter 3: The Start Of the Big Day

203 8 3
By XyliaYeshiori

(I decided to make this story a long term, and will try to catch up with the current storyline in lookism.

I just need to make a storyline that will fit the one piece character's in lookism,

I'm grinding right now because there's so many ideas is coming to my head specially with some of the major events in the early arcs so wish me luck.


I finished watching the first episodes of the anime windbreaker, and the urge to give you two coloured hair is immaculate! and I don't know if it's the right thing to or not _(┐「ε:)_

Anyways thanks for listening to my pep talks I hope you enjoy this chapter too (°૩°)৴♡* ৹.)


Many years have passed, and (___) was nervous just like the time she went to school in Grandline Middle School. And now she was at the gate of J-high, getting herself ready to go inside of the school grounds.


"I can't believe I'm going to study here at J-high."
Your body's shaking in excitement.

"honestly I'm going to miss my brothers, the gang and the other people I know and I'm sure they'll miss me too"

*sighs* 'I guess, I don't have a choice but to accept it' already looking defeated by your negative thoughts.


You slap your face to get rid of any negative thoughts on your head. But that action got you many weird stares that you never noticed with how nervous you were.


'No! You got this (___), you can do this!' doing some pep-talk with your self before going to school. Face filled with determination and a hand print with both of the side of your face.





Once you got near the classroom of fashion department the teacher told you to wait outside until he calls you to introduce yourself in front of the class.


When the teacher called your name. You walk in front of the class with confidence even though you were nervous wreck inside.


That's what you noticed when you go to unfamiliar places, it's so hard to express your emotions when you're new to the environment but, when you get comfortable enough you're talkative just not to an extent but if you get too comfortable you overshare too much information about yourself. So you think that you really need to tone it down a bit if you ever get too much comfortable.


The reaction you got from them was not something you expected to receive and even the girls started to simp for you. Whispers started go haywire.


"is she a foreigner?"

"Wow, she looks like a model."

"She's so tall."

"she's immediately a 10 no debate."

"her side profile is good too."

"do you think I could get her number?"
"you wish."

"do you think I could be her boyfriend?"
"man, that's too much even for you."


You were flattered from the compliments and can only sweatdrop at some of the boys remarks.

'I have ears too you know.' is what you would have said if you weren't too kind.


You bow a little bit because of your habit bowing to every introduction.

"hello everyone, I'm (___), I hope I can get along with everyone, Nice to meet you." you speak in a low voice, your accent almost slipped out but it was fine nonetheless.


"You can sit beside Mira. And she'll be the one who will give you a tour in the school later." the teacher instructed.


Your eyes sparkle by the mention of her name but your face isn't exactly the same from the lack of expression just like the character Komi from Komi can't communicate.


Then Zack volunteered to help with the touring but the teacher declined knowing Zack wouldn't be able to help.


You can only laugh at Zack's attempt to be with Mira inside your head because you don't want to be in his hate list.


"Mira can you pls raise your hand." ask by the teacher.


Mira raised her hand immediately smiling and waving at me excitedly to come and sit with her.


'Zack was right she really is an angel sent from heaven' you can only feel grateful to her since your face doesn't do much because of your stiff facial expression.


After you finally seated besides her you felt like there was someone staring holes in your back.


'that should've been me!!!' Zack thought inside his head.


Without even looking, you already had an idea on who might it be.

'that's definitely Zack's doing. Eh, I'm just gonna ignore him.' you shrugged.

'he's decent and all in the future, but probably not right now.' you thought as your eyes were half-lidded.


But you felt another pair of eyes looking at you seriously? You actually can't tell. You glanced to your side without turning your head to not be suspicious, but once you confirmed who it was, you already realize he knew that you glanced at him.

'So much for being mysterious Jay.' you sweatdropped as you averted your eyes to look in front but immediately spacing out without noticing.


Mira tried to get your attention by tapping on your shoulder and you snapped out of your thoughts as you put your attention on her as she introduced herself again.


"Hi, I'm Mira. I hope the both of us can be friends" offering a hand for you to shake and she smiled at me brightly. You were blinded for a moment by seeing her smile.


"I'm (___), pleasure to make your acquaintance" you introduce yourself then accepting her handshake.




After the class was over it was time for lunch and teacher allowed the both of you to skip the rest of class in the afternoon to give you a chance to go look around the school. The first one was the cafeteria so the both of you can eat immediately before the both of you start the tour.


Once the both of you stepped inside the cafeteria whispers started to go haywire again.

"Is that the new student from the fashion department?!"

"She's so tall"

"Is she a model?"

"mommy? sorry, mommy sorry, mommy?"

"it looks like she's foreigner too!"

"Wow, she's so beautiful"

"I wish she could step on me"

"do you think I could get their number"

"are we really going to ignore who said that"

"what's her hair routine?"


'I'm ok with some of the compliments but some remarks are questionable that I don't want to ask.' you sweatdropped then tugged Mira's sleeve.

" Can we eat quickly? Because I'm getting uncomfortable with the stares." you lean down a little to reach her height and whisper it to her side. She agreed understanding my anxiety.


'its not that I'm not used to receiving stares. I'm just a little overwhelmed right now.'

'I mean, being in an unfamiliar place that I know I'll spend a long time in, can seriously take a toll on me.'


We eat quickly and immediately left the cafeteria afterwards. Mira gave you a tour around the school till it's time to go home. We didn't get to see inside all the departments buildings but Mira just showed me the way there incase you wanted to look around.




It was time to go home and Mira accompanied you until the both of you got outside the gate. You can see students around ready to go home too, it was time to part separate ways. Mira tugged your hand.


"Is there something you forgot to say?" you raised an eyebrow.


" I forgot to exchange contacts with you." she exclaimed getting her phone out, handing it to you.

"it's ok if you don't want to though " getting embarrassed thinking she shouldn't have done that, retreating her phone slowly.


noticing her embarrassment. You snatched her phone quickly, putting your contact on it and giving her phone back.

Mira was shocked by your action but was grateful when she realized what you were doing.


"Don't worry about it, it's ok. Text me when you get home safely." you said then you look at her with a close eyed smile for a second. The sunset illuminating your body making you look more enchanting to Mira's eyes.


After that, you turned away and didn't look back as you were eager to go back home. You made your way to your house but you failed to see a flustered Mira still standing there while watching your back when you walked away till you were gone from her eyesight.



When Zack saw Mira at the gate, he immediately goes to her side. Failing to see that you already left.

"Mira let's walk home together," Zack looking like a puppy finding his owner outside tbh, and if he has a tail it's probably wagging right now.


But when Mira didn't respond he looks at her just to see her flustered state. His eyes widen shocked thinking someone steal Mira from him. He was immediately angered by thought of it.

"Mira! Who did this to you?!" putting his hands on her shoulder and started shaking her a little bit.


Mira was snapped out of her thoughts
"Huh!? Oh, it's just you. Yeah, let's just go home now." she awkwardly said, still a little flustered about seeing your smile earlier. She started walking faster leaving Zack behind.


"Wait! You still haven't answered my question!" he catches up to Mira.


Mira got more flustered every minute by remembering the image inside her head. So she started walking faster and ended up running leaving Zack behind again.

'Why am I acting like this! This is so unfair, I can't understand what I'm feeling!' Mira thought inside her head trying to get rid of it by shaking her head. Until she became dizzy once she got to her house she immediately went to her room to try and contact you before she screamed while burying her face inside the pillow like a girl who got noticed by her crush after she sent the message.

(___) Unnie (๑╹ω╹๑ )☀️


Did you finally arrive :(_)
at your house safely?      


M: I got home safely, how about you?

Yeah I did! ☻ :(_)

M: But how did you get home so early?

Oh! my house was just near :(_)
the school, so I got home early. 

See you tomorrow morning then!

Yeah, see you too! ヾ(^∇^) :(_)


(I'm sorry that this seemed a little bit rushed guys I hope it was enough to be good for now.

See you guys on the next chapter and thank you for your support,
love author-san. ♡\( ̄▽ ̄)/♡)

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