The Concubine (Final Version)

By Coletxxie

18.5K 1K 101

"I'll do anything for you your Majesty" She said with cheeks stained tears, her lips are plump, red as the be... More

The Concubine
Not an Update


384 22 4
By Coletxxie

WARNING: INCEST up ahead, don't be mad at me. Again if you are uncomfortable feel free to skip Roshanne's pov and head to the next chapter.


Dae stood their a couple of more minutes just admiring the princess, and she didn't notice her until the door closes.

"Your Highness." She curtsy, it was not perfect but she made effort, like how lady Diana taught her.

"You're learning." The princess said with a soft smile, this made Dae's heart beat a little faster, happy that this has pleased the princess.

"Thank you your highness." She replied, the princess motion for her to take a seat, she sat opposite her, facing the princess. She had noticed that she is wearing a simple dress, indicating that she hadn't come out yet to greet the guests.

"Do you know why I called you here?" She asked her, starting the conversation, Dae shakes her head, she genuinely had no idea... Well she did, she may have called her back here to discuss about what had happened between them, but she is unsure.

"Earlier today, the Queen's servant and Ladies in waiting lost her. You see our majesty isn't.... Quiet herself." She never miss the way the princess wince at the mention of the queen.

"She would often wonder the halls of the castle bear footed, dressing dirty, she was often times mistaken as servant." Dae sat there just listening.

" Well to cut this short, her servant, Mia came here to report as she always does every two weeks. She told me that you found her grace and accompanied her as she tries and look for...... Deceased son." Dae never miss how the princess' tone darken at her words, how her gaze hardened.

"I must thank you, for the kindness that you offered that deprived woman. In the past few months, the queen was lost between the memories of the past and her present. She still calls for the name of the prince." Roshanne shared before standing up, she went to the desk that was inside her room, and opened one of it's cabinets.

"May I kindly ask? Why did the queen... Turn like that?" She inquire trying to keep the conversation alive.

"The queen had only one child, one son... People said that before she fell pregnant with the prince, she suffered countless miscarriage first, and even after then her pregnancy with the prince isn't easy. She went into countless turmoil before she successfully bring him to the world." The princess then turned around holding a small jewelry box in her hand, she then walked closer to her and placed the jewelery box in her lap.

"But the queen told me she had another child, a daughter whom the prince loves dearly." Once again Dae never misses the way Roshanne had stilled, nor the way her body twitched a little.

"Let's not discuss this depressing matter more." She told her with a soft smile. Dae nodded her head, agreeing to what the princess had asked, she's afraid to upset her, nor be the cause of her ire.

" Well as a toke of appreciation to your kind work, I gift you this." The princess opened the jewelry box to present her a bracelet, a fine gold bracelet with dragons carving on it, it's magnificent and the way it shines makes her held her breath.

"I... Your grace, this is such a wonderful gift. I'm afraid it won't suit me, nor it is ever worthy to be worn by me." She told her looking up at the princess who just chuckled.

"Are you saying that my gift is not worthy?" Dae's cheek deepen in color and she quickly shakes her head.

"N-no. What I meant is... I'm not worthy of it." The princess raised her brow and chuckles. She picked out the bracelet from the jewelry box and held her hand.

" You will always be worthy of my gifts, and no gift of mine will ever be not worthy of you." Dae watches as the Princess made her wear the golden bracelet.

" And this gift Dae will be the symbol of our friendship and your loyalty to me." Dae looks up at the princess wide eyed. Friendship? The princess really do see her a friend! She has a friend now. And that thought makes her feel so warm.

" Will you be my most loyal friend?" Princess Roshanne gently caress her cheeks, before running her thumb gently against her lower lips. And without any hesitation, like a moth drawn to the burning flames Dae had given her answer.

"Yes... I will be your most loyal friend, your highness." Roshanne smiles and lean towards her and places a gentle kiss on her forehead.


She sat now alone in her dark room with nothing but the soft glow in her hair as the source of light, Roshanne stared at the empty jewelry box she had bought from the underground black market, the bracelet was from a magician, a Sakran man, he was a traveler he told her. A rogue, not belonging to any tribes, he had been practicing dark magic for so long, and asked her what she wanted.

Roshanne told her that she wanted a bracelet, for a lover.
The man chuckle and presented her the various trinkets and jewelry he designed.

Roshanne then added she wanted it to make her lover obey her, to be honest to her at any given moment.

The man then put away the rest and presented to her the perfect gift, in which she had given Dae. The bracelet would give her Dae's absolute obedience.

"You must have something good in mind sister. For you to smile like that." She heard Alastair spoke softly, he was standing by the window, looking at the bright moon, the sky was clear, and surely tomorrow it will not rain, Roshanne took this as a good sign, her plan must be blessed by the Gods, she have their permission to execute her plan.

"The Gods had provided me with a great idea." She told him.

"Does that idea have to do with that empty box?" He curiously asked her.

"Yes...." She looks up at him when he stood by her side, he closed jewelry box and kneeled in front of her.

"Do share this wonderful idea with me. Your only beloved brother." Roshanne pushes a stray strand of hair from his face, Alastair was still wearing his bloodied armor, he had Terrorize the king's slump, he caught every criminal he can and mutilated them.

"You smell of sweet perfume. Tell me did you pay a visit to your secret lover?" Alastair smiles and kisses her palm.

"I don't have a lover sister. But I am man with need... Now tell me of this plan." She took a deep breath and stared at him for a moment.

"I will make Dae the queen." This made him furrow his eyebrows in confusion.

"Tis a terrible idea sweet sister." She chuckle and leaned forward, she cupped his face and kissed his cheeks.

"Trust your sweet sister that it isn't. This plan will get us to the crown closer than before." She presses her forehead against his.

"To make her a queen means we will have to dispose of your mother. And with that, the concubines would surely fight for that vacant position. A stranger woman without a support will be harder to place in the throne." Roshanne closes her eyes, but pulled back when she felt his lips inching closer to her.

" Oh, but a woman who has the King's heart doesn't need much of support. We don't need the nobles for this, all we need is the support of the common folks and the king. Would you help me with this?" She looks into her brother's eyes, he stared at her and nod his head, he trust her with his whole heart and Roshanne wouldn't have him disappointed.

" Of course, but... What would you have me do? I do not know much about this affairs." She smiles and kisses his cheek again.

" You and I will make a united front, express your support to lady Dae. Be friend her, spread good words about her to your fellow Lords. That you will do... And..." She pulled back again and cup his face, running her thumb along his cheeks and lips.

"And?" He patiently waited, his eyes boring into her lovingly. Full of adoration, full of need.

"Marry me." This seems to surprise him.

"Marry you?" He asked still surprised at the notion of it, he pulled back, but he did not look scared or disgusted. Not like Khalil when she offered the same proposal, she saw how Khalil bulked at the proposal she gave him, and actually relief washes over her.

"Yes brother." She confirmed.

"But I thought you don't want to get married?" Roshanne smiles, her brother always respect her decision and cares for her well being.

"It is a necessary I must do in order to boost my position brother. Marry me so that I could have a stronger claim for the throne. Our marriage is a convenient. Both of us will benefit from this union." She told him, he raised his brow.

" What would I get in return?" She smiles at him, of course, he would want something too, Alastair is a human, and like a human he has this certain selfishness and desire in him.

"Our marriage will be open, if you want to take a lover you are free to do so, take a concubine if you must, Father a hundred bastard if it will please you. I will give you everything you want." His brow raised.

" Everything I wanted? " He asked once more, and Roshanne nodded, promising him whatever it is he wanted to have.

"Even if I wanted you?" Roshanne stilled and looked at her brother's eyes once more, he looks serious. With a breath she answered him.

"Even if you desire me so." She answered and didn't shy away when his lips made contact against he own. Roshanne closes her eyes and accepted the love Alastair has to offer to her... It was all that she could give him after all.

The soft humming of the bird and the soft rays of the sun is what awoken Roshanne the very next day, her eyes flutter like a butterfly wings and stared at the rising sun for a moment. She lays there in complete silence, body still thrumming and aching from the vigorous fucking they did last night, Alastair mounted her like how a dragon would to it's mate. They didn't made love, no... What they did is far from love. They fought for dominance, they bit one another, they pulled each other's hair and scratch one another's flesh. They left their mark on one another's body. What they did is something carnal, something like a beast would do.

Roshanne turns to look at her brother who lays besides her while his arm was wrap around her, his breathing was heavy. He was still slumbering, like a dragon. There is a soft snore coming from him, something she hates to hear... While Alastair may be handsome, he lacks something that Roshanne desires in a lover.

And that is the feminine beauty, the softness of once feature. His arm is hard, and so was his chest, as much as it is pleasurable to be pinned by this strong body, Roshanne craves something smooth and soft.

Something a certain red haired girl could give her. For a moment Roshanne envisioned her... Laying beside her instead of Alastair, she would probably sleep as deep as him, and bruises would cover her body, soft breast would be pressed against her. Roshanne also envisions her between her and Alastair, mewling, whimpering while he fucks her from behind all the while she watches. Blood suddenly rushed from her body, gathering between her legs making it ache with want. Why does that thought seems so... Enticing to her?

She closes her eyes and the image of the red haired beauty once more assaulted her and bathed her body in dragon's flames. She began to grow hotter and arousal began to gather between her legs. But before she could think of it more, a knock on her door disturbs her, opening her eyes she looks at it.

"Enter." She called, and the door opened. Odette steps in with a smile, but she was startled upon seeing the princess laying with the prince, she saw how Odette's face turned horrified to embarrassed in the expanse of short time. T'was a funny thing to see, Odette rarely shows any other emotions towards her other than happy and concerned.

"Y-your highness?" She stammers, still completely shock by what she had seen. Roshanne stood up, uncaring if she woke him up, Alastair moves and groans at the rude movement the princess did.

"Come to bed sister, the sun has barely risen." She heard him say, as he buried his face down the pillow to block the sun light, but Roshanne doesn't care, she pulled opened the curtain exposing her naked body to the sun light.

"The sun have barely risen brother, but my lady in waiting is up." Alastair lifted his head, though he struggles to adjust his gaze to the sun light he still manage to show that smile. He looks handsome under her sheet, bearing the marks of their fucking last night.

His chest was littered with bruises and bite marks. she was so sure that it would make anyone wonder which woman did that.

"Would you kick me out so early?" He asked, she looks at Odette and nods her head.

"Draw me a bath please." Odette nods and hurriedly went out of the room, poor woman, she must have been so shock. Alastair sat up and groan again.

"I swear it felt like I had mounted a dragon rather than a woman sister. Who would have thought that you had more strength than me? Specially with that kind of stature." She raised her brow.

" I am your princess brother, just because I adore you doesn't mean I'll let you fool around me. Now get up and go to your room." She watches as he stood up naked, his flaccid length despite being flaccid remains a good length, it must be from their family genes. No man she had slept had ever gotten into that size in their flaccid form.

"See something you like?" He asked him approaching her. She raised her brow.

"You're beggining to annoy me." She told him, not really meaning it. She watches as he picks up his pants and then his clothes, he started dressing in front of her.

"Forgive me then. I wasn't expecting to wake up after a good fuck just to be kicked out. I was expecting you'd at least let me cuddle you and fondle this sweet round globes." He stated while making a motion of how he likes to fondle her breast, this made her laugh, oh how rare it is for her to laugh.

"Oh sweet brother of mine, I guess it is true that your are a man who favors the breast more than anything." A wide grin spreads from his handsome face.

"A breast is a man's greatest pleasure." With that he leans and gave her a chaste kiss before leaving her there. Once he was out Roshanne picks up her robe and wore it, she sat down by the chair near the window and looked at the sun, the servant entered and filled her tub with warm water. Once they are done she turns to Odette.

"Call for lady Dae, I shall require her assistant." After she spoke she quickly went inside the bathroom and went to the tub. A sigh of relief escape her still slightly swollen lips when the warm water kissed her aching flesh, it was a relief she craves most of the time, the comforting silence and the warm water is good company in the morning.

Sun is brightly shining she noted, no signs of clouds could be seen, unlike the first few days after her father's arrival, she truly taken this as a good omen. The Gods continues to favor her. She wondered how long this would take. She wishes for it to continue up until the wedding, it will help her people view it as a good sign. If the sun peaks and graces them during the wedding then it would put the people at ease, and convincing some nobles about it wouldn't be so hard.

But the wedding isn't the only thing she has to think. Of course after executing the plan Roshanne knew that there will contenders for the position of new queen. She already has four in mind who knew will fought for that position and all belong to the noble families in the court. The rest, they wouldn't even bother, they hated the king so much as to not bother becoming his Queen.

Though Roshanne wishes she wouldn't have to draw blood in order to make this a success. After all spilling blood is something not necessarily needed if she could think of a much more better plans.

She closes her eyes once more and relaxes, there will be another time for her to think of such pressing matters, for now she'll let her body heal all it's wound and bruises. She knows that it would be unfair considering Alastair couldn't heal his own. The mark she left on his body would have to stay longer. A smile thug upon her lips, she could already picture his annoyed face.

That is one of the perks she has, she could heal faster than normal people, she's also immune to poison, fatal wounds wouldn't kill her unless they decapitated her. Healing power is much more powerful than any other gift from the Gods. It basically made her a immortal, she would also have the ability to live longer than a normal person.

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