Kill for You- John Wick

By Angiegal365

6.5K 97 27

Sophie is thrown into a world of violence, guns, and assassins after a chance encounter with the one and only... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 10

328 5 2
By Angiegal365

Helloooo I'm back(ish)! I've kinda lost inspiration with this one and have gotten distracted w another story I might publish soon tehe im sorry. I'm still not discontinuing this story I might decide to finish it at some point but for now I have this unfinished and unedited lil chapter I figured I'd just publish and stop gatekeeping lol :D

I breathed a sigh of relief that the scary man was gone, I had no intention of facing him again tonight. I felt a little bad that I'd just hid but confrontation was not my thing, probably why Reed loved me so much. I slowly rose from my spot on the floor after a few minutes, deciding to just shower and go to bed. I was exhausted even though it was only 8:30 and I'd done nothing today, but I just wanted today to be over.

I quickly ran through the shower, and dried off, before looking in the mirror to see my face all red and puffy. I brushed off my appearance and finished getting ready for bed. I was a little on edge, constantly expecting John to burst through the door and start yelling at me again, but he never did much to my relief.

When I was all ready for bed I climbed under the fluffy covers of the bed and snuggled up, trying to forget about the days events. I turned on the tv, flipping through the channels until I found sponge bob, I didn't really want to be alone right now. Thats not to say I wanted John here, I was still mad at him, and honestly he'd really scared me, but I just didn't want to be alone in the dark so the tv helped a little.

I watched my show for a while, every so often glancing at the door. Finally around 11 my eyes began to droop and I dozed off into a restless sleep.

I awoke to the sound of my own scream, as I often did lately. I sat up abruptly with a gasp. Rubbing the tears from my eyes as I tried to forget my nightmare.

Just then the bathroom door swung open and a dark figure stepped out. I knew it was John. He must've come back while I was asleep. He was illuminated by the dim bathroom light just enough that I was able to see he had just gotten out of the shower. He wore a pair of sweatpants and and a black t shirt. His hair hung damp in front of his face and he wore a bit of a worried expression,

I shrunk away from his figure and he spoke,

"you okay?" His voice was low but gentle, making me feel at least a little better that he didn't sound angry

However I was still mad at him, I didn't respond, just flipped over and closed my eyes, trying to call back asleep,

"Sophie" he sighed, sounding frustrated

I heard his footsteps as he approached me and I just pulled the covers up further to hide my face, in no mood to forgive the assassin,

"I'm sorry I scared you" he sounded a little guilty as he apologized, making my ears perk up though I refused to turn and look at him still

"I'm just trying to keep you safe and when you do stupid things like that I get a little annoyed" he spoke pointedly, it seemed that even though he was apologizing he was also lecturing me,

"sorry I'm so stupid and annoying" I broke my silence, unable to pass up such a perfectly set up moment for some self pity

I kept my face hidden under the blankets, deciding that acting childish was the best solution for this argument,

"Sophie" John sighed indignantly, though sounding almost a little amused, "you know that's not what I meant"

"John" I mumbled, my voice a bit muffled from the covers that still hid my face, "you're big and you're scary and I don't handle being yelled at very well" I finally turned so that I was laying my back with John's large figure hovering over me, "I'm sorry I was stupid, I know you're trying to protect me I-I just don't like um feeling trapped y'know" I tried to explain as best I could

"I'm sorry I yelled" He said softly, reaching down and brushing a stray hair from my cheek gently

"It's ok" I spoke lowly

My anger dissipated completely. It was almost frustrating this power John had over me, it was like no matter how mad I was or how bad I wanted to hold a grudge, one apology and I was back to adoring the charming assassin. It was silent for a moment. My heart beat faster as I observed the man hovering over me where I lay. It was dark, the room was illuminated only by the dim bathroom light, making John's large figure look slightly intimidating as he loomed over me where I lay. The silence was thick, not bad, but there was something in it that made my breath hitch before finally it was broken

"So I'm big and scary huh?" John's amused voice sounded from above me, making me giggle lightly

"Little bit" I felt myself blush and was suddenly glad it was so dark

"I'll try to work on that" He chuckled lowly before bringing a finger up and poking my nose playfully, making me giggle again,

"get some sleep sweetheart" He said gently, rising up to his full height and making his way over to the other bed,

"goodnight John" I mumbled sleepily, already feeling my eyes grow heavy once again as the weight of our fight had been lifted and replaced with his comforting words

I was fairly certain I heard him speak lowly but I was too far gone to understand his words as sleep overcame me.

"Sophie" I heard a deep voice calling my name, ripping me from my dreams as I pried open my eyes

I groaned before flipping over in an attempting to escape the large hand that shook me awake

"Soph come on" John sounded a bit irritated but I could hear the amusement dancing in his voice

"what?" I mumbled, just as irritated from being woken from one of the few peaceful sleeps I'd had in a while,

"c'mon get up" he prompted but I just laid there with my eyes closed trying to fall back asleep as I wasn't ready to face the world yet

I heard John sigh from above me before I felt two large hands under my arms as he lifted me up and out of the bed like I was a child. I squeaked in surprise as his actions not prepared for this so early in the morning. As soon as my feet touched the floor I looked up at the tall assassin with a grumpy scowl on my face,

"what the hell?" I mumbled, rubbing the sleep from my eyes as I tried to maintain my frown

"go get ready" he smiled lightly down at me, as if taunting me with his rare optimism, something I thought morning people often enjoyed doing, "I'm taking you to breakfast"

Despite my reluctance to wake when I heard John say that my eyes widened in delight and I looked up at the tall man with excitement,

"really?!" I asked, suddenly feeling much more awake

"mhm" he grinned, clearly amused by my enthusiasm, "now go, quick" he nudged me towards the bathroom with his hand on the small of my back

I obliged eagerly, racing into the bathroom and closing the door behind me. I quickly went pee and then washed my hands before brushing my teeth and splashing some water on my face. My hair was wild this morning, though that was becoming everyday as I didn't have all the products I used to keep my curls in line. I sighed at the mess and just threw it into a braid, not feeling like taking the time to deal with it, especially when breakfast with John was waiting for me.

I burst back into the room and grabbed some clothes to change into, not even glancing at the tall man by the desk as I was in much too much of a rush.

I raced back into the bathroom and threw on my clothes which consisted of mom jeans and a grey hoodie, not even caring that it was anywhere near as nice as what the guests in this hotel seemed accustomed to.

When I was finally ready I exited the bathroom, overjoyed to be leaving the tiny room, this time without having to worry about getting in trouble. Not to mention that I wouldn't mind the company, I very much enjoyed being around John, he had this oddly calm demeanor that I found quite charming, though certainly a little ironic, but still I was very attached to him and enjoyed his company greatly,

"ready?" John asked, a ghost of a smile painting his lips as his whiskey eyes met my own

"mhm!" I beamed, taking in the man before me for the first time today

Per usual, John wore a suit. His black blazer and dress pants outlined his muscular figure perfectly and the crisp white dress shirt underneath was perfectly complimented by his black tie. His jet black hair was slicked back neatly, though a few stray hairs hung in his face, only adding to his looks. I had always found the man undeniably attractive, however as I really looked at him I think it set in just how gorgeous he was. I think I could've stared at him all day if I wanted to,

"c'mon" John broke my trance when he grabbed my small hand, cloaking it in his own large one and stirring butterflies in my stomach

I smiled to myself, actually quite proud of myself that I was this comfortable around a man, a scary one at that. Not only was I perfectly ok with John touching me but I actually enjoyed it, his rough hand felt lovely against my skin, our hands fit together perfectly. I hadn't been this comfortable around a man in many years, so like I said, I was proud.

I stayed beside John as we made out was our into the fancy lobby, me having to walk quickly to keep up with the assassin's long strides,

"where are we going?" I looked up at John eagerly,

"you'll see" John spoke simply, cryptic as usual

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